Deploy WEB Service Consumer module - deployment

We have recently added some functionality to our web site that requires adding a service reference to an api in an external domain. Adding the reference to a VS2008 project createed a sub-folder in the "Service References" folder and added 18 files to that folder that appear to represent the classes in the api. The api provider also had me add custom binding and client references to system.serviceModel in my web.config file.
Do I have to deploy that entire folder with its 18 files to my production site to use the web service? Does some of it get compiled into my project dll? I can find all kinds of references to deploying a service, but not what is necessary to deploy a service consumption module.

Sorry for short, but I don't have the answer for you. But you can get this answer yourself. This is the only way Iwould get the answer. Deploy it without them, see if it works. If it doesn't deploy with. If it works, then you know.

The good news is that I have to deploy absolutely no files from the project have to be deployed to the production site. Everything the web service consumer application needs gets compiled into the application assembly.


Develop a Service Fabric Web Application without redeploying after each file change

I have stateless .net core 2 Fabric Service Web Application creating using one of the templates that comes with Service Fabric SDK. It is a real pain to develop since I have to do a full deploy before I can see any changes to code/html/script. In my case that operation takes more than 5 minutes.
I have looked at this article that states how it can be done by running the web app from the commandline.
That article is based on Net Core RC2. Does anyone has an updated example on how to do this?
Together with Azure Developer Support i found a solution to speed up the development process
I Fabric Explorer you need to find the node where you Web Application is running. I my case that is _Node_0
By SF SDK design, local SF published file is under C:\SfDevCluster\Data_App\ this folder. In my environment, the website file path is C:\SfDevCluster\Data_App_Node_0\Application1Type_App1\Web1Pkg.Code.1.0.0\wwwroot\lib\bootstrap\dist
So you can also find your HTML, CSS, JS and other static resources under below path:
You can just modify the files in this folder, then the change will immediately apply to your local test web browser. Please notice if your service is hosted by micro-service running in several nodes, you may need to modify all nodes files because load balancer may access any folder files randomly.

MEF doesn't discover assemblies when published to live

I have a WCF service which use MEF to discover assemblies used in bin folder. When i run the WCF service in local a client application can access it without problem all the assemblies are discovered by MEF but when i publish the WCF service to Live server MEF doesn't discover some assemblies at run time i get
Object Reference errors.Your help is very much appreciated
I actually resolved the issue using Mefx and log4net it was some dll weren't copied correctly to live when publishing and some access rights issues
If anybody get this issue they should use MEFx here is the links that helped me

Deploying .ear file (contains rest services)

I have a few questions about deploying my .ear file (was provided to me, the file itself should not be the problem). I set up jBoss application server jboss-6.0.0.Final and was able to run a simple hello world app to ensure the server was functioning properly.
I was told to place the .ear file in /server/default/deploy so I did. When I ran jboss (through /bin/run.bat) I got no errors related to deploying the ear file.
Is this all the software I need (jBoss)? Do I also need something like Apache or tomcat?
The .ear file contains RESTful service calls that should return xml. Will these be deployed (accessible through a jQuery ajax call after the server (jboss/bin/run.bat) is executed?
Currently when I try to make the calls, the resources do not seem to exist.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to help.
JBoss AS ships with an embedded Tomcat as a servlet container so you really don't need that anymore. Apache Web Server is NOT required for your .EAR to be deployed properly.
To answer your questions
No other software is needed to deploy the EAR. You simply copy your EAR file to deploy directory (which you have rightfully done so).
If your EAR contains RESTFul services, they will be deployed and you can access them using any client including jQuery or even a simple browsers. The trick is to know the access URL to the RESTFul services.
If you have difficulty identifying the URL for accessing your RESTFul services please refer [1] for more information.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
I can answer the first question. You need apache if you want to serve static content or you need to isolate the traffic (say keep apache in the dmz and then use apache to proxy traffic to the internal jboss servers). tomcat is bundled along with jboss, so you do not need it.

Windows Azure with Multiple Sites in One Role not transforming 2nd web.debug.config to web.config

I am using Web.Config transformations to deploy my application to Azure. I also have 2 sites in my service, a public website, and private WCF site endpoint. I am deploying multiple sites to a single role.
When I deploy, the website project (for which the Azure Deploy project is set) transforms the web.config correctly. However, the WCF project (which is only addressed as a "site" in the .csdef file) does not transform the web.debug.config file to web.config.
This question is similar, but only addresses the projects building. I have set the dependencies in my project.
This workaround forces the transform of the web.config file, but it still does not appear in my deployment on Azure.
I suspect that this bug still exists, and I have also upgraded to the Azure 1.5 SDK in hopes that it will fix it.
I would like to try putting my configuration data in cscfg files but I am using Entity Framework Code First, and I do not know how to get my connection string to work with this format. EFCF seems to rely on web.config explicitly.
Any help would be appreciated.
When you add another web role, you provide a physicalPath to point to what you want deployed, and all the SDK does is copy the files it finds at that path into your package. It doesn't do a build.
You should probably be doing a build and a publish of the web app you want to deploy, and then point the physicalDirectory at the output of that publish step. (Make sure the directory you're setting in physicalDirectory contains exactly what you want to have deployed to the cloud.)

How Do I deploy an application to IIS while that web application is running

Where I work, we release bug fixes in to the system every night when we know our clients are not using the system.
Trying to take a step towards better service I'd like to deploy to IIS while the application is running.
A solution that comes to mind is to setup two different IIS applications and switch them over after deploy using a script. But I'm not going to try this out as I don't want any complications during our busy hours.
Does anyone have experience in this area of deployment?
Regardless of whether you're using PHP, ASP, ASP.NET etc there is no native support for transactional deployment on IIS.
The simplest approach would be to have two physical folders and (optionally two web sites - one production, one test) on your web server, for example:
Initially your site would have its physical path pointing to c:\websites\myapp\dep1.
When you deploy your latest build you'd deploy into c:\websites\myapp\dep2. Once you're done just switch the physical path of the production site over to this folder. This means you still have the original site and can fall back to it if the new code fails for whatever reason.
The next time you do a deployment you'd deploy into c:\websites\myapp\dep1 and once you're done switch the production site to that folder.
You could optionally have a test site that points to the folder you're deploying to so you can make sure the site works before switching your production site over.
This could all be scripted.
Here's some related reading that may be of interest:
Publishing/uploading new DLL to IIS: website goes down whilst uploading
Is smooth deployment possible with componentized ASP.NET MVC apps?
Rob Conery also had an excellent blog post about the lack of a decent deployment story for ASP.NET application. You should take a trawl through the comments some of which are quite insightful:
ASP.NET Deployment Needs To Be Fixed
Getting Constructive On ASP.NET Deployment