How to configure deployment from Eclipse to Wildfly - eclipse

When I deploy app using jboss-as-maven-plugin
mvn clean jboss-as:deploy
application works. When I try to deploy from Eclipse using e.g. "Full publish", it doesn't.
I've compared versions of application being deployed and seems that "Full publish" simply copied what has been specified in Properties > Deployment Assembly.
Is it possible to use this plugin during "Full publish" ?
I want to make use of hot deploy feature for jsp, but without properly configured automatic deployment from Eclipse I'm rather blocked.
Wildfly 8.0.0.CR1
Eclipse Keppler SR1

I just updated to wildfly, and I had to use this to deploy to jboss.

I am as troubled as you are with this.
After searching a bit more I have found these two suggestions in SO:
A: Eclipse Kepler and JBoss Wildfly hot deployment and
B: Hot deploy on JBoss - how do I make JBoss “see” the change?
In both cases I did a mvn install in order to create war file and then deployed it by right clicking the server and using add-remove. Now every time I changed something and then pressed save the console output would change informing me that 20:02:45,086 INFO [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) JBAS018565: Replaced deployment "web.war" with deployment "web.war". If I pointed my browser to the URL of my project the changes would indeed be there.
NOTE: Be careful when undeploying in the second case. I had it undeployed from eclipse but when going at: http://localhost:9990/console/App.html#deployments I could still see the war so I also had to remove it by pressing the remove button from the Management Console.
I hope this helps but I am not sure that this kind of functionality is hot deployement though.


Is it possible to do Hotswapping of ATG classes

The deployment we follow is that we use runAssembler.bat to build an ear file and deploy it in a app server. We are using weblogic and jboss for testing purposes of the modules we built. However for every small change, we need to run runAssembler and build a new ear and deploy it in app server and restart the server.
I would like to find out if anyone figured out a way to do Hotswapping of class files which are generated by the code we write in ATG environment in either weblogic or jboss.
By attaching your IDE to your Application server on the Debug port it is generally possible to do hotswapping. Setting this up on Eclipse and JBoss is documented here, here and here. There is some information for setting it up in WebLogic here.
Attach your debugger, edit the java file, click 'save' and with hot code replacement in your IDE it should now update the running class file. In Eclipse it usually gives a popup if it was unable to do the sync. If you are using Eclipse, make sure the 'Build Automatically' flag under projects is ticked or you'll be waiting forever. I've not had any issues doing this via JBOSS (exploded ATG EAR) and variable success in doing this on WebSphere 7. It may also be prudent to make sure the same JAVAC you use to compile your build is the one loaded into your IDE compile path.
Another way to at least reduce the build/deploy time would be to deploy an unpacked/exploded EAR and simply copy your class files across (you could use the Eclipse FileSync plugin) and restart the server.
There are also some commercial options available, like JRebel
In our organization, we had good success in using DCEVM. It simply patches your JDK (in Windows: jvm.dll).
Download and patch your JDK
Launch your JBoss/Weblogic with the patched JDK
Set up Eclipse's Installed JRE's to point to patched JDK (restart and rebuild once)
Start the server, Launch debugger and connect
Ensure Eclipse's Debug view shows "Dynamic Code Evolution VM" (instead of something like "HotSpot VM")
Change your code, and voila!
You can do this with JRebel. After hotswapping you don't need to restart the server, only reload you deployment from Weblogic.

Eclipse Jboss processess

I have a couple of questions concerning the way Eclipse 4.3 and JBoss EAP 6.1 work together.
The first would be concerning the Server clean function. Does it matter if the server is running or not when that function is selected within Eclipse? I have tried both ways and get no indication one way or the other that it has preformed the task.
The other question concerns the hot deploy. I'm just starting a project so I have errors in my files, mostly the configuration files. Everything complies clean. When Eclipse deploys my war file it does so with something like 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war. It's always the same name so I can't tell if mu updates have been deployed.
The way I'm currently processing my deploys is to:
1. Undeploy the war file from within the Server Admin page
2. Do a Maven clean
3. Do a project clean
4. Do a war build
5. Redeploy from within the Server Admin page.
So this question would be how to determine if my current changes have been deployed? Is there a better way of doing it than the way I currently doing it?
Thanks for the support.
Since you are using Maven, you could use the Maven JBoss Deployment plugin. This would make the entire process automated. Sometimes the Eclipse integration doesn't work like you expect it to. Additionally, you should see on the JBoss command line console from where you started JBoss, that the old war is undeployed and deployed.

