How can I put xAxis in highcharts starting in the horizontal line when all values are in 0? - charts

If I have a data like this:
data: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
this serie starts on the middle but I want what starts really close than the bottom line and not in the middle.Please take a look in this jsfidle but change data by my example data (data: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]), I test with min but in this scenario with all values in 0 did not work.

I solve with min: 0,minRange: 1 in xAxis

I would do this simply by setting the yAxis min and max.

You can move xAxis down using offset property (offset: Number; The distance in pixels from the plot area to the axis line.):
xAxis: {
tickWidth: 10,
offset: -155
See example at jsfiddle


show multiple axis to highcharts chart and present axis to left

Trying to create a chart as show below
Tried to get most of it working fiddle is in
But only axis is the issue. Unable to get multiple axis for different chart and also axis on the left rather than right please help me by pointing to some demo
You need to set yAxis.opposite to false. Your image shows only two axis (first one for the line and flag series, the second one for the column), so here is the example config basing on the image:
yAxis: [{
opposite: false,
height: '60%'
}, {
opposite: false,
top: '65%',
height: '40%',
offset: 0
API Reference:

Amcharts column chart labels don't align below column when interval is greater than 1

Please look into this demo column chart.
When the date axis interval is 1, the axis label aligns perfectly below the chart.
But when the axis label interval is increased to 3 or above, the label starts appearing between columns instead of below the column.
baseInterval: {
timeUnit: "day",
count: 5
Please let me know how to align the labels with an interval other than 1.

Make echarts xAxis starts not from 0

I am using scatter chart from eCharts scatter. No option in official documentation about any option for setting the start of axises, I need xAxis starts not from 0, but setting some buffer like in picture
So bubble should start not from 0 but having some extra buffer, so the bubble should not overlap the xAxis. I tried boundaryGap for both xAxis and yAxis, but still axises start from 0. Any possible workaround for that?
try to use xAxis: { onZero: false }.
On echarts 5.4 it is
for x xAxis: {min: 'dataMin'} or y yAxis: {min: 'dataMin'}

make bigger space for legend in echarts

I'm using echarts
this is my chart
this picture shows I lost some of my legends , so,how do I make bigger space for legends, is it possible to set more space for legends? or if it is possible to make my chart smaller how can I do?
I put
var option = {
grid: {
y: 30,
y2: 90,
y mean space before chart, y2 - after chart

Overlaping date labels on xaxis in Highstock

Sometimes edge date labels overlap on my chart:
I was trying to add bigger tickPixelInterval, but it doesn't really help me. How can I fix this?
check tickInterval property in highchart api, set some x,y values
>tickInterval : 2,
labels : { y : -15, rotation: -45, align: 'right' }