Can a Key String in properties file become a variable in another Key String (GWT)? - gwt

in Gwt, we can set message constants at properties file like this
passWordErr={0} must contain Upper case
passWordBox=Please enter {0} Here. {0} must contain Upper case
in the interface MyMessages, we have:
public interface MyMessages extends Messages{
String passWordErr (String field);
String passWordBox (String field);
As you can see, in the properties file we got the duplicated text "{0} must contain Upper case". So if we change it, we need to change in 2 places & that is not good.
So my question is:
Can a Key String in properties file become a variable in another Key String (GWT)?
Something like this:
passWordErr={0} must contain Upper case
passWordBox=Please enter {0} Here. + passWordErr({0})

No, you cannot do that. More importantly, there is no need to do that.
In your example, instead of
passWordErr={0} must contain upper case
passWordBox=Please enter {0} here. {0} must contain Upper case
it should be
passWordErr={0} must contain upper case.
passWordBox=Please enter {0} here.
Then, when you need to show a message, you can simply concatenate both messages:
Window.alert(myMessages.passWordBox("password") + " " + myMessages.passWordErr("password"));


What is the most effective way in systemVerilog to know how many words a string has?

I have Strings in the following structure:
cmd, addr, data, data, data, data, ……., \n
For example:
"write,A0001000,00000000, \n"
I have to know how many words the String has.
I know that I can go over the String and search for the number of commas, but is there more effective way to do it?
UVM provides a facility to do regexp matching using the DPI, in case you're already using that. Have a look at the functions in uvm_svcmd_dpi.svh
Verilab also provides svlib, a package containing string matching functions.
A simpler option would be to change the commas(,) to a space, then you can use $sscanf (or $fscanf to skip the intermediate string and read directly from a file), assuming each command has a maximum number of words.
int code; // returns the number of words read
string str,word[5];
code = $sscanf(str,"%s %s %s %s %s", word[0],word[1],word[2],word[3],word[4]);
You can use %h if you know a word is in hex and translate it directly to a numeric value instead of a string.
The first step is to define extremely clearly what a word actually is vis. what constitutes the start of a word and what constitutes the end of the word, once you understand this, if should become obvious how to parse the string correctly.
In Java StringTokenizer is the best way to find the count of words in a string.
String sampleString= "cmd addr data data data data...."
StringTokenizer st = new Tokenizer(sampleString);
Hope this will help you :)
In java you can use following code to count words in string
public class WordCounts{
public static void main(String []args){
String text="cmd, addr, data, data, data, data";
String trimmed = text.trim();
int words = trimmed.isEmpty() ? 0 : trimmed.split("\\s+").length;

Xstream ignore whitespace characters

I load data from XML into java classes using xstream library. The texts in several tags are very long and take more than one line. Such formatting causes that I have in Java class field text with additional characters like \n\t. Is there any way to load data from XML file without these characters?
Xml tag is declared in two lines. Opening tag is in the first line, then I have very long text, and the closing tag is declared in second line.
You can use regex or the string split method.
String string = "004-034556";
String[] parts = string.split("-");
String part1 = parts[0]; // 004
String part2 = parts[1]; // 034556
Just split your string. In your case it would be
String wantedText = parts[0];
Another solution would be to put your values into a string array, loop the array, match and remove any characters you dont want.
You can see how to match and remove Here

