Mongodb monitoring using mikoomi plugin of zabbix is not rendering any data - mongodb

I'm using mikoomi plugin to monitor mongodb, in that there is shell script which is calling php script and returning 0 to zabbix and parallely writing a data file and log file in /tmp/ directory.
Now my question : How is zabbix reading that data/log file and how are keys fetching information from that file? I need to debug this because zabbix is not rendering any data.
How do I set this up correctly?
Format of data file is as follows:
<Mongo Hostname> mem_virtual 39484
<Mongo Hostname> connections_current 34
<Mongo Hostname> mem_resident 1018

Mikoomi script is using zabbix_sender utility to notify zabbix server about the data collected.
exec("zabbix_sender -vv -z -i $data_file_name 2>&1", $log_file_data) ;
Zabbix server will read the key values from data file and update the db.
Which OS are you using? Check for selinux policy related errors. If selinux policies are enabled in your server, disable and check whether data file is getting updated.
For checking selinux policy enable/disable, run below command
If the output is Enforcing then selinux policies are enabled. Disable using following command.
setenforce 0
And again run getenforce to check whether the output is Permissive.

make sure you configured a cron job to run the script for every MongoDB host.
something along the lines of:
* * * * * /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/ -h [ip address] -p 27017 -z [hostname]
the hostname has to be as it's configured in Zabbix for the target MongoDB server


Start PostgreSQL server manually and set verbose mode to see all queries

Is there a verbosity mode to get the list of queries executed on a PostgreSQL server in a terminal console when postgresql server is started manually? If yes, how to use it?
I'm starting the PostgreSQL server this way on macos:
/Applications/ -D "/Users/me/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-12" -p 5432
You can specify log_statement=all, either in postgresql.conf or on the bin/postgres command line with -c.

Zabbix-agent on HAProxy discover load-balanced host doesn't show up on Zabbix Server

I have been following this tutorial for a moment but I don't know why it isn't working:
To make a long story short:
I have a Zabbix server on Amazon EC2 and I want to monitor a HAproxy server which is inside my network. The HAProxy Server has a Zabbix Agent working on it.
The tutorial explain how to setup a script for the zabbix-agent to explore what's behind it (what's the haproxy is load-balancing) and send it back to the Zabbix Server.
However everything is working fine but nothing shows up on the Zabbix server, no host are discovered despite the zabbix agent and server are communicating.
1 - I did place the userparameter_haproxy.conf into /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ and
set it in the zabbix_agend.conf file.
2 - I did place the into /usr/local/bin/ and gave it the +x rights
3 - I did import haproxy_zbx_template.xml
4 - Configure HAProxy control socket: I assume there is my mistake.
5- The scripts are working because I get result when I execute this commands:
zabbix_agentd -t haproxy.list.discovery[FRONTEND]
zabbix_agentd -t haproxy.list.discovery[BACKEND]
zabbix_agentd -t haproxy.list.discovery[SERVERS]
6 - I added the host with HAproxy on it to the right template
7 - I can wait forever nothing is showing up, no new hosts.
I think the step 4 is where I am doing wrong. In the tutorial they say:
Configure HAProxy to listen on /var/run/haproxy/info.sock or set
custom socket path in checks (set {$HAPROXY_SOCK} template macro to
your custom socket path) or update userparameter_haproxy.conf and with your socket path
I did make the haproxy.cfg file listen to the file /var/lib/haproxy/stats
and set a custom socket path in the template macro.
Additionnal info:
Version of Zabbix: 3.4
Zabbix Server: RHEL 7.4
Zabbix Agent: Centos 7.2
No errors when I restart zabbix-agent
No errors in haproxy.log
UPDATE: I did add Zabbix to the root group.
Now, in Zabbix server logs I can see this message:
changed: Value "which: no nc in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin)
2" of type "string" is not suitable for value type "Numeric (unsigned)"
And I'm lost again.
UPDATE: I was missing netcat, I installed it on the zabbix server and client.
UPDATE: It's working
According to your update, I guess netcat (nc) is not installed on your system.
Install it and try again

Postgres 9.0 File System level backup on Debian Jessie

I'm on Debian 8.2.0 and trying to run a postgres server from a folder I received. Version is 9.0.18. Here is the command I issue:
./postgres -D /home/swapps/project/PostgreSQL/9.0/data/
but the cursor keeps blinking in the terminal. I'm not sure what is happening?
Sounds like it's started, and log_min_messages is set to a high enough value that you don't see any output.
Using another terminal session connect to the server on the port it's running on. If you don't know that check the port value in the postgresql.conf inside the data directory.
Generally you should use pg_ctl -D blah -w start rather than postgres directly. See the manual.
Or, for long term use, set it up to run on startup via an init script.

