Breakpoints when using linear regression - matlab

I'm using the code below to check whether X and Y are giving me the same results for each iteration. Essentially, X and Y (1 x 16 Vectors) are only slightly different and give the value for an equation which has variable values that are chosen via random number generators. When I set a Breakpoint in the Nielsennewupadated() function at the equation and run the code below I get that that the values from the equation in Nielsennewupadated() and Nielsennew() are exactly the same. However, when I run the code without a Breakpoint the values associated with the two functions diverge. I am a bit confused about how this could occur. Thanks.
no_iterations = 1;
casechoice = 1;
for i=1:10
% X = MCsolution(no_iterations)
% Y = MCsolutionupdated(no_iterations)
X = Nielsennew(casechoice)
Y = Nielsennewupdated(casechoice, no_iterations)
if (X(1,1)~=Y(1,1))
fprintf('Iter %i disagrees by %g\n',i,X(1,1)-Y(1,1));

As values are floating point numbers, they have a finite precision. You should compare their difference against some threshold value
if (abs(X(1,1) - Y(1,1)) > 1e-10)
fprintf('Iter %i disagrees by %g\n', i, X(1,1) - Y(1,1));
here 1e-10 is a threshold.
Consider the following example
> X = 0.037900
X = 0.037900
> Y = exp(log(X))
Y = 0.037900
> X -Y
ans = 1.3878e-17
Two numbers X and Y look the same, but their decimal notation start to differ from 17th digit.


Zero crossings around mean

I am working on developing a suite classifiers for EEG signals and I will be needing a zero-crossings around mean function, defined in the following manner:
Ideally if I have some vector with a range of values representing a sinusoid or any time varying signal, I will want to return a vector of Booleans of the same size as the vector saying if that particular value is a mean crossing. I have the following Matlab implementation:
ZX = #(x) sum(((x - mean(x)>0) & (x - mean(x)<0)) | ((x - mean(x)<0) & (x - mean(x)>0)));
Testing it on toy data:
[0 4 -6 9 -20 -5]
Yet I believe it should return:
What am I missing here?
An expression like:
((x-m)>0) & ((x-m)<0)
is always going to return a vector of all zeros because no individual element of x is both greater and less than zero. You need to take into account the subscripts on the xs in the definition of ZX:
((x(1:end-1)-m)>0) & ((x(2:end)-m)<0)
You can use the findpeaks function on -abs(x), where x is your original data, to find the peak locations. This would give you the zero crossings in general for continuous signals which do not have zero as an actual maximum of the signal.
t = 0:0.01:10;
x = sin(pi*t);
y = -abs(x);
[P,L] = findpeaks(y,t);
hold on
A simple solution is to use movprod, and count the products which are negative, i.e.,
cnt = sum(sign(movprod(x-mean(x),2))<0);
With your toy example, you will get cnt = 3.

