tastypie hydrate() not getting called - tastypie

I am new to tastypie. I have a tastypie model resource where I want to use hydrate() to take serialized data from the client and turn it into a proper format that the data model can use. I have tried hydrate() hydrate_foo() but it seems all the hydrate() functions are not getting called, while dehydrate() will always get called. In my resource model, there're also obj_get(), obj_update(). Are there restrictions/constraints as to how the hydrate() function should be defined in the resource model so that I could use it to manipulate data submitted by the client?

I know this post is pretty old but, since documentation and examples on Tastypie are very limited, I'm adding my small experience here.
Without code it is hard to give a proper answer but I've seen that hydrate methods are only called if we explicitly call in the obj_create function the full_hydrate method as follows:
bundle = self.full_hydrate(bundle)
I thought they were automatically called by Tastypie but it seems not the case.


Manipulating path mapping in AWS API gateway integration

I would like to modify an url parameter /resource/{VaRiAbLe} in an API gateway to S3 mapping so that it actually points to /my-bucket/{variable}. That is, it accepts mixed-case input, and maps it to a lower-case name. Mapping path variables is relatively simple enough to S3 integrations, but I can't seem to get a lower-case mapping working.
Reading through the documentation for mapping parameters, it looks like the path parameters are simple string values (and not templated values), and so defining a mapping as method.request.path.variable.toLowerCase() won't work.
Does anyone have any ideas how to implement this mapping?
Map path variables to a JSON body, and then call another API method that actually does the S3 call?
Bite the bullet, and implement a Lambda function to do the S3 get for me?
Find another api method for S3 that accepts a JSON body that I can use to get the data?
Update using Orchestrated calls
Following the info from Jack, I figured I should try doing the orchestrated call, since the traffic volume is low enough that I am sure that I won't be able to keep the lambda hot.
As a proof of concept, I added two methods to my resource (sitting at /resource/{variable} - GET and POST. The GET method chains to the POST, which does the actual retrieving of the data.
POST method configuration
This is a vanilla S3 proxying method, where you set the URL Path parameter for {variable} to be method.request.body.variable.
GET method configuration
This is a HTTPS proxying method. You'll need an URL for the POST method, so you'll need to deploy the API to get the URL. The only other configuration needed here is a body mapping template with content like:
"variable" : "$input.params('variable').toLowerCase()",
"something" : "$input.params('something')"
This should be enough to get this working.
The downside to this looks to be that I'm adding an extra method (POST) to my API for that resource that could confuse consumers of the API. I think it should be possible to make the POST on the /resource resource, which would at least make a bit more sense from an API design standpoint.
Depending on how frequently this API will be called, I'd either go with the Lambda proxy or chaining two API Gateway methods together. If the API is called frequently enough to keep a Lambda function warm (say once a minute), then go with Lambda. If not, go with the orchestrated API call.
The orchestrated API call would be interesting, I'd be happy to help with that if you have questions.
As far as I know the only S3 API for getting object data is the GET that is documented in their API reference.

RequestFactory's Entity Relationships

The details of the Request's with() implementation of RequestFactory in GWT is a bit unclear to me. See here for the official documentation.
Question 1:
When querying the server, RequestFactory does not automatically
populate relations in the object graph. To do this, use the with()
method on a request and specify the related property name as a String.
Does this mean that if the Entity at the server uses Lazy Fetching, the returned EntityProxy will have all the requested objects specified in with()? It seems a bit odd to instantiate the whole object graph of the Object server side, to only send a small piece to the client.
Question 2:
Does req.with("foo").with("foo"); do the same as req.with("foo"); ?
Question 3:
Does req.with("foo").with("bar"); do the same as req.with("foo","bar"); ?
NOTE: I'm having a really hard time finding the implementation details of with() in the source code and the API doesn't help me either.
Question 1:
It probably depends on your server side implemenation.
The with invocation will only make sure that the corresponding getter (getFoo()) is called shortly before the RF call returns to the client.
That's the reason why you also have to make sure to use an OpenSessionInView pattern, otherwise you might run into NullPointeterExceptions.
Question 2:
I guess the Request<T> implements a builder pattern.
The end-result will be the same.
However I am not sure if the getter() will be called twice or if the with method will check if the getter is already requested.
Question 3:
Yes it's the same.
As a sidenote. You can use req.with("foo.bar").
On the backend this will lead to a getFoo().getBar() call.

