PartCopy or bochs configuration failing in windows 7 (32 bit) - operating-system

I am trying to create a bootloader following this link the things i did are
create a vfd as per given and formatted it.
used partcopy partcopy Boot1.bin 0 200 -f0
then created a config file for bochs emulator.
while bochs emulator loading it is asking for config file when i provide it, emulator stops saying panic
And i also want to know how to know if partcopy is has copied data into floppy. As i try to open the floppy drive after the copy it says format to use( i presume the problem is partcopy only ) .
how can i fix it??

The problem was in configuration file of the bochs.
romimage: file=BIOS-bochs-legacy, address=0xf0000
vgaromimage: file=VGABIOS-lgpl-latest
keep the rom image and vgaromimage in the same place as configuration file. it will work fine .


Building Yocto for i.MX8 in an external USB HDD

I'm trying to build an image using bitbake for the i.MX8 board.
I'm following these instructions:
Since I do not have enough space in local HDD, I'm using an external USB HDD (I have other unrelated stuff stored in this HDD).
I have been successfull at executing the script in that document, with which I built a configuration for the imx8mm-lppddr4-evk machine using the fslc-wayland distro.
However, when I try a command, such as "bitbake core-image-minimal", I get several failed tasks. It seems that the common deminator is the fact that, for some reason, when the path to my build folder is passed (which is within the external HDD), it is considered an invalid argument.
I get messages such as this:
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: '/media/home_dir/427AD2297AD2198D/imx-yocto-bsp/build_fslc_wayland_imx8mm_lpddr_evk/sstate-cache/95/51/sigtask.1jbsd4s4' -> '/media/home_dir/427AD2297AD2198D/imx-yocto-bsp/build_fslc_wayland_imx8mm_lpddr_evk/sstate-cache/95/51/sstate:core-image-minimal:imx8mm_lpddr4_evk-fslc-linux:1.0:r0:imx8mm_lpddr4_evk:3:955169ece771b852dc433575442e7ed805ac56cbcb1ebd3aa913a632da23a46b_clean.tgz.siginfo'.
It seems that bitbake is having trouble parsing the path to my HDD (that 427AD.../ folder).
What should I do to fix this?
The issue was that my HDD was not formatted with an ext4 format. Once I did that, those errors went away.

PIVPN RPI4 doesn't create OVPN file only creates .conf file, doesn't work with tunnelblick

I just finished setting up the PIVPN with my RPI 4. Went through the setup, and everything seems peachy yet it gives me a .conf file and not an OVPN file when I add a new profile. Does PIVPN not work anymore?
When I try to start the .conf file with tunnelblick it tells me "Tunnelblick could not find a 'tun' or 'tap' option in the OpenVPN configuration file".
Any help, tips, or tricks would be greatly appreciated.
lol.....the spacebar....selects the settings.....durrrrrrr. I hit space on OpenVPN and blammo we're golden

OS Development. Creating bootable iso from files.

I'm studying OS development and I use brokenthorn resource but with a little bit different tool, namely, I use CentOS, NASM and Qemu as a test/dev environment. I've been facing some issues while creating bootable img file with secondary loader.
I've got two files:
1. bootloader.bin which is first stage loader.
2. stage2.bin which is secondary loader.
In order to create bootable img file I do the following:
dd if=/dev/zero of=floppy.iso bs=1024 count=1440 -- Creating empty file
mkfs.vfat -F 12 floppy.iso --Creating file system in the file
dd if=../bin/bootloader.bin of=floppy.iso bs=512 count=1 conv=notrunc --Writing first loader to the boot sector
sudo mount -o loop floppy.iso /mnt/floppy/ -- Try to mount file system to write secondary loader using previously create FAT-12 files system.
In the last step I'm getting the following error:
mount: /dev/loop0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so.
Can you please help me to understand what I'm doing wrong and what other ways I can use to accomplish creating bootable img with file system on board.
I once stumbled upon the similar problem and this answer may be of help to you.
However I would strongly recommend you switching to bootloader like Grub and spend time and effort developing the actual OS of yours. For that I would reccomend grub resque as it's simple to use and allows to to quickly create ISO that you can either burn or feed to virtual machine. Otherwise, you may just drown in all these minor things like enabling protected mode, loading your stages and so on.

how to start a process under kernel debugging on windows?

I have a hard drive was crypted by TryeCrypt,a custom edtion ,self input password,and i have found this 40-bytes password via MBR debugging, but can't mount it using standard version 7.1a.
what i want is get some files from this hard drive,good news is,this hard drive is bootable and it is a windows xp sp2,but a fullscreen app was auto startup and any input(keyboard,mouse etc.) was blocked,therefore,the only way to touch it is debugging it with vmware gdb stub.
The ida's remote dbg debugger is working very well, now I touch the guest's memory, edit it's codes, set breakpoints and the symbols was loaded.
so the question is,how can I start a process via patching the kernel?
What I thinking is,build a winddk project , implement a driver to do this with user APC, and then disassemble it to get it's assembler code ,and then patch it into guest via ida.
Any idea? thanks.

OpenOCD debugging multiple devices at once

I am trying to debug multiple devices at once with openocd on eclipse. I have 2x STM32F303 discovery borards, I have set the hla_serial flag to a proper board, but still no luck.
Separate boards are doing ok, but when trying to debug it's Eclipse saying it'came to error in last sequence.
So if anyone had experience with that. Thanks
We can use hla_serial option within openocd 0.9+ ONLY. I'd recommend to download from
GNU ARM Eclipse project or compile yourself.
To obtain hla_serial, the easiest way found after reading the patch that included this option (, more specific function "string_descriptor_equal", was to provide a wrong serial, so it would print the correct one.
The command below will create file log_with_correct_serial.txt. Switch board config file for the one currently being used.
openocd.exe -d3 -f board/stm32f4discovery.cfg -c "hla_serial wrong_serial" 2>log_with_correct_serial.txt
Opening log_with_correct_serial.txt you will find correct serial in line containing something like
Debug: 229 23 libusb1_common.c:67 string_descriptor_equal(): Device serial number 'xxxxxxxxxxx' doesn't match requested serial 'wrong_serial'
So create a derived config (for example stm32f4discovery-mydevice1.cfg, assuming stm32f4discovery is used) inside folder board on openocd root directory. Use something like Notepad++ to copy serial as it is hex numbers.
# This is an STM32F4 discovery board with a single STM32F407VGT6 chip.
# hla_serial thanks to
source [find board/stm32f4discovery.cfg]
hla_serial V?nIpSU)?
Now to open your device you can use the command below to start debugging using ST-Link adapter.
openocd.exe -f board/stm32f4discovery-mydevice1.cfg
In each eclipse project provides a different board config for each project and you are good to go.