make bigger space for legend in echarts - echarts

I'm using echarts
this is my chart
this picture shows I lost some of my legends , so,how do I make bigger space for legends, is it possible to set more space for legends? or if it is possible to make my chart smaller how can I do?

I put
var option = {
grid: {
y: 30,
y2: 90,
y mean space before chart, y2 - after chart


Altair: How to make scatter plot aligned with image background created by mark_image?

I'm looking for a working example to have a .png picture as the background of a scatter chart.
Currently, I use mark_image to draw the background image:
source = pd.DataFrame.from_records([
{"x": 0, "y": 0,
"img": "http://localhost:8888/files/BARTStreamlit/assets/BARTtracksmap.png?_xsrf=2%7Ce13c35be%7Ce013c83479b892363239e5b6a77d97dc%7C1652400559"}
tracksmap = alt.Chart(source).mark_image(
Here is the resulted image drown:
and draw the scater chart,
chart = alt.Chart(maptable).mark_circle(size=60).encode(
x= 'x',
y= 'y',
tooltip=['short_name', 'ENTRY']
I have scaled the x, y channel values for the scatter chart to be in the range of [0, 500]. 500 is the width and height of the background image that I guessed.
Here is the resulted scatter plot:
then I combined the two chart with layer mechanism:
geovizvega = alt.layer(tracksmap, chart)
resulting the following:
The two charts do not align. I'd like to have the scatter dots aligning with the tracks on the background image. How can I achieve that?
To have them aligned, I might need to have the background image's top left corner at the coordinates (0, 0), how can I achieve that? (It seems that the x, y channel values for mark_image is the coordinates of the center of the image? With accurate definition of the x, y channel values, it might be possible to calculate the proper value of x, and y for the top left coroner to be at (0, 0)).
I might need to to have precise dimension of the background image. How?
My above approach may not be the right one. Please show me a working example.
Yes, if you change the values of x and y in your image plot to something like y=-200 and x=200, the image should be more centered in the scatter plot.
You can also change the anchor point of the image using align and baseline:
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
source = pd.DataFrame.from_records([
{"x": 2, "y": 2, "img": ""}
imgs = alt.Chart(source).mark_image(
imgs + imgs.mark_circle(size=200, color='red', opacity=1)
imgs = alt.Chart(source).mark_image(
imgs + imgs.mark_circle(size=200, color='red', opacity=1)
After this, you would still need to change the dimensions of the chart so that it has the same size as the image. The default is width=400 and height=300. You can get the dimensions of your image in most image editing software or using the file <imagename> command (at least on linux). But even after getting these dimensions, you would have to do some manual adjustments due to axes taking up some of that space in the chart.

Chartjs y axis getting cut off with long numbers

On Line and Vertical Bar charts on Chart.js, sometimes the values on the y-axis get cut off when the numbers are to long. See image below. I have only noticed this issue on these two graph types.
Image of y axis being cut off
You can fix that by setting the layout padding on the chart.
options: {
layout: {
padding: {
left: 10

Overlaping date labels on xaxis in Highstock

Sometimes edge date labels overlap on my chart:
I was trying to add bigger tickPixelInterval, but it doesn't really help me. How can I fix this?
check tickInterval property in highchart api, set some x,y values
>tickInterval : 2,
labels : { y : -15, rotation: -45, align: 'right' }

How can I put xAxis in highcharts starting in the horizontal line when all values are in 0?

If I have a data like this:
data: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
this serie starts on the middle but I want what starts really close than the bottom line and not in the middle.Please take a look in this jsfidle but change data by my example data (data: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]), I test with min but in this scenario with all values in 0 did not work.
I solve with min: 0,minRange: 1 in xAxis
I would do this simply by setting the yAxis min and max.
You can move xAxis down using offset property (offset: Number; The distance in pixels from the plot area to the axis line.):
xAxis: {
tickWidth: 10,
offset: -155
See example at jsfiddle

google charts: timeline: dynamic height with scalebar position

Thanks for viewing and answering.
I am using Google Charts (TimeLine) to display information from database.
But the Google Chart reference only provide setting fix height for the chart.
Whereas I would like to change chart height based on the number of rows I get from data.
So I made the code:
var graph = $('#chart_timeLine').children()[0].children[0].children[1];
Now the chart don't have a vertical scrollbar and I am satisfied.
But I found that the scalebar, which shows the the scale of timeline chart is missing.(It is actually hiding under the chart, instead of showing up at the bottom of the chart).
So then I changed scalebar's position to absolute and set it to the bottom of my chart.
Then it is ugly because it has a height of 200px, while the scale is at the bottom of that 200px, leaving a huge blank between my chart and the scale.
Is there a fix for that?
Thank you.
Instead of messing with the internal workings of the chart, set the height based on the number of rows of data in the DataTable:
// set a padding value to cover the height of title and axis values
var paddingHeight = 40;
// set the height to be covered by the rows
var rowHeight = data.getNumberOfRows() * 15;
// set the total chart height
var chartHeight = rowHeight + paddingHeight;
and then in the Timeline's options, set the height:
height: chartHeight
I tried the answer, but it did not work for me. The way I got it to work for me was this:
// Calculate height
var rowHeight = 41;
var chartHeight = dataTable.getNumberOfRows() * rowHeight + 50;
var options = {
height: chartHeight
The + 1 to the getNumberOfRows() is for the X-axis text.
success: function(jsonData){
var options = {
height: (jsonData.length * 40) + 80,
timeline: { colorByRowLabel: true }
chart.draw(dataTable, options);
As far as I can tell its:
30px height for each bar
10px padding for each group.
60px for the Series.
So for a 9 bar Group = (30 * 9) + 10 = 280px
Chart Height = 280px + 60px
If you are Grouping Rows you will need to determine if your date ranges overlap with any others in that group.
Google does this by:
Getting the Group items IN START DATE ORDER
Creating an empty array of Group Display Rows
For each Group Item:
For each Display Row
If Item fits in Row...
Add it to existing Display Row
If No existing Display row found
Add New Display Row