Windows Azure iOS Authentication - iphone

Hi Anyone help me out in this issues it would be very appreciated , and it would be better myself , please review my task.
1) I started the iOS application in the useful platform windows azure.
2) After i successfully build the lets-started iOS Project with my own Table.
3) I added the code snippet for user authentication and using the facebook identify but what url i have to do in facebook developer page App Domains with out i use this filed im getting below error in simulator. EROOR : Given URL is not allowed by the application configuration.
Regards ,
Shiv Suthan M

Specific instructions for setting up Facebook auth including the URL and settings that should be used in the Facebook configuration page can be found here:


xamarin facebook authentication no longer supported for android

following the microsoft examples as documented here:
Everything is fine up to the point where I run the xamarin forms app to log in using facebook to get a token.
The error from the emulator when I try to login is this:
For your account security, logging in to Facebook from an embedded browser is disabled. To continue, download and log in to Facebook app on your device and try again.
I have tried downloading the app on the emulator, but that makes no difference, my facebook app is in development state but even then it should at least get me to the login page and allow using a test user.
It seems that facebook stopped supporting android login using embedded browsers from 5 October 2021. See here:
Would it be possible to please update the sample with either b2c or with an alternate method or details of how to get facebook auth working again?
If anyone have examples that someone new to these concepts could follow that would be great.
Thanks in advance!

Facebook Login On Xamarin Forms After Embedded Webviews Have been Deprecated

I am struggling to login on Xamarin Forms with Facebook on android specifically, ios is. still working, the implementation in my app is as described in this article: and has worked perfectly until Facebooks changes. Now when users try to login we get the following error message on android only: "Login disabled", "For your account security, logging in to Facebook from an embedded browser is disabled. You may be able to continue by updating the app you're logging in from and trying again."
I have read the write up on Facebook Developers here:
But the solution does not seem to be clear for Xamarin Forms as we are using Xamarin.Facebook.Android version 7.1.0
Any help or being pointed in the right direction will be appreciated.
The package has been updated few days ago to the version
I had the exact same issue and it's now fixed.

Facebook profile picture is not working in ionic hybrid application on ios devices

Facebook graph API tells me I can get a profile picture of a user using
which works fine.
But If I used the same application in iOS devices this link is not working. For Hybrid applications, Graph url is not redirecting in iOS.
Any solution for this? Single solution should work on both the devices.
I had a similar problem recently where a Facebook profile picture wouldn't show up in my Ionic iOS app. I used a similar link you mentioned above.
Investigating the app in Safari showed an error saying:
The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection.
Turns out, for security reasons you have to use https instead of http in your links. Changing the link like that solved the issue for me.

Login using Facebook Authentication - FBApp Installed

I am following the Scrumptious sample that is on the FB Developers site ( I successfully implemented everything up to the end of step 2 without any errors.
But i noticed that if i have the Android FB Application installed on my device then it does not log in.
It asks permission to access my public profile and friend list (to which i reply OK). After that it execute onSessionStateChange() but state = CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED.
I did verify that:
My app is listed on
I checked and my Native Android App option is ticked
i also have my Package Name, Hash Key entered.
The Facebook Login option is also enabled.
Please can someone help me to get this working :-( i am
struggling with this for 2 days already and no luck.
Problem has been resolved. After i generated the HashKey using the KeyTool.exe and entered the password as android it gave me a different key. I copied this to the dashBoard on Facebook and it worked. Sorry for wasting your time

creating "login using facebook" in blackberry app

I have been researching a lot on implementing logging into my blackberry app using facebook login. I have downloaded the latest BlackBerry Facebook SDK from Sourceforge. I received two jar files and a "not at all useful" readme.pdf. Can somebody kindly tell me how do I use these jar files in my app? I am creating a game app for BlackBerry and I want to give the user, an option of logging in using his/her fb account. I went through that strawberry program classes but I could not find source helping me to login. I have implemented FB in android as well. and it works fine.
Briefing again
1) Help me out with Login using fb account for BlackBerry(using the jar files)
2) Any tutorial link or pdf giving a detailed explanation about using BB FB SDK.
FYI, I am using SDK version 0.8.25. Here is the link for list of different versions
Check ShowUserScreen class in the strawBerry App,there it will be go thr showuserAsync(),which will somehow invoke the browserfield,and after it will ask login option,and after enter the user and password,it will get thr Fb account,and you will get Information.