MatLab :: Assume and find different possible unknown variables of inequalities ,

I have inequalities with two unknown variables. So how could I assume one variable with different values and get the others?
For instance: -15<10*x+2*y<20.
How could I assume x=2, 3, and so on, and then find answer of (y) depending on the value of (x)?
I have been trying to apply the assume and find commands, but unfortunately, I could not. So I hope anyone could help me, please.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
I am new to Matlab, so I have been trying to apply solve, assume, and find commands
clear all;
syms x y real;
z=solve(-15<10*x+2*y,[x y])
b=solve(10*x+2*y<20,[x y])
yinterval = [ z,b]
I expect the output: to assume x=different numbers and then y= be a list of possible results depending on the value of x
For each value of x, technically there are infinite values of y that satisfy those equations, so for my solution, I assumed x and y were integer values. As well, it appears that you want to give the program a set of x values and have it calculate y values for each x value. Instead of using the solve command, we can simply use a couple of loops to find all satisfactory integer values of y for each value of x.
To start, we need to make a results matrix to store each x,y pair that satisfies the equations you've given. This is called pre-allocation, as we're pre-allocating the space needed to store our answers. Using the equations, we can deduce that there will be 17 satisfactory y values per x. So, our first two lines of code will be initializing the desired x-values and the results matrix:
xVec = 1:5; %x-vector, change this to whatever x-values you want to test
results = zeros(length(xVec)*14, 2); %results matrix
Note: If you decide to iterate x or y by a value different than +1 (more on that later), you'll need to come up with a different method of creating this results matrix. You could also just not pre-allocate the results matrix, but your code will run slower as the size of the results matrix will be changing on each loop.
Next are the loops. Admittedly, this is not the most elegant solution, but it'll get the job done. First, we need an index to keep up with where we are in our results matrix. This is pretty easy, we'll just call it index and start at 1 (since MATLAB indexes from 1 in matrices. Remember that!):
index = 1; %index for results matrix
Next, we need to loop through each value in our x-vector. Simply use a for loop:
for x = xVec
For each value of x, there is a minimum value of y. This value can be solved for in
-15 < 10*x + 2*y --> -14 = 10*x + 2*y_min
So, simply solving for y gives us our next line of code:
y = -7 - 5*x; %solving for y
Note: each time we iterate x in our for loop, a new starting value of y will be calculated.
Finally, we need to loop through values of y that still satisfy the inequalities given. This is performed through use of a while loop:
while 10*x + 2*y > -15 && 10*x + 2*y < 20
Note: && is the 'and' statement while using loops. You can't use a single equation for this (i.e. you can't say something like -15 < x < 20, you have to split them up using &&).
Since we solved for the first value of y, we can go ahead and record the current x and y values in our results matrix:
results(index, :) = [x, y]; %storing current x- and y-values
Then, we need to iterate y, as otherwise we'd be stuck in this while-loop forever.
y = y + 1;
Note: You can iterate this y-value with whatever amount you want. I chose to iterate by 1 each time, as I assumed you wanted to find integer values. Just change the +1 to whatever value you want.
Finally, we iterate our index, so that the next pair of x,y values that satisfy our equations don't overwrite our previous solutions.
index = index + 1;
All that's left is to close our loops and run! As I said, this isn't the most efficient solution, so I wouldn't use this for large amounts of x- and y-values. As well, like with iterating the y-values, the x-values can have any 'step-size' you want. As it's coded currently, it jumps +1 between each x, but changing the xVec input to any vector will still work (ex. xVec = 1:0.1:5; iterates the x-value by +0.1 each step instead of +1).
Here's the code all together, sans comments (since I wrote the comments while making the above code snippets):
xVec = 1:5;
results = zeros(length(xVec)*14, 2);
index = 1;
for x = xVec
y = -7 - 5*x;
while 10*x + 2*y > -15 && 10*x + 2*y < 20
results(index, :) = [x, y];
y = y + 1;
index = index + 1;
Let me know if you have any questions!

Matlab : Help in modulus operation

I am trying to implement a map / function which has the equation Bernoulli Shift Map
x_n+1 = 2* x_n mod 1
The output of this map will be a binary number which will be either 0/1.
So, I generated the first sample x_1 using rand. The following is the code. The problem is I am getting real numbers. When using a digital calculator, I can get binary, whereas when using Matlab, I am getting real numbers. Please help where I am going wrong. Thank you.
>> x = rand();
>> x
x =
>> y = mod(2* x,1)
y =
The dyadic transformation seems to be a transformation from [0,1) continuous to [0,1) continuous. I see nothing wrong with your test code if you are trying to implement the dyadic mapping. You should be expecting output in the [0,1)
I misunderstood your question because I focused on the assumption you had that the output should be binary [0 or 1], which is wrong.
To reproduce the output of the dyadic transformation as in the link you provided, your code works fine (for 1 value), and you can use this function to calculate N terms (assuming a starting term x0) :
function x = dyadic(x0,n)
x = zeros(n,1) ; %// preallocate output vector
x(1) = x0 ; %// assign first term
for k=2:n
x(k) = mod( 2*x(k-1) , 1) ; %// calculate all terms of the serie
Note that the output does not have to be binary, it has to be between 0 and 1.
In the case of integers, the result of mod(WhateverInteger,1) is always 0, but in the case of Real numbers (which is what you use here), the result of mod(AnyRealNumber,1) will be the fractional part, so a number between 0 and 1. (1 is mathematically excluded, 0 is possible by the mod(x,1) operation, but in the case of your serie it means all the successive term will be zero too).

