$elemMatch dosen't work after $unwind in MongoDB Aggregation Framework - mongodb

I have a collection of the following data:
"_id" : ObjectId("51f1fcc08188d3117c6da351"),
"cust_id" : "abc123",
"ord_date" : ISODate("2012-10-03T18:30:00Z"),
"status" : "A",
"price" : 25,
"items" : [{
"sku" : "ggg",
"qty" : 7,
"price" : 2.5
}, {
"sku" : "ppp",
"qty" : 5,
"price" : 2.5
I am using the query:
cmd { "aggregate" : "orders" , "pipeline" : [
{ "$unwind" : "$items"} ,
{ "$match" : { "items" : { "$elemMatch" : { "qty" : { "$in" : [ 7]}}}}} ,
{ "$group" : { "price" : { "$first" : "$price"} , "items" : { "$push" : { "sku" : "$items.sku"}} , "_id" : { "items" : "$items"}}} ,
{ "$sort" : { "price" : -1}} ,
{ "$project" : { "_id" : 0 , "price" : 1 , "items" : 1}}
Not able to understand what is going wrong

It's because you're doing $match after $unwind. $unwind generates a new stream of documents where items is no longer an array (see docs).
It emits each document as many times as there are items in it.
If you want to select documents with desired element in it and then process all of its documents, you should call $match first:
{ "$match" : { "items" : { "$elemMatch" : { "qty" : { "$in" : [ 7]}}}}},
{ "$unwind" : "$items"},
If you want to select items to be processed after $unwind, you shoul remove $elemMatch:
{ "$unwind" : "$items"},
{ "$match" : { "items.qty" : { "$in" : [7]}}},
In first case you'll get two documents:
"price" : 25,
"items" : [
{"sku" : "ppp"}
"price" : 25,
"items" : [
{"sku" : "ggg"}
and in second case you'll get one:
"price" : 25,
"items" : [
{"sku" : "ggg"}
Update. After $unwind your documents will look like:
"_id" : ObjectId("51f1fcc08188d3117c6da351"),
"cust_id" : "abc123",
"ord_date" : ISODate("2012-10-03T18:30:00Z"),
"status" : "A",
"price" : 25,
"items" : {
"sku" : "ggg",
"qty" : 7,
"price" : 2.5

For small number of documents, unwind and match is fine. But large number of documents, it better to do - match ($elemMatch), unwind, and match again.
{ "$match" : { "items" : { "$elemMatch" : { "qty" : { "$in" : [ 7]}}}}},
{ "$unwind" : "$items"},
{ "$match" : { "items.qty" : { "$in" : [7]}}}
The first match will filter only documents that match qty criteria. Among the selected documents, the second match will remove the subdocuments not matching the qty criteria.


Mongodb - Return all the associative documents with value for the key derived from another query

I have a document of following structure:
"Type" : "Request",
"Cat" : "A",
"ID" : 10
"Type" : "Processed",
"Cat" : "A",
"ID" : 10
"Type" : "Receieved",
"Cat" : "A",
"ID" : 10
"Type" : "Receieved",
"Cat" : "B",
"ID" : 11
"Type" : "Processed",
"Cat" : "C",
"ID" : 12
I want documents:
Those documents with Type: "Processed" and get its ID
And all the associated documents with the ID got from above (1st step).
I need the results to be like this:
"Type" : "Request"
"Cat" : "A"
"ID" : 10
"Type" : "Processed"
"Cat" : "A"
"ID" : 10
"Type" : "Receieved"
"Cat" : "A"
"ID" : 10
"Type" : "Processed"
"Cat" : "C"
"ID" : 12
Can someone help me on how to achieve this ? I used elemmatch under $match in aggregate - but its not working as expected.
You can try something like
{$project : {
"doc.Type" : "$Type",
"doc.Cat" : "$Cat",
"doc.ID" : "$ID"
{$group : {
_id : "$ID",
docs : {$push : doc}
{$match : {
{$unwind : "$docs"},
{$project : {
_id : 0,
docs : 0,
"Type" : "$docs.Type",
"Cat" : "$docs.Cat",
"ID" : "$docs.ID"

