Syntax quoting in Scheme macros - macros

I am trying to write a Scheme macro that loops over the prime numbers. Here is a simple version of the macro:
(define-syntax do-primes
(syntax-rules ()
((do-primes (p lo hi) (binding ...) (test res ...) exp ...)
(do ((p (next-prime (- lo 1)) (next-prime p)) binding ...)
((or test (< hi p)) res ...) exp ...))
((do-primes (p lo) (binding ...) (test res ...) exp ...)
(do ((p (next-prime (- lo 1)) (next-prime p)) binding ...)
(test res ...) exp ...))
((do-primes (p) (binding ...) (test res ...) exp ...)
(do ((p 2 (next-prime p)) binding ...) (test res ...) exp ...))))
The do-primes macro expands to a do with three possible syntaxes: if the first argument to do-primes is (p lo hi) then the do loops over the primes from lo to hi unless iteration is stopped early by the termination clause, if the first argument to do-primes is (p lo) then the do loops over the primes starting from lo and continuing until the termination clause stops the iteration, and if the first argument to do-primes is (p) then the do loops over the primes starting from 2 and continuing until the termination clause stops the iteration. Here are some sample uses of the do-primes macro:
; these lines display the primes less than 25
(do-primes (p 2 25) () (#f) (display p) (newline))
(do-primes (p 2) () ((< 25 p)) (display p) (newline))
(do-primes (p) () ((< 25 p)) (display p) (newline))
; these lines return a list of the primes less than 25
(do-primes (p 2 25) ((ps (list) (cons p ps))) (#f (reverse ps)))
(do-primes (p 2) ((ps (list) (cons p ps))) ((< 25 p) (reverse ps)))
(do-primes (p) ((ps (list) (cons p ps))) ((< 25 p) (reverse ps)))
; these lines return the sum of the primes less than 25
(do-primes (p 2 25) ((s 0 (+ s p))) (#f s))
(do-primes (p 2) ((s 0 (+ s p))) ((< 25 p) s))
(do-primes (p) ((s 0 (+ s p))) ((< 25 p) s))
What I want to do is write a version of the do-primes macro that uses a local version of the next-prime function; I want to do that because I can make the next-prime function run faster than my general-purpose next-prime function because I know the environment in which it will be called. I tried to write the macro like this:
(define-syntax do-primes
(let ()
(define (prime? n)
(if (< n 2) #f
(let loop ((f 2))
(if (< n (* f f)) #t
(if (zero? (modulo n f)) #f
(loop (+ f 1)))))))
(define (next-prime n)
(let loop ((n (+ n 1)))
(if (prime? n) n (loop (+ n 1)))))
(lambda (x) (syntax-case x ()
((do-primes (p lo hi) (binding ...) (test res ...) exp ...)
(do ((p (next-prime (- lo 1)) (next-prime p)) binding ...)
((or test (< hi p)) res ...) exp ...)))
((do-primes (p lo) (binding ...) (test res ...) exp ...)
(do ((p (next-prime (- lo 1)) (next-prime p)) binding ...)
(test res ...) exp ...)))
((do-primes (p) (binding ...) (test res ...) exp ...)
(do ((p 2 (next-prime p)) binding ...) (test res ...) exp ...))))))))
(Ignore the prime? and next-prime functions, which are there only for illustration. The real version of the do-primes macro will use a segmented sieve for small primes and switch to a Baillie-Wagstaff pseudoprime test for larger primes.) But that doesn't work; I get an error message telling me that that I am trying "to reference out-of-phase identifier next-prime." I understand the problem. But my macrology wizardry is insufficient to solve it.
Can someone show me how to write the do-primes macro?
EDIT: Here is the final macro:
(define-syntax do-primes (syntax-rules () ; syntax for iterating over primes
; (do-primes (p lo hi) ((var init next) ...) (pred? result ...) expr ...)
