Mongodb aggregate match array item with child array item - mongodb

I would like to find documents that contains specific values in a child array.
This is an example document:
"_id" : ObjectId("52e9658e2a13df5be22cf7dc"),
"desc" : "Something somethingson",
"imageurl" : "http://",
"tags" : [
"y" : 29.3,
"brand" : "52d2cecd0bd1bd844d000018",
"brandname" : "Zara",
"type" : "Bow Tie",
"x" : 20,
"color" : "52d50c19f8f8ca8448000001",
"number" : 0,
"season" : 0,
"cloth" : "52d50d57f8f8ca8448000006"
"y" : 29.3,
"brand" : "52d2cecd0bd1bd844d000018",
"brandname" : "Zara",
"type" : "Bow Tie",
"x" : 20,
"color" : "52d50c19f8f8ca8448000001",
"number" : 0,
"season" : 0,
"cloth" : "52d50d57f8f8ca8448000006"
"user_id" : "52e953942a13df5be22cf7af",
"username" : "Thompson",
"created" : 1386710259971,
"occasion" : "ID",
"sex" : 0
The query I would like to do should look something like this:
{$match: {tags.color:"52d50c19f8f8ca8448000001", tags.brand:"52d2cecd0bd1bd844d000018", occasion: "ID"}},
my problem is that I dont know how to match anything inside an array in the document like "tags". How can I do this?

You could try to do it without aggregation framework:
occasion: "ID",
tags: { $elemMatch: { color:"52d50c19f8f8ca8448000001", brand:"52d2cecd0bd1bd844d000018" } }
).sort({created: -1}).limit(10)
And if you want to use aggregation:
tags: { $elemMatch: { color:"52d50c19f8f8ca8448000001", brand: "52d2cecd0bd1bd844d000018" } },
occasion: "ID"


How to model this data on MongoDB

I have this data:
"_id" : ObjectId("5a75baada0f20bd4e612d480"),
"Number" : 400,
"Page" : 24,
"DC" : "NE",
"_id" : ObjectId("5a75baada0f20bd4e612d489"),
"Number" : 300,
"Page" : 14,
"DC" : "100",
And i want to model this data so it stays like this:
{Cr: {
"_id" : ObjectId("5a75baada0f20bd4e612d480"),
"Number" : 400,
"Page" : 24,
"DC" : "NE",
{Cr: {
"_id" : ObjectId("5a75baada0f20bd4e612d489"),
"Number" : 300,
"Page" : 14,
"DC" : "100",
I read something about Model One-to-Many Relationships with Embedded Documents but i really dont know how it works.
use aggregation
{$group : {_id : null, crs : {$push : {cr : "$$ROOT"}}}},
{$project : {_id : 0}}
you can also write the result data to another collection using $out
add below as last stage in aggregate pipeline
{$out : "crs"} // create collection crs
>[{$group : {_id : null, crs : {$push : {cr : "$$ROOT"}}}}, {$project : {_id : 0}}]).pretty()
"crs" : [
"cr" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5a75baada0f20bd4e612d480"),
"Number" : 400,
"Page" : 24,
"DC" : "NE"
"cr" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5a75baada0f20bd4e612d489"),
"Number" : 300,
"Page" : 14,
"DC" : "100"
I think the documentation here should be of some help:
And in your case it would be something similar to this:
{ _id: ObjectId('idhere'), "Crs.Cr.Number": 400 },
{ $set: { "Crs.$.Cr.DC" : "SomethingNew" } }
One thing here, I'm not sure you're data structure seems correct as you have an array inside an object...why not just an array, i.e.
Crs: [{...}, {...}]

