suppress keyboard in iphone UiWebViews - iphone

I have an app that uses UiWebViews, and I need to not show the keyboard for a text field within such a view. I provide my own buttons that insert the limited sorts of text the field allows, but I also need to allow pasting (I will filter what gets pasted) and adjusting the cursor position. Any way to do this?

It looks like this can't be done, I've researched it further and that's pretty clear. I don't want to accept a wrong answer, so I figured I'd just answer this myself and say: can't be done.

if you just want the textField do normal things except the showing keyboard action, you could subclass UITextField and overwrite the touchesBegan/Moved/Ended, just call super touchesBegan/Moved/Ended and add additional code which would hide the keyboard, if you have a reference to the keyboard ( you may figure it out urself how-to ), call the method : [keyboard resignFirstResponder], you may try to Category the UITextField class so you would have the reference to the keyboard ( if it's private ) - but not recommended because categorying may break our project design, but if you just need it for the only purpose, give it a try. Hope it helps.


Objective-C: Trigger method with computer keyboard stroke

Sorry if the questions is asked/answered already, or if my title is poorly worded.
I am currently writing an iPhone app, and have considered a useful tool for debugging. I would like to write a method that just prints variables and other info that I want. That part is simple and all, but I want this to be called by keystroke.
For now I have been just adding NSLog()'s to viewDidLoad or to other button methods to check if my variables are being set properly, but it's becoming tedious and the code is long so I tend to forget about some and spend a lot of time looking for them haha.
I just want one method that I can go to to write my NSLog()'s, and have that method call whenever I hit 'space' or something of that sort.
Can this be done?
It's pretty hard to do, you need to have a hidden text field that you keep in focus, hide the software keyboard for it, then listen on its delegate methods for changing text.
An alternative would trigger the code inside applicationWillResignActive: which gets called on application hiding, notification center showing, or double home press.

How do I add a button to the InAppSettingsKit setting view (iPhone/iPad)?

I have been looking at the sample app provided by InAppSettingsKit and I noticed the use of a couple of buttons:
I would like to integrate a single red button in my app called reset, however I'm not sure how to do it. I've had a look at the code in the sample app and I'm a bit lost with it all. Please could someone help me out?
After spending a while searching through all the code and plists I managed to find the answer to my question. For those who are interested what you need to do is the following:
Add a row to your Root.plist file with the Type set to IASKButtonSpecifier.
Set the Identifier on this row as something useful e.g. 'myButton1'.
Add the following delegate method to the viewController you loaded the InAppSettingsKit from:
- (void)settingsViewController:(IASKAppSettingsViewController*)sender buttonTappedForKey:(NSString*)key
if ([key isEqualToString:#"myButton1"])
// Do some actions...
It's worth noting that the key is equal to the identifier you set in the Root.plist.
The only thing I haven't worked out yet is how to change the colour of the button; however I suspect this may be possible by overriding a method.
Great that you already found part of the solution. To customize the look, you should create a custom view using the IASKCustomViewSpecifier documented on The yellow icon for instance is making use of this. In your case, you could return an instance of UIButton with a red background color (or a custom background image).
In this case, you don't need the buttonTappedForKey method to get the tap event but configure the target/action of your button as usual.

Iphone SDK, switch keyboard in app

I have one question, may be it is very simple, but I do not know about this nothing...
For example, I have an application, application with textfield, I want to know two things.
First: Is possible to switch keyboard when application in runtime?
Second: how I can switch type of keyboard(Russian, English, Swedish, etc.) in my application*?
*-without going to Settings->General->Keyboard->add new keyboard.
Not sure about changing languages (I did find this other post about it: change input source language programmatically OSx), but changing the keyboard is pretty easy. Here is a one line example:
textField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeURL;
Take a look at the UITextInputTraits protocol reference for more info. Then the question comes in where to implement this. I am assuming that you want to check conditions right before the keyboard comes up, you may have to implement UITextFieldDelegate protocol (and maybe using the field's tag to see which field the cursor is in).
Hope this helps.

Programmatically pasting into an iPhone UITextView

I have an iPhone app with a UITextView. I'd like to be able to paste the clipboard contents into it without showing the UIMenuController.
I tried calling the paste: method on the UITextView, and on the first responder, but neither of those things worked.
I was able to implement this by writing a bunch of code to read text from the clipboard, insert it in the UITextView's text property, and update the selection range. I also added support for undo/redo. But it seems like there ought to be an easier way. Is there?
Did you try paste with nil sender?
[theTextView paste:nil];
as per UIResponder docs
Did you try making the UITextView the first responder?
I checked out the headers to the UITextView object, but I couldn't find any documented method called -paste; also, looking over the NSPasteboard class suggests to me that programatically setting your text was the right way to go.
If pasting text is important to your app, I would consider setting up a class to handle it; maybe even make it a singleton if it was important enough.
Good luck!

How to Create the Highlight/Note Popup Buttons from the iPhone Kindle

I am wondering how Amazon did the highlight/note popup buttons in the Kindle app. After reading about UIPasteboard, UIMenuController, UIResponder, and UIResponderStandardEditActions, I am able to turn on or off standard edit actions (i.e. copy, cut, paste, select, and selectAll). However I haven't found a way to add a custom action yet. I would really appreciate it if I could get a pointer.
Thanks in advance!
Edited by balexandre (added image instead link)
It looks like Amazon implemented their own custom view that mimicked the appearance of UIMenuController. I believe they did this rather than use SPI because if you click and hold on the Highlight cell, the arrow does not highlight, when it does in the real UIMenuController.
I don’t think there is a public interface to these controls, you’d probably have to code them yourself. (Or maybe figure out the private API, but that’s a slippery slope.) I am not sure about that, though, maybe somebody will prove me wrong.
That's a good point about the arrow part of the Notes/Highlight popup menu not highlighting, so they must be implementing their own.
However they are also obviously using a UIWebView, because it's recognizing tap and hold and they can highlight the text, and you can't get touch events from a UIWebView, much less get the information about what's selected. So how are they doing that?
This would be very useful for us to be able to do as well.
Use DTMenuController
Costs 100 EUR ^_^
Custom menu items can be added via the UIMenuController's menuItems property. See Apple's UIMenuController docs.
the javascript part can be managed with jQuery, that's a fair simple and powerful library. i'm using it for resizing and rearranging things in a webview and it works great :)