Where can i find a good example of archiving objects for persistence for the iphone sdk - iphone

I have an object that contains about half a dozen properties. I expect to save maybe a dozen or more of these objects to my documents folder. My solution is to save the data using NSEncoding and NSKeyed/Archiver/Unarchiver. Anyone have a better strategy or approach.

NSKeyedArchiver/Unarchiver will work fine. If each file only has a half dozen properties, you might consider whether putting the entire object list in one file would be simpler for you to load/save/keep consistent.


how do I duplicate a project in Anylogic

I have a very simple question. Normally in other programs, such as word, you can just simply save the document under a different resulting in two separate documents. However, this doesn't work for AnyLogic. Does anyone know how to duplicate a project?
If you do file save as it will create a new alp file for you
But for it to be a truly different model you need to change the Java Package to something unique... See how it is kept as model24 in my screenshot
But be careful it can have some unwanted consequences in a very complex model and you will need to fix these manually, but all doable

What's the best way to store a huge Map object populated at runtime to be reused by another tool?

I'm writing a Scala tool that encodes ~300 JSON Schema files into files of a different format and saves them to disk. These schemas I later re-need for instantiating JSON Data files, or better, I don't need all the schemas but only a few fields of each.
I was thinking that the best solution could be to populate a Map object (while the tool encodes the schemas) containing only the info that I need. And later re-use the Map object (in another run of the tool) as already compiled and populated map.
I've got two questions:
1. Is this really the most performant solution? and
2. How can I save the Map object, created at runtime, on disk as a file that can be later built/executed with the rest of my code?
I've read several posts about serialization and storing objects, but I'm not entirely sure whether these are the same as what I need. Also, I'm not sure is the best solution and I would like to hear an opinion from people with more experience than me.
What I would like to achieve is an elegant solution that allows me to lookup values from a map generated by another tool.
The whole process of compiling/building/executing sometimes is still confusing to me, so apologies if the question is trivial.
To Answer your question,
I think using an embedded KV Store would be more efficient considering the number of files and amount of traversal.
Here is a small Wiki on "How to use RocksJava". You can consider it as a KV store. https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/RocksJava-Basics
You can use the below reference to serialize and de-serialize an object in Scala and put it as Key value pair in the RocksDB as I mentioned in the comment.
Convert Any type in scala to Array[Byte] and back
On how to use rocksDB, the below dependency in your build will suffice:
"org.rocksdb" % "rocksdbjni" % "5.17.2"

Where to store a real time strategy data?

I'm trying to make a basic RTS, but I have no idea where can I store data, for example units, buildings, etc. I'd like to avoid making a hundreds of .txt files (or one, very big .txt file). Well, I could just write a header with a class of every single object, but wouldn't it be too much? I mean, if I make about 20 units (in total, of course) with similar stats (range, attack value, health, etc.) and only with different special abilities, I think it is quite strange to set everything in 20 constructors, doesn't it?
Another problem is with storing a map. I think I'll try the .txt solution here, but I'm probably going to write some kind of map editor in WinAPI or sth like that, setting the map in the .txt file would be a torment. So I know how to represent tiles (I want the map to be a tiled one, it will be much easier to implement, I suppose), but what if there is a unit that takes more than only one tile, how can I deal with this?
Txt and XML are not great solutions, and also writing and reading from disk isn't the cheapest operation you can do in real time. The way to do this in Unity is through Serialization, basically you write a class that allow you to store data without instantiating a GameObject for it, and whenever you'd like to, you can save or load it at runtime. There is also a great tutorial about data persistence on Unity Tutorials page. (Link Here)
I highly recommend the Easy Save plugin. I'd set it up so it only saves to disk every few seconds, not a constant stream. Also, with Easy Save you can save just bits and pieces to a larger save file rather than saving everything with each pass. If the game crashes, you might lose a couple seconds of progress, but that should be an acceptable loss in the case of a crash or quit.

