Domain services - service

We have started our projects with DDD design principles, I heard that any business logic needs two or more domain objects interaction should be written as domain services.
My question is:
Since my business logic includes saving of more than one domain or access many domain objects for validation purpose, can I pass repository inside the service method or can I access using DIContainer.
In case of operation A I will build List<Specification> (Specification classes which contain validation) and pass on to domain services from application layer. So my domain service validates and does business logic.
Can domain service use CRUD operation in itself.
I am really confused where to draw a line between application service and domain service.
Can I get any good samples which has application services, domain services, domain specifications with repositories involved.

Answer is here:
Actually these rules apply:
1) domain entities do the job
2) if in some function more entities are involved, changed - a domain service may be the solution
3) no, domain layer should not know anything about: transaction, saving, locking, etc. neither should load entities... if you need something like that use INeedSomeStuffFromRepo. Interface is defined in the domain layer, implementation is inside app. services. This way you could also doi locking, f.e. IExecuteThisFncToLockBeforeManipulatingWithAnObject
4) saving, transaction is in the app service side. i use persistence by reachability, so even if i have an aggregate, entity with other entities related, it's enough to save the parent...

Domain service actually is the Pure fabrication in GRASP. everything does not fit in an entity or a value object.


SOA service vs other kinds of services

What is the difference between an SOA service and other kinds of services like an application or domain service ?
Have a look here.
Short answer
DDD Domain Services operate on Domain Entities. Usually where the work that needs to be done spans multiple Aggregate roots.
DDD Application Services drives workflow. For example if you want to do some work on a domain entity, the Application Service would be responsible to fetch the entity from the data store, call the domain service to do the work, do some work via an integration service if needed, and then lastly persist the change.
This is an interesting question since SOA is such as broad and overloaded term.
If we take SOA to mean any implementation that results in a mechanism to reach 'services' then even application and domain services will form part of SOA services. Application and domain services will even fall within the realm of micro-services although application services are usually surfaced through some integration mechanism.
I like to think of these things in terms of 'reachability'. WikiPedia:
In graph theory, reachability refers to the ability to get from one vertex to another within a graph
So, it depends on how reachable your code is. A bunch of domain services could, theoretically, form a service-oriented architecture.
The only differences is in how you surface your services.

Non-domain service interfaces

While learning domain driven design, I have been putting together the following solution (note that this ordering is lexicographic and not a representation of dependency):
Below is an outline of each project:
Domain.Models: Domain entities and value objects (e.g. Order)
Domain.Interfaces: Domain service interfaces and repository interfaces (e.g. IOrderService, IOrderRepository)
Domain.Services: Concrete implementations of domain services interfaces (e.g. OrderService)
Infrastructure.Data: Concrete implementations of repository interfaces (e.g. OrderRepository)
Infrastructure.DependencyResolution: Dependency injection resolution.
Now I would like to provide non-domain services. An example would be an email gateway for the sending of emails. I have created the following project for this:
Infrastructure.Components: Concrete implementations of non-domain services
Where would I put the interfaces for such non-domain services (for example, an IEmailGateway)?
It would need to be accessible by the Domain.Services project (an OrderService might need you send out a notification), so would it go in Domain.Interfaces? I would say NO since sending an email is not a domain-specific activity.
I would say NO since sending an email is not a domain-specific
Sure, but you could get away by using a higher domain abstraction. The Domain doesn't care about emails but Notifications would be a perfect domain concept. It actually already seems to be part of the Ubiquitous Language, since you used that term in your question. So something along the lines of INotifier instead of IEmailGateway.
Alternate approaches could be :
Have the overarching Application Service send the email via an IEmailService interface defined in the Infrastructure.
Have the Order entity or domain service raise a Domain Event. An EmailService in the Infrastructure layer listens to it and sends the email.
If sending an email is not a concept of your bounded context then it means it's a part of another one. So you should apply some of the bounded contexts integration patterns such as anticorruption layer of domain events.
Whatever you choose I see another issue with your structure and solving that will eliminate the problem in the question. Try to structure your application in terms of bounded contexts and modules that use Ubiquitous Language rather then types of objects. So rather than Interfaces, Models and Services you should have Products, Clients, Shipments etc..

