Dynamics CRM Solution Import Failure - Root Components Insertion Failure 0x8004F018 - import

I hope someone can help, this is my first question ever because I've never been as stuck as this before!
I have an on premise QA server running Microsoft Dynamics 2015 CRM running on Windows Server 2012. It contains approx 30 customisation solutions from various previous sources unknown to me.
After installing ADX Studio Solutions, the system becomes modified and overwrites some/all of the previous customisations back to defaults. The symptom is that Entity names and fields etc. are reverted back.
So it is required to re-install a previous backup of the solution after installing the ADX parts. This solution is exported as a "Default Solution" prior to installing ADX Studio in a file called "Default_1_0.zip".
The problem is that the import fails when trying to import the backed up solution after having installed an ADX Studio solution.
The backup comes from the same server Dynamics instance, it's not being moved anywhere.
The process is:
Backup entire "Default Solution"
Install ADX Studio and and "Basic Portal" solution components
Import previous backed up "Default Solution" to re-apply the changes overwritten by ADX Studio.
This is a screenshot of the import screen showing the failure:
The log file xml has a "Solution" and a "Components" section. The Solution Section looks like this:
Name Default
Display Name Default Solution
Description Solution that contains all components in the system
Version 1.0
Package Type Unmanaged
Name DefaultPublisherCLIENT
Display Name Default Publisher for CLIENT
Description Default publisher for this organization
Street 1
Street 2
ZIP/Postal Code
Status Failure
Message An error has occurred. Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Community for solutions or contact your organization's Microsoft Dynamics CRM Administrator. Finally, you can contact Microsoft Support.
Progress [%] 99.96
Duration [s] 730.9
As you can see, it gets to 99.96%.
The "Components" section contains one error on line 2781 that looks like this:
Root Components Insertion Failure 0x8004F018 This item is not a valid solution component. For more information about solution components, see the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK documentation.
Dependencies Calculation Unprocessed
All previous rows are logged as "Processed".
I am in no way a Dynamics or ADX Studio expert so I'm trying to find out if anybody has any answers which may be relevant.
Some more details:
Obviously I've tried searching for answers and also tried using the crmdiagtool2011 tool, which has not yet proved useful to me.
I've also tried implementing this solution: Microsoft Forums
But the error code and message is slightly different and this solution did not work for me.
I have managed to overcome a previous issue with importing the solution which was very similar to this one: Magnetism Solutions
Their "option 2" involved manually editing the solution.xml and customizations.xml files of the backup which I did and it seemed to overcome that particular problem. I didn't know how to achieve their "option 1" so that wasn't an option for me.


MS Visio 2010 hangs when editing UML diagrams

On all four of my Windows 7 x64 Pro computers with Visio Pro 2010 installed, I have had the following problem for the past several months: When I edit a Visio document that uses the UML stencil, as soon as I try to edit any object information, for example, define a table column, Visio locks up. By ‘lock up’, the program ceases to respond, Task Manager shows that the process is consuming 13% of the CPU, and the process has to be terminated via Task Manager.
In an attempt to resolve this problem, I had tried repairing the installation and uninstalling/reinstalling the program, but this has not resolved the problem.
I recently attached Visual Studio to the process to try to better understand the issue. As expected, there were numerous messages of the type ‘Cannot find or open the PDB file.’ The messages which, I sense, may be relevant were as follows:
First-chance exception at 0x7713C54F (KernelBase.dll) in VISIO.EXE: 0x80040155: Interface not registered.
In an attempt to address this issues, I tried:
C:\>regsvr32 c:\Windows\system32\KernelBase.dll
This resulted in a popup window with the following message:
The module “C:\Windows\system32\KernelBase.dll” was loaded but the entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found.
Make sure that “C:\Windows\system32\KernelBase.dll” is a valid DLL or OCX file then try again.
The version of kernelBase.cll that is currently installed is 6.1.7601.24214, dated 1 Aug 2018 with a size of 419,840 bytes.
I used MultiFind Pro to search C:\Windows for any files named KernelBase and found quite a few older version in C:\Windows\winsxs. There were also numerous folder of the type C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-kernelbase_[identifier]. As well as other, similar folders. (What I am finding very strange is that MultiFind Pro is reporting a different file size and date than Windows Explorer or the Windows command prompt DIR command for all versions of this file.)
The last time a Visio UML file was successfully edited was Dec 2017 and based on the modified dates of the files found, the last version of KernelBase that was known to work was version 6.1.7601.23418, dated 18 Jun 2016.
I am fairly certain that my computer does not have a virus. I also know that reinstalling Windows will not resolve the issue as I have the same issue across all of my computers.
If I were to try copying Kernelbase.ddl V6.1.7601.23418 from the winsxs ‘backup’ folder, would it simply get over-written by the newer versions?
More importantly, can anyone suggest a specific course of action to resolve this problem?
Nikolay - I assume you are the MS Engineer who helped me with this issue - thanks.
Without boring everyone with the details: The problem occurs when my password manager, Sticky Password, is also running. Shut it down, and Visio works just fine. I have alerted the company and have asked them to fix the problem.

