Using Eclipse with non-standard subversion directory layouts - eclipse

I have a subversion repository with a layout like this:
It is this way for historical reasons, which aren't really up for debate and so I won't go into here.
I'm trying to use this layout with Eclipse (Juno) using the Subversive plug in. The .project file lives in /trunk/<projectname>, and I can check out a project from trunk with no problem. However if I try to create a new branch for a project using subversive, I seem to get into trouble. Creating a branch with a path /branches/<projectname>/<branchname>, it gets transformed into a branch /branches/<projectname>/<branchname>/<projectname>.
The repository properties dialog has no visible options which allow for this layout - although the Advanced tab has fields for "Resource names" which default to as "trunk", "branches" and "tags", these evidently cannot contain a path separator without being rejected as an "invalid resource name"
I've read the documentation for Subversive. It talks about a "Repository Location project layout", and states that with this "the user is free to change this layout by any way he wish" [sic] - but it doesn't really explain how.
In short What's the correct, or most expedient way to use this layout within Eclipse?
Note, I really need a way which will appease those users uncomfortable with the command line subversion client, so dropping to the command line won't be a very satisfactory solution.

I have not used it, and I'm not using eclipse for branching/merging operations, but in Window/Preferences/Team/SVN > project structure, you can modify project structure.
Not sure exaclty what it do , but you can try playing with structure settings and manual specification.
Command line subversion don't really assume a structure, given a tag/branch is only a simple (remote preferably) copy, so you may be able to just copy from Eclipse (IIRC it's possible in the repositories view).

This has been answered on the Eclipse Subversive forum here:
To quote:
It is not the one of recommended layouts, so the automation is not available for it. In order to use such a layout you should open plug-in preferences and change the following option: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->Project structure->Branch and Tag settings from "Respect project structure" to "Manual specification"
I have checked and it does seem to work, although unfortunately it is a global setting and not a per-project setting.


NetBeans: should nbactions.xml, nb-configuration.xml and catalog.xml go into source control?

This thread is very useful for finding out which files in Netbeans should go into source countrol, but it doesn't cover all files.
In particular I'm wondering whether the following files should go into source control. Here are my assumptions/guesses:
nb-configuration.xml - easiest - the file itself in the comment says it should go into source control.
nbactions.xml - from what I see this file stores information typical to running the application. I.e. JVM arguments etc. So I suppose it is a question of taste - if you want other developers to have a "suggested" Run configuration - include it. Otherwise - don't. Correct?
catalog.xml - not sure what this does (I GUESS it's used by the editor to find out xml schemas and such to enable syntax coloring, but it's just a guess). Anyway - I see that this file has system-specific information (path) - so it shouldn't go into source control.
Can anyone confirm the above?
I never put my IDE configuration files in the repository, for several reasons:
other colleagues may want to use theirs;
other colleagues may want to use other IDEs (such as Eclipse) and seeing those files (or even have to exclude them from the checkout) could be annoying for them;
some of these files are generally not related to a single project, others automatically generated, so no need to store them in the source code of every project.
In order to exclude them, our first solution was the .svnignore, but it was still logically wrong to modify some shared content for the specific needs of a single user, so we decided to be more strict:
in my ~/.subversion/config I have:
global-ignores = nbactions.xml nbproject
Hope this helps,
In my Maven based projects I put nbactions.xml into source control. Just make sure to change absolute paths to relative ones.
I put nbactions.xml into source control BUT there is a caveat: it's internal format can change so if your developers, for any reason, use different versions of NetBeans you could have to remove it because sharing it becomes nasty.
Recently I upgraded from NetBeans 7.3.1 to 7.4 and the "Run" action was giving a strange error message. I solved the problem by deleting and regenerating nbactions.xml: the old one had a custom Maven goal for the "Run" and "Debug" actions; it was org.codehaus.mevenide:netbeans-deploy-plugin:1.2.4:deploy it was not visible in the IDE v7.3.1 (perhaps it has been generated by an even older version for internal usage) and was generating a class not found for org.openide.util.Lookup in v7.4. I'm documenting the problem here because I found the solution by myself after an unsuccessful search on the Net. I hope this can help someone else.