; Macro do-primes provides syntax for iterating over primes. It expands to
; a do-loop with variable p bound in the same scope as the rest of the (var
; init next) variables, as if it were defined as (do ((p (primes lo hi) (cdr
; p)) (var init next) ...) (pred result ...) expr ...). Variables lo and hi
; are inclusive; for instance, given (p 2 11), p will take on the values 2,
; 3, 5, 7 and 11. If hi is omitted the iteration continues until stopped by
; pred?. If lo is also omitted iteration starts from 2. Some examples:
; three ways to display the primes less than 25
; (do-primes (p 2 25) () (#f) (display p) (newline))
; (do-primes (p 2) () ((< 25 p)) (display p) (newline))
; (do-primes (p) () ((< 25 p)) (display p) (newline))
; three ways to return a list of the primes less than 25
; (do-primes (p 2 25) ((ps (list) (cons p ps))) (#f (reverse ps)))
; (do-primes (p 2) ((ps (list) (cons p ps))) ((< 25 p) (reverse ps)))
; (do-primes (p) ((ps (list) (cons p ps))) ((< 25 p) (reverse ps)))
; three ways to return the sum of the primes less than 25
; (do-primes (p 2 25) ((s 0 (+ s p))) (#f s))
; (do-primes (p 2) ((s 0 (+ s p))) ((< 25 p) s))
; (do-primes (p) ((s 0 (+ s p))) ((< 25 p) s))
; functions to count primes and return the nth prime (from P[1] = 2)
; (define (prime-pi n) (do-primes (p) ((k 0 (+ k 1))) ((< n p) k)))
; (define (nth-prime n) (do-primes (p) ((n n (- n 1))) ((= n 1) p)))
; The algorithm used to generate primes is a segmented Sieve of Eratosthenes
; up to 2^32. For larger primes, a segmented sieve runs over the sieving
; primes up to 2^16 to produce prime candidates, then a Baillie-Wagstaff
; pseudoprimality test is performed to confirm the number is prime.
; If functions primes, expm, jacobi, strong-pseudoprime?, lucas, selfridge
; and lucas-pseudoprime? exist in the outer environment, they can be removed
; from the macro.
((do-primes (p lo hi) (binding ...) (test result ...) expr ...)
(do-primes (p lo) (binding ...) ((or test (< hi p)) result ...) expr ...))
((do-primes (pp low) (binding ...) (test result ...) expr ...)
(let* ((limit (expt 2 16)) (delta 50000) (limit2 (* limit limit))
(sieve (make-vector delta #t)) (ps #f) (qs #f) (bottom 0) (pos 0))
(define (primes n) ; sieve of eratosthenes
(let ((sieve (make-vector n #t)))
(let loop ((p 2) (ps (list)))
(cond ((= n p) (reverse ps))
((vector-ref sieve p)
(do ((i (* p p) (+ i p))) ((<= n i))
(vector-set! sieve i #f))
(loop (+ p 1) (cons p ps)))
(else (loop (+ p 1) ps))))))
(define (expm b e m) ; modular exponentiation
(let loop ((b b) (e e) (x 1))
(if (zero? e) x
(loop (modulo (* b b) m) (quotient e 2)
(if (odd? e) (modulo (* b x) m) x)))))
(define (jacobi a m) ; jacobi symbol
(let loop1 ((a (modulo a m)) (m m) (t 1))
(if (zero? a) (if (= m 1) t 0)
(let ((z (if (member (modulo m 8) (list 3 5)) -1 1)))
(let loop2 ((a a) (t t))
(if (even? a) (loop2 (/ a 2) (* t z))
(loop1 (modulo m a) a
(if (and (= (modulo a 4) 3)
(= (modulo m 4) 3))
(- t) t))))))))
(define (strong-pseudoprime? n a) ; strong pseudoprime base a
(let loop ((r 0) (s (- n 1)))
(if (even? s) (loop (+ r 1) (/ s 2))
(if (= (expm a s n) 1) #t
(let loop ((r r) (s s))
(cond ((zero? r) #f)
((= (expm a s n) (- n 1)) #t)
(else (loop (- r 1) (* s 2)))))))))
(define (lucas p q m n) ; lucas sequences u[n] and v[n] and q^n (mod m)
(define (even e o) (if (even? n) e o))
(define (mod n) (if (zero? m) n (modulo n m)))
(let ((d (- (* p p) (* 4 q))))
(let loop ((un 1) (vn p) (qn q) (n (quotient n 2))
(u (even 0 1)) (v (even 2 p)) (k (even 1 q)))
(if (zero? n) (values u v k)
(let ((u2 (mod (* un vn))) (v2 (mod (- (* vn vn) (* 2 qn))))
(q2 (mod (* qn qn))) (n2 (quotient n 2)))
(if (even? n) (loop u2 v2 q2 n2 u v k)
(let* ((uu (+ (* u v2) (* u2 v)))
(vv (+ (* v v2) (* d u u2)))
(uu (if (and (positive? m) (odd? uu)) (+ uu m) uu))
(vv (if (and (positive? m) (odd? vv)) (+ vv m) vv))
(uu (mod (/ uu 2))) (vv (mod (/ vv 2))))
(loop u2 v2 q2 n2 uu vv (* k q2)))))))))
(define (selfridge n) ; initialize lucas sequence
(let loop ((d-abs 5) (sign 1))
