Zabbix-agent on HAProxy discover load-balanced host doesn't show up on Zabbix Server - sockets

I have been following this tutorial for a moment but I don't know why it isn't working:
To make a long story short:
I have a Zabbix server on Amazon EC2 and I want to monitor a HAproxy server which is inside my network. The HAProxy Server has a Zabbix Agent working on it.
The tutorial explain how to setup a script for the zabbix-agent to explore what's behind it (what's the haproxy is load-balancing) and send it back to the Zabbix Server.
However everything is working fine but nothing shows up on the Zabbix server, no host are discovered despite the zabbix agent and server are communicating.
1 - I did place the userparameter_haproxy.conf into /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ and
set it in the zabbix_agend.conf file.
2 - I did place the into /usr/local/bin/ and gave it the +x rights
3 - I did import haproxy_zbx_template.xml
4 - Configure HAProxy control socket: I assume there is my mistake.
5- The scripts are working because I get result when I execute this commands:
zabbix_agentd -t haproxy.list.discovery[FRONTEND]
zabbix_agentd -t haproxy.list.discovery[BACKEND]
zabbix_agentd -t haproxy.list.discovery[SERVERS]
6 - I added the host with HAproxy on it to the right template
7 - I can wait forever nothing is showing up, no new hosts.
I think the step 4 is where I am doing wrong. In the tutorial they say:
Configure HAProxy to listen on /var/run/haproxy/info.sock or set
custom socket path in checks (set {$HAPROXY_SOCK} template macro to
your custom socket path) or update userparameter_haproxy.conf and with your socket path
I did make the haproxy.cfg file listen to the file /var/lib/haproxy/stats
and set a custom socket path in the template macro.
Additionnal info:
Version of Zabbix: 3.4
Zabbix Server: RHEL 7.4
Zabbix Agent: Centos 7.2
No errors when I restart zabbix-agent
No errors in haproxy.log
UPDATE: I did add Zabbix to the root group.
Now, in Zabbix server logs I can see this message:
changed: Value "which: no nc in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin)
2" of type "string" is not suitable for value type "Numeric (unsigned)"
And I'm lost again.
UPDATE: I was missing netcat, I installed it on the zabbix server and client.
UPDATE: It's working

According to your update, I guess netcat (nc) is not installed on your system.
Install it and try again


Cannot complete pgadmin4 setup. Apache web server

I've got problem with completing pgadmin4 installation thru sudo /usr/pgadmin4/bin/ command.
During this process instalator does not recognizing that Apache is running and asks me if I want to start it:
The Apache web server is not running. We can enable and start the web server for you to finish pgAdmin 4 installation. Continue (y/n)? y
Then it just spits some errors:
Too few arguments.
Error enabling . Please check the systemd logs
Too few arguments.
Error starting . Please check the systemd logs
So far I havn't found where the logs are stored.
About my apache, I am quite sure that my server is running, because I can connect to it through browser, phpmyadmin is working properly, and service apache2 status returns * apache2 is running. By my understanding apache2 is just fancy word for httpd service, and there is no other service called simply apache.
PostgreSQL seems to work properly from command line, haven't tested if I can connect to it yet, but this shouldn't be the case right?
I am using
**PostgreSQL:** 12.5 (Ubuntu 12.5-0ubuntu0.20.04.1)
**Ubuntu:** Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
**Server:** Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
I had the same issue for Debian 10 and Ubuntu 20. The /usr/pgadmin4/bin/ script is using 'uname -a' which doesn't contain "Debian" identifier in the return string. Updating this to read /proc/version will allow APACHE to be specified as the Debian variant of apache2.
UNAME=$(uname -a)
UNAME=$(cat /proc/version)
I had a similar problem with Ubuntu running inside WSL 2. Managed to resolve it by modifying the /usr/pgadmin4/bin/ script. I moved these lines outside of the conditional:
This allowed the installation to progress beyond the Too few arguments. error. There was still an error however:
System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.
Error restarting apache2. Please check the systemd logs
I resolved this by running:
sudo service apache2 restart
After this I tried bringing up the admin page by visiting from the Windows host. This still didn't work, and had to connect using the Ubuntu machine's ip address (you can find it out via ifconfig) which finally allowed me to see the login page.

