What is the most effective way in systemVerilog to know how many words a string has? - system-verilog

I have Strings in the following structure:
cmd, addr, data, data, data, data, ……., \n
For example:
"write,A0001000,00000000, \n"
I have to know how many words the String has.
I know that I can go over the String and search for the number of commas, but is there more effective way to do it?

UVM provides a facility to do regexp matching using the DPI, in case you're already using that. Have a look at the functions in uvm_svcmd_dpi.svh
Verilab also provides svlib, a package containing string matching functions.
A simpler option would be to change the commas(,) to a space, then you can use $sscanf (or $fscanf to skip the intermediate string and read directly from a file), assuming each command has a maximum number of words.
int code; // returns the number of words read
string str,word[5];
code = $sscanf(str,"%s %s %s %s %s", word[0],word[1],word[2],word[3],word[4]);
You can use %h if you know a word is in hex and translate it directly to a numeric value instead of a string.

The first step is to define extremely clearly what a word actually is vis. what constitutes the start of a word and what constitutes the end of the word, once you understand this, if should become obvious how to parse the string correctly.

In Java StringTokenizer is the best way to find the count of words in a string.
String sampleString= "cmd addr data data data data...."
StringTokenizer st = new Tokenizer(sampleString);
Hope this will help you :)

In java you can use following code to count words in string
public class WordCounts{
public static void main(String []args){
String text="cmd, addr, data, data, data, data";
String trimmed = text.trim();
int words = trimmed.isEmpty() ? 0 : trimmed.split("\\s+").length;


CsvParser not working for missing double quotes

I have a messages in file like below and I am using com.univocity.parsers.csv.CsvParser to split the string based on delimiter(in this case its -)
I create my CsvParser object like
private val settings = new CsvParserSettings()
val parser = new CsvParser(settings)
and parse the input message like :
for (line <- Source.fromFile("path\\test.txt").getLines) {
and the output is:
List(1, bc, name, def, address)
List(1, abc, name-def-address)
If you see the output you can see that for 1st message the string was split properly however for second message it takes everything as a value after first double quote. Does anyone know why the behavior is like this and how can I get the desired output? I am reading every message as a string to it should simple treat a quote/double quote as a character.
Author of this library here. When the quote is found after your - delimiter, the parser will try to find a closing quote.
The easiest way around this is to make the parser simply ignore quotes with:
Hope it helps.

How to check SQL, Language syntax in String at compile time (Scala)

I am writing a translator which converts DSL to multiple programming language (It seems like Apache Thrift).
For example,
// an example DSL
COMMON_FIELD : session_id
KEY: buy
FIELD: item_id, transaction_id
KEY: add_to_cart
FIELD: item_id
// will be converted to Java
class Commerce {
private String session_id
private String key;
private String item_id;
private String transaction_id
// auto-created setter, getter, helper methods
It also should be translated into objective-c and javascript.
To implement it, I have to replace string
// 1. create or load code fragments
String variableDeclarationInJava = "private String {$field};";
String variableDeclarationInJavascript = "...";
String variableDeclarationInObjC = "...";
// 2. replace it
variableDeclarationInJava.replace(pattern, fieldName)
Replacing code fragment in String is not type safe and frustrating since it does not any information even if there are errors.
So, my question is It is possible to parse String at compile time? like Scala sqltyped library
If it is possible, I would like to know how can I achieve it.
As far, as I understand, it could be. Please take a look at string interpolation. You implement a custom interpolator, (like it was done for quasi quotations or in Slick).
A nice example of the thing you may want to do is here

Can a composite format in String.Format() be used to return a substring?

I apologize for what seems to be an exceedingly simple question, but after 4 hours of searching and beating my head against the wall, I'm doubting my sanity.
I need a string format expression that trims a supplied string argument much like Substring(0,1). Although I've never seen this in code, it just seems like it should be possible.
Here's a very basic example of what I'm trying to do:
string ClassCode = "B608H2014"; // sample value from the user's class schedule
string fRoom = "{0:0,2}";
string fGrade = "{0:2,2}";
string fYear = "{0:5,4}";
string Classroom = String.Format(fRoom, ClassCode); // intended result - "B6"
string Gradelevel = String.Format(fGrade, ClassCode); // intended result - "08"
string Schoolyear = String.Format(fYear, ClassCode); // intended result - "2014"
This is a very basic example, but I'm trying to use the String.Format() so I can store the format pattern(s) in the database for each respective DTO property since the class code layouts are not consistent. I can just pass in the formats from the database along with the required properties and it extracts what I need.
Does this make sense?

Xstream ignore whitespace characters

I load data from XML into java classes using xstream library. The texts in several tags are very long and take more than one line. Such formatting causes that I have in Java class field text with additional characters like \n\t. Is there any way to load data from XML file without these characters?
Xml tag is declared in two lines. Opening tag is in the first line, then I have very long text, and the closing tag is declared in second line.
You can use regex or the string split method.
String string = "004-034556";
String[] parts = string.split("-");
String part1 = parts[0]; // 004
String part2 = parts[1]; // 034556
Just split your string. In your case it would be
String wantedText = parts[0];
Another solution would be to put your values into a string array, loop the array, match and remove any characters you dont want.
You can see how to match and remove Here

GWT messages interface with lookup support

I'm working on a new application and i need to make a messages interface with lookup, using the key to find the value (like ConstantsWithLookup, but capable to receive parameters). I have being investigating Dictionary class functionality but it lacks message customization through parameters.
With ConstantsWithLookup i can make the following:
and get something like:
Field must be filled with numbers
But i need to do this:
myMessagesWithLookupInterface.getString("key", "param1", "param2",...);
and get something like:
Field _param1_ must be filled with numbers greater than _param2_
I have no clue how to do this.
Use GWT regular expressions:
//fields in your class
RegEx pattern1 = RegEx.compile("_param1_");
RegEx pattern2 = RegEx.compile("_param2_");
public String getString(String key, String replace1, String replace2){
// your original getString() method
String content = getString(key);
content = pattern1.replace(content,replace1);
content = pattern2.replace(content,replace2);
return content;
If your data contains Field _param1_ must be filled with numbers greater than _param2_ then this will replace _param1_ with content of string replace1.