(let ((d (* d-abs sign)))
(cond ((< 1 (gcd d n)) (values d 0 0))
((= (jacobi d n) -1) (values d 1 (/ (- 1 d) 4)))
(else (loop (+ d-abs 2) (- sign)))))))
(define (lucas-pseudoprime? n) ; standard lucas pseudoprime
(lambda () (selfridge n))
(lambda (d p q)
(if (zero? p) (= n d)
(lambda () (lucas p q n (+ n 1)))
(lambda (u v qkd) (zero? u)))))))
(define (init lo) ; initialize sieve, return first prime
(set! bottom (if (< lo 3) 2 (if (odd? lo) (- lo 1) lo)))
(set! ps (cdr (primes limit))) (set! pos 0)
(set! qs (map (lambda (p) (modulo (/ (+ bottom p 1) -2) p)) ps))
(do ((p ps (cdr p)) (q qs (cdr q))) ((null? p))
(do ((i (+ (car p) (car q)) (+ i (car p)))) ((<= delta i))
(vector-set! sieve i #f)))
(if (< lo 3) 2 (next)))
(define (advance) ; advance to next segment
(set! bottom (+ bottom delta delta)) (set! pos 0)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i delta)) (vector-set! sieve i #t))
(set! qs (map (lambda (p q) (modulo (- q delta) p)) ps qs))
(do ((p ps (cdr p)) (q qs (cdr q))) ((null? p))
(do ((i (car q) (+ i (car p)))) ((<= delta i))
(vector-set! sieve i #f))))
(define (next) ; next prime after current prime
(when (= pos delta) (advance))
(let ((p (+ bottom pos pos 1)))
(if (and (vector-ref sieve pos) (or (< p limit2)
(and (strong-pseudoprime? p 2) (lucas-pseudoprime? p))))
(begin (set! pos (+ pos 1)) p)
(begin (set! pos (+ pos 1)) (next)))))
(do ((pp (init low) (next)) binding ...) (test result ...) expr ...)))
((do-primes (p) (binding ...) (test result ...) expr ...)
(do-primes (p 2) (binding ...) (test result ...) expr ...))))

To get correct phasing, your next-prime needs to defined within the macro output. Here's one way to go about it (tested with Racket):
(define-syntax do-primes
(syntax-rules ()
((do-primes (p lo hi) (binding ...) (test res ...) exp ...)
(do-primes (p lo) (binding ...) ((or test (< hi p)) res ...) exp ...))
((do-primes (p lo) (binding ...) (test res ...) exp ...)
(let ()
(define (prime? n)
(define (next-prime n)
(do ((p (next-prime (- lo 1)) (next-prime p)) binding ...)
(test res ...)
exp ...)))
((do-primes (p) (binding ...) (test res ...) exp ...)
(do-primes (p 2) (binding ...) (test res ...) exp ...))))
This way, this defines the prime? and next-prime in the most local scope possible, while not having tons of duplicate code in your macro definition (since the 1- and 3-argument forms are simply rewritten to use the 2-argument form).


LISP function to make all possible pairs from a list?

I'm trying to create a LISP function that creates from a list all possible pairs.
Example of what I'm trying to achieve: (a b c d) --> ((a b) (a c) (a d) (b c) (b d) (c d))
Any advice please? I'm not sure how to approach this problem
Here is a simple solution:
(defun make-couples (x l)
"makes a list of couples whose first element is x and the second is each element of l in turn"
(loop for y in l collect (list x y)))
(defun all-pairs (l)
"makes a list of all the possible pairs of elements of list l"
(loop for (x . y) on l nconc (make-couples x y)))
A recursive solution is:
(defun make-couples (x l)
"makes a list of couples whose first element is x and the second is each element of l in turn"
(if (null l)
(cons (cons x (first l)) (make-couples x (rest l)))))
(defun all-pairs (l)
"makes a list of all the possible pairs of elements of list l"
(if (null l)
(nconc (make-couples (first l) (rest l))
(all-pairs (rest l)))))
Here is a version (this is quite closely related to Gwang-Jin Kim's) which has two nice properties:
it is tail recursive;
it walks no list more than once;
it allocates no storage that it does not use (so there are no calls to append and so on);
it uses no destructive operations.
It does this by noticing that there's a stage in the process where you want to say 'prepend a list of pairs of this element with the elements of this list to this other list' and that this can be done without using append or anything like that.
It does return the results in 'reversed' order, which I believe is inevitable given the above constraints.
