How to customise the default keyboard in Xcode 5 - iphone

when we click the text field, the default keyboard or keypad not to be appear instead i need to display the custom keyboard..
Did any one know the answer please post it..
Declared in
UIInputViewAudioFeedback protocol.
Is this method correct or else there having any simple method to work out?

You need to create a protocol for this for having a custom keypad appearing throughout the app. I have made it few months back and the stuff was working well. My requirement was to create a keyboard for farsi language, because ios does not have farsi in its language settings.
There is no need to make protocol if you want it in just 1 viewcontroller.
Here is my that thread:
customized keypad on the iPhone Application

Here's something that I created that might help. Just fork it on GitHub and change the Punjabi characters to Myanmar. Most of the hard work is done for you :)

Per your comment you need the Number Pad keyboard.
Set your UITextField keyboardType property, either via Interface Builder or programmatically:
textfield.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad;


Iphone SDK, switch keyboard in app

I have one question, may be it is very simple, but I do not know about this nothing...
For example, I have an application, application with textfield, I want to know two things.
First: Is possible to switch keyboard when application in runtime?
Second: how I can switch type of keyboard(Russian, English, Swedish, etc.) in my application*?
*-without going to Settings->General->Keyboard->add new keyboard.
Not sure about changing languages (I did find this other post about it: change input source language programmatically OSx), but changing the keyboard is pretty easy. Here is a one line example:
textField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeURL;
Take a look at the UITextInputTraits protocol reference for more info. Then the question comes in where to implement this. I am assuming that you want to check conditions right before the keyboard comes up, you may have to implement UITextFieldDelegate protocol (and maybe using the field's tag to see which field the cursor is in).
Hope this helps.

What is the equivalent of a C# drop down combo box on iOS?

I am writing an application using Objective-C for iPhone.
In this application, the user, while entering a new record, needs to have a lookup capability (such as state, gender, phone type, etc). In C# i usually use a drop down combo or something like that to accomplish this task. What is the equivalent in Objective-C? Can someone show me a sample application?
Take a look at UIPickerView. It uses a spinning wheel to show a set of values that can be selected by the user. You need to create an object that adopts the UIPickerViewDelegate protocol to handle responding to what the user selects, and an object that adopts UIPickerViewDataSource protocol to populate the picker view.
The equivalent would be a UIPickerView
If you want to choose a date then use UIDatePicker.
UIPickerView is pretty much the same thing as a dropdown combo box, except without the dropdown part
I prefer to use UIActionSheet. Works quite well as combo box.
there is an iOS combobox api that might help you add a combobox component to your app. Check it here:

uiswitch default text change

I am trying to use a UISwitch controller but set its default text to "Yes/No" instead of "On/off". What is the easiest way to do that? Well is it doable?
Unfortunately in german language, but the source code is readable and it works well:
But you should read the documentation:
The UISwitch class is not customizable.
I do not know if it is allowed and you will get trouble in the Apple approval process.

suppress keyboard in iphone UiWebViews

I have an app that uses UiWebViews, and I need to not show the keyboard for a text field within such a view. I provide my own buttons that insert the limited sorts of text the field allows, but I also need to allow pasting (I will filter what gets pasted) and adjusting the cursor position. Any way to do this?
It looks like this can't be done, I've researched it further and that's pretty clear. I don't want to accept a wrong answer, so I figured I'd just answer this myself and say: can't be done.
if you just want the textField do normal things except the showing keyboard action, you could subclass UITextField and overwrite the touchesBegan/Moved/Ended, just call super touchesBegan/Moved/Ended and add additional code which would hide the keyboard, if you have a reference to the keyboard ( you may figure it out urself how-to ), call the method : [keyboard resignFirstResponder], you may try to Category the UITextField class so you would have the reference to the keyboard ( if it's private ) - but not recommended because categorying may break our project design, but if you just need it for the only purpose, give it a try. Hope it helps.

iPhone numberpad with decimal point

I am writing an iPhone application which requires the user to enter several values that may contain a decimal point (currency values, percentages etc.). The number of decimal places in the values varies. The problem is that the number pad does not contain a key for entering a decimal point.
When I lock my phone, the number pad that comes up to enter a passcode has a custom button to make an emergency call (as seen in the following screenshot):
Numberpad with custom button
Does anyone know how to create a number pad with a decimal point button or a custom button (like the emergency call button above)?
There's no Apple-approved way to edit the existing keyboard. If you want them to allow it, file a feature request.
That said, it just so happens that in most applications the keyboard (instance of UIKeyboard) is a separate UIWindow, and you can iterate over the windows in the application and start adding custom subviews that respond to the appropriate touch actions. Find it by iterating over [[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows] and checking to see if the description contains the string UIKeyboard. For more info on this method and some sample code, see this answer.
Another approach is to create your own custom view and build a keyboard from scratch. Be careful if you do this, though, as it requires a lot of manual work, not only in creating the keyboard and getting the touch behavior to match Apple's, but also in any control you add that would bring up the regular keyboard - you'll need to redirect things like becomeFirstResponder to show your own keyboard, rather than Apple's.
Edit: As ZaBlanc pointed out, newer versions of iOS have a way to do this with the inputView and inputAccessoryView properties. See the UIResponder class reference for details.
set UIKeyboardType to UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad
Available in iOS 4.1 and later.
Create a UIViewController that contains a UIView with a bunch of buttons. Now your keyboard can have whatever you want on it.