Can't get GNATbench working with Eclipse - eclipse

I'm trying to get the GNATbench plugin to work with Eclipse. I put the plugin and feature files in the correct places. I restart Eclipse and I am now given the option to create a new Ada project but when I try to do it I get this error:
The selected wizard could not be started. Plug-in com.adacore.gnatbench.cdt was unable to load class
com.adacore.gnatbench.ui.internal.wizards.NewAdaProject. An error
occurred while automatically activating bundle
com.adacore.gnatbench.ui (235).
Any idea what is causing this?

This is the issue you'll see if you attempt to use GNATbench with the 64-bit version of Eclipse. As the system requirements note in the readme, it's only compatible with the 32-bit version. I just did a quick test, which confirmed the issue.

I checked the README file of this plugin, it says this is required:
"C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) plug-in for Eclipse 3.5.x or 3.6.x"
Have you installed that?
The other important thing is that the downloaded archive file is actually a P2 repository installable file. In this case I would unzip a new eclipse (or remove manually the related plugins you copied over, this is the hard way), start it, click on help/install new software, click add, select archive, point to your downloaded GNATbench zip file, select the 2 features appearing on the avail "software" list and continue the wizard normally (next, finish...). If there is a version problem the wizard should "validate" it.

There was a plugin for Ada called Hibachi, IIRC... I'm not sure where it stands on development or completeness though.


Can I back out changes to my existing eclipse source code from a prior jar file.

The jar was created in eclipse but does not contain source code, only class files. Essentially I am wondering if Eclipse has a built in decompile feature that I can use to restore source code to an earlier version.
If I need to use a 3rd party decompile tool what is recommended?
Going forward, I will be sure to include source files in the .jar
Thanks in advance for any advice.
I am using eclipse
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1)
Build id: 20140925-1800
There are Java de-compiler plugins available, but keep in mind that you are not going to get your original source code back. The de-compiled source will be equivalent to what was originally compiled, but may not be easy to read, especially if the classes were compiled with symbols removed.
Here is one plugin you can try:
If the versions you want to go back to are very recent (in the last few days) you may be able to use the Eclipse local history. Right click on a file and select 'Compare With > Local History' to see what Eclipse has.
You can configure how much local history Eclipse keeps in the Preferences in General > Workspace > Local History.

plug-in org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui was unable to load class

I had made an maven project and it worked fine.
Then I installed plugins
EclEmma Java Code Coverage,
PHP Development Tools (PDT),
Then I worked on some other project. When I again wanted to create an maven project,it threw the following error window which said
The selected wizard could not be started
plug-in org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui was unable to load class
org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui.internal wizards.MavenProjectWizard
Removed SonarQube plugin .This solved the issue.
Now it works all fine.
But is there any other solution to this problem since I have to use sonar.
Click on eclipse help tab and open installation details search sonar and remove all related plugins.
That's not quite the right characterization of what it says on the page,Please check your .log file /path/workspace/.metadata/
Find the correct plugin which is causing this problem and update to compatible version of the plugin with eclipse version.
To find the hidden files in the workspace use Ctrl+H
I had the same problem, and I've tried so many solutions. But what I did to solve the problem, is that I just upgraded my Eclipse IDE (2019-06 to 2020-03) by following these steps (from :
You first need to add the new release's repository as follows:
1-1. Window > Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites
1-2. Click 'Add'
1-3. Enter the URL
1-4. Click 'Ok'
Help > Check for Updates
If updates are found, proceed through the install wizard and restart the IDE when
prompted. Otherwise, read carefully the error message to find out which component
is conflicting and establish your resolution strategy.
Note that the start splash screen may be cached and will not necessarily be
updated to the latest version after the IDE is restarted. Performing a full
relaunch should display the new version number.

How is the Eclipse sample project "Multipage Editor" supposed to run?

