How to restore default function in Emacs? - emacs

I changed beep function (defun beep () ..., is it possible to revert it without restarting Emacs?

Just visit the original definition, and evaluate it.
If need be you can start a second instance of Emacs in order to find the code: C-h f beep RET and follow the link to the source code.
(I'd normally say find-function, but in this instance beep is an alias, and following the link takes you to the defalias line, whereas find-function goes to the source definition.)

Not unless you first saved (symbol-function 'ding). If you did, then you can restore it (using fset). If not, you cannot, because ding (aka beep) is defined in C, not Lisp.
If it were defined in Lisp then you could do what #phils suggested.

It may be a fluke, but I can do it currently with:
(defun restore-redefined-function (name)
(interactive (find-function-read))
(find-function name)
(eval-defun nil)))
In *scratch*:
(defun beep () "foo")
;; beep
(symbol-function 'beep)
;; (lambda nil "foo")
M-x restore-redefined-function and enter beep.
in *scratch*:
(symbol-function 'beep)
;; ding


How to pass arg in Emacs abstract function

I try to write a function to abstract which helm-imenu variant to use:
(defun my/helm-menu ()
"For Org mode buffers, show Org headlines.
For programming mode buffers, show functions, variables, etc."
(cond ((derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
Though, when using it in a non-Org mode buffer, it fails, saying it needs one argument.
Indeed, helm-semantic-or-imenu requires arg.
How should I pass that?
Why is that working with a M-x helm-semantic-or-imenu: where is the argument?
Following Drew's piece of advice, this should do it:
(defun my/helm-menu (arg)
"For Org mode buffers, show Org headlines.
For programming mode buffers, show functions, variables, etc."
(interactive "P")
(cond ((derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
(helm-semantic-or-imenu arg))))
At least, it works!

How to go back to previously defined function in Emacs Lisp?

I have a function:
(defun function-name (&optional args) ... <unknown content>)
I redefine it with
(defun function-name (&optional args) ... my own content)
Can I somehow after some time remove my own version of function-name and stay with the first one?
No, you cannot.
You can save the definition yourself before redefining the function:
Common Lisp:
(defparameter *old-def* (fdefinition 'function-name))
(defun function-name ...)
(setf (fdefinition 'function-name) *old-def*)
Emacs Lisp:
(defconst *old-def* (symbol-function 'function-name))
(defun function-name ...)
(fset 'function-name *old-def*)
Or, if you know where the function was defined, you can reload the definition:
Common Lisp:
(load "file-name")
Emacs Lisp: same as above or M-x load-library RET.
Or, if you know the original definition, you can reevaluate it, by pasting it at the Common Lisp prompt or by visiting the file with the definition in Emacs and evaluating the defun using C-M-x, as suggested by #Drew in a comment.
Note that it's risky to redefine other libraries' or Emacs' own functions, since you don't know what else depends on them working exactly as expected. If at all possible, use a different name. If not, provide copious documentation warning prominently about the redefinitions. Also, did you check first whether the existing function can be tweaked to your satisfaction using predefined hooks that run before or after it or by customizing any particular user options?
Not the way you do it, but you can get what you want by using an advice instead of a new definition. E.g.
(defadvice function-name (around my-overrride activate)
... my own content)
after the above you can recover the old behavior by deactivating the advice. Using the new advice system in Emacs-24.4 this would look like:
(defun my-function-name (&optional args) ... my own content)
(add-advice 'function-name :override #'my-function-name)
which can be reverted with
(remove-advice 'function-name #'my-function-name)

How can I jump to a definition without being queried in Emacs?

I have a problem when using Etags in Emacs. Everytime I tap \M+. to jump to a difinition point, a query is always popping up, like:
Find tag (default function_name):
And I have to tap 'Enter' to make sure of it.
But in most cases, I find I can choose the default one. So is there any method with which I can surpress this message?
I found the reason is because:
(defun find-tag (tagname &optional next-p regexp-p)
(interactive (find-tag-interactive "Find tag: "))
Why do I have to choose a tag? Why can not the default one just be the word under the point? Can I just remove this line? (interactive), or is there a good solution?
Going shortly through a couple of defuns in the etags sources via Emacs's awesome C-h f, one can find that the default tag to search is determined via a function named find-tag-default.
This means you could just define the following function:
(defun find-tag-under-point ()
(find-tag (find-tag-default)))
Then you can bind this to whatever key you want via define-key or global-set-key or local-set-key.
(The interactive form is always necessary if you want a function to be a "command" which can be called with M-x or bound to a key.)
You can write your own functionality over the find-tag (or any interactive function likewise)
(defun find-tag-under-point (&optional arg)
(interactive "P")
(cond ((eq arg 9)
(let ((current-prefix-arg nil))
(call-interactively 'find-tag)))
(call-interactively 'find-tag))
(find-tag (find-tag-default)))))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-.") 'find-tag-under-point)
Then hotkey C-9M-. calls find-tag (old function) as usual, but the behaviour of find-tag-under-point (new-function) by default is what you want.