How to save / reload a custom array to a plist

I'm loading in data from an sqlite database, storing the values i load from there in the instance variables of a custom class, and then adding this class to a mutable array, which i'm then assigning to the instance variable of my view controller, for use in a tableview.
I would, though, like to save this array into a .plist file in the documents directory on the app's first run, so that i can retrieve the whole object from there on load, rather than pulling all 214 items from the database.
Is this approach a better option? if so, could someone please help provide me with some code that will allow me to save an array of my custom classes as a .plist file? I've come across a lot of sample code on the web, but none of it works correctly.
I'd like to:
Check for the existence of the my_data.plist file.
If it exists, read it in as the array.
If it doesn't, read the data from the sqlite db into an array.
save this data to a .plist so that it can be read in faster later.
Thanks guys, appreciate any help you can give me.
It will probably be faster to just get the values from your database on launch. There will almost definitely be more cost to parse a plist containing these values than to just get them all from the database, unless the query you have to use to get them from the database is really slow.
Note also that once you're saving these objects to a plist on disk, you're actually going to be hurting performance of your program because you'll be writing your objects to disk twice and reading them from disk twice. You'll also be introducing opportunities for discrepancies between the plist and the database in the event of a bug or a crash.
That said, the only way to prove this to yourself may be to implement and profile both options, and compare actual numbers. Check out #occulus's link, above, for instructions how to read and write a plist. To profile your app, try using Instruments
When I google for "nsarray writetofile custom object" (no quotes) and click on the first link in the results, I find a really useful page.
For the record, it's this:

CoreData or Individual Files (iOS)

I've got a little conundrum: would it be better to use direct file management, or a CoreData SQLite database?
Here's my scenario:
I have a bunch of 'user' objects, each with a list of 'post' objects. This is easily done in CoreData, and would be great - however, the 'post' objects are downloaded from a web server, and they each have a unique identifier. I don't want to have multiple 'post' objects with the same ID. I could solve this by caching CoreData responses into an NSDictionary, however this would not apply well to the design pattern of an application. As far as I am aware, when adding a new 'post' to my CoreData NSManagedObjectContext, I would have to lookup the unique ID to check for its existence (fast), then add it if it does not exist (slow), and update the previous if it does (fast). This is effectively replacing it. How would you guys handle this?
I've been trying to think of alternatives for a few days now, but no matter which way I look at it, CoreData is going to be slower than my alternative:
A file architecture inside the Caches/ directory of an iOS application could solve the problem. Something like this:
{unique ID}.user
{unique ID}.user
{unique ID}.post
{unique ID}.post
Then, when retrieving a post object or user object, I can check the files for the existence of the data, and cache the file contents in an NSDictionary. If the ID exists in the dictionary, retrieve it from there instead. Replacing previous 'user' and 'post' objects is as simple as overwriting the file and updating the cache.
My second alternative would clearly be faster - however, I would not be taking advantage of any efficiencies built into CoreData, and I would have to provide my own memory management scheme to clear my cached dictionaries when a memory warning occurs.
Is there is some way of 'uniquing' in CoreData? That would solve my problem. Something similar to using a primary key in an ordinary SQLite database.
I'll start doing tests to verify speeds of both methods, but I thought I'd post this up here before starting in case anyone has any better solutions.
This exact question comes up a lot.
You can check if a value exist in Core Data without reading in the entire object. Just set the fetch to fetch the specific property you want to test, the ID in this case, and then return the fetch as a dictionary. Provide a predicate that looks for one or more IDs and if the returned dictionary has values, you know you have existing objects.
It's very rare that you can end up with a custom system which is faster and more robust than Core Data. It's rarely worth even trying.
Remember as well that premature optimization is the root of all evil. All this work is predicated on the premise that the simplest Core Data implementation is to slow. Have you actually tested that it is to slow? If not, do so before you try more elaborate designs.
After testing, I've found that CoreData at least halves the amount of time taken. The test I was running was as follows: I added 1000 posts to an empty CoreData object graph; and then retrieved 100 of those objects for updating. The time taken to add the objects was 0.069s, and the time taken to retrieve the objects was 0.181s. I retrieved these values on a 3G iPad device. Using files, adding these objects took 10 times longer, and retrieving them took 4 times longer.
My recommendation: Stick to using CoreData!