iCalendar RFC 5545 to string - icalendar

Is there any opensource library for displaying human readable description for recurring events described by the above standard?
I want to obtain every 5 weeks on Thursday for rule RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=5;BYDAY=TH
Language C# is preferred but not required at all

In JavaScript you might use rrule.js library, It's very useful for generating human readable texts from RRULE string.
You can try it out from this link.
BTW, as far as I know ical4j and google-rfc-2445 didn't have any functionality for generating human readable texts.

You could try :
DDay.iCal - .NET 2.0
ical4j - Java
google-rfc-2445 - Java
iCalcreator - PHP
php iCalendar - PHP
libical but it seems broken - C
pyICSParser - disclaimer: I'm the maintainer - python


What is the correct way to specify DC metadata for a multi-language ePub?

I am developing an ePub. In the content.opf file I have to specify a series of metadata by using DC standard. For example dc:title and dc:creator.
However my book is a multilanguage book, that is, it contains two translations of the same text: English and Russian. The standard reference manual states that I can have more dc:language statements. For example:
but it does not say how to specify the other metadata for more than one language. Consider, for example, dc:creator. I tried
<dc:creator xml:lang="en">Dario de Judicibus</dc:creator>
<dc:creator xml:lang="ru">Дарио де Юдицибус</dc:creator>
I get an error from the distribution platform validator, which states that the format of ePub is not correct. It looks like I cannot use xml:lang in dc:creator even if, in theory, that is an XML attribute that can be used with any XML tag. Same for dc:title:
<dc:title xml:lang="en">My Book Title</dc:title>
<dc:title xml:lang="ru">Название Mоей Kниги</dc:title>
Could someone who has had to face the same problem as me, namely writing the OPF for an ePub that contains a text in multiple languages, tell me what is the correct way to do it? In the standards for the OPF 3.x I have not been able to find any useful information to establish this.
I verified my code with one of the author of the W3C specifications for OPF and he told me that what I wrote is correct, but that some validator is not used to multi-language documents, so that the problem is the validator, not the code. I write this in case someone else may have the same problem.

Coldfusion/Lucee Encoding Issue When Using EncodeForHTML

Running into an issue when using EncodeForHTML for certain characters (Emojis in this case)
The text in this case is:
⌛️a😊b👍c😟 💥🍉🍔 💩 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ 😘
Now if I just a straight output
It displays correctly, no issues, but if I use EncodeForHTML first
I get this
⌛️a��b��c�� ������ �� ����‍♀️����‍♀️����‍♀️ ��
I tested it with EncodeForXML & esapiEncode as well to be sure; all are giving me the same result.
I've verified the encoding settings in Lucee are UTF-8, and the meta charset tag is also set to UTF-8. I can't find any documenation re: EncodeForHTML saying if it make any changes to the character encoding, if it requires the character encoding to be something specific, or if it has any known issues with emojis or certain code points.
I appreciate any help or clarification anyone can provide.
Edit: Thank you everyone. Wish I could accept multiple answers.
I was required to sanitize emojis in order ensure that third-party content was cross-compatible with external services. Some of the content contained emojis and was causing export/import problems. I wrote a ColdFusion wrapper for the emoji-java library to identify, sanitize and convert emojis.
For example, the parseToAliases() function "replaces all the emoji's unicodes found in a string by their aliases".
emojijava = new emojijava();
emojijava.parseToAliases('I like 🍕'); // I like :pizza:
To "encode" you could use either the parseToHtmlDecimal() or parseToHtmlHexadecimal() functions prior to using EncodeForHTML().
emojijava = new emojijava();
test = emojijava.parseToHtmlDecimal('I like 🍕'); // I ❤️ 🍕
At the time of this writing, ColdFusion's latest version is 2018 update 9
In turn, it uses ESAPI 2.1.1
Recent release notes don't mention Emoji,
But they do mention in Pull request 413
"Fixing ESAPI's inability to handle non-BMP codepoints."
This dates from 2017
So based on all this information, I would recommend doing both of the following
Try using ESAPI directly. This is how it was done before ESAPI was added to CF. This issue may or may not still exist in ESAPI
Put in a ticket with Adobe to update this library.
Yes, ESAPI addressed the issue of not correctly encoding non-BMP characters (see https://github.com/ESAPI/esapi-java-legacy/issues/300) as part of PR #413 that James mentioned above.
But I just uploaded release ESAPI (release candidate 1) to Maven Central early this morning and hope to have an official release out by next weekend, so if you are going to put in a ticket with Adobe for fix this with an updated version of ESAPI, I'd wait another week and then tell them to update to