Can't create customized Eclipse with default svn repository added

Right now I am trying to create a custom Eclipse distribution with specific predefined settings. To configure the plugins, I added some new lines to the plugin_customization.ini file (in the plugin), which works well (e.g. specific formatting rules). It looks like:
Now the problem: I try to do the same with SVN setting. I tried to copy the settings from the
file, but it does not work.
I found a bug related to this problem, but it seems, that the provided test software, but it seems nonfunctioning as well.
Does there anyone out, who knows how can one define a custom svn repository (which does not disappear, when a user changes the workspace)?

How to activate revision info in line number view

I know of an Eclipse feature to show revision information (gradual coloring, more info like revisionnumber, date and author on mouseover) for the last changes in a line in the linenumbers-view.
Does anyone know how to activate this feature for a file, or even better, by default? I accidently hit some shortcut lately which made it show in one file, it does not show up in the others, though.
This is called "Show Annotation" and you can find it in the "Team" menu. Since this is a pretty expensive operation, you can't make it the default.
Regarding the shortcut: You have to enable the command group SVN.
Window -> Customize Perspective... -> Command Groups Availability -> check "SVN".
If you do this, some SVN actions show up in the toolbar which you can remove again (if you want) using the same Customize Perspective dialog (tab Tool Bar Visibility).
Remapping the shortcut did not work for me but enabling the command group did (with the default key mapping Ctrl+Alt+A).
(did not find a way to reply to Aaron's answer so I had to create a new one)
I found my way here while trying to find a way to get the option to show up with code from my git repository.
A lot of the logic in the other answers applies to git too, and I followed the equivalent steps for git but it didn't help me.
It turned out that my projects, although imported from a git repository, hadn't been connected to (or had become disconnected from) the eclipse git integration. I think this happened because I imported the projects before I installed the elcipse git plugin.
I needed to connect them thus:
Right-click your project (or multiple selected projects) in the Project Explorer
Select 'Team' > 'Share Project...'
The default settings were fine for me, but change them if needed
Click 'Finish'
I found this solution here.