(defun all-pairs (l)
(all-pairs-loop l '()))
(defun all-pairs-loop (l results)
(if (null (rest l))
(all-pairs-loop (rest l)
(prepend-pairs-to (first l) (rest l) results))))
(defun prepend-pairs-to (e them results)
(if (null them)
(prepend-pairs-to e (rest them) (cons (list e (first them))
the simplest tail recursive variant without explicit loops / mapcar could also look like this:
(defun pairs (data)
(labels ((rec (ls a bs res)
((null ls) (nreverse res))
((null bs) (rec
(cdr ls)
(car ls)
(cdr ls)
(t (rec
(cdr bs)
(cons (cons a (car bs)) res))))))
(rec data nil nil nil)))
CL-USER> (pairs (list 1 2 3 4))
;; ((1 . 2) (1 . 3) (1 . 4) (2 . 3) (2 . 4) (3 . 4))
Tail call recursive solution:
(defun pairs (lst &key (acc '()))
(if (null (cdr lst))
(nreverse acc)
(pairs (cdr lst)
:acc (append (nreverse
(mapcar #'(lambda (el)
(list (car lst) el))
(cdr lst)))
Both nreverses are there just for aesthetics (for a nicer looking output). They can be left out.
Try it with:
(pairs '(a b c d))
;; => ((A B) (A C) (A D) (B C) (B D) (C D))
General Combinations
(defun pair (el lst)
"Pair el with each element of lst."
(mapcar (lambda (x) (cons el x)) lst))
(defun dedup (lst &key (test #'eql))
"Deduplicate a list of lists by ignoring order
and comparing the elements by test function."
(remove-duplicates lst :test (lambda (x y) (null (set-difference x y :test test)))))
(defun comb (lst &key (k 3) (acc '()) (test #'eql))
"Return all unique k-mer combinations of the elements in lst."
(labels ((%comb (lst &key (k k) (acc '()) (test #'eql) (total lst))
(let ((total (if total total lst)))
(cond ((or (null (cdr lst)) (zerop k)) (nreverse acc))
((= k 1) (mapcar #'list lst))
(t (let* ((el (car lst))
(rst (remove-if (lambda (x) (funcall test x el)) total)))
(dedup (%comb (cdr lst)
:k k
:total total
:test test
:acc (append (pair el (comb rst :k (1- k) :test test))
(%comb lst :k k :acc acc :test test :total lst)))
The number of combinations are calculatable with the combinations formula:
(defun fac (n &key (acc 1) (stop 1))
(if (or (= n stop) (zerop n))
(fac (1- n) :acc (* acc n) :stop stop)))
(defun cnr (n r)
"Number of all r-mer combinations given n elements.
nCr with n and r given"
(/ (fac n :stop r) (fac (- n r))))
We can test and count:
(comb '(a b c d) :k 2)
;; => ((A D) (B D) (B A) (C D) (C B) (C A))
(comb '(a b c d e f) :k 3)
;; => ((B A F) (C B A) (C B F) (C A F) (D C A) (D C B)
;; => (D C F) (D B A) (D B F) (D A F) (E D A) (E D B)
;; => (E D C) (E D F) (E C A) (E C B) (E C F) (E B A)
;; => (E B F) (E A F))
(= (length (comb '(a b c d e f) :k 3)) (cnr 6 3)) ;; => T
(= (length (comb '(a b c d e f g h i) :k 6)) (cnr 9 6)) ;; => T

How to make fibonacci sequence in racket using abstract list functions

I am trying to write a racket program that computes the sum of the first n terms in a fibonacci sequence without using recursion, and only using abstract list functions (so map, builld-list, foldr, foldl). I can use helper functions.
I'm stuck on how to make a list of the fibonacci numbers without using recursion. I thought I could use a lambda function:
(lambda (lst) (+ (list-ref lst (- (length lst) 1)) (list-ref lst (- (length lst 2)))))
But I am not sure how to generate the input list/how to add this to a function.
Once I have a fibonacci sequence I know I can just use (foldl + (car lst) (cdr lst)) to find the sum.
Could anyone explain to me how to make the fibonacci sequence/give me a hint?
; This is how I figure out
(1 2 3 4 (0 1))
-> (1 2 3 (1 1))
-> (1 2 (1 2))
-> (1 (2 3))
-> (3 5)
(define (fib n)
[(= n 0) 0]
[(= n 1) 1]
[(> n 1)
(foldr (λ (no-use ls) (list (second ls) (+ (first ls) (second ls))))
'(0 1)
(build-list (- n 1) (λ (x) x))))]))
(fib 10)
(build-list 10 fib)
Upgrade version 2
(define (fib-v2 n)
(foldr (λ (no-use ls) (list (second ls) (+ (first ls) (second ls))))
'(0 1)
(build-list n (λ (x) x)))))
(build-list 10 fib-v2)
fib-seq produces a list of first n fibonacci numbers and fib-sum produces the sum of first n fibonacci numbers.