Programatically insert text into command that normally blocks event loop

I'd like to implement a command that types the first few characters into an existing command and lets me type the rest.
For example, a variant of icicle-execute-extended-command that starts with "icicle-" already entered.
I have tried:
keyboard macros
fail (even on simple things like M-x i c i c l e s) for no apparent reason.
calling icicle-execute-extended-command block the command sequence
How would I go about doing this in a generalized manner?
Nice question.
Here's something generic you can try:
(defun no-mondays ()
(insert "monday"))
(call-interactively 'query-replace)))
And here's a refactoring:
(defun with-initial-minibuffer (str fun)
`(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(insert ,str))
(call-interactively ',fun))))
(defalias 'no-weekends
If you are calling completing-read yourself in your command definition, then just pass the text to insert as the INITIAL-INPUT argument. That's what it's for.
If you use icicle-define-command or icicle-define-file-command (so that your command will be a multi-command), then same thing: pass the INITIAL-INPUT arg.
If you use such a macro, be sure to put something like this in the file that defines the command, so the macro definition is available a byte-compilation time:
(or (condition-case nil
(load-library "icicles-mac") ; Use load-library to ensure latest .elc.
(error nil))
(require 'icicles-mac)))

Emacs Modes: "Command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer"

I start to type M-x to type a command
I switch to another emacs window/buffer because I realise I'm executing the command in the wrong window
I start to type M-x again to execute the command in the correct window
Result: I get the dreaded "Command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer"
This happens to me multiple times a day while using emacs, and not just in this scenario. This behaviour is highly user-hostile (ref. Modes and Pseudo-modes in The Humane Interface by Jef Raskin)
Is there a way to customize emacs behaviour so that instead of giving this error, it just cancels the first minibuffer and replaces it with a new one?
You can set the variable enable-recursive-minibuffers, which will prevent that error message from coming up. But it just enables multiple calls to the minibuffer - it doesn't redirect the current minibuffer's command to the new buffer. You can give this a try, but I think it'll be more confusing because the original action is still pending...
M-x is bound to 'execute-extended-command, and re-hosting (changing the original buffer) for that command is kind of like programming with continuation. i.e. you call a subroutine from location X, but instead of returning to X when done, you return to Y. I personally think it'd open up more confusion than it'd solve. But I understand the frustration (and know others who have the same frustration).
Indeed this emacs "feature" is aggressive and annoying.
I found this to be the right answer to the problem .Most likely you lost focus of the minibuffer because you switched windows with the mouse and NOT a minibuffer command. So whenever you lose focus using the mouse, the minibuffer will be cleared. Check this post. It works for me and it's way better than recursive minibuffers which will cause a headache
I'm not sure if there is such a customization, but the way I avoid this is hitting ctrl-g to cancel the command I was in the middle of writing in the minibuffer.
Since my first answer doesn't directly give you what you want, I thought I'd come up with a real solution. This is what I have:
(defvar my-execute-extended-command-source-buffer nil
"var holding the buffer to which the extended-execute-command should apply")
(defvar in-my-execute-extended-command nil
"internal use - indicates whether we're in a 'recursive edit' of sorts")
(defun my-execute-extended-command (command)
"home-grown version of execute-extended-command that supports re-hosting the buffer"
(interactive (list (if in-my-execute-extended-command
(let ((in-my-execute-extended-command t))
(setq my-execute-extended-command-source-buffer (current-buffer))
(completing-read "My-x " obarray 'commandp t nil 'extended-command-history nil nil)))))
(if in-my-execute-extended-command
(progn (setq my-execute-extended-command-source-buffer (current-buffer))
(select-window (minibuffer-window)))
(switch-to-buffer my-execute-extended-command-source-buffer)
(call-interactively (symbol-function (intern command)))))
I've tested it this way. I bound it to a key (F10 in my case b/c I didn't want to lose M-x). Then, with two windows open, each showing a different buffer (say A and B):
From window showing buffer A: F10 isearch-for
Switch from minibuffer to window showing A: C-x o
Switch from window showing A to that showing B: C-x o
"re-host" the command from buffer B: F10
Now back in the minibuffer, finish the command ward RET
When I started typing a search term, the search applied to buffer B.
This only replaces the M-x functionality, not the commands invoked from M-x. Also, this version does not support the prefix argument.
Hopefully this is what you want.
Here you go:
;; automatically cancel the minibuffer when you switch to it, to avoid
;; "attempted to use minibuffer" error.
;; cy was here
(provide 'cancel-minibuffer)
(defun cancel-minibuffer-first (sub-read &rest args)
(let ((active (active-minibuffer-window)))
(if active
;; we have to trampoline, since we're IN the minibuffer right now.
(apply 'run-at-time 0 nil sub-read args)
(apply sub-read args))))
(advice-add 'read-from-minibuffer :around #'cancel-minibuffer-first)
Can anyone improve on the following?
I've given up and just want to set \C-w to cancel any previous minibuffer before opening a new one (like doing \C-g\C-w)
So far thanks to Trey I've got:
(defun cancel-completing-read ()
(if (> (minibuffer-depth) 0) (exit-minibuffer))
(completing-read "My-x " obarray 'commandp t nil 'extended-command-history nil nil))
(defun cancel-and-execute-command (command)
(interactive (list (cancel-completing-read)))
(call-interactively (symbol-function (intern command))))
(global-set-key "\M-x" 'cancel-and-execute-command)
What command should I use in the place of exit-minibuffer above?
I've tried