Generate matrix with for-loop in matlab - matlab

Say I have two functions f(x), g(x), and a vector:
For each of these individual x values, I want to define a vector of y-values, covering the y-interval bounded by the two functions (or possibly a matrix where columns are x-values, and rows are y-values).
How would I go about creating a loop that would handle this for me? I have absolutely no idea myself, but I'm sure some of you have something right up your sleeve. I've been sweating over this problem for a few hours by now.
Thanks in advance.

Since you wish to generate a matrix, I assume the number of values between f(x) and g(x) should be the same for every xval. Let's call that number of values n_pt. Then, we also know what the dimensions of your result matrix rng will be.
n_pt = 10;
xval = 1 : 0.01 : 2;
rng = zeros(n_pt, length(xval));
Now, into the loop. Once we know what the y-values returned by f(x) and g(x) are, we can use linspace to give us n_pt equally spaced points between them.
for n = 1 : length(xval)
y_f = f(xval(n))
y_g = g(xval(n))
rng(:, n) = linspace(y_f, y_g, n_pt)';
This is nice because with linspace you don't need to worry about whether y_f > y_g, y_f == y_g or y_f < y_g. That's all taken care of already.
For demsonstration, I run this example for xval = 1 : 0.1 : 2 and the two sinusoids f = #(x) sin(2 * x) and g = #(x) sin(x) * 2. The points are plotted using plot(xval, rng, '*k');.


how to define an array with fractional index number

Like suppose that I need to create a function named pressure denoted by p (a 2-D matrix) which depends on 2 variables r and z.
u, v, w are linear matrices which also depend on 2 variables r and z.
r and z are linear matrix defined below take i={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
u(i) = 2*r(i) + 3*z(i)
v(i) = 8*r(i) + 4*z(i)
w(i) = 3*r(i) + 2*z(i)
p = p(r,z) %, which is given as,
p(r(i),z(j)) = 2*v(i) - 4*u(i) + w(j)
Now suppose the value of p at a given location (r,z) say (0.4,0.8) is needed, I want that if I give the input p(0.4,0.8), I get the result.
In your case the easiest way is to convert the fractional numbers to integers by multiplying by 10.
This way the location (r,z) = (0.4, 0.8) will become (4,8).
If you don't want to remember every time to provide the locations multiplied by 10, just create a function that will do it for you, so you can call the function with the fractional location.
If your matrices are linear, you will always find a multiplying factor to get rid of the fractional coordinates.
Not entirely sure what you mean here, but if your matrix is only defined in the indices you give (i.e. you only want to draw values from the fixed set of indices you defined), then this should do it:
% the query indices
r_i = 0.4;
z_i = 0.8;
value = p(r_i*10,z_i*10);
if you want to look at values between the ones you defined, you need to look at interpolation:
% the query indices
r_i = 0.46;
z_i = 0.84;
value = interp2(r,z, p, r_i, z_i);
(I may have gotten r and z in that last function in the wrong order, try it out).