WCF Data Service with EF fails to expose imported functions

(I am also using .NET 4.0 and VS 2010.)
I created a function import returning a complex type, as explained at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb896231.aspx. The function import and new complex type appear in my .edmx file and in the Designer.cs file. However, the function does not appear when I view the service in the browser, and when I add or update a service reference in the client project, the function does not appear there either - as is to be expected, given the first result.
Creating an imported function and using it seems conceptually very simple and straightforward, and one would think it would just work, as Microsoft's step-by-step instructions appear to suggest: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc716672.aspx#Y798 (which article shows the SP returning entity types - I tried this also, and it doesn't work for me either).
This blog post shows the addition of a method to the DataService class, which Microsoft's instructions omit: http://www.codegain.com/articles/wcf/miscellaneous/how-to-use-stored-procedure-in-wcf-data-service.aspx I tried adding one method returning a list of entity types and another returning a list of complex types, and still had no success. I still could not access the functions, either directly via the browser or from the client application via a service reference.
Thanks in advance for any help with this.
config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("*", ServiceOperationRights.All);
MS would do well to add a note to the walkthroughs stating that the above bit of code must be there. (It may be better to enable each operation explicitly than to use "*".)
http://www.codegain.com/articles/wcf/miscellaneous/how-to-use-stored-procedure-in-wcf-data-service.aspx shows that line of code. Also, something it is there in the code, commented out, when one creates the WCF Data Service. Some of us like to delete commented-out code that we aren't using and that seems irrelevant - perhaps doing so a bit prematurely, sometimes.

Does Core Data automatically validate new values when they are set?

In this question, someone asked how to write a validation method for Core Data. I did that, and it looks cool. But one thing doesn't happen: The validation. I can easily set any "bad" value and this method doesn't get called automatically. What's the concept behind this? Must I always first call the validation method before setting any value? So would I write setter methods which call the appropriate validation method first?
And if yes, what's the point of following a strict convention in how to write the validation method signature? I guess there's also some automatic way of validation, then. How to activate this?
Validation is not "automatic" especially on iOS. On the desktop you will have the UI elements handling the call to validation. On iOS you should be calling validateValue:forKey:error: with the appropriate key and dealing with the error should there be one. The reason for this is the lack of a standard error display on iOS and the overhead of validating all values.
Note this comment in the documentation:
If you do implement custom validation methods, you should typically not invoke them directly. Instead you should call validateValue:forKey:error: with the appropriate key. This ensures that any constraints defined in the managed object model are also applied.

How to use Zend Cache with SimpleXML objects?

I'm trying to cache the user timeline of a Twitter feed using Zend_Service_Twitter which returns its results as a SimpleXML object. Unfortunately the regular serialize functions (which Zend Cache uses) don't play nice with SimpleXMl objects. I found this http://www.mail-archive.com/fw-general#lists.zend.com/msg18133.html.
So it looks like I'll need to create some kind of custom frontend for Zend Cache to be able to change the serialize function used. Anybody ever done this already or can point me where to look to start?
Instead of trying to cache the SimpleXML object, I chose to loop through Twitter posts returned and save that data as a string. I then save that string to the cache. Works for me!
Or you can call asXML() function:
$simpleXml = #simplexml_load_file($xml_url);
$cache->save($simpleXml->asXML(), 'name_of_cache');
Definition and Usage
The asXML() function returns the XML document, from a SimpleXMLElement
object, as a string.
This function returns FALSE on failure.