Continuing development in CoffeeScript while implementing RequireJS - coffeescript

I want to implement RequireJS in a very large single page application that uses CoffeeScript and Grunt. We have separate files for different modules (services, Backbone, etc.).
Implementing RequireJS is very straightforward - my main problem is with the size of the application and CoffeeScript's whitespace sensitivity. We need to be able to continuously develop new features while implementing RJS. The reason we cannot do this is because we would have to wrap all files in define calls, and re-tab files. When you try to rebase this code, massive merge conflicts arise due to the tabbing. No one has the time to solve all those problems, as new features and bugfixes may have been introduced pre-RJS.
I've research a few possible solutions:
Stop development and re-tab everything. This sucks because development is stopped until files are tabbed and the code actually works with RJS.
Use CommonJS pattern, and use RJS CommonJS converter pre-RJS optimize. Seems hacky.
Use CoffeeScript backtick functionality to wrap CoffeeScript classes in a standard JavaScript module pattern. Next pass dependencies to the "module" wrapper for the CoffeeScript class then initialize the "module" within the RJS call in the file.
Thanks for the tip on the vertical structure & introducing me to passing function arguments that way (comma-less). Our projects are very similarly in structure (except grunt-contrib-coffeee does the linting, unfortunately, at the moment), and I am also building a custom watch task to compile single files (vs. glob patterns).
Consider this very basic example:
class View
template: Helper.template
constructor: (#options) ->
render: (meters) ->
$('body').html #template #options
The normal process would be to do something like the following with RJS:
define [
], (
) ->
class View
template: Helper.template 'base_view'
constructor: (#options) ->
render: (meters) ->
$('body').html #template #options
Notice how the entire class has been re-tabbed. Git would hate this if any one of our developers came along and modified the View class, while I was trying to implement require in parallel.
The backtick idea won't work, I can't get around the global problem there:
`var exports = function($, Helper) {
class View
template: Helper.template
constructor: (#options) ->
render: (meters) ->
$('body').html #template #options
return View }(jQuery, Helper)`
define [
], (
) ->
return exports($, Helper)
I think my best bet is merging all of the applications features together and then pausing for a moment to re-tab every file the necessary two spaces, all in one commit. CoffeeScript doesn't seem to care where the indentation begins (column 0 vs column 2) as long as the rest of the file follows that pattern. We should be able to slide in RJS and implement it progressively in this way, preventing unsolvable merge conflicts.

What we do in our projects:
we use grunt-contrib-coffee and grunt-coffeelint to compile and validate coffee files. With this plugin, you can validate the coffeescript code while developing. You can use a json file which contains validation settings. This makes sure all developers use the same settings.
"no_tabs" : {
"level" : "error"
"no_trailing_whitespace" : {
"level" : "error"
"max_line_length" : {
"value": 200,
"level" : "error"
minimize the chance of merge conflicts in requirejs dependecies by defining each dependency on a separate line.
define [
], (
) ->
console.log "Hello"
instead of
define ['dep1', 'dep2','dep3'], (dep1, dep2, dep3) ->
console.log "Hello"
Only commit coffeescript files to source control. Generated javascript files (minified via grunt-contrib-requirejs) we don't commit (only when creating a production version).
we use a custom watch task to watch changed coffeescript files (among other files). Via growl the developer is notified when compilation or validation failed.


How do react-css-modules (babel) and css-loader (webpack) work together?

When using webpack and babel together, one needs to configure both in order to use React CSS Modules. For example:
webpack.config.js will need a rule like this:
// Translates CSS into CommonJS modules
loader: 'css-loader',
options: {
modules: {
mode: "local",
sourceMap: true
babel.config.js will need a plugin like this:
generateScopedName: CSS_CLASS_NAME_PATTERN,
filetypes: {
'.scss': {
syntax: 'postcss-scss',
plugins: ['postcss-nested']
Why the need to configure CSS Modules in two places? How the two work together? I.e. what happens in what order?
They don't. css-loader does its own thing: class name transformation in CSS, and replacement of CSS imports in JS code by mappings between original and generated names.
babel-plugin-react-css-modules works independently, and it replaces styleName attributes of react components by className with correct generated names. To do so it calculates class name mappings independently from css-loader, that's why it needs separate configuration matching that of css-loader, and that's why after a few years being abandoned by its creators it has compatibility issues with latest css-loader (css-loader changed internal class name generation logic).
Shameless self-promo: I maintain an up-to-date fork of babel-plugin-react-css-modules which solves compatibility issues with latest css-loader versions.

How to use stage 3 syntax in svelte/sapper?

I want to use class property and private fields in my sapper project. Apparently they have to be preprocessed by babel right now.
I tried to add the corresponding babel plugins to rollup.config.js, only to realize a few things.
the babel rollup plugin is only used in legacy mode.
the server part doesn't use babel at all.
I tried to add the babel rollup plugin to the end of server plugins like this,
extensions: ['.js', '.mjs', '.html', '.svelte'],
runtimeHelpers: true,
exclude: ['node_modules/#babel/**'],
plugins: [
But it doesn't seem to take effect at all.
I also added it to the client plugins (before the legacy entry), but it complained about I needed to add #babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import, so looks like babel has to recognize the whole syntax in order to preprocess, and I don't really want to compile dynamic import for modern browsers.
How do I enable the use of esnext syntax in sapper?
You would need to preprocess the contents of <script>, using the preprocess option in rollup-plugin-svelte:
plugins: [
// ...
preprocess: {
script: ({ content }) => {
return transformWithBabel(content);
// ...
In an ideal world we'd have a ready-made preprocessor plugin for doing this; as it is, the transformWithBabel function is left as an exercise to the reader for now. Essentially it would involve import * as babel from '#babel/core' and using the Babel API directly, which I guarantee will be lots of fun.
Note that #babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import doesn't compile dynamic import, it only allows Babel to parse it. Without it, Babel can't generate a valid AST from the code inside <script>.

