How to read a file in Play Framework 2.2.1? - scala

I have a static file that I want to read in one of my Play Framework models. The file contains some simple text in it. I can't find any examples or API that shows where the appropriate location is to store such a resource and second, how to access that resource. For whatever it is worth I'm using Play for Scala, but I don't think that's relevant here.

There is no real designated location where data files should go. I usually set a path in my application.conf and then read it in the application via
If you want to store it somewhere inside your Play application's directory, you can get its root path via
which returns a
For reading files, there is no Play-specific technique. This question has been asked and answered before. In short, to read a small text file, just do this:
val lines ="file.txt").mkString

You can place any resource file in the folder /conf and load it (Programatically) as explained here: Custom configuration files - Play! Framework 2.0

I have answered to a similar question at I think the same answer will be applied for you too.
You can choose a location you prefer other than in dedicated folders for some specific tasks. For an example you can create /resources folder. Don't make any resource folder inside /app folder since it is only a location to store code. Same goes with other specific folders. Then you can use
import import play.Play;
to access the file inside your code.
Only this will work perfectly on dev environment. But once you put this in production using the dist file it will not work since the entire resources folder you put will not be added to the dist. In order to do that, you have to explicitly ask play to add the /resources folder to your dist also. For that what you have to do is go to your /build.sbt and add these lines
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.MappingsHelper._
mappings in Universal ++= directory(baseDirectory.value / "resources")
Now if you take and check your dist, you can see it has an additional folder 'resources' inside the dist. Then it will work for the production environment also.


Can we overlay the file to our custom path

Can we overlay the file to our custom path or we have to overlay the file to exact folder structure location as in libs?
For example, I want to overlay the constants.js (/libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/constants.js) file, in this adobe recommended Copy this file to /apps/cq/ui/widgets/source/constants.js for overlaying, but in my project that folder structure is not there, so I have copied to the custom path in apps folder and tested the changes and overlaying is working fine.
The file needs to have the same path as the one in libs except for replacing 'libs' with 'apps'. It does not work with custom paths*. If the project does not already have the structure, you can always create it. Don't forget to update the META-INF/Vault/filter.xml file to register the new path with projects package definition.
*Technically you can change the configs to add new searchpaths. But do remember that you might have to share the AEM instance with different tenants and sticking to the usual conventions goes a long way in having a predictable setup. I honestly don't see a reason to do this, it is already an acceptable practice to overlay under '/apps'. The filters on package provide enough flexibility to get along with other tenants while modifying similar areas.
I think you want to create the overlay in your custom project under /apps. If my assumption is correct, then you can certainly do it.
Taking your example in consideration, /libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/constants.js can be overlayed to /apps/<your-project>/cq/ui/widgets/source/constants.js by adding an entry in the Apache Sling Resource Resolver Factory configuration.
See this answer for the detailed steps. I hope this helps.

Where should I place the java properties file under netbeans

In my netbeans IDE I am creating one project.That project(Web Application) needs properties file.Since my application is having several packages.And all packages need to read this properties file in their code.So where should I place this java properties file.If I place the file out side of the packages that is under sourcepackages seperately,I am getting FilenotFound Exception.So where should I place it.
And one more doubt is if I want to change any content in the file in future where should I change the contents since it is present in Projects folder and under Files->build->classes folder also.From where should I modify it.From where the changes will be effected.
Please help.
Thank you.
Put your file under /src/resources/, then use it like below:
ResourceBundle props = ResourceBundle.getBundle("resources.config");
You may put this in any package. The point ist to read with
Read further here.
You always change in the project src folder. The build folder is only for building your app.
If you want to change the properties file on a deployed system you may put the properties into the WEB-INF folder and then access with ServletContext#getRealPath().
I put the .properties file in the same folder as the src and it works :)
Alright, so I'm working on Windows and here's my solution...
It actually doesn't matter much where you put the .properties file--but assuming you created the file in NetBeans and let it save to its default location, you can simply call the data with the full directory attached.
Just for reference, here's what I did:
SimpleDataSource sds = new SimpleDataSource("src\\simpledatasource\\");
Notice you'll need to escape the backslash, so use two of them.