I installed Eclipse Luna in XP yesterday and opened the sample project "Mutlipage Editor". When I click "Run" all that happens is another copy of Eclipse opens looking like the first copy but all the workspace boxes are empty.
I guess I was expecting either an emulator to start or the ability to run it on my Android phone. Can anyone get me started please?
When you run an Eclipse plugin it has to run in an instance of Eclipse so that all the other plugins that the plugin depends on are available.
The default 'Multipage Editor' is associated with a file type (.mpe I think). So create a file with that type and open it to see the editor.
You can also write an Eclipse Rich Client Program (RCP) where you can select the available plugins and the look of the UI, but this requires additional code.

How to manually install software/plugin to Eclipse IDE?

I have downloaded a RAR file from the following location, to be (manually) installed to Eclipse (Helios). How can I perform the manual installation?
Instead of putting it directly into the plugins directory, it's better to use the dropins directory as this was created just for this purpose. Have a look here:
For sqlexplorer: do not download the full RCP version (as your link does), this one is standalone. Get this one instead:
Extract this to $eclipse_home$\dropins\sqlexplorer and restart Eclipse.
BUT: Using the SqlExplorer Update Site ( would be an even better option (Help>Install new Software)
I have tried the installation with the explanation about the dropins folder and had to tweak it like that:
Unzip the distribution into your eclipse installation directory under the folder dropins. Your structure should be:
Remove all other files and directories. There is some missing piece (file contents.xml), so that the distribution is no real p2 repository which leads to an error. The directories plugins and features are sufficient.
Restart your eclipse (I have done it with option -clean, not sure if that is necessary).
SQLExplorer is then installed and visible in the help, in different menus and with a new perspective.
I even was able to use it to have a look at my SQLite3 database of a rails3 application. Wow!! So I will give it a try.
From their website (
Eclipse Plugin
Download the Eclipse SQL Explorer plugin and extract the zip file in your eclipse directory (requires Eclipse 3.3 or better).
After restarting eclipse with the -clean option, a new SQL Explorer perspective should be available.
Eclipse Update Site
You can install and update Eclipse SQL Explorer via the eclipse update mechanism. The update site for Eclipse SQL Explorer is
I always go for the update site option if they present it, it's easier and lets you do updates easily. To use the update mechanism just select Help > Insall New Software... then enter the update site, press Add and go through the wizard.

Completely lost with Blackberry JDE for Eclipse

I'm serious. I installed the Blackberry web developer thing for eclipse (being stupid, and not seeing the 'web' part). Then, when I realized my mistake, I went and got the JDE for Eclipse. I went through the install up Eclipse...and I'm lost. I don't know how to run code...or the simulator, or anything.
All the tutorials I'm finding are referencing an older "beta" version of the Eclipse plugin, which apparently had a "Blackberry" menu option. I'm not seeing that.
I found some sample code, which gives the helpful instructions:
"1. Extract
2. In the IDE, open the helloworld.jdw workspace
3. Open the source file.
...I've never seen a .jdw file before. If I try opening it in Eclipse, I get a not-very-useful text file. Since they say it's a workspace, I try the "Switch Workspace" option in Eclipse, which lets me pick a folder, rather than a file.
I'm pretty sure "Import Project" isn't right, either.
So, I figure I'll deal with that later, so I open up the source code (a standard .java file, with a main, etc). I try running it, but it asks for an Ant build file.
I can run standard Java files just fine (that is, I know Java is in my path).
I don't know if maybe I don't have the Blackberry part right...or if it's on the eclipse side where I'm failing.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Edit: Just to be sure, I tried downloading the plugin through eclipse with their provided link (, but eclipse says that it got a .jar file when it was expecting a .zip file, and so it errored. Can you even unzip a jar file (like Eclipse is trying to do?)
It sounds like you have the wrong package.
I installed it yesterday from the "Download Now" button at
and it had both the menu option and the Blackberry project type.
It should have an installer if you get the correct one. I would post a direct link, but RIM likes to ask for your info before allowing the download.
Try installing it to a different directory and using a new workspace. It could be that the old install is interfering somehow.
-Hope that helps
if you want to know step by step to install the jde plugin in eclipse you can visit