; Number -> [List-of Number]
(define (fib-seq n)
(cond [(= n 0) '()]
[(= n 1) '(0)]
[else (reverse
(for/fold ([lon '(1 0)]) ([_ (in-range (- n 2))])
(cons (apply + (take lon 2)) lon)))]))
; Number -> Number
(define (fib-sum n)
(if (= n 0) 0 (add1 (apply + (take (fib-seq n) (sub1 n))))))
Note: fib-sum is equivalent to the following recursive versions:
(define (fib0 n)
(if (< n 2) n (+ (fib0 (- n 1)) (fib0 (- n 2)))))
(define (fib1 n)
(let loop ((cnt 0) (a 0) (b 1))
(if (= n cnt) a (loop (+ cnt 1) b (+ a b)))))
(define (fib2 n (a 0) (b 1))
(if (= n 0) 0 (if (< n 2) 1 (+ a (fib2 (- n 1) b (+ a b))))))
Once I have a fibonacci sequence I know I can just use (foldl + (car lst) (cdr lst)) to find the sum.
Note that you don't have to generate an intermediate sequence to find the sum. Consider the (fast) matrix exponentiation solution:
(require math/matrix)
(define (fib3 n)
(matrix-ref (matrix-expt (matrix ([1 1] [1 0])) n) 1 0))
(require rackunit)
(let* ([l (build-list 20 identity)]
[fl (list fib0 fib1 fib2 fib3 fib-sum)]
[ll (make-list (length fl) l)])
(andmap (λ (x) (equal? (map fib0 l) x))
(map (λ (x y) (map x y)) fl ll))))

Lisp recursive square use one variables

This is Trying code
(defun f (a n)
(if (zerop n)
(* a (f a (- n 1)))))
(f 3) should return 27, (f 4) should return 256
I tried using two variables, but it be against the rules.
Is it possible to use only one variable using recursive?
Thanks for any ideas
I don't know CL, but I do know Clojure and other languages that use recursion.
In cases where a recursive function has 1 parameter acting as an accumulator, but is only set on the first call, the typical way around this is to wrap f in another function. There are 2 (basically the same) ways of doing this:
(defun g (a n)
(if (zerop n)
(* a (g a (- n 1)))))
(defun f (n)
; I'm assuming you want the initial value of "a" to be 1
(g 1 n))
Or, more succinctly:
(defun f (n)
(let (g (fn (n)
(if (zerop n)
(* a (g a (- n 1))))))))
; Instead of f being recursive, f calls g, which is recursive
(g 1 n))
Excuse any syntax errors.
Using an additional variable to count down would be the sane choice, but you don't need to change the contract of just one numeric argument input just for this. You can make a helper to do that:
(defun exptnn (n)
"Get the (expt n n)"
(check-type n integer)
(labels ((helper (acc count)
(if (zerop count)
(helper (* acc n) (1- count)))))
(if (< n 0)
(/ 1 (helper 1 (- n)))
(helper 1 n))))
Now to solve with without any helpers just with one argument is possible since there is a solution doing that already, but I must say that is like programming in Brainf*ck without the joy!
CL-USER 15 > (defun f (n)
(labels ((g (m)
(if (zerop m)
(* n (g (1- m))))))
(g n)))
CL-USER 16 > (f 0)
CL-USER 17 > (f 1)
CL-USER 18 > (f 2)
CL-USER 19 > (f 3)
CL-USER 20 > (f 4)
CL-USER 21 > (loop for i below 10 collect (f i))
(1 1 4 27 256 3125 46656 823543 16777216 387420489)
This is a solution where no functions with more than one parameter are used (except for =, +, *, logand, ash; note also that logand and ash always take a constant as second parameter so they can be implemented as unary functions too).
The idea is to "hide" the two parameters needed for the obvious recursive approach in a single integer using odd/even bits.
(defun pair (n)
(if (= n 0)
(+ (* 3 (logand n 1))
(ash (pair (ash n -1)) 2))))
(defun pair-first (p)
(if (= p 0)
(+ (logand p 1)
(ash (pair-first (ash p -2)) 1))))
(defun pair-second (p)
(pair-first (ash p -1)))
(defun subsec (p)
(if (= 2 (logand p 2))
(- p 2)
(+ (logand p 1) 2 (ash (subsec (ash p -2)) 2))))
(defun pairpow (p)
(if (= (pair-second p) 1)
(pair-first p)
(* (pair-first p)
(pairpow (subsec p)))))
(defun f (n)
(pairpow (pair n)))
No reasonable real use, of course; but a funny exercise indeed.
Yes, this is possible:
(defun f (n)
((numberp n)
(f (cons n n)))
((zerop (car n))
(* (cdr n)
(f (cons (1- (car n))
(cdr n)))))))
The trick is that you can store any data structure (including a pair of numbers) in a single variable.