check the source of activation of extension in visual studio code

I'm developing an extension for visual studio code. My extension has several activation events. So in the activate call back how I can differentiate the source of activation? for ex., Extension get activate if a workspace contains a specific folder or if a command is given. In activate call back I want to execute different initialization for different activation. Is there any API to get this info?
In package.json two activation events are given by
"activationEvents": [
In the extension.ts file the corresponding activate callback will be defined.
export function activate(context: ExtensionContext): any {
In the above scenario, activate() will be called in one of the 2 events:
If vscode opens.
If a folder is opened and contains foo file in the root directory.
what I want is like this:
export function activate(context: ExtensionContext): any {
if(/*activated by "*" event*/) {
else if(/*activated by "workspaceContains" event*/) {
This is just a pseudo code. But This is what the whole point is.
As lined out in the comments there is no way to differentiate between the two activation events. In fact the activation is done by matching one of the patterns in package.json. Other than for documents there is no indication which pattern was actually matched. That's probably too fine grained, hence I have doubts that creating a feature request for that will have a chance.

Babel plugins run order

TL;DR: Is there a way how to specify the order in which the Babel plugins are supposed to be run? How does Babel determine this order? Is there any spec how this works apart from diving into Babel sources?
I'm developing my own Babel plugin. I noticed, that when I run it, my plugin is run before other es2015 plugins. For example having code such as:
const a = () => 1
and visitor such as:
visitor: {
ArrowFunctionExpression(path) {
FunctionExpression(path) {
my plugin observes ArrowFunction (and not Function). I played with the order in which the plugins are listed in Babel configuration, but that didn't change anything:
plugins: ['path_to_myplugin', 'transform-es2015-arrow-functions'],
plugins: ['transform-es2015-arrow-functions', 'path_to_myplugin'],
OTOH, this looks like the order DOES somehow matter:
---- EDIT ----
I found out that if I write my visitor as follows:
ArrowFunctionExpression: {
enter(path) {
FunctionExpression: {
exit(path) {
both functions are called. So it looks like the order of execution is: myplugin_enter -> other_plugin -> myplugin_exit. In other words, myplugin seems to be before other_plugin in some internal pipeline. The main question however stays the same - the order of plugins in the pipeline should be determined & configurable somehow.
The order of plugins is based on the order of things in your .babelrc with plugins running before presets, and each group running later plugins/presets before earlier ones.
The key thing though is that the ordering is per AST Node. Each plugin does not do a full traversal, Babel does a single traversal running all plugins in parallel, with each node processed one at a time running each handler for each plugin.
Basically, what #loganfsmyth wrote is correct; there is (probably) no more magic in plugin ordering itself.
As for the my problem specifically, my confusion was caused by how arrow function transformation works. Even if the babel-plugin-transform-es2015-arrow-functions plugin mangles the code sooner than my plugin, it does not remove the original arrow-function ast node from the ast, so even the later plugin sees it.
Learning: when dealing with Babel, don't underestimate the amount of debug print statements needed to understand what's happening.

How do I get a list of members in a Python module, or how should I create plugins?

I'm writing a sort of dashboard-esque program in Python to make tasks that I do frequently here at work a little better/easier.
What I currently have set up is an actions module. actions contains an actionlist that is a list of classes. Each of my classes has a .title, .icon (base-64 encoded string for use with tkinter.PhotoImage), and a .action function.
Using tkinter I create a new button for each of these actions, with the appropriate icon, text, and the command of the button set to the .action. So far it works quite nicely, but if I want to create a new action, I have to go into my actions module, create a new class, and then put that class in my actionlist.
What I would like to do is be able to dynamically generate this actionlist based on what files are present in my module. So I would like to have something like this:
And whenever I would like to create a new action, I just put a .py script in my actions folder and then it would automagically generate the list of actions for me, however I can't seem to find any good way of creating this list. I've thought of using something like os.listdir to get the list of files, but neither that or the other methods of introspection (dir, and inspect.getmembers) seemed to have quite what I wanted. Of course, it's possible that I just missed the features that I need.
In any case, pointers in the right direction would be great. Thanks!
Lennart's solution, with some slight adaptations worked for me.
Inside my I have the following code:
plugins = []
__all__ = [
Then inside each of my plugins I have something like this:
from actions import plugins
class SeekTheGrail:
def __init__(self):
self.text = 'We Seek The Grail'
def action(self):
print('I am Arthur, King of the Britons!')
and now I just have to modify the __all__ collection when I want to add or remove the actions from loading.
The way to create plugins is to have a plugin registry, and register plugins there. This can be done from the amazingly simple, like just defining a global list in a module:
plugins = []
And then registering the plugins with:
class APlugin(object):
from themodule import plugins
This can be made more flexible by having types of plugins and registering them with a name etc. But then you are on the path to complexity, and then you might want to take a look at the Zope Component Architecture, which simply speaking is a very powerful system for making your application pluggable.
It should be noted that in any case it's best to have a list of what plugins should be activated instead of auto-discovering them. This can be as simple as a list in a text file or a setting in a config file. This enables you to easily activate and disactivate the plugins.
You can use something like this:
actions = {}
for filename in os.listdir('somepath/actions'):
actions[filename] = __import__('actions.'+filename)
for name,class in actions:
Where in the createButton you create your tk_inter button and assign it the functions from the class. The important bit i suppose is that you can use __import__ to import a class using its string name and save it as a variable.