MongoDB aggregate $match and $group with $sum

i have a collection with documents like this:
"Company" : "4433",
"Descripcion" : "trabajo",
"Referencia" : "11817",
"HoraImportado" : "15:54",
"ImportedOd" : "2014-05-20T13:54:28.493Z",
"Items" : [],
"Notes" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("537b5ea4c61b1d1743f43420"),
"NoteDateTime" : "2014-05-20T13:54:44.418Z",
"Description" : "nota",
"IsForTechnician" : true,
"Username" : "admin"
"_id" : ObjectId("537c4a549e956f77ab8c7c38"),
"NoteDateTime" : ISODate("2014-05-21T06:40:20.299Z"),
"Description" : "ok",
"IsForTechnician" : true,
"Username" : "admin"
"OrderState" : "Review",
"SiniestroDe" : "Emergencia",
"Technicians" : [
"TechnicianId" : ObjectId("53465f9d519c94680327965d"),
"Name" : "Administrator",
"AssignedOn" : ISODate("2014-05-20T13:54:44.373Z"),
"RemovedOn" : null
"TechniciansHistory" : [
"TechnicianId" : ObjectId("53465f9d519c94680327965d"),
"Name" : "Administrator",
"AssignedOn" : ISODate("2014-05-20T13:54:44.373Z"),
"RemovedOn" : null
"Name" : "Nuevo",
"AssignedOn" : ISODate("2014-05-20T13:54:44.373Z"),
"RemovedOn" : null,
"TechnicianId" : ObjectId("5383577a994be8b9a9e3f01e")
"Telefonos" : "615554006",
"_id" : ObjectId("537b5ea4c61b1d1743f4341f"),
"works" : [
"code" : "A001",
"name" : "Cambiar bombilla",
"orderId" : "537b5ea4c61b1d1743f4341f",
"price" : "11",
"ID" : 33,
"lazyLoaded" : true,
"status" : 0,
"Date" : ISODate("2014-05-21T06:40:20.299Z"),
"TechnicianId" : "53465f9d519c94680327965d",
"_id" : ObjectId("537c4a549e956f77ab8c7c39")
"code" : "A001",
"name" : "Cambiar bombilla",
"orderId" : "537b5ea4c61b1d1743f4341f",
"price" : "11",
"ID" : 34,
"lazyLoaded" : true,
"status" : 0,
"Date" : ISODate("2014-05-21T06:40:20.299Z"),
"TechnicianId" : "53465f9d519c94680327965d",
"_id" : ObjectId("537c4a549e956f77ab8c7c3a")
Now i want to get the works for a selected TechnicianId array, group by TechnicianId and get the sum of the works.price for each technician.+
I try with this:
{ $match: { 'works.TechnicianId': {$in:['53465f9d519c94680327965d']}}},
{ $group: { _id: "$works.TechnicianId",total:{$sum:'$works.price'}}},
And this is the result:
"result" : [
"_id" : [
"total" : 0
"ok" : 1
The total its the $sum but its 0 but should be 44.
Try adding unwind,
{ $match: { 'works.TechnicianId': {$in:['53465f9d519c94680327965d']}}},
{ $unwind: "$works" },
{ $group: { _id: "$works.TechnicianId",total:{$sum:'$works.price'}}},
Look here for more info :
The price value is a string. $sum only operates on Numbers.
I've checked this by running the following:{"cost": "1"}){"cost": "2"}){"cost": "3"}){"cost": 4}){"cost": 5})[{$group: {_id: null, cost: {$sum: "$cost"}}}])
{ "result" : [ { "_id" : null, "cost" : 9 } ], "ok" : 1 }
According to this answer, you can't cast values in normal Mongo queries, so you can't change the string to a number inline.
You should either update all values to a Number datatype or use map-reduce. I'd go for the former.
If the value is a string to prevent floating point errors, consider multiplying by 100 to store the value in cents: "10.50" --> 1050
As Lalit Agarwal indicated, you'll also need to unwind the array of works. Example of what happens if you don't:{"works": [{price: 10}]}){"works": [{price: 20}, {price: 30}]}){"works": [{price: 40}, {price: 50}]})[
{$group: {_id: null, total: {$sum: "$works.price"} }}
{ "result" : [ { "_id" : null, "total" : 0 } ], "ok" : 1 }[
{$unwind: "$works"},
{$group: {_id: null, total: {$sum: "$works.price"} }}
{ "result" : [ { "_id" : null, "total" : 150 } ], "ok" : 1 }
What $unwind does is make 5 documents out of the initial 3, all with a single value in the works field. It then groups and sums them.
item: “ABC1”,
details: {
model: “14Q3”,
manufacturer: “XYZ Company”
stock: [ { size: “S”, qty: 25 }, { size: “M”, qty: 50 } ],
category: “clothing”