Vectorization of double for loop including sine of two variables

I need to numerically evaluate some integrals which are all of the form shown in this image:
These integrals are the matrix elements of a N x N matrix, so I need to evaluate them for all possible combinations of n and m in the range of 1 to N. The integrals are symmetric in n and m which I have implemented in my current nested for loop approach:
function [V] = coulomb3(N, l, R, R0, c, x)
r1 = 0.01:x:R;
r2 = R:x:R0;
r = [r1 r2];
rl1 = r1.^(2*l);
rl2 = r2.^(2*l);
sines = zeros(N, length(r));
V = zeros(N, N);
for i = 1:N;
sines(i, :) = sin(i*pi*r/R0);
x1 = length(r1);
x2 = length(r);
for nn = 1:N
for mm = 1:nn
f1 = (1/6)*rl1.*r1.^2.*sines(nn, 1:x1).*sines(mm, 1:x1);
f2 = ((R^2/2)*rl2 - (R^3/3)*rl2.*r2.^(-1)).*sines(nn, x1+1:x2).*sines(mm, x1+1:x2);
value = 4*pi*c*x*trapz([f1 f2]);
V(nn, mm) = value;
V(mm, nn) = value;
I figured that calling sin(x) in the loop was a bad idea, so I calculate all the needed values and store them. To evaluate the integrals I used trapz, but as the first and the second/third integrals have different ranges the function values need to be calculated separately and then combined.
I've tried a couple different ways of vectorization but the only one that gives the correct results takes much longer than the above loop (used gmultiply but the arrays created are enourmous). I've also made an analytical solution (which is possible assuming m and n are integers and R0 > R > 0) but these solutions involve a cosine integral (cosint in MATLAB) function which is extremely slow for large N.
I'm not sure the entire thing can be vectorized without creating very large arrays, but the inner loop at least should be possible. Any ideas would be be greatly appreciated!
The inputs I use currently are:
R0 = 1000;
R = 8.4691;
c = 0.393*10^(-2);
x = 0.01;
l = 0 # Can reasonably be 0-6;
N = 20; # Increasing the value will give the same results,
# but I would like to be able to do at least N = 600;
Using these values
V(1, 1:3) = 873,379900963549 -5,80688363271849 -3,38139152472590
Although the diagonal values never converge with increasing R0 so they are less interesting.
You will lose the gain from the symmetricity of the problem with my approach, but this means a factor of 2 loss. Odds are that you'll still benefit in the end.
The idea is to use multidimensional arrays, making use of trapz supporting these inputs. I'll demonstrate the first term in your figure, as the two others should be done similarly, and the point is the technique:
r1 = 0.01:x:R;
r2 = R:x:R0;
r = [r1 r2].';
rl1 = r1.'.^(2*l);
rl2 = r2.'.^(2*l);
sines = zeros(length(r),N); %// CHANGED!!
%// V = zeros(N, N); not needed now, see later
%// you can define sines in a vectorized way as well:
sines = sin(r*(1:N)*pi/R0); %//' now size [Nr, N] !
%// note that implicitly r is of size [Nr, 1, 1]
%// and sines is of size [Nr, N, 1]
sines2mat = permute(sines,[1, 3, 2]); %// size [Nr, 1, N]
%// the first term in V: perform integral along first dimension
%//V1 = 1/6*squeeze(trapz(bsxfun(#times,bsxfun(#times,r.^(2*l+2),sines),sines2mat),1))*x; %// 4*pi*c prefactor might be physics, not math
V1 = 1/6*permute(trapz(bsxfun(#times,bsxfun(#times,r.^(2*l+2),sines),sines2mat),1),[2,3,1])*x; %// 4*pi*c prefactor might be physics, not math
The key point is that bsxfun(#times,r.^(2*l+2),sines) is a matrix of size [Nr,N,1], which is again multiplied by sines2mat using bsxfun, the result is of size [Nr,N,N] and an element (k1,k2,k3) corresponds to an integrand at radial point k1, n=k2 and m=k3. Using trapz() with explicitly the first dimension (which would be default) reduces this to an array of size [1,N,N], which is just what you need after a good squeeze(). Update: as per #Dev-iL's comment you should use permute instead of squeeze to get rid of the leading singleton dimension, as that might be more efficent.
The two other terms can be handled the same way, and of course it might still help if you restructure the integrals based on overlapping and non-overlapping parts.

summation of exponential distribution with different parameters

I just calculated a summation of two exponential distritbution with different lambda.
It's known that summmation of exponential distributions is Erlang(Gamma) distribution.
However, when lamdbas are different, result is a litte bit different.
Anyway look at the following equations.
Now, problem is (alpha_1 λ_2-alpha_2 λ_1).
(alpha_1 λ_2-alpha_2 λ_1) becomes 0
Thus, last two terms go to infinite....
Is that true??
I make some simple matlab code for verification.
mu=[1 2];
a1 = mu(1)/(mu(1)+mu(2));
a2 = mu(2)/(mu(1)+mu(2));
n = 10^6;
x = exprnd(mu(1), [1, n]);
y = exprnd(mu(2), [1, n]);
z = a1*x + a2*y;
histfit(z, 100 ,'gamma')`
The figure is pdf of Z=alpha_1 * X + alpha_2 * Y.
This case is λ_1 = 1, λ_1=2. (The red line is gamma distribution.)
The result of matlab shows random variable Z is not infinite value.
What is the problom in my calculations??
I got the problem in my integral calculation. In the 6th row, e^-(lambda2-alpha2*lambda1/alpha1) = 1, thus, there is no term alpha1/(alpha1*lambda2-alpha2*lambda1) in the 7th row.

