Start Point for writing own debugger extension for Visual Studio Code - visual-studio-code

I want to migrate from Eclipse based IDE to VSC for working with remote Ruby apps and I stuck with writing VSC debugger extension.
Currently, the debugger in the Ruby App and debugger part in Eclipse IDE communicates via HTTP.
I have read the known widely article "Debugger Extension" and don't have yet clear understanding how exact to do it.
In my mind I must use Server type of VSC debugger, which starts to listen HTTP on specific port and translate commands to from DAP. But I cannot get workable sample of this.
Do somebody smthng like this?


Building a tool to leverage the Language Server Protocol in general and VSCode's ~/.vscode/extensions as a server launch mechanism in particular

I am developing a free software code coverage tool that leverages LSP. I do not want to reinvent the wheel in order to specify and launch a particular language server. What seems to make sense is to use VSCode to obtain the LS extension from the marketplace which will establish an entry in ~/.vscode/extensions. Once I have the extension on my computer I would use it to launch the LS much as VSCode does.
So now I need to grok this extension format to develop a launcher inside my tool. I am looking for specs, examples, tutorials, code or other material that will help, especially from other developers who have done this already.
I am already quite familiar with the LSP spec and some Microsoft VSCode sites and articles, fwiw.
Perhaps a link to the VSCode source where it leverages an extension to launch a language server would be helpful.

How can i open another terminal in Whack Whack terminal?

I'm trying to support two web applications on the same IDE (Visual Studio ) but not sure how can i have two terminals open. I would appreciate your help thank you!
Alright just so that if anyone comes across this block, they can get to know my experience.
I'm building a chat application using React and and I'm using Visual Studio (IDE different than Visual Studio Code (text editor)). In order to run the react application and the server together I needed two terminals open at the same time to invoke functions(send messages) within the application and listen on the server for a response.
How I was able to do it
I already had the Whack Whack Terminal Extension downloaded and running and then i used the Developer Command Prompt where you can access in Tools/Command Line/Developer Command Prompt.
I hope this might come helpful to anyone who comes across this!

Node.js Code Assist in the Eclipse Debugger

Does anyone know how to get code-assist working while debugging (say for instance while forming a watch expression) Node.js in Eclipse?
One of the motivations for my wanting to use Node.js on the server side was the idea that I could debug applications just as easily as I can debug client-side javascript code in a browser console like the one Chrome includes.
This seems like it should be a pretty easy one.
Thanks in advance.
For better Node.js debugging in Eclipse there is Nodeclipse project
It comes with Tern that gives mouse over hints

LabView web server cannot access

I would like to create the web server from LabVIEW VI but when i did the VI interface part was missing (that part is just blank and gave error). I tried to look for the solution from the internet and some says that plugins are missing so I downloaded and installed all plugin as suggest (windows silverlight and LabVIEW run time) but the result still the same.
Anybody have another suggestion?
(When i did this i followed this link:
Try to install Latest version of Microsoft silverlight. After this make sure you open your interface via Internet explorer. Chrome would not like to open silverlight GUI.

Features and Configuration of the Typescript Eclipse Plugin

I'm interested in developing with typescript on linux. So I found the above mentioned plugin. I installed eclipse and also the eclipse-typescript plugin as described here. Now I can edit typescript files and see the highlighting. But it is not possible to debug a script. When I try to debug it, there is no debug configuration available.
Is the plugin able to debug a typescript?
I also read in this wiki, but this single page doesn't help me. I googled around and did not found any howto or help...
Is the plugin able to debug a typescript?
It isn't supported. Based on my empirical (but certain) observation of :
You could debug the generated JavaScript though (and I highly recommend you do that anyways). And in fact learn to use google chrome debug tools (you'll thank me someday) since they have a live edit and continue, repl, profiler etc.
Alternatively you can try WebStorm which fully supports debugging TypeScript on linux.
At the same time, TypEcs (another TypeScript plugin for Eclipse) features debugging - The plugin supports two modes of TypeScript debug:
Standalone: this mode is suitable for debugging server-side NodeJS applications written on TypeScript,
Web Remote: this mode is connected to Google Chrome web browser and allows you to debug TypeScript web application.
So you can try this one.