Services in Domain Driven Desing

I am bit confused about services in DDD.
First of all. Why are services always expressed as an Interface? Is that a rule?
Why do services contain only one method? Sometimes it makes sense to implement related methods in a single class.
Do I have to make services for each repository? I must be doing something wrong because I find myself making services for CRUD operations.
For example I have a repository with the usual methods. How do I control the access to the objects persisted in the repository? I tend to make services with lots of reading methods. Those services can check the user roles and then decide if the user can use the objects or not. I feel something is not good in my design.
I'm assuming you're talking about domain services. There are other types of services in DDD such as application services and infrastructure services.
First of all. Why are services always expressed as an Interface? Is
that a rule?
No this is not a rule. Only create an interface abstraction when there is a need for it.
Why do services contain only one method? Sometimes it makes sense to
implement related methods in a single class.
A service with a single method can be thought of as implementing a single operation - a single use case. If it makes sense to encapsulate multiple operations in a single object than this is also acceptable. However, conflating multiple responsibilities into a single class often leads to violation of SRP.
Do I have to make services for each repository?
No. A repository is already a sort of service. More specifically, a repository implementation can be thought of as an infrastructure service.
It is the application service which calls a repository in order to implement some use case. It delegates to domain entities and orchestrates other services that may be required for a given operation. Take a look at Services in DDD for an example of the various services interacting.

How to utilize domain driven development in mvc4 effectively?

I want to start new application on ASP.NET MVC4 using different different approach like domain driven development , design patterns , dependency injection , Entity Framework as ORM etc.
Need some advice on what should be the starting point of development? Should I start with first relationships of classes or start with traditional approach?
e.g there are three module.
User Management.
Error Logging.
Should I first complete with user management like domain classes then its services and then its CRUD operations in actual web application? and after that ...will start with logging (same process as mention in user management). and then in error logging as well.
So What are best practices to start development using those kind of concept or tools?
ASP.NET MVC4 is just a presentation part of solution. With Domain-Driven approach you start with domain (usually separate library project) and then add presentation (web site, desktop application etc) and persistence (implementation of repository and uof interfaces declared in your domain).
So, you start with creating domain model (not whole, but part of that). Then in any order you create UI which uses you domain model, and implementation of repositories for persisting your domain model via Entity Framework. Well actually views should use ViewModels (otherwise your POCO domain objects will be polluted with Data Annotations attributes and other stuff). It's a controller part where you will use domain model. Also you will inject repository implementations to controllers via dependency injection.
I would start by looking at the business functionality requirements of the system and focus on the highest value requirements first. Implement those, filling out your business domain as you need to, based on delivering the requirements. If you follow a BDD style process, you can use unit tests to drive out the business functionality and your domain will evolve as the business requirements evolve. Each business requirement should have a UI and data access component to it so you can fill out the presentation layer and data access layer with Entity Framework as the domain evolves. Here's a couple of useful posts on BDD:
BDD By Example
Introducing BDD

Considering the following architectural changes and need some advice (Domain Entities, DTO, Aggregates)