JBoss ejb3.0 instant hot deployment

I am newbie with jboss-eclipse. I have to work on javaEE5 with JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA. I don't want to use JRebel at the moment.
I installed "Eclipse Java EE IDE" with "JBoss Tools". I added the JBoss 5.1 Runtime server on eclipse and added a new ear project with :
an EJB3.0 class in ejb project;
a javabean class and index.jsp in web project.
I noticed when I make a modification in the jsp file, I can see instantly the changes after refreshing the web browser. That's ok.
When I modify EJB and javabean classes, there is no instant hot deployment. I have to restart the ear application (without restrating jboss server) or "full publish" the ear via eclipse to see changes.
Is there any way to have instant hot deployement for EJB and javabeans?
PS: I tried "incremental" publish but it hasn't worked.
Thank you!
You do need 3rd party tools for that, the most notable being JRebel. Without advertising I have to say this tool has saved me lots and lots of hours already while developing EE applications.
In jboss AS 7.1.1 you just have to go to the as admin console at localhost:9990 and select: Profile -> Core -> Deployment Scanners -> Auto-Deploy Exploded . You might also want to change the scan interval to something smaller. Afterwards, you may deploy your application for the first time by selecting "Run on Server". From this time on, your application will get automatically deployed whenever you change a file and it manages to compile.
I do not know if Jboss 5.1 has this feature, and if I were you I'd consider using 7.1.1 for development when it does not have it.
The hot deployment works fine with JBoss when publishing new files in your deploy folder, only class exchange will not happen in your currently deployed application.
That's why you see changes to all static content like HTML files immediately, but not changes to your java code.
In order to do activate them, you'll have to restart your application (not the whole JBoss, only your application, done for example in JBoss server view).
I have no practical experience with JRebel and I do believe that it saves you time, but you have to be careful with such tools, as they can introduce new problems which you spend much times in debugging, ending up in restarting the container and everything works fine.

Integrating JBOSS and Eclipse

I have JBOSS server. I used to make web applications using just notepad++. I used to create the necessary folders like web-inf and files like web.xml. For larger projects doing all this and manually compiling has become cumbersome. I want to use eclipse for that. I saw this tutorial - . But I don't understand how to make a server. I already have a server. What I want to do is write JSPs and Servlets in eclipse and the build should automatically be deployed in jboss server.
How to to this?
Install JBoss Tools
After that follow the instructions from here to get started and deploy apps to JBoss Server.
To automatically deploy apps after the build you could use a build tool such as ANT or Maven.
I wrote a tutorial for this some time ago: Setting up web development environments with Eclipse
It shows how to setup JBoss within Eclipse (in addition, it also shows how to setup Tomcat and Weblogic), and also shows how to build a simple sample Servlet to verify the proper installation.
If you already use JBoss on the server side, then have a look at the client side as well:
(I haven't tried it myself, but...)
Just open eclipse then go to:
"Help-> Check For Updates" It will check for eclipse updates and installs new availables.
Now "Help -> Eclipse Market Place" Search for "Jboss tools" from search result select one(as your eclipse version) and install it. It will add adapter for new jboss versions.
Now add new server from server view select Jboss version then next add your Home directory of jboss. Then finish.
Step 1 is optional but it sometime it helps.

How do I - Incrementally deploy in debug mode and other wise using Eclipse Helios and JBoss Tools

Eclipse Helios, Eclipse 3.6.1
Java 6
Jboss Tools version 1.0.0.v20110123-0129-H10-CR1 from the nightly builds
Jboss 4.2.3
In the past I used MyEclipse, which is a paid tool. In myEclipse, it's easy to configure a JBOSS Server and then deploy
your webproject in it. While in debug mode, if I change a java class (OR JSP), its changes are immediately reflected under Jboss and
I can test that change, without doing any explicit redeployment
So myeclipse had these features working outof the box....
I'm trying to accomplish same functionality with Eclipse Helios and Jboss Tools
Case 1
I added the Jboss Server via Java EE perspective->Add Server etc...
And then added my WebProject to this Jboss Server
When I right click on this added project and publish from here, it runs an ant script, to create a single (Standard) war file...and it always does the whole thing over.
I dont get a choice to deploy it expanded and anything to specify an incremental deployment
Case 2
Since Case 1 didnt allow exploded war and anything incremental, I decided to use JBOSS Tools
So I opened, Window->Show View->Other->Jboss Tools->Project archives
Selected my webproject, after which it showed up in the "Project archives" tab
So then....Right click on the project name in "project archives" tab.....->New Archive->WAR...and I added my project to deploy in exploded form. ok.
Now if I right click on the added WAR and click "Build Archive (full)" deploys the whole web project. Everytime it does the whole thing, instead of incremental.
Since that option didnt do it incrementally, so I right clicked and clicked "Publish to Server". The window that pops up, doesnt show me any servers...from where do i add to this?
In summary....
A) I havent seen any way to incrementally deploy
B) When I'm in debug mode, my java file changes dont reflect immediately...I dont mind redeploying, but since its not incremental, its annoying to do the whole thing over and over.
So question is ...
1) How do I do an incremental deployment?
2) How do I configure this, such that my changes in java classes are reflected immediately when in debug mode.
btw I have seen people suggest an alternate soln to use a custom ANT script....But will ANT script incrementally deploy, if I use it's copy command?
It's MUCH simpler than this.
Forget about JBoss tools Archives, simply use the WTP adapter that JBoss tools provides. This one does incremental deployment (like MyEclipse).
Make sure you install JBossAS Tools from JBoss tools (yes the name sucks). Its description is:
Provides a WTP adapter for JBoss AS 4.x and 5.x. Supports incremental and exploded deployment.
Dish the WTP Server adaptor you created earlier from "Add Server etc..." and do it again, but this time don't choose from "JBoss" but choose from the new folder "JBoss Community". You'll see several new adapters there with the red logo and a slightly different name (e.g. WTP bundled is JBoss v5.0 but the one supplied by JBossAS Tools is JBoss AS 5.0).
Alternatively you can also use JRebel, which does incremental deployment no matter what WTP adapter you use (you disable the automatic deployment in that case).