how to get clipboard data to a variable in intersystems cache? - intersystems-cache

consider i have some data copied to my clip board. I would like to get those into a variable(not in a way of pasting on terminal window),so i can able to make use of that variable.
can any one suggest any way of doing it.either by using script execution or anything using class or etc.

Maybe you will give more information about your application: WEB/ZEN/CSP, TUI, other types.
Anyway, Cache, do not have any special variables for clipboard.


VSCode how to clear workspaceState data globally?

I have implemented a backup per workspace functionality in my extension using workspaceState. Since the data can be sensitive - I'd like to clear all workspaceStates on extension deactivation/uninstall.
The ExtensionContext provides no ability to clear all extension related data across different workspaces with their workspaceStates.
So I've considered saving data on the ExtensionContext globalState, tagging each entry with a workspace id. Problem is that the workspace namespace doesn't provide a way to uniquely identify the current workspace. I thought about hashing workspace name and path but both of these things are changeable and any change will destroy the pointer to the data. This is exactly why I cant just write files to internal folders. The only other solution I have is to write the backup data directly to the workspace and I'd like to avoid that.
How does VSCode maintain the knowledge of which workspaceState belongs to which workspace? How can I tie data to the workspace but have access from anywhere else in VSCode?
Side note: You should avoid saving sensitive data in general. And if necessary, try to encrypt it.
I don't have the full answers but i was researching something similar (An extension I use crashes due to now invalid settings in the WorkspaceState).
I found the Storage for the Workspace state in this folder (windows):
In there, you find a lot of folders with hex-based names. Inside those folders, I always found 2 Files named state.vscdb and state.vscdb.backup.
There usually is a 3rd file called workspace.json which helps you figure out if you are in the correct workspace. (but you'd have to iterate through all the folders - maybe there is a way to figure out the folder name coming from the extension API?)
If you open the state.vscdb-file you find something that looks quite like a serialized object set in my eyes. It does have some Seperator chars of unknown function. But you also find full paths or names in there that clearly origin from different modules of VSC - Including the extensions.
I don't need to worry about the other cached stuff i'm just gonna delete the whole folder to fix my current issue. But I'm pretty sure, one can figure out the way the file is built and edit out your sensitive data if one has to.
The state.vscdb.backup-file looks pretty much like what the name is telling you: they probably just make a copy of the other file every few minutes so you have a fallback position.
To add to the conversation, there are two SQLite state databases:
Depending on how VS Code was launched you could have a Single Folder Workspace or a Multi-Folder Workspace that is global or local. Globally, the data lives here:
Linux: $HOME/.config/Code/
OS X: $HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/
Windows: %APPDATA%\Code\
Locally, the data will be in the .vscode folder of the current workspace.
In my situation:
I open a new workspace.
Set it up as I want it to start every time.
Makes copies of the two SQLite databases.
Copy over the databases before launching VS Code.
This leads to a clean VS Code state.
To see how is generated check this link.

How to retrieve VSTS Build variables?

Is it possible to get the values for custom variables being used in the build? I know they can be dumped to the console output as per what this example describe. But still want to find an easier way to archive it.
There isn’t the easier way then the way you provided to retrieve build variables, the value of variable can be changed during the build time (Logging Command), so it’s better to retrieve the variable at the end of the build (the way you provided).
Note, the secret variables can’t be output as general text.

TYPO3: Custom Globals?

I have some data (logins) I want to be ignored from git in my custom TYPO3 extension code.
As AdditionalConfiguration.php is already ignored in my case, it seems a good place to store such data.
It normally contains Data like
Now would it make sense to make something like custom globals? Does that exist?
Should and can I do that or not?
I think you can use your own globals. But I would consider using your own globals as bad programming style.
If you have installation specific data the right way to store the data depends on the kind of data and where you need it:
everything for the Frondend should be stored in typoscript. This can be in a file from a site-extension or in the database (template record)
for BE you could use Page- or User-TSconfig. here you also can use a file from a site-extension or database records (pages/be_user)
if you have FE and BE or anything alse (e.g. scheduler jobs) you can use extension specific global data, you can set in the extension manager. -> docs.
Instead of saving configuration in $GLOBALS try use typoscript. Will be much easier to keep and maintain it.

How to protect powershell file, and call single function

I'm having this problem for a while now and google have its limits.
I'm writing a powershell file that contain several generic function.
I use the function in vary scripts and now I want to let other personal in my work to use them as well.
the problem is, do to sensitive operation, I want to lock and protect the script (compile to a dll, exe etc').
how do I create powershell library like C# DLL?
one option I try but did not find out how to continue is to compile the script using powerGUI to executable file ( .exe) but then I canot access the function in it let alone pass on parameters to that function.
hope you understood me :)
thank you.
You don't. Rather than trying to obscure this information (if you compile them, they can be decompiled and your "protected" resources will no longer be), remove them entirely and make those parameters for your functions. This both protects your "sensitive" data and makes the code much more reusable.
You can then package your functions into a module

loading parameter files for data different sets

I need to analyse several sets of data which are associated with different parameter sets (one single set of parameters for each set of data). I'm currently struggling to find a good way to store these parameters such that they are readily available when analysing a specific dataset.
The first thing I tried was saving them in a script file parameters.m in the data directory and load them with run([path_to_data,'/parameters.m']). I understand, however, that this is not good coding practice and it also gave me scoping problems (I think), as changes in parameters.m were not always reflected in my workspace variables. (Workspace variables were only changed after Clear all and rerunning the code.)
A clean solution would be to define a function parameters() in each data directory, but then again I would need to add the directory to the search path. Also I fear I might run into namespace collisions if I don't give the functions unique names. Using unique names is not very practical on the other hand...
Is there a better solution?
So define a struct or cell array called parameters and store it in the data directory it belongs in. I don't know what your parameters look like, but ours might look like this:
parameters.relative_tolerance = 10e-6
parameters.absolute_tolerance = 10e-6
parameters.solver_type = 3
and I can write
save('parameter_file', 'parameters')
or even
save('parameter_file', '-struct', 'parameters', *fieldnames*)
The online help reveals how to use -struct to store fields from a structure as individual variables should that be useful to you.
Once you've got the parameters saved you can load them with the load command.
To sum up: create a variable (most likely a struct or cell array) called parameters and save it in the data directory for the experiment it refers to. You then have all the usual Matlab tools for reading, writing and investigating the parameters as well as the data. I don't see a need for a solution more complicated than this (though your parameters may be complicated themselves).