Alternatively, you can use helpers from the standard library:
(defun f (n)
(apply #'*
(loop repeat n collect n)))
But that doesn't use recursion. Or simply:
(defun f (n)
(expt n n))

LIST return in nested cond

I don't understand why my program is behaving as it does.
(defvar A '((X Y Z) (J L O P) (G W U))
(defvar Z '(X W D U G))
(defvar STOP 'G)
(defun ADD_to_Z(A2)
((equal (Member_Of_Z (list A2)) 0) )
(t (setq Z (append Z (list A2))) )
(defun Member_of_Z(cdr_A1)
(prog(n temp)
(setq n 0)
(setq temp cdr_A1)
((null temp) (return n))
((null (member (car temp) Z) ) (setq n (+ n 1)) (setq temp (cdr temp)))
(t (setq n (+ n 0)) (setq temp (cdr temp)))
(go repeat)
(defun TEST(A)
(prog(A1 A2)
((null A ) (return 'Fail))
(t (setq A1 (car A)) (setq A (cdr A)) (setq A2 (car A1))
((equal (Member_Of_Z (cdr A1)) 0)
((equal A2 STOP) (return 'SUCCESS))
(t (ADD_to_Z A2) (setq A (cdr A)) (TEST A) )
(t (TEST A) )
Goal of the functions :
- Member_of_Z will verify if all elements of cdr A1 belong to Z. If they do , it will return 0 (some other number else otherwise). This is what is not happening It was suppose to return SUCCESS when A is equal to ((G W U))
ADD_to_Z will add A2 to Z when Member_Of_Z does not return 0
Problem : Not only A seems to be never modified (at the end of the function TEST, A is still equal to its original value set by defvar even though I'm modifying it with (setq A (cdr A)). Also SUCCESS is never returned.
Could you help me ?
Step 1: use standard formatting (repairing the first toplevel form).
(defvar A '((X Y Z) (J L O P) (G W U)))
(defvar Z '(X W D U G))
(defvar STOP 'G)
(defun ADD_to_Z (A2)
(prog ()
(cond ((equal (Member_Of_Z (list A2)) 0))
(t (setq Z (append Z (list A2)))))))
(defun Member_of_Z (cdr_A1)
(prog (n temp)
(setq n 0)
(setq temp cdr_A1)
(cond ((null temp) (return n))
((null (member (car temp) Z) ) (setq n (+ n 1)) (setq temp (cdr temp)))
(t (setq n (+ n 0)) (setq temp (cdr temp))))
(go repeat)))
(defun TEST (A)
(prog (A1 A2)
(cond ((null A ) (return 'Fail))
(t (setq A1 (car A))
(setq A (cdr A))
(setq A2 (car A1))
(cond ((equal (Member_Of_Z (cdr A1)) 0)
(cond ((equal A2 STOP) (return 'SUCCESS))
(t (ADD_to_Z A2) (setq A (cdr A)) (TEST A) )))
(t (TEST A)))))))
Step 2: use standard naming.
(defvar *a* '((x y z) (j l o p) (g w u)))
(defvar *z* '(x w d u g))
(defvar *stop* 'g)
(defun add-to-z (a2)
(prog ()
(cond ((equal (member-of-z (list a2)) 0))
(t (setq *z* (append *z* (list a2)))))))
(defun member-of-z (cdr-a1)
(prog (n temp)
(setq n 0)
(setq temp cdr-a1)
(cond ((null temp) (return n))
((null (member (car temp) *z*)) (setq n (+ n 1)) (setq temp (cdr temp)))
(t (setq n (+ n 0)) (setq temp (cdr temp))))
(go repeat)))
(defun test (a)
(prog (a1 a2)
(cond ((null a) (return 'fail))
(t (setq a1 (car a))
(setq a (cdr a))
(setq a2 (car a1))
(cond ((equal (member-of-z (cdr a1)) 0)
(cond ((equal a2 *stop*) (return 'success))
(t (add-to-z a2) (setq a (cdr a)) (test a))))
(t (test a)))))))
Step 3: get rid of PROG.
(defvar *a* '((x y z) (j l o p) (g w u)))
(defvar *z* '(x w d u g))
(defvar *stop* 'g)
(defun add-to-z (a2)
(cond ((equal (member-of-z (list a2)) 0))
(t (setq *z* (append *z* (list a2))))))
(defun member-of-z (cdr-a1)
(let ((n 0)
(temp cdr-a1))
(cond ((null temp) (return n))
((null (member (car temp) z)) (setq n (+ n 1)) (setq temp (cdr temp)))
(t (setq n (+ n 0)) (setq temp (cdr temp))))
(go repeat)))
(defun test (a)
(cond ((null a) (return 'fail))
(t (let ((a1 (car a))
(a (cdr a))
(a2 (car a1)))
(cond ((equal (member-of-z (cdr a1)) 0)
(cond ((equal a2 *stop*) (return 'success))
(t (add-to-z a2) (setq a (cdr a)) (test a))))
(t (test a)))))))
Step 4: replace hand-rolled loop with a structured one.