How to deploy an Office VSTO add-in using Visual Studio 2017

I've created an Outlook add-in, debugged and works fine. I want to be able to package it up for distribution. This is for a very limited audience 5-10 people. What are the steps to doing so?
I tried Build | Publish which appears to work (using options of local filename and CDROM install location), but creates a massive 1.5MB setup.exe file and when it is executed, takes forever (it appears trying to contact some remote server and times out and pops an error, although the add-in appears to be registered).
Looking online, I found references to creating a SetupProject or using InstallShield Limited addition, but none of those appear to apply to Visual Studio 2017.
I'd be happy if I could just provide my DLL and a .reg file -- this is for a small set of 5-10 power users.
What is the simplest way to deploy this add-in?
The easiest way is Build | Publish. Just disable any online activities if you don't want it. You can do that in Project -> Settings -> Publish. Check your "Updates" settings for example.
You can download a Visual Studio project type from here:
This will allow you to deploy the package, but it's somewhat buggy in my opinion. Also, the link above does not have any documentation. You have to go to another page for that and the answer is buried in the comments:
The ClickOnce has worked more consistently for us, however. Just right-click and select Publish on the Project.
It is a long ways off from the old InstallShield LE process, which allowed you to customize the entire process including images, click-through licensing, etc.
But the InstallShield LE had it's own set of issues, and seems to have been all but abandoned.
It may be worth looking at other 3rd-party tools like WiX (http://wixtoolset.org/) to get things installed correctly, or even manually writing your own installer to get things put where they need to be.

Migrate from German TFS to VSO

We're running a German TFS 2013.4 on premise and want to move to Visual Studio Online. The OpsHub migration tool stops with a template mismatch.
I ran the TeamProjectManager tool (https://teamprojectmanager.codeplex.com/) and compared our template to the VSO template. The fields are there, but their names are different, one is German and one is English ("Fehler" vs "bug").
Would it be possible to convert our local TFS to English? It's a single-machine installation running in a VM, so we can take a snapshot and just try it. We don't have any customizations, but TFS was upgraded several times, all the way back from TFS 2008. I read somewhere that might leave behind some obsolete fields, which can also cause problems.
I'm not certain, but I believe you would still have to rename your Work Item types even if you changed your server to English.
Do you need the history in VSO? Would it suffice to export TFS Work Items to Excel, map the fields and import to VSO? Obviously version control history would not be carried over either but you would still have the on-premise archive.
The TFS Integration Tools would likely do the job but they are NOT fun to use.
*Sorry, this would have been a comment rather than an answer but SO wouldn't let me add one.