Update only one matrix element for iterative computation

I have a 3x3 matrix, A. I also compute a value, g, as the maximum eigen value of A. I am trying to change the element A(3,3) = 0 for all values from zero to one in 0.10 increments and then update g for each of the values. I'd like all of the other matrix elements to remain the same.
I thought a for loop would be the way to do this, but I do not know how to update only one element in a matrix without storing this update as one increasingly larger matrix. If I call the element at A(3,3) = p (thereby creating a new matrix Atry) I am able (below) to get all of the values from 0 to 1 that I desired. I do not know how to update Atry to get all of the values of g that I desire. The state of the code now will give me the same value of g for all iterations, as expected, as I do not know how to to update Atry with the different values of p to then compute the values for g.
Any suggestions on how to do this or suggestions for jargon or phrases for me to web search would be appreciated.
A = [1 1 1; 2 2 2; 3 3 0];
g = max(eig(A));
% This below is what I attempted to achieve my solution
clear all
p(1) = 0;
Atry = [1 1 1; 2 2 2; 3 3 p];
g(1) = max(eig(Atry));
for i=1:100;
p(i+1) = p(i)+ 0.01;
% this makes a one giant matrix, not many
%Atry(:,i+1) = Atry(:,i);
g(i+1) = max(eig(Atry));
This will also accomplish what you want to do:
A = #(x) [1 1 1; 2 2 2; 3 3 x];
p = 0:0.01:1;
g = arrayfun(#(x) eigs(A(x),1), p);
Define A as an anonymous function. This means that the command A(x) will return your matrix A with the (3,3) element equal to x.
Define all steps you want to take in vector p
Then "loop" through all elements in p by using arrayfun instead of an actual loop.
The function looped over by arrayfun is not max(eig(A)) but eigs(A,1), i.e., the 1 largest eigenvalue. The result will be the same, but the algorithm used by eigs is more suited for your type of problem -- instead of computing all eigenvalues and then only using the maximum one, you only compute the maximum one. Needless to say, this is much faster.
First, you say 0.1 increments in the text of your question, but your code suggests you are actually interested in 0.01 increments? I'm going to operate under the assumption you mean 0.01 increments.
Now, with that out of the way, let me state what I believe you are after given my interpretation of your question. You want to iterate over the matrix A, where for each iteration you increase A(3, 3) by 0.01. Given that you want all values from 0 to 1, this implies 101 iterations. For each iteration, you want to calculate the maximum eigenvalue of A, and store all these eigenvalues in some vector (which I will call gVec). If this is correct, then I believe you just want the following:
% Specify the "Current" A
CurA = [1 1 1; 2 2 2; 3 3 0];
% Pre-allocate the values we want to iterate over for element (3, 3)
A33Vec = (0:0.01:1)';
% Pre-allocate a vector to store the maximum eigenvalues
gVec = NaN * ones(length(A33Vec), 1);
% Loop over A33Vec
for i = 1:1:length(A33Vec)
% Obtain the version of A that we want for the current i
CurA(3, 3) = A33Vec(i);
% Obtain the maximum eigen value of the current A, and store in gVec
gVec(i, 1) = max(eig(CurA));
EDIT: Probably best to paste this code into your matlab editor. The stack-overflow automatic text highlighting hasn't done it any favors :-)
EDIT: Go with Rody's solution (+1) - it is much better!