TFS 2008, remove file from source control but leave it in the project

We are using Scott Hansleman's suggestion for multiple web.configs from his post here. The problem we have is that we have to check out the Web.Config. If we remove it from the project, when we publish, no web.config is pushed. So we need to remove the source control bindings just from the web.config, but leave it in the project, and have the rest of the project still held under source control.
The issue is that source control makes the file read only until you check it out. We need to be able ot overwrite it with the prebuild events, preferably without having to check it out. Is there a way to remove the bindings from that file only, and still leave it as part of the project?
By adding a new file to solution explorer, you will get the little plus sign indicating it is due to be added to source control. Then, right-click and choose "undo pending changes". This will cancel the add but leave the file in your project.
If that doesn't work I suggest one of the following methods:
Use the Attrib task from the MSBuild
Community Tasks project to remove
the read only flag.
Use the Exec
task in MSBuild to invoke
tf.exe and checkout the file.
You should leave the file in source control. Otherwise you'll run into several issues:
changes won't be versioned. 'nuf said.
it can't be branched or merged, even though web.config is one of the files that's most likely to vary between parallel dev/test/production environments
changes you make locally won't propagate to coworkers without manual workarounds
developers setting up an environment for the first time won't get the file at all
Team Builds won't contain the file, so neither will your deployments. (surely you're not deploying directly from the desktop?!)
Note that the state of individual files is stored entirely on the TFS server. ('tf properties' dumps this metadata if you're curious) Only projects & solutions have bindings actually written into the file. And even those are dummy entries that tell VS "don't worry about me, just ask TFSProvider, it'll know who I am and where I'm supposed to be." While there are many other quirks in the VS project system that give me endless headaches, in this case it's your friend. Don't circumvent it.
Best options:
Edit your build script to toggle the read-only attribute before/after modification. If you're using the "copyifnewer.bat" script from the linked blog post, it should literally be one extra line. Even if you want to keep things entirely declarative within the MSBuild makefile, it's barely any work with the help of 3rd party tasks.
Use the File -> Source Control -> Exclude feature. After applying this setting, the file remains under source control, but will no longer be subject to automatic checkouts/checkins by the active solution. In other words, you can edit the file locally to your heart's content without affecting anyone else, but if you want to commit (or shelve) your changes you'll need to do it from Source Control Explorer or the command line.
Option #1 has the advantage of being a very quick fix for your existing setup. The downside comes from maintaining several copies of web.config.* Same reason why copy/pasting code is bad: if you change one, you have to go change all the others -- or worse, forget and let them drift out of sync until strange bugs force you to revisit the issue. This could be improved by changing the process so that there's only 1 "master" web.config and the additional copies only contain differences (via a textual diff engine, XSLT transforms, programmatic manipulation in Powershell, etc). Of course, that's more work.
Option #2 avoids #1's problems with very little overhead. (the engineering process itself is unchanged; only difference is how the Visual Studio UI behaves) This advantage is critical if you make changes to web.config at all frequently. Downside is that there is no built-in way to track variations on the "master" file. If the only diffs are dirt simple, eg a connection string or two, you may find it easiest to stick with just one "master" and let people make ad hoc changes on their dev machines. There are even tools to do this for you, such as Web Deployment Projects (easy) and the IIS Deployment Tool (complex). In any case your actual deployment should be automated and source-controlled, of course! If heavier customizations are required than these tools are capable of, then you'll probably want the hybrid master + transform approach described earlier.
I recently ran into the issue and could not find a good solution. With a little trial and error I was able to figure this out myself.
This works on Visual Studio 2015. I tried to follow the answer above, but 2015 does not have an "Exclude From Source Control Option" I could find. It does have source control / project integration where if you delete the file from source control or the project, it will automatically be removed from both places. This integration is enforced when you have the solution containing the project open.
The problem is when using a web.template.config, web.config is really a build output and should not be in source control. However deleting the file entirely and removing it from the project causes problems because then the file is not part of the Build / Publish steps.
So the work around turns out to be simple:
Close the solution. File --> Close Solution.
In the Source Control Explorer Window, Delete the file.
Check in the Change.
Open your solution and you will see that the Config file remains in the project.
You may see the Triangle / Exclamation Mark Icon warning showing the the config file is not found.
Rebuild the project and click on the file.
The file should now show without the warning.
It should not have the padlock icon next to it. This indicates that it is not under version control.
I did some more checking and found the "Exclude From source Control" feature. The key is that you need to select the item in the Solution Explorer window before selecting the menu item:
Select the Web.config file in the "Solution Explorer".
In the menus select File -> source control -> advanced -> Exclude Web.config from Source Control.
You will now get a Red Circle / White Line icon.
This works if the file is NOT ALREADY in source control.
If the file IS ALREADY in source control you need to do the procedure above to remove it from source control without also deleting it from the project.

