Dynamics ax 2012 deploy to ep not found - deployment

i want to deploy a form created in Dynamics AX to EP(SharePoint) .i added this form to Menu Items but i didn't have the command "Deploy to EP".i didn' found it.
I think i didn't missed any step.Any help please

What is the template of the form? try changing the template to listpage and try again.


After deployment of ssas tabular cube,I could not see any Object under any folder. can you please help me with this

I created the SSAS Tabular Data Model Solution in VS 2019 and Deployed that in SSAS 2017 Analysis services. After deployment I could not see any Object under any folder. can you please help me with this.
enter image description here
In VS 2019, open Model.bim and click on a table in the model viewer. Then select Project > Your_Model Properties (This is the last option in the Project menu). Under Deployment Server, validate the server and database names. I also recommend changing Processing Option from Default to Full under Deployment Options if your model processes quickly.
To deploy, use either of two the Deploy options under the Build menu. You should get a message after the model has deployed, or error messages under View > Error List.
If this does not resolve your issue, please show a picture of your model from the Tabular Model Explorer in VS and the message you get after deploying.

Visual Studio Team Services Build with label not found

I have a label in my project
When I queue a build, and put the label in the "Source Version" field, prefixed with a L, it always comes up the following error:
500: TF14064: Could not find label mylabel#$/.
Anyone been able to get this functionality to work?
Most likely the problem is that your label is not collection-scoped and therefore you need to provide a scope with your label. If you created your label in Visual Studio, the scope is probably project-scoped. So for example if your label is 'mylabel' and your project name is 'myproject' then in the Source Version field you should enter this:
Here are a couple links that help explain labels and scopes if you are interested.
I'll update the Microsoft Connect Page with this information too.
I can reproduce this issue and have help you submit a feedback on Microsoft Connect Page, you can track the status here: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/2345698/500-tf14064-could-not-find-label-error-occurs-when-queue-a-build-with-specified-label
I was facing the same issue for TFS build and the error says like: “Cannot find the current label tfs build”.
How to resolve the issue:
Go to Configuration of your TFS build
Make the Label sources as true
Build the solution now and it's building fine.
Please reach out if any issues.

Dynamics CRM Solution Import Failure - Root Components Insertion Failure 0x8004F018

I hope someone can help, this is my first question ever because I've never been as stuck as this before!
I have an on premise QA server running Microsoft Dynamics 2015 CRM running on Windows Server 2012. It contains approx 30 customisation solutions from various previous sources unknown to me.
After installing ADX Studio Solutions, the system becomes modified and overwrites some/all of the previous customisations back to defaults. The symptom is that Entity names and fields etc. are reverted back.
So it is required to re-install a previous backup of the solution after installing the ADX parts. This solution is exported as a "Default Solution" prior to installing ADX Studio in a file called "Default_1_0.zip".
The problem is that the import fails when trying to import the backed up solution after having installed an ADX Studio solution.
The backup comes from the same server Dynamics instance, it's not being moved anywhere.
The process is:
Backup entire "Default Solution"
Install ADX Studio and and "Basic Portal" solution components
Import previous backed up "Default Solution" to re-apply the changes overwritten by ADX Studio.
This is a screenshot of the import screen showing the failure:
The log file xml has a "Solution" and a "Components" section. The Solution Section looks like this:
Name Default
Display Name Default Solution
Description Solution that contains all components in the system
Version 1.0
Package Type Unmanaged
Name DefaultPublisherCLIENT
Display Name Default Publisher for CLIENT
Description Default publisher for this organization
Street 1
Street 2
ZIP/Postal Code
Status Failure
Message An error has occurred. Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Community for solutions or contact your organization's Microsoft Dynamics CRM Administrator. Finally, you can contact Microsoft Support.
Progress [%] 99.96
Duration [s] 730.9
As you can see, it gets to 99.96%.
The "Components" section contains one error on line 2781 that looks like this:
Root Components Insertion Failure 0x8004F018 This item is not a valid solution component. For more information about solution components, see the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK documentation.
Dependencies Calculation Unprocessed
All previous rows are logged as "Processed".
I am in no way a Dynamics or ADX Studio expert so I'm trying to find out if anybody has any answers which may be relevant.
Some more details:
Obviously I've tried searching for answers and also tried using the crmdiagtool2011 tool, which has not yet proved useful to me.
I've also tried implementing this solution: Microsoft Forums
But the error code and message is slightly different and this solution did not work for me.
I have managed to overcome a previous issue with importing the solution which was very similar to this one: Magnetism Solutions
Their "option 2" involved manually editing the solution.xml and customizations.xml files of the backup which I did and it seemed to overcome that particular problem. I didn't know how to achieve their "option 1" so that wasn't an option for me.

Error deploying SSRS report to Dynamics AX 2009

I have a very simple Dynamics AX Reporting project with a dataset using the Dynamics AX data source hitting a custom query I created in the AOT. The report builds succesfully in VS2008, and when I attempt to deploy the report, an error is returned "Deployment failed unexpectedly with the message: The following components have not been installed or are not configured correctly: Reporting Extensions". The "Save to AOD" function also returns an "unknown error."
The VS2008 error shows the problem to be on the line referencing the DeployToReportsServerTask in the file:
From within AX, using the Reporting servers form (Administration > Setup > Business analysis > Reporting Services > Reporting Servers), the Validate (button) returns a "success" message. Also, I can browse the reports directory on the server and my local PC through IE. My AX client configuration also launches & connects to the correct AOS.
Any ideas as to what may be the problem? Not sure what else I can check.
Thanks in advance!
Is this helpful?
Then login to aos server. Open internet explorer. browse the report server and manager url. If you can
see the dynamics ax folder just try to get inside the folder and browse a single report manually. If you
may able to browse then there is no issue eixt. Just restart the iis on reporting server. If you may not
able to browse then add the particular port to firewall. or disable the firewall. In the mean time just chekc
you may using NTLM authentication or kerberos authentication.
Using the Dynamics AX Configuration utility, is the Target "Business connector (non-interactive use only)" set up to point to the correct AOS?
The problem was reporting tools also had to be installed on the AOS server (with the reporting extensions). The reporting tools were only installed on my dev box. Additionally, my deployment process was also not correct. The correct process in my environment is:
1) In VS (on dev box), on the reports library project node in the solution explorer, right click, Save to AOD
2) In AX (on AOS), open report libraries in AOT, find library, right click, deploy (follow prompts).
3) open in IE and run reports.
I had the same error, but I resolved this by using VS in Administrative Mode i.e. Open the VS as Administrator.
Don't know how but it will help me.

Control + S deploying reports to reportserver?

I have experienced this one, I had try to save the rdl and it happends that it deploys all the reports in the project instead of saving it. Does anyone experienced it?How to resolved this kind of issue?
Start here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173782(v=sql.105).aspx
Ctrl-S while the focus is in the report design surface will save the RDL - I couldn't get it to do anything when I put the focus in Solution Explorer.
Are you running any sort of keystroke manager which might be trapping the hot key and sending a deploy command? I don't even think there's a shortcut key for executing deploy - I suppose a framework might deploy a macro which could automate deployment.