how to solve SOAP services issue with portable class library? - soap

i have an issue using SOAP services from portable class library.
once i add the service refrence configuration file created empty and calling any operation form Windows Phone or Windows store app project returns null value.
However if i added the refrence to WP or W8 project directly configuration file is npot empty and operations return data
any reason for that ?

It is the same as in full .NET. If you call a web service, the configuration file is searched for in the calling assembly, that is in your case the WP8 project.
You have two options. One is to copy the relevant configuration from app.config in the PCL to the WP8 porject or to create the web service configuration completely in code in your PCL so no config file anywhere is needed.


Sharing AWS CloudHSM between two Web Applciations on WildFly

I have two web applications deployed in Wildfly 18. Both of them use AWS ClOud HSM. They work perfectly fine while used alone. But as soon request is sent to both the applications I get the error "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library already loaded in another classloader".
There is a jar file cloudhsm.jar which internally loads the .so library. I have to use the following statement to register a new security provider
Security.addProvider(new com.cavium.provider.CaviumProvider());
The same statement is used in both the applications
I have tried configuring the provider in file also. But that also doesnt work.
How should I configure the provider to be used in both the applciations.

Class Loader order not able to change

I am using IBM RSA 7.5 and Websphere Server 6.1 as a application server.
I am not able to change Class Loader Order dropdown box. It has disable state.
How to enable that. I need to change the item "Classes Loaded with parent class loader first" to "Classes Loaded with application class loader first".
"The classloader options are disabled in the admininstrative console because the application was published in a "loose configuration" manner. What this means is that your application binaries and descriptor files do not reside in the WAS application repository. Since you published them via RAD (which is most likely configured to 'Run with resources in the workspace') then the application binaries exist in the output folders of your various projects and WAS is instructed to read the binaries/descriptor files from that location. As a result, the WAS admin console is not able to make changes to these files so the functionality is disabled.
Here is a document which describes how to can accomplish the task you want when using this publishing mechanism via RAD:
Using this manner to change the classloader settings results in this information being stored with the application (in the EAR project) so you will no longer need to change it when the application is published to any WAS runtime (i.e. in development or production)."
From the IBM developer help website
I struggled with this one a lot, and even bumped on your question being desperate.
Although i had a different setup,publishing my application from Eclipse, unchecking "Minimize application files copied to the server" in eclipse server config solved the issue for me.

Windows Azure with Multiple Sites in One Role not transforming 2nd web.debug.config to web.config

I am using Web.Config transformations to deploy my application to Azure. I also have 2 sites in my service, a public website, and private WCF site endpoint. I am deploying multiple sites to a single role.
When I deploy, the website project (for which the Azure Deploy project is set) transforms the web.config correctly. However, the WCF project (which is only addressed as a "site" in the .csdef file) does not transform the web.debug.config file to web.config.
This question is similar, but only addresses the projects building. I have set the dependencies in my project.
This workaround forces the transform of the web.config file, but it still does not appear in my deployment on Azure.
I suspect that this bug still exists, and I have also upgraded to the Azure 1.5 SDK in hopes that it will fix it.
I would like to try putting my configuration data in cscfg files but I am using Entity Framework Code First, and I do not know how to get my connection string to work with this format. EFCF seems to rely on web.config explicitly.
Any help would be appreciated.
When you add another web role, you provide a physicalPath to point to what you want deployed, and all the SDK does is copy the files it finds at that path into your package. It doesn't do a build.
You should probably be doing a build and a publish of the web app you want to deploy, and then point the physicalDirectory at the output of that publish step. (Make sure the directory you're setting in physicalDirectory contains exactly what you want to have deployed to the cloud.)

Unable to create Web Service Client from WSDL URL in NetBeans

I'm trying to create a Web Service Client using the option WSDL URL in NetBeans IDE 7.0. Unfortunately, it is not able to create one and is failing with the following error:
Saxon cannot write a DOMResult unless saxon9-dom.jar is on the classpath
After seeing this error message, I even confirmed whether saxon9-dom.jar is added to the Libraries in NetBeans. Yes, it is already available. I don't know why still the error is appearing. Can somebody let me know what is going wrong?
I'm trying to create web service client for this WSDL. I'm choosing JAX-WS Style in Client Style option while creating New Web Service Client in NetBeans.
After googling, I read about some clues from the following 2 places:
This is due to the new event-handling framework that has been added
after 0.95. The step in the build process that generates the resource
files for the various messages, seems to require a writable DOM
As the message indicates, Saxon offers such an implementation in a
separate JAR, which needs to be added to the classpath when building
FOP Trunk.
Using XPath/XQuery requires an additional download of and placing on the classpath of the files
saxon9.jar and saxon9-dom.jar that it contains. The zip is available
here. We cannot distribute this zip in a binary distribution due to
licensing issues.
So, I thought of changing saxon9-dom.jar in the classpath. I was using saxon9-dom.jar from before, but when I tried to include saxon9-dom.jar available in, now this error has disappeared and am getting a different error now as shown below. Any ideas/clues?
Web Services are described using WSDL files, so in order to create a Web Consumer for them you'll have to specify the WSDL url.
You can obtain it by adding ?WSDL ar the and of the url.
For example:
CrudService.asmx becomes
(It you have tested your web service and it appears ?Tester at the end, just replace it with ?WSDL).

Deploy WEB Service Consumer module

We have recently added some functionality to our web site that requires adding a service reference to an api in an external domain. Adding the reference to a VS2008 project createed a sub-folder in the "Service References" folder and added 18 files to that folder that appear to represent the classes in the api. The api provider also had me add custom binding and client references to system.serviceModel in my web.config file.
Do I have to deploy that entire folder with its 18 files to my production site to use the web service? Does some of it get compiled into my project dll? I can find all kinds of references to deploying a service, but not what is necessary to deploy a service consumption module.
Sorry for short, but I don't have the answer for you. But you can get this answer yourself. This is the only way Iwould get the answer. Deploy it without them, see if it works. If it doesn't deploy with. If it works, then you know.
The good news is that I have to deploy absolutely no files from the project have to be deployed to the production site. Everything the web service consumer application needs gets compiled into the application assembly.