Matlab : How to represent a real number as binary

Problem : How do I use a continuous map - The Link1: Bernoulli Shift Map to model binary sequence?
Concept :
The Dyadic map also called as the Bernoulli Shift map is expressed as x(k+1) = 2x(k) mod 1. In Link2: Symbolic Dynamics, explains that the Bernoulli Map is a continuous map and is used as the Shift Map. This is explained further below.
A numeric trajectory can be symbolized by partitioning into appropriate regions and assigning it with a symbol. A symbolic orbit is obtained by writing down the sequence of symbols corresponding to the successive partition elements visited by the point in its orbit. One can learn much about the dynamics of the system by studying its symbolic orbits. This link also says that the Bernoulli Shift Map is used to represent symbolic dynamics.
Question :
How is the Bernoulli Shift Map used to generate the binary sequence? I tried like this, but this is not what the document in Link2 explains. So, I took the numeric output of the Map and converted to symbols by thresholding in the following way:
x = rand();
y = mod(2* x,1) % generate the next value after one iteration
y =
if y >= 0.5 then s = 1
else s = 0
where 0.5 is the threshold value, called the critical value of the Bernoulli Map.
I need to represent the real number as fractions as explained here on Page 2 of Link2.
Can somebody please show how I can apply the Bernoulli Shift Map to generate symbolized trajectory (also called time series) ?
Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.
How do I convert a real valued numeric time series into symbolized i.e., how do I use the Bernoulli Map to model binary orbit /time series?
You can certainly compute this in real number space, but you risk hitting precision problems (depending on starting point). If you're interested in studying orbits, you may prefer to work in a rational fraction representation. There are more efficient ways to do this, but the following code illustrates one way to compute a series derived from that map. You'll see the period-n definition on page 2 of your Link 2. You should be able to see from this code how you could easily work in real number space as an alternative (in that case, the matlab function rat will recover a rational approximation from your real number).
[EDIT] Now with binary sequence made explicit!
% start at some point on period-n orbit
period = 6;
num = 3;
den = 2^period-1;
% compute for this many steps of the sequence
num_steps = 20;
% for each step
for n = 1:num_steps
% * 2
num = num * 2;
% mod 1
if num >= den
num = num - den;
% simplify rational fraction
g = gcd(num, den);
if g > 1
num = num / g;
den = den / g;
% recover 8-bit binary representation
bits = 8;
q = 2^bits;
x = num / den * q;
b = dec2bin(x, bits);
% display
fprintf('%4i / %4i == 0.%s\n', num, den, b);
Ach... for completeness, here's the real-valued version. Pure mathematicians should look away now.
% start at some point on period-n orbit
period = 6;
num = 3;
den = 2^period-1;
% use floating point approximation
x = num / den;
% compute for this many steps of the sequence
num_steps = 20;
% for each step
for n = 1:num_steps
% apply map
x = mod(x*2, 1);
% display
[num, den] = rat(x);
fprintf('%i / %i\n', num, den);
And, for extra credit, why is this implementation fast but daft? (HINT: try setting num_steps to 50)...
% matlab vectorised version
period = 6;
num = 3;
den = 2^period-1;
x = zeros(1, num_steps);
x(1) = num / den;
y = filter(1, [1 -2], x);
[a, b] = rat(mod(y, 1));
disp([a' b']);
OK, this is supposed to be an answer, not a question, so let's answer my own questions...
It's fast because it uses Matlab's built-in (and highly optimised) filter function to handle the iteration (that is, in practice, the iteration is done in C rather than in M-script). It's always worth remembering filter in Matlab, I'm constantly surprised by how it can be turned to good use for applications that don't look like filtering problems. filter cannot do conditional processing, however, and does not support modulo arithmetic, so how do we get away with it? Simply because this map has the property that whole periods at the input map to whole periods at the output (because the map operation is multiply by an integer).
It's daft because it very quickly hits the aforementioned precision problems. Set num_steps to 50 and watch it start to get wrong answers. What's happening is the number inside the filter operation is getting to be so large (order 10^14) that the bit we actually care about (the fractional part) is no longer representable in the same double-precision variable.
This last bit is something of a diversion, which has more to do with computation than maths - stick to the first implementation if your interest lies in symbol sequences.
If you only want to deal with rational type of output, you'll first have to convert the starting term of your series into a rational number if it is not. You can do that with:
[N,D] = rat(x0) ;
Once you have a numerator N and a denominator D, it is very easy to calculate the series x(k+1)=mod(2*x(k), 1) , and you don't even need a loop.
for the part 2*x(k), it means all the Numerator(k) will be multiplied by successive power of 2, which can be done by matrix multiplication (or bsxfun for the lover of the function):
so 2*x(k) => in Matlab N.*(2.^(0:n-1)) (N is a scalar, the numerator of x0, n is the number of terms you want to calculate).
The Mod1 operation is also easy to translate to rational number: mod(x,1)=mod(Nx,Dx)/Dx (Nx and Dx being the numerator and denominator of x.
If you do not need to simplify the denominator, you could get all the numerators of the series in one single line:
xn = mod( N.*(2.^(0:n-1).'),D) ;
but for visual comfort, it is sometimes better to simplify, so consider the following function:
function y = dyadic_rat(x0,n)
[N,D] = rat(x0) ; %// get Numerator and Denominator of first element
xn = mod( N.*(2.^(0:n-1).'),D) ; %'// calculate all Numerators
G = gcd( xn , D ) ; %// list all "Greatest common divisor"
y = [xn./G D./G].' ; %'// output simplified Numerators and Denominators
If I start with the example given in your wiki link (x0=11/24), I get:
>> y = dyadic_rat(11/24,8)
y =
11 11 5 2 1 2 1 2
24 12 6 3 3 3 3 3
If I start with the example given by Rattus Ex Machina (x0=3/(2^6-1)), I also get the same result:
>> y = dyadic_rat(3/63,8)
y =
1 2 4 8 16 11 1 2
21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

