multiple code split points in GWTP presenter - gwt

I have a Presenter class which has references to objects of other classes.These objects are large in number roughly 18-25.I have not injected any of the objects. During the GWT compile, this Presenter is converted to a n number of *.cache.js files, out which one cache.js seems to be very large and this file is downloaded when Application starts, making the start up time longer than usual, Is their a way to efficiently use GWT.runAsync() to divide this file into multiple split points?
Thanks in advance


Darknet - Is it possible to load multiple weight files?

I have several different .weight files that were outputted in training. The reason I did this, is I noticed the model trained better with fewer classes than if I combined all 35 together. Could it possible to loop through code and have multiple model.load_weights()?
Any help is appreciated!
I don't see the code, but I can say, that you can try to create multiple class instances of the model class, each of them with their own weights and configs, and than run each of them in the way you want

Where to store a real time strategy data?

I'm trying to make a basic RTS, but I have no idea where can I store data, for example units, buildings, etc. I'd like to avoid making a hundreds of .txt files (or one, very big .txt file). Well, I could just write a header with a class of every single object, but wouldn't it be too much? I mean, if I make about 20 units (in total, of course) with similar stats (range, attack value, health, etc.) and only with different special abilities, I think it is quite strange to set everything in 20 constructors, doesn't it?
Another problem is with storing a map. I think I'll try the .txt solution here, but I'm probably going to write some kind of map editor in WinAPI or sth like that, setting the map in the .txt file would be a torment. So I know how to represent tiles (I want the map to be a tiled one, it will be much easier to implement, I suppose), but what if there is a unit that takes more than only one tile, how can I deal with this?
Txt and XML are not great solutions, and also writing and reading from disk isn't the cheapest operation you can do in real time. The way to do this in Unity is through Serialization, basically you write a class that allow you to store data without instantiating a GameObject for it, and whenever you'd like to, you can save or load it at runtime. There is also a great tutorial about data persistence on Unity Tutorials page. (Link Here)
I highly recommend the Easy Save plugin. I'd set it up so it only saves to disk every few seconds, not a constant stream. Also, with Easy Save you can save just bits and pieces to a larger save file rather than saving everything with each pass. If the game crashes, you might lose a couple seconds of progress, but that should be an acceptable loss in the case of a crash or quit.

Group multiple simulink Bus Objects into structures

Short version
I am considering to use BusObjects to implement hard interface control on a (large industrial) application using Simulink and I would like to store the BusObjects (hundrends of them) into a Matlab structure so that the entire application interface specification is well organized. However, it seems that BusObjects cant be contained into structures, nor they can reside on other workspaces other than Matlab Base. Any idea on how to handle this?
Long version
I would like the interfaces specification to be hierarchical and centralized in some way. I mean, I would like to specify the external interface of my application, then the internal interfaces, then the internal interfaces of the internal interfaces and so on. And I would like this information to be stored in one object that resembles the hierarchy. I was thinking in using an structure with BusObjects as elements.
Unfortunately, it seems that, for a bus object to work, it must be declared on the Matlab workspace as an independent variable of class BusObject. It cant be an element of an structure that is a BusObject, or an element of a cell whose elements are BusObjects or an element of a BusObject vector.
Any suggestion on how to handle this? take into account that if you have a model with dozens and dozens of blocks and more than 3 hierarchy levels, then you end up with hundreds of bus objects in the Matlab workspace without any particular structure... I think that is too messy to let it be...
Bus objects are always stored in the global workspace.
Send a request to Mathworks if you want to change this.

should I reuse gwt instances (registry objects, loaders) or obtain fresh copy every time?

I'm newbie in gwt so sorry for this simple question.
I can call Registry.get("id") every time or I can cache returned value in field, what is better (how fast/slow Registry.get("id") is?)
Similar question for RpcProxy instance and different loader instances.
That's actually a good question. You should always try to reuse your instances instead of creating new ones, especially with GWT client Java code which becomes Javascript at runtime. The overhead of instantiating objects in JS (even with all the optimisations you get from GWT) can become quickly unwieldy if you're not carefull. Try it for yourself, have a list of 200 gwt Labels of which you only display 10 at a time versus instantiating only 10 and reusing them each time the values change, you'll see the difference in the time your browser takes to render.

Where can i find a good example of archiving objects for persistence for the iphone sdk

I have an object that contains about half a dozen properties. I expect to save maybe a dozen or more of these objects to my documents folder. My solution is to save the data using NSEncoding and NSKeyed/Archiver/Unarchiver. Anyone have a better strategy or approach.
NSKeyedArchiver/Unarchiver will work fine. If each file only has a half dozen properties, you might consider whether putting the entire object list in one file would be simpler for you to load/save/keep consistent.