Node.js & Eclipse integration - eclipse

I have installed updates of nodeclipse,but i am not able to run my java script file even though when i run them in node folder.
i get these errors like:
1)provisioning exception
2)No repository found

Correct name is nodeclipse
As said in you should
I got this error and I'm sure it's a bug -- raise an issue!
Should you report a bug, please include the following:
Nodeclipse version number (like 0.4 or 0.8)
Eclipse version number (like 4.3.1 Kepler or 4.4.0)
Eclipse distribution (e.g. Eclipse for JEE Developers)
A detailed description of the steps necessary to reproduce the problem.
Screenshot and stack trace, that you can get from Eclipse Error Log View (Window -> Show View ...) or from '.log' file from the directory '.metadata' in your workspace.
See example issue #78


Eclipse Spring Boot Build Path Contains Duplicate Entry

I have been using Eclipse Luna and sprint boot for quite a while. Just today, when I created a new project I am getting the following build error,
Build path contains duplicate entry: 'org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.8' for project 'TomcatHttpDemo'
I am not sure if this is related to this problem but I tried
properties> Java Build Path > Libraries
and found that 'JRE System Library[JavaSE-1.8] was listed twice. I deleted one of them and then cleaned and re-built the project. I got a bunch of new errors. These errors were all related to deleting the JRE system library. I even restarted Eclipse several times to clear out any lingering errors.
I was running Luna 4.4 and upgraded to Mars 4.5 but the problem continues to persist. I can build my old projects with no problems at all. Using Luna or Mars the old projects build and execute properly. Any time I try to create a new project I get the duplicate entry error. Any help would be appreciated.
if i understand your problem it's library issue with your project so
1.Select your project then go to Properties
2.Java build Path the Top select Libraires
4.add a JRE System Library
5.check the Execution Environment Then Click to Environments
6.On the left click to Installed JREs
7.Then Click To add , Standard VM To directory Then go to /yourprograms/java/jdk 1.8
9.then Click finish after this check what you just added and click ok
10.when everything is closed update your maven Project
i hope it helps you

plug-in org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui was unable to load class

I had made an maven project and it worked fine.
Then I installed plugins
EclEmma Java Code Coverage,
PHP Development Tools (PDT),
Then I worked on some other project. When I again wanted to create an maven project,it threw the following error window which said
The selected wizard could not be started
plug-in org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui was unable to load class
org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui.internal wizards.MavenProjectWizard
Removed SonarQube plugin .This solved the issue.
Now it works all fine.
But is there any other solution to this problem since I have to use sonar.
Click on eclipse help tab and open installation details search sonar and remove all related plugins.
That's not quite the right characterization of what it says on the page,Please check your .log file /path/workspace/.metadata/
Find the correct plugin which is causing this problem and update to compatible version of the plugin with eclipse version.
To find the hidden files in the workspace use Ctrl+H
I had the same problem, and I've tried so many solutions. But what I did to solve the problem, is that I just upgraded my Eclipse IDE (2019-06 to 2020-03) by following these steps (from :
You first need to add the new release's repository as follows:
1-1. Window > Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites
1-2. Click 'Add'
1-3. Enter the URL
1-4. Click 'Ok'
Help > Check for Updates
If updates are found, proceed through the install wizard and restart the IDE when
prompted. Otherwise, read carefully the error message to find out which component
is conflicting and establish your resolution strategy.
Note that the start splash screen may be cached and will not necessarily be
updated to the latest version after the IDE is restarted. Performing a full
relaunch should display the new version number.

Eclipse Crash "java was started but returned exit code = -805306369"

I'm aware there is an identical post here but none of the proposed solutions have changed anything and they are quite old (problems to do with Java6) and seem to be referring to a bug to do with Eclipse.
My problem is when I am developing in Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers; either making changes to java files or changing dependencies etc, Eclipse randomly hangs and then freezes. I have to force close eclipse and I get this message
Things I have tried so far:
Restarted eclipse and PC
Added the -clean command to the very beginning of the eclipse.ini file
Created a brand new work space and attempted to develop in that
I'm running on the latest version of Java (1.7.0_13) and haven't got a clue what to do next.
The problem has happened 4 or 5 times in a number of different occasions:
When I have tried to add a new package to the src folder
When I have tried to add a class to a package in the src folder
When I have tried to edit a class in a package in the src folder
When using Ctrl+Space in a class in the src folder
Any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated! Need to get this problem sorted so I can get developing for my 3rd Year University Project :)
java was started but returned exit code = -805306369
is caused by Eclipse´s corrupted workspace, I solved my problem with these 3 steps:
1) Go to your workspace and rename it.
2) Start your eclipse and by default it will create a workspace.
3) Go to File -> Switch Workspace, choose your original workspace.
After a lot of researching and filing bug reports to no avail I tried one last clear out of Java and fresh installs of Eclipse to try and fix the error and it seems to have worked.
Here is what I did:
Un-installed Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers
Un-installed Java from my PC and deleted any old Java folders that were left behind (I didn't do this in previous clear outs so maybe there was an old version of Java messing something up)
Did a fresh install of Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers and a fresh install of the latest Java
I also deleted my old PATH variable for Java in Environment Variables and put the new one at the front of all the other entries
This seems to have fixed the error for now so hopefully it won't be a short term fix
I opened another instance of eclipse and it prompted me to choose a new workspace. I did so and there it was resolved. Then I closed the new workspace and resorted back to old workspace as usual.
If using Maven projects, check pom.xml, this may corrupted. Mine resolved by fixing pom file.
java was started but returned exit code = -805306369 caused by Eclipse´s currupted workspace, I solved my problem with this 4 steps:
Close Eclipse.
Kill the adb from task manager.
Start Eclipse and by default it will create a workspace or start with new workspace.
Go to File -> Switch Workspace, choose your original workspace.