Mongodb sort by sum of keys

I have a json document
"_id" : ObjectId("5715c4bbac530eb3018b456a"),
"content_id" : "5715c4bbac530eb3018b4569",
"views" : NumberLong(200),
"likes" : NumberLong(100),
"comments" : NumberLong(0)
"_id" : ObjectId("5715c4bbac530eb3018b4568"),
"content_id" : "5715c4bbac530eb3018b4567",
"views" : NumberLong(300),
"likes" : NumberLong(200),
"comments" : NumberLong(0)
"_id" : ObjectId("5715c502ac530ee5018b4956"),
"content_id" : "5715c502ac530ee5018b4955",
"views" : NumberLong(500),
"likes" : NumberLong(0),
"comments" : NumberLong(200)
How can we sort the document order by SUM("views", "likes", "comments")
something like in mysql
SELECT SUM(key1, key2, key3) AS key
FROM document
Thanks in advance.
First do a projection to obtain the sum of all the likes, views and comments, then sort based on that sum. I am considering group by content_id if is needed in the second snippet
{ $project : { "_id" : "$content_id", "total" : { $add : [ "$likes", "$views", "$comments"]}}},
{ $sort : { "total" : 1 }}
If you need a group operation if content_id can be duplicated
{ $project : { "_id" : "$content_id", "total" : { $add : [ "$likes", "$views", "$comments"]}}},
{ $group : { "_id" : "$_id" , totalPerId : { $sum : "$total" }}},
{ $sort : { "total" : 1 }}
Based on your test data, you will get:
{ "_id" : "5715c502ac530ee5018b4955", "totalPerId" : NumberLong(700) }
{ "_id" : "5715c4bbac530eb3018b4567", "totalPerId" : NumberLong(500) }
{ "_id" : "5715c4bbac530eb3018b4569", "totalPerId" : NumberLong(300) }

mongodb Embedded document search on parent and child field

I have a nested embedded document CompanyProduct below is structure
"_id" : ObjectId("53d213c5ddbb1912343a8ca3"),
"CompanyID" : 90449,
"Name" : Company1,
"CompanyDepartment" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("53d213c5ddbb1912343a8ca4")
"DepartmentID" : 287,
"DepartmentName" : "Stores",
"DepartmentInventory" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("53b7b92eecdd765430d763bd"),
"ProductID" : 1,
"ProductName" : "abc",
"Quantity" : 100
"_id" : ObjectId("53b7b92eecdd765430d763bd"),
"ProductID" : 2,
"ProductName" : "xyz",
"Quantity" : 1
There can be N no of companies and each company can have N number of departments and each department can have N number of products.
I want to do a search to find out a particular product quantity under a particular company
I tried below query but it does not work. It returns all the products for the specific company, the less than 20 condition doesn't work.
db.CompanyProduct.find({$and : [{"CompanyDepartment.DepartmentInventory.Quantity":{$lt :20}},{"CompanyID":90449}]})
How should the query be?
You are searching from companyProduct's sub documents. So it will return you companyProduct whole document, it is NoSQL database , some how we do not need to normalize the collection , but your case it has to be normalize , like if you want to EDIT/DELETE any sub document and if there are thousand or millions of sub document then what will you do ... You need to make other collection with the name on CompanyDepartment and companyProduct collection should be
"_id" : ObjectId("53d213c5ddbb1912343a8ca3"),
"CompanyID" : 90449,
"Name" : Company1,
"CompanyDepartment" : ['53d213c5ddbb1912343a8ca4'],
and other collection companyDepartment
"_id" : ObjectId("53d213c5ddbb1912343a8ca4")
"DepartmentID" : 287,
"DepartmentName" : "Stores",
"DepartmentInventory" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("53b7b92eecdd765430d763bd"),
"ProductID" : 1,
"ProductName" : "abc",
"Quantity" : 100
"_id" : ObjectId("53b7b92eecdd765430d763bd"),
"ProductID" : 2,
"ProductName" : "xyz",
"Quantity" : 1
after this you got array of companyDeparment' ID and only push and pull query will be used on productCompany
A Solution can be
"CompanyID" : 1
$unwind: "$CompanyDepartment"
$unwind: "$CompanyDepartment.DepartmentInventory"
$match:{$and : [{"CompanyDepartment.DepartmentInventory.Quantity":{$lt :20}},{"CompanyID":90449}]}
the result is
"result" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("53d213c5ddbb1912343a8ca3"),
"CompanyID" : 90449,
"CompanyDepartment" : {
"DepartmentInventory" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("53b7b92eecdd765430d763bd"),
"ProductID" : 2,
"ProductName" : "xyz",
"Quantity" : 1
"ok" : 1