MATLAB: Test if anonymous vector is a subset of R^n

I'm trying to use MatLab code as a way to learn math as a programmer.
So reading I'm this post about subspaces and trying to build some simple matlab functions that do it for me.
Here is how far I got:
function performSubspaceTest(subset, numArgs)
% Just a quick and dirty function to perform subspace test on a vector(subset)
% subset is the anonymous function that defines the vector
% numArgs is the the number of argument that subset takes
% Author: Lasse Nørfeldt (Norfeldt)
% Date: 2012-05-30
% License:
if numArgs == 1
subspaceTest = #(subset) single(rref(subset(rand)+subset(rand))) ...
== single(rref(rand*subset(rand)));
elseif numArgs == 2
subspaceTest = #(subset) single(rref(subset(rand,rand)+subset(rand,rand))) ...
== single(rref(rand*subset(rand,rand)));
% rand just gives a random number. Converting to single avoids round off
% errors.
% Know that the code can crash if numArgs isn't given or bigger than 2.
outcome = subspaceTest(subset);
if outcome == true
display(['subset IS a subspace of R^' num2str(size(outcome,2))])
display(['subset is NOT a subspace of R^' num2str(size(outcome,2))])
And these are the subset that I'm testing
%% Checking for subspaces
V = #(x) [x, 3*x]
performSubspaceTest(V, 1)
A = #(x) [x, 3*x+1]
performSubspaceTest(A, 1)
B = #(x) [x, x^2, x^3]
performSubspaceTest(B, 1)
C = #(x1, x3) [x1, 0, x3, -5*x1]
performSubspaceTest(C, 2)
running the code gives me this
V =
subset IS a subspace of R^2
A =
subset is NOT a subspace of R^2
B =
subset is NOT a subspace of R^3
C =
subset is NOT a subspace of R^4
The C is not working (only works if it only accepts one arg).
I know that my solution for numArgs is not optimal - but it was what I could come up with at the current moment..
Are there any way to optimize this code so C will work properly and perhaps avoid the elseif statments for more than 2 args..?
PS: I couldn't seem to find a build-in matlab function that does the hole thing for me..
Here's one approach. It tests if a given function represents a linear subspace or not. Technically it is only a probabilistic test, but the chance of it failing is vanishingly small.
First, we define a nice abstraction. This higher order function takes a function as its first argument, and applies the function to every row of the matrix x. This allows us to test many arguments to func at the same time.
function y = apply(func,x)
for k = 1:size(x,1)
y(k,:) = func(x(k,:));
Now we write the core function. Here func is a function of one argument (presumed to be a vector in R^m) which returns a vector in R^n. We apply func to 100 randomly selected vectors in R^m to get an output matrix. If func represents a linear subspace, then the rank of the output will be less than or equal to m.
function result = isSubspace(func,m)
inputs = rand(100,m);
outputs = apply(func,inputs);
result = rank(outputs) <= m;
Here it is in action. Note that the functions take only a single argument - where you wrote c(x1,x2)=[x1,0,x2] I write c(x) = [x(1),0,x(2)], which is slightly more verbose, but has the advantage that we don't have to mess around with if statements to decide how many arguments our function has - and this works for functions that take input in R^m for any m, not just 1 or 2.
>> v = #(x) [x,3*x]
>> isSubspace(v,1)
ans =
>> a = #(x) [x(1),3*x(1)+1]
>> isSubspace(a,1)
ans =
>> c = #(x) [x(1),0,x(2),-5*x(1)]
>> isSubspace(c,2)
ans =
The solution of not being optimal barely scratches the surface of the problem.
I think you're doing too much at once: rref should not be used and is complicating everything. especially for numArgs greater then 1.
Think it through: [1 0 3 -5] and [3 0 3 -5] are both members of C, but their sum [4 0 6 -10] (which belongs in C) is not linear product of the multiplication of one of the previous vectors (e.g. [2 0 6 -10] ). So all the rref in the world can't fix your problem.
So what can you do instead?
you need to check if
is a member of C, which, unless I'm mistaken is a difficult problem: Conceptually you need to iterate through every element of the vector and make sure it matches the predetermined condition. Alternatively, you can try to find a set such that C(x1,x2) gives you the right answer. In this case, you can use fminsearch to solve this problem numerically and verify the returned value is within a defined tolerance:
[s,error] = fminsearch(#(x) norm(C(x(1),x(2)) - [2 0 6 -10]),[1 1])
s =
1.999996976386119 6.000035034493023
error =
Edit: you need to make sure you can use negative numbers in your multiplication, so don't use rand, but use something else. I changed it to randn.