Eclipse - An internal error occurred during: "Compute launch button tooltip"

I launched Eclipse earlier to jot down a snippet and was faced with the following as an error when I tried to run a fresh project:
An internal error occurred during: "Compute launch button tooltip".
That popup window shows as soon as I mouse-over the run icon in the top bar, or if I right click on the class in the explorer window and select any of the run/debug options.
After doing some research on the error, I see several people who posted similar messages but they all have been fresh installs of Eclipse. So note that this is not a fresh install, and that Eclipse was working fine earlier today. Also note that not only does my new project not run (with the normal main method), but projects I was running earlier have all stopped working with the same error.
Finally, also be aware that after seeing other people's suggestions on fixing this, one specifically said to select run configurations from the top of the page run menu. When I selected run configurations from this dropdown, I got the following message:
Exception occurred creating launch configuration tabs
Reason: Plug-in org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui was unable to load class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.LocalJavaApplicationTabGroup
After that message, the run window opens but all of the tabs are missing. Like where you can set the display width and height, and the other tabs, they are all missing from the window now.
I was using Eclipse trouble free earlier today and I am sure no updates took place between when Eclipse was working and now. My question is of multiple parts: What is wrong in a nutshell? What could have caused this?
Got this from another site of some guy who got this same error after upgrading.
Worked for me as well.
Apparently putting the following line in your eclipse.ini helps:
Try setting the launch properties in:
Under launch Operations menu set it to:
Always launch the previously launched application
I never found out what went wrong, but a reinstall of eclipse fixed it. All projects survived seemingly undamaged.
Thanks for the reply on the .ini but that did no good.
I had same error today - in an eclipse installation (Juno SR2 64bit) that has been running fine for months.
0: There were no changes on svn for my projects since yesterday (when it was running fine).
1: I restored the workspace from a 'Windows 7 -> Properties -> previous copy' backup. This failed because the directory structure of the '.metadata' contains folders with a deeper structure than is supported.
2: I restored the workspace from a overnight archive (gzipped so file depth is not an issue).
This had no effect.
3: I tried to restore the eclipse installation directory (which seems to be updated an awful lot) from a 'Windows 7 -> Properties -> previous copy' backup. Again this failed - because of folder-depth issues (Note: it is installed in the root directory of my disk - so there is actually no way to use a restore on this installation!)
4: Had to delete the .metadata from my workspace and reinstall eclipse (and all the additional plugins), and re-import my projects, and setup all the servers, and android, etc, which took many hours.
The moral of the story? Backup both your workspace AND the eclipse installation every night manually. Windows Restore will NOT save you. Backing up your workspace is NOT enough.
I had the same problem using eclipse mars. I cleared the folder .recommenders\index
And that solved my issue.
Hope it helps.
incase you are having the eclipse files which you have downloaded from the official site .Just extract those file in the same folder where your previous eclipse was installed and select replace all.
best solution
I also encountered this issue, the reason why this issue occurred on my project was due to I was missing the JRE System Library in the root folder of my project.
To solve this issue, make sure you have the libraries like JRE System Libraries on the root folder of your project.

Can't get GNATbench working with Eclipse

I'm trying to get the GNATbench plugin to work with Eclipse. I put the plugin and feature files in the correct places. I restart Eclipse and I am now given the option to create a new Ada project but when I try to do it I get this error:
The selected wizard could not be started. Plug-in com.adacore.gnatbench.cdt was unable to load class
com.adacore.gnatbench.ui.internal.wizards.NewAdaProject. An error
occurred while automatically activating bundle
com.adacore.gnatbench.ui (235).
Any idea what is causing this?
This is the issue you'll see if you attempt to use GNATbench with the 64-bit version of Eclipse. As the system requirements note in the readme, it's only compatible with the 32-bit version. I just did a quick test, which confirmed the issue.
I checked the README file of this plugin, it says this is required:
"C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) plug-in for Eclipse 3.5.x or 3.6.x"
Have you installed that?
The other important thing is that the downloaded archive file is actually a P2 repository installable file. In this case I would unzip a new eclipse (or remove manually the related plugins you copied over, this is the hard way), start it, click on help/install new software, click add, select archive, point to your downloaded GNATbench zip file, select the 2 features appearing on the avail "software" list and continue the wizard normally (next, finish...). If there is a version problem the wizard should "validate" it.
There was a plugin for Ada called Hibachi, IIRC... I'm not sure where it stands on development or completeness though.