Generate matrix with for-loop in matlab

Say I have two functions f(x), g(x), and a vector:
For each of these individual x values, I want to define a vector of y-values, covering the y-interval bounded by the two functions (or possibly a matrix where columns are x-values, and rows are y-values).
How would I go about creating a loop that would handle this for me? I have absolutely no idea myself, but I'm sure some of you have something right up your sleeve. I've been sweating over this problem for a few hours by now.
Thanks in advance.
Since you wish to generate a matrix, I assume the number of values between f(x) and g(x) should be the same for every xval. Let's call that number of values n_pt. Then, we also know what the dimensions of your result matrix rng will be.
n_pt = 10;
xval = 1 : 0.01 : 2;
rng = zeros(n_pt, length(xval));
Now, into the loop. Once we know what the y-values returned by f(x) and g(x) are, we can use linspace to give us n_pt equally spaced points between them.
for n = 1 : length(xval)
y_f = f(xval(n))
y_g = g(xval(n))
rng(:, n) = linspace(y_f, y_g, n_pt)';
This is nice because with linspace you don't need to worry about whether y_f > y_g, y_f == y_g or y_f < y_g. That's all taken care of already.
For demsonstration, I run this example for xval = 1 : 0.1 : 2 and the two sinusoids f = #(x) sin(2 * x) and g = #(x) sin(x) * 2. The points are plotted using plot(xval, rng, '*k');.