$elemMatch dosen't work after $unwind in MongoDB Aggregation Framework

I have a collection of the following data:
"_id" : ObjectId("51f1fcc08188d3117c6da351"),
"cust_id" : "abc123",
"ord_date" : ISODate("2012-10-03T18:30:00Z"),
"status" : "A",
"price" : 25,
"items" : [{
"sku" : "ggg",
"qty" : 7,
"price" : 2.5
}, {
"sku" : "ppp",
"qty" : 5,
"price" : 2.5
I am using the query:
cmd { "aggregate" : "orders" , "pipeline" : [
{ "$unwind" : "$items"} ,
{ "$match" : { "items" : { "$elemMatch" : { "qty" : { "$in" : [ 7]}}}}} ,
{ "$group" : { "price" : { "$first" : "$price"} , "items" : { "$push" : { "sku" : "$items.sku"}} , "_id" : { "items" : "$items"}}} ,
{ "$sort" : { "price" : -1}} ,
{ "$project" : { "_id" : 0 , "price" : 1 , "items" : 1}}
Not able to understand what is going wrong
It's because you're doing $match after $unwind. $unwind generates a new stream of documents where items is no longer an array (see docs).
It emits each document as many times as there are items in it.
If you want to select documents with desired element in it and then process all of its documents, you should call $match first:
{ "$match" : { "items" : { "$elemMatch" : { "qty" : { "$in" : [ 7]}}}}},
{ "$unwind" : "$items"},
If you want to select items to be processed after $unwind, you shoul remove $elemMatch:
{ "$unwind" : "$items"},
{ "$match" : { "items.qty" : { "$in" : [7]}}},
In first case you'll get two documents:
"price" : 25,
"items" : [
{"sku" : "ppp"}
"price" : 25,
"items" : [
{"sku" : "ggg"}
and in second case you'll get one:
"price" : 25,
"items" : [
{"sku" : "ggg"}
Update. After $unwind your documents will look like:
"_id" : ObjectId("51f1fcc08188d3117c6da351"),
"cust_id" : "abc123",
"ord_date" : ISODate("2012-10-03T18:30:00Z"),
"status" : "A",
"price" : 25,
"items" : {
"sku" : "ggg",
"qty" : 7,
"price" : 2.5
For small number of documents, unwind and match is fine. But large number of documents, it better to do - match ($elemMatch), unwind, and match again.
{ "$match" : { "items" : { "$elemMatch" : { "qty" : { "$in" : [ 7]}}}}},
{ "$unwind" : "$items"},
{ "$match" : { "items.qty" : { "$in" : [7]}}}
The first match will filter only documents that match qty criteria. Among the selected documents, the second match will remove the subdocuments not matching the qty criteria.

MongoDB Aggregation Framework: Getting $unwind error when using $group

I have a document structure as follows:
"_id" : NumberLong("80000000012"),
"categories" : [{
"parent" : "MANUFACTURER",
"category" : "Chevrolet"
}, {
"parent" : "MISCELLANEOUS",
"category" : "Miscellaneous"
I am trying to get a distinct list of all 'category' fields for each 'parent' field. I was trying to utilize the aggregation framework to do this with the following query:
{$unwind : '$categories'},
{$match : {'categories.parent' : 'MISCELLANEOUS'}},
{$project : {
'_id' : 0,
parent : '$categories.parent',
category : '$categories.category'
$group : {
_id : '$parent',
category : {$addToSet : '$category'}
Running this query returns the following error:
"errmsg" : "exception: $unwind: value at end of field path must be an array",
"code" : 15978,
"ok" : 0
This seems to be tied to the group portion of the query, because, when I remove it, the query runs correctly, but, obviously, the data is not where I want it to be.
I just tried executing the above aggregation query on my mongo instance. Here are my 3 documents each with a key of categories that has an array of two nested documents.
Here is my data:
"_id" : ObjectId("512d5252b748191fefbd4698"),
"categories" : [
"parent" : "MANUFACTURER",
"category" : "Chevrolet"
"parent" : "MISCELLANEOUS",
"category" : "Miscellaneous"
"_id" : ObjectId("512d535cb748191fefbd4699"),
"categories" : [
"parent" : "MANUFACTURER",
"category" : "Chevrolet"
"parent" : "MISCELLANEOUS",
"category" : "Pickup"
"_id" : ObjectId("512d536eb748191fefbd469a"),
"categories" : [
"parent" : "MANUFACTURER",
"category" : "Toyota"
"parent" : "MISCELLANEOUS",
"category" : "Miscellaneous"
Here is the aggregation query of yours that I ran:
db.posts_temp.aggregate( {$unwind:'$categories'} , {$match: {'categories.parent':'MISCELLANEOUS'}}, {$project:{'_id':0, parent: '$categories.parent', category:'$categories.category'}}, {$group:{_id:'$parent', category:{$addToSet:'$category'}}})
Here is the result:
"result" : [
"category" : [
"ok" : 1
Let me know if there some discrepancies between my data and yours.