Exact Reduce function

I have a collection of the type :
"_id" : ObjectId("51f1fcc08188d3117c6da351"),
"cust_id" : "abc123",
"ord_date" : ISODate("2012-10-03T18:30:00Z"),
"status" : "A",
"price" : 25,
"items" : [{
"sku" : "ggg",
"qty" : 7,
"price" : 2.5
}, {
"sku" : "ppp",
"qty" : 5,
"price" : 2.5
I want to fetch only the "items" object whose "items.qty">5 and and"items.sku"=="ggg".
I applied Map reduce:
cmd { "mapreduce" : "orders" , "map" : "function map(){var items_out={items:[]};for(i in this.items){items_out.items.push(this.items[i].sku);};emit(this._id,[items_out]);}" , "reduce" : "function reduce(key,values){return {'result':values};}" , "verbose" : true , "out" : { "replace" : "map_reduce"} , "query" : { "$where" : "return this.items.some(function(entry){return entry.qty>5})&&this.items.some(function(entry){return entry.sku=='ggg'})"}},
but I am getting all the sku values something like this:
{ "data": [ { "items": [ "ggg", "ppp" ] } ]}
Whereas it should give only ggg as this is the only value matching criteria.
Use the following command:
{$unwind : "$items"},
{$match : {"items.qty": {$gt: 5 }}},
{$match : {"items.sku" : "ggg"}},
{$project : {_id:0, items:1}}

Do $sort works for sub array document

I have a collection which has a field of array kind. I want to sort on the basis of a field of sub-array but Mongo is not sorting the data.
My collection is:
"_id" : ObjectId("51f1fcc08188d3117c6da351"),
"cust_id" : "abc123",
"ord_date" : ISODate("2012-10-03T18:30:00Z"),
"status" : "A",
"price" : 25,
"items" : [{
"sku" : "ggg",
"qty" : 7,
"price" : 2.5
}, {
"sku" : "ppp",
"qty" : 5,
"price" : 2.5
My Query is:
{ "$unwind" : "$items"} ,
{ "$match" : { }} ,
{ "$group" : { "items" : { "$addToSet" : { "sku" : "$items.sku"}} , "_id" : { }}} ,
{ "$sort" : { "items.sku" : 1}} ,
{ "$project" : { "_id" : 0 , "items" : 1}}
Result is:
"result" : [
"items" : [
"sku" : "ppp"
"sku" : "ggg"
"ok" : 1
Whereas "sku":"ggg" should come first when it is ascending.
You weant to do the sort BEFORE you regroup:
{ "$unwind" : "$items"} ,
{ "$sort" : { "items.sku" : 1}},
{ "$match" : { }} ,
{ "$group" : { "items" : { "$push" : { "sku" : "$items.sku"}} , "_id" : null}} ,
{ "$project" : { "_id" : 0 , "items" : 1}}