Facebook Login On Xamarin Forms After Embedded Webviews Have been Deprecated - facebook

I am struggling to login on Xamarin Forms with Facebook on android specifically, ios is. still working, the implementation in my app is as described in this article: https://evgenyzborovsky.com/2018/03/09/using-native-facebook-login-button-in-xamarin-forms/ and has worked perfectly until Facebooks changes. Now when users try to login we get the following error message on android only: "Login disabled", "For your account security, logging in to Facebook from an embedded browser is disabled. You may be able to continue by updating the app you're logging in from and trying again."
I have read the write up on Facebook Developers here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/android/deprecating-webviews
But the solution does not seem to be clear for Xamarin Forms as we are using Xamarin.Facebook.Android version 7.1.0
Any help or being pointed in the right direction will be appreciated.

The package has been updated few days ago to the version
I had the exact same issue and it's now fixed.


xamarin facebook authentication no longer supported for android

following the microsoft examples as documented here:
Everything is fine up to the point where I run the xamarin forms app to log in using facebook to get a token.
The error from the emulator when I try to login is this:
For your account security, logging in to Facebook from an embedded browser is disabled. To continue, download and log in to Facebook app on your device and try again.
I have tried downloading the app on the emulator, but that makes no difference, my facebook app is in development state but even then it should at least get me to the login page and allow using a test user.
It seems that facebook stopped supporting android login using embedded browsers from 5 October 2021. See here:
Would it be possible to please update the sample with either b2c or with an alternate method or details of how to get facebook auth working again?
If anyone have examples that someone new to these concepts could follow that would be great.
Thanks in advance!

Meteor js facebook mobile login blank screen

I set up a Facebook login package for my meteor project. It is supposed to work on mobile, but when the iPhone app finishes logging the person into Facebook, it just shows a blank screen.
I have tried:
Meteor.loginWithFacebook({loginStyle: "redirect" }
But it still doesn't work. Any ideas?
The app takes you to the sign in page, but after you sign in, it doesn't redirect back to the app. It just shows a blanks screen.
I figured it out. Facebook now defaults to API version 2.3 and there is no way to change it to an earlier version in the Facebook App section.
2.3 is not supported by the Facebook accounts system on Meteor.
I just so happens I had an old Facebook app that was set to use API version 2.0
If I didn't have that old app then I would have been out of luck.
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What's the correct way to authorize PhoneGap application to the Facebook?

I spent a while already to fix annoying issue with Facebook in PhoneGap app. And still a lot of things goes wrong with that. The thing is that I use Appery.io and Facebook plugin.
This is how my Facebook console looks now:
I suggest that localhost might be a reason of the issue. However, I got it into Facebook_Helper.js:
Everytime I try to sign in with FB account, I get the same error at the child window:
So what I've got is that app is authorized at this moment indeed, because there's a menu button at the navbar that allows me to navigate through FB profile:
The first issue lies in that the child window never gets closed automatically once user submitted Sign In form. And the second one is that I can't get the access token to the app directly. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I spend more than a week on that and nothing was clarified.
Honestly, I've no idea why it's not working. I saw a lot of apps written in PhoneGap that use the same authorization too, and they work as it should. Will be appreciate if you take a look into that and, maybe, advice something.
First, I don't see iOS or Android in your developer.facebook screenshot.
Second, you should implement native facebook integration if you are developing an app, if I understand correctly from your code, you are trying to handle only web browser version of authentication. Native integration is both the suggested way by facebook and platforms and better experience for end users. If users have facebook app installed, authenticating over fb app is more secure after all..
You can use a cordova plugin for facebook integration, here is one of the plugins (I am one of the authors): cordova-facebook plugin

Phonegap/Cordova Facebook plugin rejected by Facebook

Facebook rejects the implementation of the official Phonegap Facebook plugin.
Did it by the book, login, posting works. Explained it's Phonegap (v3.0), and it's using their native SDK, but got rejected two times without any explanation except the info below.
Your Android app must use the native Login dialog that comes with Facebook's SDKs instead of custom web views. Ensure you have successfully tested your Facebook Login integration for Single Sign On or remove this integration as a listed platform in the developer app.
Here are the full details
Please advise. Thx!

Facebook Connect Replaced?

I would like to develop an IOs app with facebook integrated.
However, after some research I found out that facebook connect seem to be outdated?
Even the facebook official page only talk about Single Sign On where user will be redirect away the app to login.
So my question is, do you think it's still safe to use Facebook Connect?
Since i still see a lot app using it.
Yes Facebook connect for iOS has been replaced with Facebook SDK for iOS and it is an open source library on Github that users their Graph API. I would not start a new project with the deprecated Facebook connect library because it will eventually be killed and they won't give you a lot of notice since the replacement has already been out for over a year.