Group by specific element of array with mongo aggregation framework

Is it possible to use the aggregation framework to group by a specific element of an array?
Such that with documents like this:
name: 'Russell',
favourite_foods: [
{ name: 'Pizza', type: 'Four Cheeses' },
{ name: 'Burger', type: 'Veggie'}
height: 6
I could get a distinct list of top favourite foods (ie. foods at index 0) along with the height of the tallest person who's top favourite food that is?
Something like this (although it doesn't work as the array index access dot notation doesn't seem to work in the aggregation framework):
{ $group : { _id: "$", max_height: { $max : "$height" } } }
Seems like you are relying on the favorite food for each person being first in the array. If so, there is an aggregation framework operator you can take advantage of.
Here is the pipeline you can use:
"$unwind" : "$favourite_foods"
"$group" : {
"_id" : {
"name" : "$name",
"height" : "$height"
"faveFood" : {
"$first" : "$favourite_foods"
"$group" : {
"_id" : "$",
"height" : {
"$max" : "$_id.height"
On this sample dataset:
> db.people.find().pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("508894efd4197aa2b9490741"),
"name" : "Russell",
"favourite_foods" : [
"name" : "Pizza",
"type" : "Four Cheeses"
"name" : "Burger",
"type" : "Veggie"
"height" : 6
"_id" : ObjectId("5088950bd4197aa2b9490742"),
"name" : "Lucy",
"favourite_foods" : [
"name" : "Pasta",
"type" : "Four Cheeses"
"name" : "Burger",
"type" : "Veggie"
"height" : 5.5
"_id" : ObjectId("5088951dd4197aa2b9490743"),
"name" : "Landy",
"favourite_foods" : [
"name" : "Pizza",
"type" : "Four Cheeses"
"name" : "Pizza",
"type" : "Veggie"
"height" : 5
"_id" : ObjectId("50889541d4197aa2b9490744"),
"name" : "Augie",
"favourite_foods" : [
"name" : "Sushi",
"type" : "Four Cheeses"
"name" : "Pizza",
"type" : "Veggie"
"height" : 6.2
You get these results:
"result" : [
"_id" : "Pasta",
"height" : 5.5
"_id" : "Pizza",
"height" : 6
"_id" : "Sushi",
"height" : 6.2
"ok" : 1
Looks like it isn't currently possible to extract a specific element from an array in aggregation:
JUST add more information about the result after using "$wind":
> db.people.find().pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("508894efd4197aa2b9490741"),
"name" : "Russell",
"favourite_foods" : [
"name" : "Pizza",
"type" : "Four Cheeses"
"name" : "Burger",
"type" : "Veggie"
"height" : 6
$unwind: "$favourite_foods"
"_id" : ObjectId("508894efd4197aa2b9490741"),
"name" : "Russell",
"favourite_foods" :{
"name" : "Pizza",
"type" : "Four Cheeses"
"height" : 6
"_id" : ObjectId("508894efd4197aa2b9490741"),
"name" : "Russell",
"favourite_foods" : {
"name" : "Burger",
"type" : "Veggie"
"height" : 6
In Addition:
If there are more than two array fields in one collection record,
we can use "$project" stage to specify the array field.
"favourite_foods": 1
$unwind: "$favourite_foods"
I think you can make use of the $project and $unwind operators (let me know if this isn't what you're trying to accomplish):
> db.people.aggregate(
{$unwind: "$favourite_foods"},
{$project: {food : "$favourite_foods", height: 1}},
{$group : { _id: "$food", max_height: { $max : "$height" } } })
"result" : [
"_id" : {
"name" : "Burger",
"type" : "Veggie"
"max_height" : 6
"_id" : {
"name" : "Pizza",
"type" : "Four Cheeses"
"max_height" : 6
"ok" : 1
Since mongoDB version 3.2 You can simply use $arrayElemAt and $max:
$set: {favourite_foods: {$arrayElemAt: ["$favourite_foods", 0]}}
$group: {
_id: "$",
maxHeight: {$max: "$height"}
Playground example