Why watson Personality Inisights shows different results using different API versions/demo

My apologies if the question is duplicated. We are facing an issue with the analysis of a profile using Watson Personality Insights API in Spanish. We have a demo we implemented using PI API version 2 and then we tested the results (exact same text) with the demo published on developer cloud(in spanish) and we found important differences on how the big five were calculated when the facet values were not that different. Is it possible that these differences are caused because of the API version? The issue that with our demo the big five values produced a kind of negative summary profile when the developercloud summary is kinder.
We could send both result jsons. For example here is how the big five rated:
BigFive DeveloperCloud Demo V2
Openness 0.773834349 0.847273232
Conscientiousness 0.916616088 0.914907481
Extraversion 0.796331544 0.612606551
Agreeableness 0.17445636 0.096118648
Emotional range 0.036287447 0.01623536
thanks in advance!!
So the API version would not make a difference, as that just governs the format of the API; the back-end models are the same for both v2 and v3 of the API.
So the jist of your question is that when you run the same text in your app, and in the demo you get different big5 results, while the facet values are about the same.
This might be easiest solved by you opening a support ticket so we can debug the issue together; if you'd rather not do that then can you provide a sample text? Typically it boils down to a difference in the way the text is parsed.
Another question; did you try making the request using curl? That would cut out any custom logic in your app and narrow down the problem.
thanks Neil for you answer!
We tested the text using CURL and we noticed that the results didn't change by the service version used but instead by how the text was sent. If we called the service using curl passing a plain text input(formatted in UTF-8 with line breaks) it returned the same results for version2 and version 3 and also matched the ones from our demo. If we called the service using curl passing json input WITHOUT line breaks it returned the same values as well. But if we called the service passing the json input WITH line breaks then the results changed and almost matched those shown by ibm demo. My question here is which are the correct results? The ones shown when the text is sent as a plain text input(with line breaks) or when the text is sent as json input(with line breaks)? Is there any technical guideline besides the one shown in developercloud on how the text should be parsed to use this service?
Thanks again!

How to define character sets to mix in Code 128 barcodes in Active Reports 2.0?

I am using ActiveReports 2.0 (Visual Basic 6.0). Is it possible to implement this functionality:
Mix code sets in the 128 bar code.
I need to encode a USPS tracking number. Following is an example of the same:
CJ123456789US as Code 128B: "CJ1″
then shift to Code 128C: "23456789″
then shift to Code 128B: "US"
Unfortunately, it is not supported as of now. However, it has already been been forwarded to the concerned team as an enhancement request.
You may refer to the following forum post for further follow up:

Replace éàçè... with equivalent "eace" In GWT

I tried
s=Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "");
But it seems that GWT API doesn't provide such fonction.
I tried also :
But it doesn't work either
The scenario is I'am trying to générate token from the clicked Widget's text for the history management
You can take ASCII folding filter from Lucene and add to your project. You can just take foldToASCII() method from ASCIIFoldingFilter (the method does not have any dependencies). There is also a patch in Jira that has a full class for that without any dependencies - see here. It should be compiled by GWT without any problems. License should be also OK, since it is Apache License, but don't quote me on it - you should ask a real lawyer.
#okrasz, the foldToASCII() worked but I found a shorter one Transform a String to URL standard String in Java