including a header from a project into a static library

I have a subproject (static library) inside my project.
As this static library may be used by a bunch of app, I have this config.h file on my project that contains the app configuration. The static library must read it.
The problem is that adding
#import "config.h"
on the static library fails, because the file cannot be found.
I could add an absolute path to my project root on the search headers, but I want to make this not hard coded because this static library will be used by other projects. Another problem is that I cannot use relative links like ../.., for example, because the static library is on another volume.
Including $(SRCROOT) on the search paths of the static library will give me the root for that library not for the project using it, that is what I want.
How do I solve that?
Just pay attention to my question. I am inside a static library that is used by a project. Config.h is out there in the project. I want to import that config.h on my static library.
If there is an easy way to do that, please tell me.
I have uploaded a sample project to here and here, so you can see my pain.
One way, somewhat of a hack, is to add a Run Script to each App's Build Phase, as the first item, and have it copy Config.h to some known place - /tmp/Config.h, and your included library will look for it there. Since the file is copied on every build, it will always be proper.
EDIT1: So not pretty, but you can add a Run Build Script to just under the Dependencies in the library. Just add one and leave the checkbox set to show environmental variables. You can see this one set:
What you can see is that several of these have as the prefix the current project folder:
You can write some script there to get the prefix, then append the local Config.h file path, and now you have a fully qualified path to the Config.h header, which you can then copy to a known location in the library. I'm going to post on the xcode forum as there may be a better solution - there use to be in Xcode 3. I'll update this if I get anything substantive back.
EDIT2: Try This:
1) Click on the library, click on Build Phases, add a Run Script Build phase by tapping bottom right '+' button
2) Drag it so its the second item in the list (below Target Dependencies)
3) Change the Shell to "/bin/ksh"
4) Paste this in, after editing it to have the proper files/paths:
# Get the Project Name (assumes upper/lower/numbers only in name)
PROJ=$(echo $BUILD_DIR | sed -En -e 's/(\/.*\/)([A-Za-z0-9]+)-([a-z]+\/Build\/Products)/\2/p')
# Use this variable to construct a full path
echo FULL_PATH equals $FULL_PATH
# Make Sure MyStaticLibrary is correct
echo PROJ_DIR equals "$PROJECT_DIR/MyStaticLibrary"
cp -f "$FULL_PATH" "$PROJECT_DIR/MyStaticLibrary"
5) This assumes that you put the library anywhere you want, but each App project has to havethe same parent folder (not much of a restriction - what I did in the past).
PS: When I do this kind of thing, I usually don't include an actual file of the app, but create a header for a class that is not instantiated in the library. Lets call this Foo. So in your library, you have Foo.h, and it has lots of methods that return info - the number of widgets, the location of some special folder, plists, arrays, dictionaries, whatever. The idea is the library knows how to get whatever it needs through this interface (class singleton, or just a class with class methods. YMMV.
PSS: anyone else reading this, it pays to create demo projects.
I'd go a different route. Make this config.h file part of the static library using compiler symbols in it to switch features. Then in your projects define those symbols depending on what features you need.

Netbeans creating a dist jar with all images etc included

I am trying to distribute a netbeans project however the jar it creates and the contents of the dist folder are dependant on some image files which i included into the project - however these images are not in the dist folder and I cannot workout how to make things work so I can export the project in a distributable format including all the things it needs.
Can somebody please tell me how I can export a project which runs within Netbeans without using the project's /dist folder which includes everything it needs?
One way to achieve this is to add a folder (f.i."resources") in your project's src dir. Then copy the images to that dir. Now the images should get included when you build the project (if I remember correctly). Accessing the files can be accomplished with "getResourceAsStream"...
If whatever resources you are interested in are in the classpath, packaged in the jar, war, or the distribution, you can retrieve them by getting resources.
The convention is indeed to have a directory named 'src/resources' that serves as the root for this. Depending on the amount and scope of the resources you are using you may also want to add a sub-directory hierarchy to keep the organization and state of the resources manageable.
Also, not that a resource can be any file, an image, sound, text, xml, binary, etc. no limitation.
Finally, the call will look like this if you are using an object method:
getClass().getResourceAsStream("resources/myResource") - or - getClass().getResource("resources/myResource")
depends on if you want a stream or just the URI at that point in the code. Typically one would use the URI for delegating the processing of the resource elsewhere and the stream form when you are processing it in-line.
For a class method, you will need to do something more like:
new Object().getClass()...
The think to keep in mind here, is eventually this is resolving to the class loader and it is from that class path that the resource will be fetched.
You can add images the same way:
final Image image0 = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource("images/1.png"));

How should I set up my application when I can't change the document root?

I don't have permission to change the document root the /public/ directory so how should I set up my Zend Framework application to run from the current root directory? Using the Zend Framework 1.8 command line tool, I don't know if there is a way to tell it to create a directory structure this way.
If you can access only the upper level of web (i.e. - public), you should set index there and the whole application folder too. Create a .htaccess with
Deny from all
And put it into your /application.
Your configuration will be:
The simplest way without changing a lot of configuration, is to put everything in the public folder you mention into your public_html folder, then place all the other contents, like the application, and library folders into the directory up from public_html.
You can also throw everything into your public_html folder, although that is not recommended. Each class has options to provide a different path. For example on the Front_Controller, you can set the Controllers directory to wherever you want. There are options to specify different paths, but if you follow convention it is done for you.
Just use the quickstart guide and adjust according to it. Zend_Tool is still experimental anyway. Let me know if this helps.
So here's what I ended up doing:
Download the Quickstart sample code.
Move everything in public up to the main directory, along side application, library directories.
Alter include paths to library and application in index.php to point to the correct locations
I think that was all I had to do. ZF new how to the rest.
I don't think this is ideal however, as already mentioned, application directory becomes accessible from the web, but for now, it's getting the job done.