(defvar *a* '((x y z) (j l o p) (g w u)))
(defvar *z* '(x w d u g))
(defvar *stop* 'g)
(defun add-to-z (a2)
(cond ((equal (member-of-z (list a2)) 0))
(t (setq *z* (append *z* (list a2))))))
(defun member-of-z (cdr-a1)
(let ((n 0)
(temp cdr-a1))
(loop :for element :in temp
:unless (member element *z*)
:do (incf n))
(defun test (a)
(cond ((null a) (return 'fail))
(t (let ((a1 (car a))
(a (cdr a))
(a2 (car a1)))
(cond ((equal (member-of-z (cdr a1)) 0)
(cond ((equal a2 *stop*) (return 'success))
(t (add-to-z a2) (setq a (cdr a)) (test a))))
(t (test a)))))))
Step 5: replace two-clause COND with IF. Reduce RETURN forms when they are in
tail position anyway (and they don't work like that).
(defvar *a* '((x y z) (j l o p) (g w u)))
(defvar *z* '(x w d u g))
(defvar *stop* 'g)
(defun add-to-z (a2)
(if (equal (member-of-z (list a2)) 0)
(setq *z* (append *z* (list a2)))))
(defun member-of-z (cdr-a1)
(let ((n 0)
(temp cdr-a1))
(loop :for element :in temp
:unless (member element *z*)
:do (incf n))
(defun test (a)
(if (null a)
(let ((a1 (car a))
(a (cdr a))
(a2 (car a1)))
(if (equal (member-of-z (cdr a1)) 0)
(if (equal a2 *stop*)
(progn (add-to-z a2) (setq a (cdr a)) (test a)))
(test a)))))
Step 6: replace loop with simple counting function.
(defvar *a* '((x y z) (j l o p) (g w u)))
(defvar *z* '(x w d u g))
(defvar *stop* 'g)
(defun add-to-z (a2)
(if (equal (member-of-z (list a2)) 0)
(setq *z* (append *z* (list a2)))))
(defun member-of-z (cdr-a1)
(count-if-not (lambda (element)
(member element *z*))
(defun test (a)
(if (null a)
(let ((a1 (car a))
(a (cdr a))
(a2 (car a1)))
(if (equal (member-of-z (cdr a1)) 0)
(if (equal a2 *stop*)
(add-to-z a2)
(setq a (cdr a))
(test a)))
(test a)))))
At this point, I still have no idea what you are trying to do. Perhaps you want
to find a list in *a* that is completely contained in *z*:
(defun test (a)
(find-if (lambda (list)
(every (lambda (element)
(member element *z*))

CLISP Lambda Calculus Div Implementation

I'm trying to implement a Division function with clisp Lambda Calc. style
I read from this site that lambda expression of a division is:
Y (λgqab. LT a b (PAIR q a) (g (SUCC q) (SUB a b) b)) 0
These are TRUE and FALSE
(defvar TRUE #'(lambda(x)#'(lambda(y)x)))
(defvar FALSE #'(lambda(x)#'(lambda(y)y)))
These are conversion functions between Int and Church numbers
(defun church2int(numchurch)
(funcall (funcall numchurch #'(lambda (x) (+ x 1))) 0)
(defun int2church(n)
((= n 0) #'(lambda(f) #'(lambda(x)x)))
(t #'(lambda(f) #'(lambda(x) (funcall f
(funcall(funcall(int2church (- n 1))f)x))))))
This is my IF-THEN-ELSE Implementation
(defvar IF-THEN-ELSE
#'(lambda (acc2)
(funcall (funcall (funcall (funcall c x) y) acc1) acc2))))))
And this is my div implementation
(defvar division
#'(lambda (g)
#'(lambda (q)
#'(lambda (a)
#'(lambda (b)
(funcall (funcall (funcall (funcall (funcall IF-THEN-ELSE LT) a) b)
(funcall (funcall PAIR q)a))
(funcall (funcall g (funcall succ q)) (funcall (funcall sub a)b))
PAIR, SUCC and SUB functions work fine. I set my church numbers up like this
(set six (int2church 6))
(set two (int2church 2))
Then I do:
(setq D (funcall (funcall division six) two))
And I've got:
For what I understand, this function return a Church Pair. If I try to get the first element
with a function FRST (FRST works ok) like this:
(funcall frst D)
I've got
If I try to get the int value with Church2int (Church2int works OK) like this:
(church2int (funcall frst D))
I've got
*** - +:
is not a number
Where I expect to get 3
I think the problem is in DIVISION function, after the IF-THEN-ELSE, I tried to change it a little bit (I thought it was a nested parenthesis problem) but I got lots of errors.