Working with Classes in vb6 with user selected fields

I found out how to create the properties of the class, like this:
private m_Name as string
public property get Name() as string
Name = m_Name
end sub
public property let Name(sval as string)
m_name = sval
end sub
The user will create a document and choose some fields (Name, Birthday, Phone....) inside this document, as I can't know exactly which fields will be chosen by the user, I thought create a class would be the best option.
After I create the class like above, how may I make a loop through this class to check which fields has been chosen by the user?
Any better option for my situation, please, let me know...
If I understood you correctly, you want to know which fields (out of a number of existing fields) user used/initialized?
I see several ways to do it:
1) If your variables do not have default values and must have a non-empty/non-zero values, then you can simply check if a variable is empty or zero. If it is, it hasn't been initialized.
If m_name = "" Then MsgBox "Variable is not initialized"
2) for each field you have, create a boolean fieldName_Initialized so for each field, you would have something like this:
private m_Name as string
private m_name_Initialized as Boolean
public property get Name() as string
Name = m_Name
end sub
public property let Name(sval as string)
m_name = sval
m_name_Initialized = True
end sub
3) you could have a list and add variable names to the list as they become initialized:
Make sure to add Microsoft Scripting Runtime to your References for Dictionary to work.
Dim initialized As Dictionary
Set initialized = New Dictionary
private m_Name as string
private m_name_Initialized as Boolean
public property get Name() as string
Name = m_Name
end sub
public property let Name(sval as string)
m_name = sval
initialized.Add "m_name", True
end sub
Then, to check if the var has been initialized:
If initialized.Exists("m_name") Then
' Var is initialized
4) similar to #3, except use an array of booleans. Tie specific var to a specific index, like m_name is index 0. This way you skip the hassle of controlling variable names (adds to maintenance cause as far as I know you can't get the name of the variable)
Personally, #1 is the most simple, but may not be possible in a certain situations. If #1 does not apply, I would personally pick #2, unless someone can figure out how to get a string representation of a variable name from the variable itself, then #3 is preferred.
I guess what you need is a kind of Nullable-behaviour. Yes you can do this ins VB6 with the datatype Variant. Then you can use the function "IsEmpty()" to check if a property was already set or not.
a little code-example:
Option Explicit
Private m_Vars()
'0 : Name
'1 : Birthday
'2 : Phone
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ReDim m_Vars(0 To 2)
End Sub
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = m_Vars(0)
End Property
Public Property Let Name(RHS As String)
m_Vars(0) = RHS
End Property
Public Property Get Birthday() As Date
Birthday = m_Vars(1)
End Property
Public Property Let Birthday(RHS As Date)
m_Vars(1) = RHS
End Property
Public Sub DoSomething()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(m_Vars)
Dim v: v = m_Vars(i)
If IsEmpty(v) Then
MsgBox "is empty"
MsgBox v
End If
End Sub
If I understand correctly, the user will add tags or something to something like a document (e.g. [Name]) and you want to know how to map your class members to these tags. To do this, you dont really want to loop thru the class members, but the document tags to find out what is needed. When you find a "tag", submit it to your class to fill in the blank.
Part 1 is a parser to find the VB6 is very rusty, so pseudocode for this:
Const TagStart = "[" ' "$[" is better as it is not likely to appear
Const TagStop = "]" ' "]$" " " "
' make this a loop looking for tags
i = Instr(docScript, TagStart)
j = Instr(docScript, TagStop)
thisTag = Mid(docScript, TagStart, TagEnd )
' not correct, but the idea is to get the text WITH the Start and Stop markers
' like [Name] or [Address]
' get the translation...see below
docText = MyClass.Vocab(thisTag)
' put it back
Mid(docScript, TagStart, TagEnd) = docText
It is actually better to look for each possible legal tag (ie Instr(docScript, "[Name]")) which are stored in an array but you may have to do that in 2 loops to allow that a given tag could be requested more than once.
Part 2 supply the replacement text from MyClass:
Friend Function Vocab(tag as string) As String
Dim Ret as string
Select Case tag
Case "$[NAME]$"
ret = "Name: " & m_Name
' if the caption is part of the "script" then just:
'ret = m_Name
Case "$[ADDRESS]$"
ret = "Address: " & m_Addr
' if not found, return the tag so you can add new Vocab items
' or user can fix typos like '[NMAR]'
Case Else
ret = tag
End Select
Return Ret
End Function
The parsing routines in Part 1 could also be a method in your class to process the document "script" which calls a private Vocab.
a fraction of a 'script' might look like this:
Customer's Name:| $[CUST_FNAME]$ $[CUST_LNAME]$ (ignore the pipe (|) it was a table cell marker)
The parser looks thru the string to find "$[", when it does, it isolates the related tag $[CUST_FNAME]$. If you have a large number, the first part (CUST) can be used as a router to send it to the correct class. Next, call the method to get the translation:
newText = Cust.Vocab(thisTag)
Cust Class just looks at the tag and returns "Bob" or whatever and the parsing loop replaces the tag with the data:
Customer's Name:| Bob $[CUST_LNAME]$
Then just continue until all the tags have been replaced.
With "just" 22 vocab items, you could create a dedicated class for it:
Vocab.Translate(tag ...) as string
Case "$[CUST_FNAME]$"
return Cust.FirstName
Are you trying to work out a way to do this via a DOC object from office? The above is more of from the ground up document composition type thing. For office I'd think you just need some sort of collection of replacement text.
If the user has a form that they do something to create their document, why not use simple checkbox controls, one for each possible field? If you want to use a loop to check for selected fields make the checkboxes a control array and loop though the array. You can assign the field name to the Tag property, then if the checkbox is checked add the field to an array.