Migrating TFS 2010 to Visual Studio Online

I've installed the OpsHub VSO Migration Utilty and I'm trying to migrate one of our smallest projects as a test.
Having created a new matching project in VSO the migration validation fails on the template mis-match.
The existing TFS 2010 project is based on the MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0 template and the new VSO project is MSF for Agile Software Development 2013.3
As far as I'm aware, neither of these templates have been customised.
For each work item types the mismatched fields are:
Installed version of the utility is v1.1.0.005
Any help would be gratefully received.
Between TFS 2005/2008 to TFS 2010, the process templates were updated to add an additional space in the display name of each of the fields you mentioned. Since that's the case, you can take some easy steps for a workaround and then re-run the OpsHub Visual Studio Online Migration Utility.
You'll want to use the witadmin.exe tool and specifically the changefield option. Here are the steps you'll want to take to change the display names of each of the fields to include the spaces:
witadmin.exe changefield /collection:http://tfs.contoso.local:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection /n:System.RelatedLinkCount /name:"Related Link Count"
witadmin.exe changefield /collection:http://tfs.contoso.local:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection /n:System.AreaId /name:"Area ID"
witadmin.exe changefield /collection:http://tfs.contoso.local:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection /n:System.AttachedFileCount /name:"Attached File Count"
witadmin.exe changefield /collection:http://tfs.contoso.local:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection /n:System.HyperLinkCount /name:"Hyperlink Count"
witadmin.exe changefield /collection:http://tfs.contoso.local:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection /n:System.ExternalLinkCount /name:"External Link Count"
witadmin.exe changefield /collection:http://tfs.contoso.local:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection /n:System.IterationId /name:"Iteration ID"
Give those a try and I hope it works out for you as a workaround!
OpsHub unfortunately need to fix this, or you can use a different tool.
When you try to do a migration the OpsHub tool compares your Process Template between the two projects and throws its toys out of the pram if they are not the same. In your case your 2010 server once was either 2005 or 2008. In TFS versions prior to 2010 the fields that are conflicting did not have spaces, from 2010 on they do... Hence the mismatch.
There are other, less nanny state, ways to migrate but they are much more complex.
TFS Integration Tools - this tool is free, supported by Microsoft, but is increadably complex. It was built for consultants working with enterprises to move TFS data around. Not fun, but can be made to work.
Excel migration - you can just use excel to move the tip of work items and move the tip of TFVC source. Or move to Git in VSO and use Git-TFS to move with history for source.
Hire someone (admission / ALM Consultant talking) - Most of the ALM MVP's are consultants and have tools to move your stuff.
I would suggest that #1 and #3 are of similar cost at the end of the day, and #2 tends to be unpopular.
Check out the migration guidance from the ALM Rangers.
Because that is exactly our scenario (TFS2008 > TFS2010 > VSO) and we also got the error during migration of work items with OVSMU from TFS2010 to VSO I was willing to give the workaround described by Ed a try.
To have it more convenient I tried not from command line but with Visual Studio 2012 from the menu Tools: Process Editor: Work Item Types: Open WIT from Server.
First try was work item type Task. After change of all relevant names I was asked if I wanted to save changes to the item. After pressing Yes I have got the message window:
"Microsoft Visual Studio: Work Item Type: Task
TF26177: The field System.IterationId cannot be renamed from 'IterationID' to 'Iteration ID'.
There were validation errors. Continuing to save may cause the file to become unloadable, do you want to continue?"
Do you have some additional advice for me to bring it all to the point where I can migrate the work items?

CRM 2011 - Weird ERROR importing the customization - An optionset with the specified name already exists. Please specify a unique name

We have 3 environments at our client :
They were all "CRM 4.0". The client decided to switch to CRM 2011! So we first upgraded the "DEV" and did all the modifications they've asked! We exported all the customizations to put it on the "UAT"-server.
We've migrated the UAT to "CRM 2011" and if I want to import the customizations of the "DEV", it gives me an error on all the "System" entities : An optionset with the specified name already exists. Please specify a unique name.
When I export for ex. account from the "UAT" and from the "DEV" and compare them in "ExamDiff" everything seems to be correct. All the optionsets are the same and they all have the same values. The only thing that changed is there are new fields and new Views. But there again, we didn't delete any attribute (field) on the CRM.
We need to make the "UAT"-server work before we can put everything on the "PROD". The deadline is next week and I can't seem to find why the CRM 2011 does that. So it's really Urgent...
Does any of you have encoutered this problem? Even for the entities we didn't change a thing it gives me that error..
We solved the problem! It was the rollup 4/5 that caused the problem. I hope Microsoft solves this in rollup 7!
So I did the following :
1. Re-installed the server
2. Re-installed CRM
3. Imported the "CRM"-DB
4. Installed the rollup 3
5. Customizations were imported with NO errors...
We opened a Case at Microsoft, because a CRM with no Rollups is not a good way of working I guess!