How to add Jasmine autocomplete to WebStorm 7.0 - autocomplete

I search around the net but did't find a concrete answer. Please help - How to add Jasmine autocomplete to WebStorm?

Here's the step-by-step process for adding library definitions, which are provided courtesy of borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped at GitHub.
In WebStorm, open the Settings dialog (File > Settings).
Under the Project Settings category, navigate to JavaScript > Libraries.
Click the Download button on the right side. This opens the Download Library dialog.
Select "TypeScript community stubs" from the combo box.
Find the library you're looking for, select it and click Download and Install.
To restrict usage of a library definition to specific files/folders, use the Manage Scopes dialog. In your case, you might consider it appropriate to only show Jasmine autocomplete in your test spec folder.
NOTE: Even though the dialog is named Download Library, this process is only for downloading the definition of the library (method signatures, types, etc). You still need to download the actual library yourself to use it.

You have to download jasmine.js and configure it as a library (Settings/javaScript/Libraries, Add...)


Writing build.gradle in Eclipse

I want to write build.gradle in Eclipse and I need following support for that.
I need to write proper Groovy code to handle the complete build system and to deal with a certain file editing part. I want a support in eclipse which will show me all the methods available in dropdown for a particular class after typing classobject (methods dropdown). I want it to be the way it supports for Java programs.
I tried to add a couple of plugins in Eclipse, but they are not providing me this dropdown support. What plugin would work for this?

Eclipse How To Import External Library's Documentation

When we import the external library to eclipse Java project, we can use the auto-correction feature of eclipse for the imported methods from new libraries but we can't see what the methods specifically do. We have to import library's documentation.
Question1: How can I import documentation into eclipse project?
Question2: What does Java Documentation look like?
Question3: Which file format does Java documentation use?
Right click on your project->properties->java build path
select the libraries (its generally .jar file)
click on the dropdown of the libraries to expand the settings-> select source attachment none and click on edit
select the source to the doc ( java documents generally represented by JavaDoc)
click okay.
Question1: How can I import documentation into eclipse project?
In the project explorer, right-click on the library and select Properties. In the resulting dialog, choose "Javadoc Location" and complete the information.
Question2: What is Java Documentation looks like?
A set of directories with HTML files for each class. There is typically an index.hml at the root, plus often a package-list file too. Eclipse searches for these when you "validate" the location.
Question3: Which file format java documentation using?
Eclipse accepts a URL (to a file or a web page), a ZIP or a JAR.
In your package explorer (and most likely on other places as well) you can see your jar file (the external library). Right click on that and choose 'properties'. There you've got the options to attach the sources and the javadoc. After you've done that you can view their javadoc as you view your own (i.e. hover, 'javadoc-view', F3 ...)
Formatted text
as far as i know for your Question1: How can i import documentation into eclipse project?
suppose you are using AXIS.jar and u want to get its doc properties then :
In the Package Explorer view expand your project and its library folder for the Axis library.
Right-click the Axis jar and select Properties.
In the Properties dialog, select Javadoc Location in the tree on the left.
With the Javadoc URL option selected, click Browse.
Navigate to the appropriate folder (see table that follows) and click OK twice to exit the Properties dialog.
Question2: What is Java Documentation looks like? and Question3:Which file format java documentation using?
HTML,zip or jar i guess :))
COvayurt, you cannot see what methods do specifically because you have added libraries for those methods not the java docoumentation for those libraries, so in order to add java doc for libraries simply provide the path of your docs location(if you have got docs for those libraries).
right click on your project then under properties set the javadoc path.
java documentation are html files created from the standard can create java doc for your own project too. see this link
and if you want to see standard java api documentation here-it-is

Finding out the source files of an Eclipse (Java EE) functionality

I want to look at the sources of the "New Web Service Client (from WSDL)" functionality. I thought it was the Axis 2.0 ws Code Generator plugin, but it is not, it's another code generator and I can't figure out its name or where is it located in eclipse sources.
Any hint on where should i look for?
EDIT: using ALT+SHIFT+F1 I found out the "contributing plugin" to the wizard I'm interested in is org.eclipse.wst.command.env.ui, but i can't find the source files of this package...
There is a neat tool in Eclipse for checking where a particular piece of functionality (such as a wizard or a view) comes from. Just focus on what you want to check and press ALT+SHIFT+F1. You will get a popup with information about your selection, including which plugin contributes it.

Can I add JavaDoc to a package easily with Eclipse?

I use javadoc to document my classes and methods. I would like to add some overview information to my packages, too. I like how Eclipse creates a stub of a matching Doc Comment for each class or method once I type /**<Enter>. Does Eclipse have an easy way to generate a package.html file, too?
Update 4 years later (Oct. 2013)
javabeangrinder's answer (upvoted) mentions the following trick:
To create a file in an existing package:
Right click on the package where you want a
Select new->package.
Check the Create check box.
Click on Finish
Original answer (May 2009)
There is no template or wizard to easily create a package.html file.
As mmyers said in his comment, since Java1.5, the correct file to create would be
That file can be used not only for javadocs, but also for package-level annotations (as illustrated here).
There is an opened Bug (#86168) for demanding a wizard for the creation of (since the class wizard does not allow the package-info name).
The reflections on that topic are on since... 2005! The problem is that any solution should
be implemented in a way that it also helps with 1.4 code.
The current workaround is to create a as a text file.
From that point forward, behaves as a normal Java class, and Eclipse places a package-info.class file in the output folder.
The Javadocs are correctly built using, and not the package.html file.
Note (in response to Strawberry's comment):
bug 77451 (2004!, for package.html)
bug 163633 and bug 163926 (2006, for
both wish a preview of the package overview in in the Javadoc
So far, no patch has been proposed/implemented.
There is simply not enough demands for that feature to be added.
In eclipse
Since isn't a valid identifier for a class it cannot be created as a class in Eclipse.
I found that when you create a new package there is a check box to check if you want a
To create a file in an existing package:
Right click on the package where you want a
Select new->package.
Check the Create check box.
Click on Finish
The JAutodoc plugin does a great job of this, as well as all your other documentation needs. Install and configure the plugin and right click the package and click JAutodoc > Add Package Javadoc
There are configurations and templates available for the .java or .html package documentation.
This plugin also does a great job of standardizing all your Javadoc needs, with a great deal of customization.
There's a plugin that seems to create package.html files. I haven't used it but someone landing here might find it useful.

Easy way to add a context action to Eclipse

I'm trying to add a very simple action to the context menu of Eclipse: clicking with right button over a folder object, this action should call an external tool (configured in the "External Tools") using the path of the folder as the only parameter.
I've found a tutorial on how to add a context menu, but it's more complex than what I need -- I don't really want to create a plugin, I don't even want to create classes to do what I want. My only purpose is to call an external tool.
How can I do it?
If you want to extend Eclipse with functionality such as editing context menu's, the only way to go is by writing a plug-in. However, this can be very light-weight and targeted to your needs, so the tutorial you found might be a good way to do it.
Check out StartExplorer. It's very handy. It's the equivalent of the IntelliJ "Neighborhood" plugin.
It comes with the basics of explore, command shell, open, and copy path for Windows, Mac and Linux. It also supports custom commands. And can be installed through a normal Eclipse repository.