Excluding/Disabling Validation in Eclipse

I have the (mis)fortune of having a large project source-base in which I am working primarily on PHP and JavaScript. I have to have the full project area as the project root in Eclipse, but unfortunately this includes several directories that drive the validation built into WST/DLTK/etc. nuts.
I have tried disabling all validators in the project properties. I have gone into the validators one at a time and added rules to the "Exclude Group" set to exclude the specific folders. I have removed the folders from the PHP build path in the project properties. And yet, my Problems view/tab is still littered with thousands of red flags that stem mostly from a folder that we use to keep copies of external elements (Apache, PHP, etc.). You know, typical "have a copy of the specific versions we currently use" sort of thing.
The signal-to-noise ratio is so bad that I'm unable to use the view at all, which is a shame. If I'm not going to have the benefits of the IDE, I might as well be using vim for this (I use it for other stuff, but for this codebase a good IDE is a better choice, providing I can get it to work). It seems to me that it would be an obvious feature to be able to right-click a folder in a project and select "Exclude from Validation", but alas there is no such feature. Is there another way to get the validators (PHP, HTML, etc.) to ignore the folders I need ignored?
Tried solution;
Right click project
Select properties
Select validation
Check Enable Project specific settings
On the XML Validator row, click the '...' button
Select Exclude Gruop
Click Add rule
Select 'Folder or file name'
Click Next
Select files or folder which are not validated.
Click Finish
Click OK
Click OK
This solved my problem. Because eclipse validation gives error for generated GWT files.
Best regards.
I came upon this question while looking for the same answer. I will list the steps I did here and hopefully it will help someone in the future.
I am using Eclipse 4.1 and I do the following to exclude validation for specific xml files. I am sure if you configure the different validators it will work for other files as well.
Go to Preferences -> Validation
Find the Validator you wish to change and select settings (not all of the validators have settings, hopefully yours do).
In the settings you can add an Exclude Group where you can add a rule to specify to exclude the validator for specific extensions, folder or file name, project nature, facet or content type.
I have Eclipse for PHP Developers and I was dealing with the same issue.
In addition tot he excellent answers above, I have one more suggestion.
My first recommendation is not to use Aptana unless you actually want those validators (as they are nearly impossible to turn off from my experience).
Beyond that, go to File -> Properties -> Builders, and deselect "Validation" and "Script Builder" and "JavaScript Validator".
So far it's helped speed up some operations tremendously.
I also recommend disabling "Automatic Build". Because you're using PHP, the odds that you actually need it to build anything if you don't want validation is slim.
In the main menu, go to Project and uncheck "Build Automatically". You will want to build your project every now and then by right clicking on the project and selecting "Build Project".
All the above steps have helped me get the basic editor, which is exactly what I wanted.
I used to exclude resources from validation via project specific Exclude Group (as the most answer here suggests). But in case anyone is still having problems with disabling validation for a specified folder in 2014 - just mark the folder resource as Derived:
This should disable validation for that folder.
If you are using EGIT you might also want to disable automatic inclusion of derived resources in .gitignore:
It is not really possible to select a directory, at least under Windows.
After having pressed Preferences->Validation->Settings->Add Exclude Group->Add Rule->Folder or filename->Browse Folder->(selecting some directory)->[OK]
The "Browse for folder" dialog is being closed, with the "File or folder" field staying empty.
I had the same problem with the web app i'm developping.
I ended up disabling automatic build, and building once a day (Project->Build automatically), that way i still get the benefits of code completion from libraries, while speeding up the program on older computers.
I found in the project properties there is a Builders category. In the list of builders I had a JavaScript Builder. I deselected this builder and all my annoying javascript validation woes went away.
this worked for me:
Properties > Builders section and unchecking the corresponding box.
seems to be a bug in some versions of eclipse.
There are more gloabal validation parameters. You can suspend all validation (or only the ones you don't need) by going to:
Window > Preferences > Validation.
Here, check the box "Suspend all validators".
Alternatively, uncheck the validators you don't need from the list below.
A full build will be requested which might take some time. But Eclipse will run a lot faster afterwards [But without validation of course]
Go configure what's displayed in the Problems View like lothar proposed, create new custom filter and in "Scope" area choose "On working set". Now press the button right below this option to configure what working set would it be: in working set selection pop-up hit the "New" button and mark all your project files EXCEPT those you want to exclude from validation. You might want to save this working set under convenient name, like "No_Validation_Set".
1) working set excluding problematic files.
2) custom Problems View filter to operate on this set.
when adding new files to project you need to update your working set, so they are validated too.
When I excluded files from validation for the project, my setting didn't seem to be recognised until I restarted Eclipse and cleaned the project.