How can I run github web application on localhost [closed] - github

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Closed 7 years ago.
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For a project I am trying to develop a recommender for GitHub. To start with is there any way I can run a opensource GitHub web interface on localhost but connect to the public git repositories.
I have this one which only works for local repositories.
So is there a way to crawl github repositories to create a classifier

You won't be able to run GitHub locally, as it's a closed-source commercial application*.
There are a number of open-source web-based Git interfaces, as you have already discovered. One that you didn't mention but that might be worth considering is GitLab, which has a more GitHub-like interface than Gitweb.
If you want to interface with GitHub's repository data, your best bet will be to use their API. Without knowing what language you're working in it's hard to give more information than that.
If you're working in Ruby, Objective-C, .NET or Go, you should also have a look at Octokit, a set of official libraries for interacting with GitHub.
*Actually, you can run the Enterprise version locally, but it's fairly expensive and I get the sense that you're looking for something open and / or free.


Using GitHub as a work experience portfolio [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Would using GitHub as a work experience portfolio, including personal projects in various languages/frameworks, be a good practice when seeking employment?
Yes. You'll want to target the specific companies you are applying to, as well. For example, does the company you are targeting value, use, or promote open source projects? Then find some contributions you can make, especially if that company has their own open source projects on
Definitely host your own projects with a very clear that explains the purpose of the project, anything that showcases design decisions you made, and clear instructions on how to launch/run your project.
No, Since github functions as a site where you host your codes, employers won't have time to access and examine each of your codes.
Your future employer may not check out your code, but it will prove that development is your hobby and not only your job.
Put your github repo link in your resume

Using github to write a book [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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With Github one can write a well-formatted file and document to present the project. Also, there are wiki pages for user to collaborate. I'm wandering what would be an optimal workflow, even for non tech users, to make use of the GitHub platform to write a collaborative book.
How to use markdown but then enhance it by applying a stylesheet, make PDF out of it, organise chapters, have a public site (gh-pages) out of it and so on? Is there such a project or tool chain for GitHub?
In other word, how to easily write a collaborative book with a nice html and PDF output in GitHub? Thanks.
Edit: GitBook has changed significantly since I first wrote this answer. PDF support has been dropped, and the CLI toolchain has been abandoned in favour of a proprietary service:
As the efforts of the GitBook team are focused on the platform, the CLI is no longer under active development.
In mid-2019 mdBook is a good option, though it doesn't natively support PDF. If you have Rust and Cargo installed you can simply
cargo install mdbook
to get started.
Original answer:
This is exactly what GitBook is designed for:
GitBook is a command line tool (and Node.js library) for building beautiful books using GitHub/Git and Markdown (or AsciiDoc).
It supports PDF output out of the box, as well as online publishing on its own web platform.

It is possible to work with github entirely online? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Simply put, can I use github online rather than ever having to download the program for windows. It appears to be much easier than downloading git or the github application. Any thoughts on this?
Yes, you can if you like. Github supports online editing and commit. But I don't think it's convenient since you cannot compile, run and debug your codes, and easy to lost your work when you close your browser without save.
You lose a lot of power by giving up the command line, but you can certainly do most routine tasks in the cloud. You can do some limited editing and repository tasks directly on GitHub, or hook into your GitHub repository with a cloud-based IDE like Cloud9, CodeEnvy, or other similar services.

How to use Github? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have created a GitHub account.
I'd like to know how to use it and why is should be used.
GitHub hosts git repositories. Git is a Distributed Revision Control System which allows you to store source code (or other data) in a versioned repository, and then (if you so desire) share that information and collaborate with other people.
A good free book to get started with using Git is ProGit ( )
GitHub hosts Git repositories in such a way that it combines a social networking type site with a programming site to create a social programming site. You can just push your git repos up to GitHub to share your code with the world.
I was just viewing a git hub tutorial today! Git Hub on code school. You may have to sign up for a free account. I stopped about halfway through because its going to be awhile before I need git hub, but I feel like I learned some stuff.
Are you using a mac? There is a git hub app. I can't say anything about it though.

Managing personal projects [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I want to introduce Jira and Perforce for my personal projects at home. The question I have is about infrastructure. How do you setup your personal production environment? Do you have an own server at home that hosts source control and project management, do you use a rented server or does this all run on your (main) development machine?
Any suggestions are highly appreciated. :)
It depends...
... If you want to keep your projects private and possibly do some freelancing, I would strongly recommend a paid hosted solution, like, or similar one, including at least version control + issue tracker + wiki. You will focus o your work, released of backup and maintenance tasks.
... If you don't care to manage your on server and do the backups, then I would recommend Jira $10 + GIT or Subversion.
... If you plan to share it or make it opensource, look for something like
While perforce is great, svn/git are more than OK, free, and widely supported.