Alternate for GooglePlayServices in BB10 Android RunTime - blackberry-10

I ported an android app to BB 10. Using android runtime,after repackaging to .BAR, app runs fine except GooglePlayServices: crashes when I go to screens related to this. I checked the classes that I am using from this library are:
and some implementations are GooglePlayServicesClient.ConnectionCallbacks, GooglePlayServicesClient.OnConnectionFailedListener.
For google maps I have found the alternate solution for BB 10 in android runtime documentation.
What is the alternate solution for this library classes??

OpenStreetMap is available as a replacement for Google Maps in GooglePlayServices. I was under the impression that this was automatic, but I'm not currently working on Android so I don't have any direct experience.


Import xcframework into Xamarin Forms

Is there a way to import an iOS xcframework into a Xamarin Project? I know there doesn't seem to be a way to import it into a Xamarin Forms project but most Xamarin Forms also have a .iOS project (along with a .Android) in the solution. I wonder if the xcframework can be inported into that project and then access through a dependency service. To this point, I have not gotten anything to work.
Any thoughts or other suggestions?

Flutter - Different click actions for Web and Android in single project

I wanna implement YoutubePlayer in my Flutter project which runs in web and android platforms. I'm using youtube_player_flutter package for Android and embedded YouTube player view in web. How to separate both codes in single project?
You can use the dart:io packages Platform class to check the Platform that is running the code.
See, there exists
To check if you are deploying to web, there is a constant called kIsWeb in the flutter foundation. Use can use it like this:
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show kIsWeb;
import 'dart:io' show Platform;
if (kIsWeb) {
// use this for web
} else if (Platform.isAndroid) {
// use this for android

How to import or refer to a framework from another project in Xcode 6?

We heard that Xcode 6 support making your own framework and share with others. But maybe I missed the point on how to import a framework from another project, which I have the source locally.
Any tips will help!

How can i use private frameworks in my ios application

I'm working on changing bluetooth settings from iphone application programatically.I got to know that there a private framework called BluetoothManager which meets my requirement.But as it is a private framework i could be able to import it like we import the other frameworks.How to import the private frameworks into my iphone application? moreover without any apple provided header files how can we access the functionalities from those private frameworks.can anyone suggest me me?
Thanks in Advance
copy new framework in your project and then import in your project
Click on add other button and select from your project which you have already copy in your file

import Appkit framework in iphone Application

i am new in iphone technology , i want to use class NSspeechSynthesizer from Appkit framework, but when i import this framework in my application , it give 7 error in my application.
please provide me help on this problem.
You can't import AppKit, it is not available on the iPhone, it's an OS X library.
You could check out OpenEars, it supports for text-to-speech for iOS.
The text-to-speech library OpenEars uses is called CMU Flite, and you could install it directly, but the documentation on the CMU Flite site is a bit poor if you are not very experienced.
I would go for OpenEars, because they have a nice script doing most of the work for you.