ECLIPSE CDT With PTP MPI cannot open source file - eclipse

Hi i am in Ubuntu 13 and i have installed PTP to work with MPI in my Eclipse 3.8. Problem is after creating a project and trying to open the source file to work on it i have this message.
An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
I have looked on the web but so far no results about this message, could you help me please ?

Just crossed this problem now.
Try using another editor, shouldn't affect the way it is compiled.
Assuming your using C/C++, you can right click on the source file in Eclipse and then select
Open with > C/C++ Editor


Binary built with Eclipse CDT visible only inside the IDE but nowhere to be found outside,What Is Happening?

I am using latest Eclipse version with cmake4eclipse add-on on my Debian machine. I am a noob at using Eclipse and already there is a problem! The very strange problem is that after building a project the explorer tab of IDE shows the built binary but I can not actually find it using my usual file manager. When I try to run the binary from IDE, Eclipse complaints a nullpointer exception has occurred. What is happening here?

Running into JDK files from Eclipse IDE

I develop software on Eclipse Mars IDE, under MS Windows 10 OS, based on Java v7. And now I've got some configuration problems related to the IDE. What I want, is that to run into JDK source code from the IDE once I click on the 'step into' (or in other way). I've included the '' on the path in the way provided by the IDE. Yet, when I attempt to run into the source code, the IDE says the 'source code not found'.
I want this feature in order to be able to debug some things related to my current app.
You need to set this through the Java->Installed JRE's found in Eclipse -> Window ->Preferences. See screen shot below.

How to debug Node.js programs in eclipse (using node-eclipse)?

I am very newbie to eclipse as well as the node.js is concerned. I have tried several basic programs in node.js.
Now my question is there are many articles explaining how to debug the node program in eclipse. I dnt get it working. I am on windows 7 32-bit machine and installed eclipse Indigo with node-eclipse plugin installed..
Please can any body help me how to start debugging with programs.
Disclaimer: I am very new to eclipse IDE, Node & this stackover flow as well, please help..
Debugging - Breakpoint, Trace, etc... via Eclipse debugger plug-in
for V8
How to Install:
Update Site :
Testing Site:
How to debug:
Open the JavaScript source files that you want to set breakpoints.
Double-click on the ruler at the left end of the line you want to set a breakpoint.
If you want to remove a breakpoint, double-click on the ruler again.
Select the main source file of Node Application on the Project Explorer, open the context menu by right-clicking, select the [Debug As]-[Node Application] menu.
For more, Please Check Nodeclipse & Using Eclipse as Node Applications Debugger
Happy debugging ;)

Eclipse and Pydev plugin

After installing and configuring PyDev plugin on Eclipse it works fine.
BUT when I close Eclipse IDE and open it again and want to run python program I cannot because there is no Python Run.
What should I do, is there anyone who has encountered such type of error ?
I found the problem, I do not know why but the eclipse always changes the default workspace and this is creating a problem.
When I set my workspace back to a needed location the error gone and I was able to compile and run the python program.

Eclipse, the AVR Plugin, and Arduino

I'm attempting to compile Arduino code in the Eclipse IDE using WinAVR and the AVR IDE plugin, and I'm running into one major stumbling block - when I try to compile the code I get the following error:
/usr/bin/sh: g++: command not found
make: *** [main.o] Error 127
Yeah, I bet not...I'm using Windows Vista. I have the paths to WinAVR's avr-g++ all set correctly in the preferences tab, does anyone know why it might be doing this?
Did you set your paths like this?
avr preference panel
I followed the instructions on and everything worked fine on my Vista box with Eclipse 3.5.
The easiest way now to use arduino in eclipse is by using the arduino eclipse plugin.
It is build on the same software stack CDT +win AVR but it sets all the options correctly for you. It even comes with a library import functionality.
Look at for installation instructions an FAQ.