about a year ago I set set up a solution consisting of an ASP.Net MVC 3 (now) presentation layer, application layer, domain layer and infrastructure layer (crosscutting stuff and data). I decided to keep the domain model in a separate project from the domain logic and use a relaxed approach to the presentation layer by passing the domain entities instead of DTO's since we really only have 1 front end right now.
We are going to be servicing a distributed layer soon, in addition to our main website and I will use DTO's there, but I am considering using DTO's in the main website also. I am also wondering if I should bother to break out the framework code in the domain layer (IRepository, IUnitOfWork, Entity/Value object supertypes etc). Well here, let me list out the questions I need feedback on:
1) I was pretty diligent about not having an anemic domain model and also watched out for behavior that was specific to the presentation concerns. Most of the business calculations that are needed are on the domain entities, is it ok for the presentation layer to call this behavior directly or should it instead call an application service that then calls the domain entities? This would suggest to me that there is no reason to have the presentation layer know about the domain entities and instead could use DTO's. Alternatively, I could have the DTO's expose these behaviors, but then I feel like I am robbing the domain entities. So I guess that is 3 options (Rich domain objects called directly, service layer or dto with behavior) which is best?
2) Right now I have a domain project, which has domain services, specifications and logic and is orchestrated by the application layer and separate project for the domain model (used by presentation layer and application layer). I also have framework interfaces for generic repository and unit of work pattern here. Should I break the framework stuff out into a separate project and combine the rest into one project?
3) I want to reorganize my domain layer into aggregates, right now all of the domain model is organized by modules, basically all the types for each module are in one namespace. Would it be better to organize the entities, value objects, services and other stuff by the aggregates?
4) Should I use the Separated Interface pattern for infrastructure services that are basically .net framework helper library types? For example configuration objects or validation runners? What is the benefit there in doing so?
5) Lastly, not many examples I have seen have used interfaces for domain entities. Almost every object I have I prefer to pass around interfaces for dependency reasons and it makes testing much easier. Is it valid to use interfaces instead of concretes? I should mention that we use EF 4.3.1 (soon to upgrade to latest version) and I seem to remember that EF had a problem with using interfaces or something. Should I be exposing interfaces instead of the domain entities?
Thank you very much in advance.
Project Structure:
| |
| Application
| | |
Domain.Model - Domain
(Infrastructure.Data, Infrastructure.Core, Infrastructure.Security)
Presentation.Web (MVC3 Web Project)
-- Service Layer that orchestrates the domain layer and responds to requests from the presentation layer (get this update that). This is organized by module, for example if I had a customer module I would have Application.Customer and in that would be all of the application services
-- Contains domain services, specifications, calculations and other domain logic that is not exposed as behavior on domain entities. For example a calculation that involves several domain entities exposed as a domain service for the application layer to call.
-- Also contains framework code for a specification framework and the main interfaces for a generic repository and unit of work pattern.
-- Contains the domain entities and enumerations. Organized by module. For example, if I might have a customer module which has a customer entity, customerorder entity etc. This is broken out away from the domain project so that the objects can be used by the application and presenation layer.
-- Security infrastructure for authentication and authorization
-- Cross-cutting stuff used by multiple layers (validators, logging, configuration, extensions, IoC, email etc..). Most of the projects depend on interfaces in this project (except domain.model) for infrastructure services.
-- Repository Implementations via LINQ and EF 4.3.1, mapping layer, Unit of Work implementation. Interfaces are in Domain project (separated interfaces pattern)
1) First, determine whether your main website really needs to use the application layer. IMHO, if your application services and your main website are on the same web server, then you should evaluate whether the potential performance loss is worth having your main website call app server methods when it could call the domain objects directly. However, if your application server is definitely on another server, then yes, you should have the application server call your domain objects and pass only DTOs back and forth between it and any presentation layers you may have, including your main website.
2) This is really a question on preference of organization. Both are valid. You choose.
3) Anoter question on preference of organization. I, personally, organize my code by bounded context first. Then, I have entities and aggregate roots directly under them. Then, I have folders for Enumerations, Repositories (interfaces), Services (interfaces), Specifications, and Values. The namespaces do not reflect this organizational structure past the last bounded context folder. But, again, you should do this in the way that best suits the way you look at the code.
4) This is an implementation concern. I, personally, only break out implementation concerns into interfaces if I think there is a good possibility that I will need to swap out the implementations in the future. That being said, I usually organize my helper libraries into specific infrastructure contexts (eg. MainContext.Web.MVC.Helpers or MainContext.Web.WebForms.Helpers.) These rarely change and I have yet to come across an instance where I needed to swap out implementations entirely.
5) From my understanding, it is perfectly valid to use interfaces instead of concretes for your domain entities. That being said, I have yet to run into a case where I needed different implementations for my domain entities. The only reason I can even think of would be if you needed to change your business logic for one application, but leave an older application using the original business logic. If your business objects are good models for the domain, I can't fathom you actually running into this problem, but I have seen examples where people do this just for the sake of the abstraction. IMHO, that is not worth the extra coding effort, but if it makes you feel good inside or you get some actual benefit (eg. making testing easier), there isn't any reason why you can't abstract out your domain entities. That being said, domain services and repositories should definitely have contracts that allows you to swap out their implementations.
Answer 5 is derived from the idea that the application is the one who chooses the implementations. If you are trying to achieve onion architecture, then your application is going to be choosing the concrete implementations for everything (repositories, domain services, and other abstracted implementation concerns). I see no reason why it can't just use domain aggregates directly since they are the concrete representation of your domain model. (Note: All entities should be encapsulated into aggregates. The application should never be able to hold a reference to an entity that is not an aggregate under the context)