Any help would be appreciated
There are several problems with your definition.
DIVISION does not use the Y combinator, but the original definition does.
This is important, because the DIVISION function expects a copy of itself in the g
However, even if you added the Y invocation, your code would still not work
but go into an infinite loop instead. That's because Common Lisp, like most of today's languages, is a call-by-value language. All arguments are evaluated before a function is called. This means that you cannot define conditional functions as elegantly as the traditional lambda calculus semantics would allow.
Here's one way of doing church number division in Common Lisp. I've taken the liberty of introducing some syntax to make this a bit more readable.
;;;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
;;;; --- preamble, define lambda calculus language
(cl:in-package #:cl-user)
(defpackage #:lambda-calc
;; note: not using common-lisp package
(:export #:λ #:call #:define))
;; (lambda-calc:λ (x y) body)
;; ==> (cl:lambda (x) (cl:lambda (y) body))
(defmacro lambda-calc:λ ((arg &rest more-args) body-expr)
(labels ((rec (args)
(if (null args)
`(lambda (,(car args))
(declare (ignorable ,(car args)))
,(rec (cdr args))))))
(rec (cons arg more-args))))
;; (lambda-calc:call f a b)
;; ==> (cl:funcall (cl:funcall f a) b)
(defmacro lambda-calc:call (func &rest args)
(labels ((rec (args)
(if (null args)
`(funcall ,(rec (cdr args)) ,(car args)))))
(rec (reverse args))))
;; Defines top-level lexical variables
(defmacro lambda-calc:define (name value)
(let ((vname (gensym (princ-to-string name))))
(defparameter ,vname nil)
(define-symbol-macro ,name ,vname)
(setf ,name
(flet ((,vname () ,value))
;; Syntax: {f a b}
;; ==> (lambda-calc:call f a b)
;; ==> (cl:funcall (cl:funcall f a) b)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(set-macro-character #\{
(lambda (stream char)
(declare (ignore char))
,#(read-delimited-list #\} stream t))))
(set-macro-character #\} (get-macro-character #\))))
;;;; --- end of preamble, fun starts here
(in-package #:lambda-calc)
;; booleans
(define TRUE
(λ (x y) x))
(define FALSE
(λ (x y) y))
(define NOT
(λ (bool) {bool FALSE TRUE}))
;; numbers
(define ZERO
(λ (f x) x))
(define SUCC
(λ (n f x) {f {n f x}}))
(define PLUS
(λ (m n) {m SUCC n}))
(define PRED
(λ (n f x)
{n (λ (g h) {h {g f}})
(λ (u) x)
(λ (u) u)}))
(define SUB
(λ (m n) {n PRED m}))
(define ISZERO
(λ (n) {n (λ (x) FALSE) TRUE}))
(define <=
(λ (m n) {ISZERO {SUB m n}}))
(define <
(λ (m n) {NOT {<= n m}}))
(define ONE {SUCC ZERO})
(define TWO {SUCC ONE})
(define THREE {SUCC TWO})
(define FOUR {SUCC THREE})
(define FIVE {SUCC FOUR})
(define SIX {SUCC FIVE})
(define SEVEN {SUCC SIX})
(define NINE {SUCC EIGHT})
(define TEN {SUCC NINE})
;; combinators
(define Y
(λ (f)
{(λ (rec arg) {f {rec rec} arg})
(λ (rec arg) {f {rec rec} arg})}))
(define IF
(λ (condition if-true if-false)
{{condition if-true if-false} condition}))
;; pairs
(define PAIR
(λ (x y select) {select x y}))
(define FIRST
(λ (pair) {pair TRUE}))
(define SECOND
(λ (pair) {pair FALSE}))
;; conversion from/to lisp integers
(cl:defun int-to-church (number)
(cl:if (cl:zerop number)
{succ (int-to-church (cl:1- number))}))
(cl:defun church-to-int (church-number)
{church-number #'cl:1+ 0})
;; what we're all here for
(define DIVISION
{Y (λ (recurse q a b)
{IF {< a b}
(λ (c) {PAIR q a})
(λ (c) {recurse {SUCC q} {SUB a b} b})})
If you put this into a file, you can do:
[1]> (load "lambdacalc.lisp")
;; Loading file lambdacalc.lisp ...
;; Loaded file lambdacalc.lisp
[2]> (in-package :lambda-calc)