Cannot Add PgAdmin New Connection on Ubuntu 15.10

After install pgAdmin III from Ubuntu Software Center, I opened it and it required to add a connection to a server. So I filled in information as below:
Upon clicking on Ok Button, it showed the error message
Error connecting to the server: could not translate host name
"" to address: Name or service not known
As message indicated, I thought the postgres service was not started. Therefore, I went on go terminal console and start service by entering sudo service postgresql start, but it returned Failed to start postgresql.service: Unit postgresql.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
. What's wrong or missing for my pgAdmin III? I'm just using Ubuntu earlier and I have never this problem on windows. Thanks. is more a URL, that field is looking for a host so simply remove the http:// to leave the localhost's IP address or type localhost if that resolves to the correct address (it should, usually, via /etc/hosts or the like)
Also, Debian/Ubuntu tend to ship the database servers separately. For Ubuntu, the postgresql package (which requires postgresql-common) package should include /lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service therefore you should be able to sudo systemctl start postgresql
Do you have postgresql (as opposed to postgresql-client) installed?

redis server does not start

Hi I have the following problem with redis,
I have installed redis on Ubuntu 12.10 with
sudo apt-get install redis-server
However, then comes the start of the message server
[6793] February 6 21:46:54 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use 'redis-server / path / to / redis.conf'
[6793] 6 February 6379 21:46:54 # Opening port: bind: Address already in use
What can I do that the server starts?
You should stop the current instance by using the following command.
/etc/init.d/redis-server stop
The default port for Redis, 6793, is already being used, so you'll need to find out what is using that port.
You can check by running: lsof -i :6793
You'll then need to either kill whatever is using that port or specify a different port for Redis using a config file.
pidof redis-server can get you the process id of redis-server;
OR lsof -i:6379 can get you the process id of the running instance with the default listening port 6379.
I would recommend you to check the log file for the troubleshooting possible errors.
Usually located at /var/log/redis/redis.log

How to set nodejs debug mode don't listen

I want to remote debug the nodejs program in Eclipse. I start the node script with the debug option.
$node debug script.js
But I can't connect to the node in Eclispe. When I netstat the node's TCP port. I found that node only listen in debug mode. So I can't connect it from different computer.
But I can't find any startup options that can change to listen to any address.
Anyone know to make it listen to any address to remote debug in other computer?
if anyone else stumble upon this: you can set the node debug to any address as you set the port
node --debug= app.js
if that would be the ip of your remote machine or even better to every machine
node --debug= app.js
but please be aware that the 2nd option should only be used if you are debugging in your own private network as you open it up for everyone
This is what I do in linux Debian:
install balancer
sudo apt-get install balance -y
then create a route in balancer to reroute your 5858 port to 5859
balance 5859
start your app
node --debug app.js
now you can access it from everywhere on port 5859
I'm looking into V8 code that goes through deps/v8/src/debug-agent.* down to deps/v8/src/platform-posix.cpp (for linux) to POSIXSocket::Bind method and it can't seem to have any option about this (unless I'm missing something).
I bet you either hack it and recompile node or you'll need to build a small proxy beside your node process.
Here's a great tut on debugging nodejs from eclipse. Note at the bottom there is a script the author uses to forward localhost:5858 to the remote server's You could also just use an SSH tunnel.
So, to summarize:
start your script with node --debug app.js
configure eclipse as if you were debugging locally
use the node_g script or configure an SSH tunnel
go on vacation now that your code is bug-free
to debug nodejs remotely over SSH session do:
1. install balance on Linux:
2. run the command: balance -df 8585 > /tmp/balance.out 2>&1 &
3. ssh to your remote Linux box (tunnel will be created 8585 > 5858 > nodejs)
4. run your node script on server: node --debug-brk --nolazy ./myNodeApp.js
5. kick off debug session in WebStorm alt-d to port 8585
now you are remote debugging securely over SSH session

jboss-5.1.0.GA auto start on boot

I was given the task of installing jboss-5.1.0.GA on a remote ubuntu 10.4 Lts server. With all those resources out there I was able to run jboss successfully but my problem was that I wasn't able to get auto start on boot work so that jboss would be running on the server.
I followed a couple of tutorials that said me create a separate user called jboss and to copy the to the /etc/init.d/jboss (jboss home, java path ,jboss user and the binding to is all set) and used /etc/init.d/jboss start
but I can't get to see the Jboss page at the Ip on a browser.,
If i do a ./ -b ==> the server is up ...
Can some body shed some light on this issue????
If you want to run JBoss AS on given interface using script look at these line:
#if JBOSS_HOST specified, use -b to bind jboss services to that address
You should just define new variable before these line:
You should also check shutdown command (especially when you run your server on some other address then or, it should know how to find your server:
JBOSS_CMD_STOP=${JBOSS_CMD_STOP:-"java -classpath $JBOSSCP org.jboss.Shutdown --shutdown -s jnp://${JBOSS_HOST}:1099"}