Features and Configuration of the Typescript Eclipse Plugin - eclipse

I'm interested in developing with typescript on linux. So I found the above mentioned plugin. I installed eclipse and also the eclipse-typescript plugin as described here. Now I can edit typescript files and see the highlighting. But it is not possible to debug a script. When I try to debug it, there is no debug configuration available.
Is the plugin able to debug a typescript?
I also read in this wiki, but this single page doesn't help me. I googled around and did not found any howto or help...

Is the plugin able to debug a typescript?
It isn't supported. Based on my empirical (but certain) observation of : https://github.com/palantir/eclipse-typescript/tree/master/Bridge/src
You could debug the generated JavaScript though (and I highly recommend you do that anyways). And in fact learn to use google chrome debug tools (you'll thank me someday) since they have a live edit and continue, repl, profiler etc.
Alternatively you can try WebStorm which fully supports debugging TypeScript on linux.

At the same time, TypEcs (another TypeScript plugin for Eclipse) features debugging - http://typecsdev.com/. The plugin supports two modes of TypeScript debug:
Standalone: this mode is suitable for debugging server-side NodeJS applications written on TypeScript,
Web Remote: this mode is connected to Google Chrome web browser and allows you to debug TypeScript web application.
So you can try this one.


Start Point for writing own debugger extension for Visual Studio Code

I want to migrate from Eclipse based IDE to VSC for working with remote Ruby apps and I stuck with writing VSC debugger extension.
Currently, the debugger in the Ruby App and debugger part in Eclipse IDE communicates via HTTP.
I have read the known widely article "Debugger Extension" and don't have yet clear understanding how exact to do it.
In my mind I must use Server type of VSC debugger, which starts to listen HTTP on specific port and translate commands to from DAP. But I cannot get workable sample of this.
Do somebody smthng like this?

Client Side GWT Debugging in Super Dev Mode

I was debugging a GWT in Eclipse using "Super Dev Mode", Java 8, and Eclipse Photon. I've put breakpoints in the client side of the code, but none of them seem to trigger.
I'm reading the documentation, but it appears to relate to "Legacy Dev Mode" debugging.
Does anyone have any recommendations to "step through" client side code with "Super Dev Mode"?
If you use GWT's Super Dev Mode, debugging is done completely in the browser and the Super Dev Mode provides sourcemaps to know where in your "Java"-code you currently are. You have to use e.g. Chrome's Developer-Tools and set breakpoints there.
Here is a tutorial how to use the Debugging-Feature of Chrome:
Use the GWT eclipse plugin by Branflake : https://github.com/gwt-plugins/gwt-eclipse-plugin
Check out his youtube tutorial videos linked from the github page : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU7ZQVLR5Zo&list=PLBbgqtDgdc_TqzA-qXrjgTFMC_6DKAQyT
With this plugin you can debug from within Eclipse with SuperDevMode.
Another option is to use the Ultimate (not free) version of IntelliJ. This has GWT support built in including debugging from within the IDE.

Ionic Angular js IDE

Is there an IDE like Xcode to develop cross platform apps using ionic? I played with creator.ionic.io but they charge 40$ per month for the complete app development. Can you suggest some open source IDEs? Basically I wanted something similar to ionic where I can drag and drop objects to build the UI
I had come across the same problem when i started at first and found some suggestions from ionic official website.
I copied contents here for convenience.
Visual Studio Code
VS Code is a new editor that comes with support for ES6 syntax, as well as TypeScript support. It will also prompt users to include TypeScript definition files and download them from Definitely Typed. Visual Studio Code is free and works on OS X, Windows, and Linux.
Atom is cross platform editor built on web technologies. Atom has many plugins to make ES6/TypeScript development very easy. If there isn't something provided by Atom or a plugin, you can even make a plugin yourself, using JavaScript. Atom works on OS X, Windows, and Linux.
WebStorm is a paid IDE that provides many features, such as advanced refactoring support, automatic compilation of code, and gulp/grunt/webpack support. Out of the box, WebStorm comes with support for ES6 and TypeScript, as well as Angular and Ionic syntax support.
ALM is a free open source IDE built for typescript development, it can be run on any computer running chrome and can be hosted on a server and used on any computer with internet access.
Angular IDE by Webclipse
Angular IDE is a freemium IDE built for Angular 2 and TypeScript development providing integrated terminal support helping with node and npm management. Out of the box, Angular IDE includes code completion and validation for ES6, TypeScript, and Angular 2 HTML templates.
Personally i am using "Brackets" its open source as well and really good.
I think community gets totally confused about the OP's question here.He is asking not about an IDE for developing Ionic apps.He is asking the IDE like an Ionic creator.Which is the IDE anyone can create ionic apps without writing a code.
What is an Ionic Creator? See here.
Creator is a simple drag-&-drop tool for going from idea to App
Store, with just the drag of a mouse.
There is no such free and open source tool but the price you have mentioned is not correct with the official Ionic creator. It is $24/mo.You can see details here.
$24/mo for individuals
Unlimited Projects
Private Projects
In-Tool Code Editing
Basic & Native Exporting
Creator Mobile App
By using above tool you can create Ionic 1 apps only.There is no support for Ionic 2 yet. You can see the Roadmap of Ionic 2 creator here.

Any disadvantage using Terminal as opposed to the deprecated GoogleAppEngineLauncher?

I'm doing Udacity's Web Development course. I've heard some users talk about Eclipse, but I'd rather have a basic understanding of the command line than move on to that higher level software.
Is there anything on a Mac that I can't do in Terminal that I could on Google App Engine Launcher?
Thank you.
The gcloud commands from the Cloud SDK provide much more control over your experience. The App Engine Launcher actually causes more problems than it helps with. In the long run, you're much better off with gcloud.
If you wanted to use an IDE, there are new plugins for Eclipse and IntelliJ. If you wanted to keep debugging simple, you could just use the command-line PDB debugger.

Node.js Code Assist in the Eclipse Debugger

Does anyone know how to get code-assist working while debugging (say for instance while forming a watch expression) Node.js in Eclipse?
One of the motivations for my wanting to use Node.js on the server side was the idea that I could debug applications just as easily as I can debug client-side javascript code in a browser console like the one Chrome includes.
This seems like it should be a pretty easy one.
Thanks in advance.
For better Node.js debugging in Eclipse there is Nodeclipse project http://www.nodeclipse.org/updates/
It comes with Tern that gives mouse over hints