GWT messages interface with lookup support

I'm working on a new application and i need to make a messages interface with lookup, using the key to find the value (like ConstantsWithLookup, but capable to receive parameters). I have being investigating Dictionary class functionality but it lacks message customization through parameters.
With ConstantsWithLookup i can make the following:
and get something like:
Field must be filled with numbers
But i need to do this:
myMessagesWithLookupInterface.getString("key", "param1", "param2",...);
and get something like:
Field _param1_ must be filled with numbers greater than _param2_
I have no clue how to do this.
Use GWT regular expressions:
//fields in your class
RegEx pattern1 = RegEx.compile("_param1_");
RegEx pattern2 = RegEx.compile("_param2_");
public String getString(String key, String replace1, String replace2){
// your original getString() method
String content = getString(key);
content = pattern1.replace(content,replace1);
content = pattern2.replace(content,replace2);
return content;
If your data contains Field _param1_ must be filled with numbers greater than _param2_ then this will replace _param1_ with content of string replace1.

Dynamic property names in VBA

I have a custom class module in VBA (Access) that is supposed to handle a large amount of external data. Currently I have two functions Read(name) and Write(name, value) that allows to read and set dynamic properties.
Is there a way to define a more syntactic way to read and write those data? I know that some objects in VBA have a special way of accessing data, for example the RecordSet, which allows to read and set data using myRS!property_name. Is there a way to do exactly the same for custom class modules?
The exclamation mark syntax is used to access members of a Scripting.Dictionary instance(you'll need to add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime through Tools > References first). To use this syntaxyou'll need to be storing the information internally in a dictionary.
The quickest way to use it in a class is to give your class an object variable of type Scripting.Dictionary and set it up as follows:
Option Explicit
Dim d As Scripting.Dictionary
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set d = New Scripting.Dictionary
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set d = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get IntData() As Scripting.Dictionary
Set IntData = d
End Property
Now you can access properties using myinstance.IntData!MyProperty = 1... but to get to where you want to be you need to use Charlie Pearson's technique for making IntData the default member for your class.
Once that's done, you can use the following syntax:
Dim m As MyClass
Set m = New MyClass
Debug.Print "Age = " & m!Age ' prints: Age =
m!Age = 27
Debug.Print "Age = " & m!Age ' prints: Age = 27
Set m = Nothing
Okay, thanks to Alain and KyleNZ I have now found a working way to do this, without having a collection or enumerable object below.
Basically, thanks to the name of the ! operator, I found out, that access via the bang/pling operator is equivalent to accessing the default member of an object. If the property Value is the default member of my class module, then there are three equivalent statements to access that property:
So to make a short syntax working for a custom class module, all one has to do is to define a default member. For example, I now used the following Value property:
Property Get Value(name As String) As String
Value = SomeLookupInMyXMLDocument(name)
End Property
Property Let Value(name As String, val As String) As String
SetSomeNodeValueInMyXMLDocument(name, val)
End Property
Normally, you could now access that like this:
obj.Value("foo") = "New value"
MsgBox obj.Value("foo")
Now to make that property the default member, you have to add a line to the Property definition:
Attribute Value.VB_UserMemId = 0
So, I end up with this:
Property Get Value(name As String) As String
Attribute Value.VB_UserMemId = 0
Value = SomeLookupInMyXMLDocument(name)
End Property
Property Let Value(name As String, val As String) As String
Attribute Value.VB_UserMemId = 0
SetSomeNodeValueInMyXMLDocument(name, val)
End Property
And after that, this works and equivalent to the code shown above:
obj("foo") = "New value"
MsgBox obj("foo")
' As well as
obj!foo = "New value"
MsgBox obj!foo
' Or for more complex `name` entries (i.e. with invalid identifier symbols)
obj![foo] = "New value"
MsgBox obj![foo]
Note that you have to add the Attribute Value.VB_UserMemId = 0 in some other editor than the VBA editor that ships with Microsoft Office, as that one hides Attribute directives for some reason.. You can easily export the module, open it in notepad, add the directives, and import it back in the VBA editor. As long as you don't change too much with the default member, the directive should not be removed (just make sure you check from time to time in an external editor).
See this other question: Bang Notation and Dot Notation in VBA and MS-Access
The bang operator (!) is shorthand for
accessing members of a Collection or
other enumerable object
If you make your class extend the Collection class in VBA then you should be able to take advantage of those operators. In the following question is an example of a user who extended the collection class:
Extend Collections Class VBA