How to protect powershell file, and call single function - powershell

I'm having this problem for a while now and google have its limits.
I'm writing a powershell file that contain several generic function.
I use the function in vary scripts and now I want to let other personal in my work to use them as well.
the problem is, do to sensitive operation, I want to lock and protect the script (compile to a dll, exe etc').
how do I create powershell library like C# DLL?
one option I try but did not find out how to continue is to compile the script using powerGUI to executable file ( .exe) but then I canot access the function in it let alone pass on parameters to that function.
hope you understood me :)
thank you.

You don't. Rather than trying to obscure this information (if you compile them, they can be decompiled and your "protected" resources will no longer be), remove them entirely and make those parameters for your functions. This both protects your "sensitive" data and makes the code much more reusable.
You can then package your functions into a module


PowerShell middleware to wrap powershell module commands

I am looking for a middleware pipeline option for PowerShell. That means I want to provide each function with pre and post statements for a module that is not a C# cmlet.
Is there already something in this direction?
The background is that I don't want to store debug functions at every command but want to measure all my functions at a central place.
Thanks a lot
There is no way to put code in front of a call to a cmdlet, or after like you can when writing your own functions or using something like try\catch\finally. You cant really emulate that type of a work flow with cmdlet calls that I have found.

FileMaker MissingFunction

Set Variable [$Write; Value: <Function Missing>("filepath";$inputedText)]
I'm trying to determine what the missing function is. I'm trying to write data to an external file with this script, and this is one line of code from the script. I can't post the rest of the code for security reasons. Any direction as to what the missing function would be would be greatly appreciated.
The < Function Missing> message means that this code was written with the expectation that a now-missing plugin would be present. To resolve this, you'll need to determine which plugin this is, and install this on your development machine (and likely on all machines needing to use this script, unless you choose to write this to execute as a PSOS script running on the server).
My best guess based on functionality and the arguments being passed is that the missing plugin may be the Monkeybread Plugin.
It's the Write To File function in ScriptMaster

Checking the functions that need to be used by a script in Matlab

I have a package of code that's been written by someone else. I am running a script, which calls some functions, which in turn calls some more functions, etc. I would like to get the list of functions that are not MATLAB built-in functions but are a part of the package.
I tried using matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts('file.m'), which gives me a list of such functions, but not all the functions. I can see when I look at the code that there are many more functions called by a function in the script. Does this command only show 'first-level' functions? How can I get the full list?
This function performs well, but isn't guaranteed to get all files. Works fine for me though
Check out the function inmem which may help to solve this task. It displays all matlab functions that are currently in memory. Thus it lists those functions that have been recently called, i.e. that have been called since the last clear allor clear functions statement. Thus you would start with a clean workspace, execute your program, and check with inmem which functions are loaded into the cache and are not in the matlab install directory, those are the functions you are interested in.
You may also use the command-line helper disp-inmem that was scripted to (half-)automate this task.

Powershell naming conventions/scoping

I want to create a Powershell function/cmdlet which installs (and one that uninstalls) a web application: copies files, creates an app pool, creates the web application, sets up all kinds of IIS properties, does some web.config modifications, etc. I'm confused about how I should name it. Powershell has this verb-object naming convention, and it's all nice, but the names I want to use (New-WebApplication, etc.) are already taken by the WebAdministration module (which this new function will use internally). Is there a nice way to scope my functions to make it clear that it's a different module? Like mymodule.New-WebApplication, My-New-WebApplication, New-MyWebApplication? Or I could call it Install-WebApplication but that could lead to confusion because of reusing the same name.
I just ran into this recently for a similar issue. This could have many opinionated answers but this would handle the way to scope my functions to make it clear that it's a different module.
You could use the -Prefix parameter of Import-Module
Import-Module mymodule -Prefix Super
So when you go to use your cmdlet you would call it with
Alternatively, you can also explicitly call the cmdlet with the module path
I agree with Matt's answer, but I wanted to offer another perspective.
I wrote a module where the intention was specifically to recreate the functionality of an existing cmdlet. I named my function differently, but I also exported functions from the module that allow the caller to overrride the existing cmdlet with mine (using an Alias, which is interpreted first), and then to also undo that process.
This allowed someone to explicitly call the function without needing to use -Prefix nor use the \ syntax, using the new name with new code, but it also allowed one to use my function as a drop-in replacement for existing code by calling a single new command.
Here's that module if you want to take a look:

Powershell in SQLCLR?

In the past I've been able to embed a sripting languate (like JScript) inside the SQLCLR, so scripts can be passed as parameters of functions, to perform certain calculations. Here is a simplistic example (the function ssScriptExecute returns a concatenation of all the print's in the script):
select dbo.ssScriptExecute( 'print("Calculation: "+(1+2/3) );' )
-- Calculation: 1.6666666666666665
I'd love to be able to embed a Powershell runtime in the same way. But I've had all sort of problems because the runtime tries to find assemblies by path, and there are no paths inside the SQlCLR. I'm happy to provide more information on the errors I get, but I was wondering if anybody has tried this!
I use il code injection to modified System.Automation.Management.
make variable version in GetPSVersionTable() be "2.0"
then i can run Powershell Code in SQL Server.
Be sure reference this modified dll in your visual studio project.
btw, automated registering all dll you needed with running powershell in SQL
you can use this ps1 code
I think the only way to do this is to create a WCF service hosting powershell, and let SQLCLR send the request dbo.ssScriptExecute(...) to that service for execution.
Besides from that, I've also successfully embedded in the SQLCLR (an interpreter that does not have the memory leak problems of the DLR languages).
I thought SQLCLR was restricted to just a certain set of assemblies and PS Automation is not one of them.