Postgresql COPY command giving Permissions denied error

I am trying to COPY a file into a table in PostgreSQL. The table owner is postgres and the file owner is postgres.
The file is in /tmp.
Still I am getting the error message:
could not open file "/tmp/file" for reading: Permission denied
I don't understand what I am doing wrong as all the posts I've found say that if I have the file in /tmp and owner is postgres then the COPY command should work.
A guess: You are using Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux, or one of the other distros that enable SELinux by default.
Either and on your particular OS/version the SELinux policies for PostgreSQL do not permit the server to read files outside the PostgreSQL data directory, or the file was created by a service covered by a targeted policy so it has a label that PostgreSQL isn't allowed to read from.
You can confirm whether or not this is the problem by running, as root:
setenforce 0
then re-testing. Run:
setenforce 1
to re-enable SELinux after testing. setenforce isn't permanent; SELinux will be automatically re-enabled on reboot anyway. Disabling SELinux permanently is not usually a good solution for issues like this; if you confirm the issue is SELinux it can be explored further.
Since you have not specified the OS or version you are using, the PostgreSQL version, the exact command you're running, ls -al on the file, \d+ on the table, etc, it's hard to give any more detail, or to know if this is more than a guess. Try updating your answer to include all that and an ls --lcontext of the file too.
COPY with a file name instructs the PostgreSQL server to directly read from or write to a file. The file must be accessible by the PostgreSQL user (the user ID the server runs as) and the name must be specified from the viewpoint of the server. (source: postgresql documentation)
So the file should be readable (or writable) by the unix user under which postgresql server is running (i.e not your user!). To be absolutly sure, you can try to run sudo -u postgres head /tmp/test.csv (assuming you are allowed to used sudo and assuming the database user is postgres).
If that fails, it might be an issue related to SELinux (as mentioned by Craig Ringer). Under the most common SELinux policy (the "targeted" reference policy), used by Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS, Scientific Linux, Debian and others... the postgresql server process is confined : it can only read/write a few file types.
The denial might not be logged in auditd's log file (/var/log/audit/audit.log) due to a donaudit rule. So the usual SELinux quick test apply e.g: stop SELinux from confining any process by running getenforce;setengorce 0;getenforce, then test postgresql's COPY. Then re-activate SELinux by running setenforce 1 (this command modify the running state, not the configuration file, so SELinux will be active (Enforcing) after reboot.
The proper way to fix that is to change the SELinux context of the file to load. A quick hack is to run:
chcon -t postgresql_tmp_t /tmp/a.csv
But this file labelling will not survive if hte filesystem is relabel or if you create a new file. You will need to create a directory with an SELinux file context mapping :
which semanage || yum install policycoreutils-python
semanage fcontext -a -t postgresql_tmp_t '/srv/psql_copydir(/.*)?'
mkdir /srv/psql_copydir
chmod 750 /srv/psql_copydir
chgrp postgres /srv/psql_copydir
restorecon -Rv /srv/psql_copydir
ls -Zd /srv/psql_copydir
Any file created in that directory should have the proper file context automatically so postgresql server can read/write it.
(to check the SELinux context under which postgres is running, runps xaZ | grep "postmaste[r]" | grep -o "[a-z_]*_t", which should print postgresql_t. To list the context types to which postgresql_t can write, use sesearch -s postgresql_t -A | grep ': file.*write'. the command sesearch belong to the setools-console RPM package).

Display Postgres server logs output in terminal and record to logs at same time

I'm running Postgres 9.1 (Homebrew installation on Mac OSX) and I'd like to monitor my postgres server more closely.
My question relates to logs. I'd like to get the logs displaying in a terminal pane. Here's what the Postgres docs say about the logs:
"On Unix-like systems, by default, the server's standard output and standard error are sent to pg_ctl's standard output (not standard error). The standard output of pg_ctl should then be redirected to a file or piped to another process such as a log rotating program like rotatelogs; otherwise postgres will write its output to the controlling terminal (from the background) and will not leave the shell's process group. On Windows, by default the server's standard output and standard error are sent to the terminal. These default behaviors can be changed by using -l to append the server's output to a log file. Use of either -l or output redirection is recommended."
So, when I get my postgres server running with the following:
pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/var/postgres
The logs display in the terminal window. When I run:
pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log
the logs go to my logfile and don't display in terminal.
In short, it would be great if anyone can tell me what command I use after I've directed logs to the file (with the second command) to make the logs also appear at the command line. It helps when I'm developing (in Django) to watch the SQL statements get executed in real time.
You could watch the log with the command:
tail -f /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log
I was able to find the logs in:
less /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-10-main.log
using ubuntu 18.04 with postgresql version: 10
For Centos7 and Postgress12