Start Eclipse just with the plugins you want - eclipse

I use Eclipse IDE for all my project (PHP, Java, C, Python, Android). If I install them all in one edition it will take too long to start and I will have many buttons in my toolbar. Now I have Eclipse edition for each language. I type eclipse when I want to work with Java, eclipse-php for PHP. Is there a way to have just one eclipse edition and let me do this?

You can start Eclipse with the -configuration or osgi.configuration.area argument.
Form The Eclipse runtime options help:
osgi.configuration.area {-configuration}
the configuration location
for this run of the platform. The configuration determines what
plug-ins will run as well as various other system settings. See the
section on locations for more details.
A more detailed explanation how to use this feature is found here: How can I launch different workspaces with different sets of plugins?


How to determine which Eclipse feature provides a specific jar file

I am the happy user of a Terminal view in my work and home instances of Eclipse Oxygen.2. According to the process manager on my Windows 10 system, the terminal is in this path:
D:\Programs\Eclipse Oxygen\plugins\org.eclipse.cdt.core.win32.x86_64_5.4.1.201709131603\os\win32\x86_64\winpty-agent.exe
Given that I haven't installed the CDT feature, I am guessing that one of my installed features drew this plugin in.
I would like to benefit from direct integration of a terminal in my other Eclipse instances so I can build some of my projects from within Eclipse, instead of switching to a different window.
More generally, is it possible to determine which feature provides a specific plugin? Other than by uninstalling features one by one until the terminal view is no longer available.
These are some tabs in Eclipse Installation Details.
I can see plugins related to the terminal:
But none of these providers can be seen in the Features tab (excerpt, sorted by provider):
It is TM Terminal that provides this feature. This can be installed to eclipse from the market place:

can eclipse C/C++ IDE be used for java too?

I have downloaded .tar.gz install file for C/C++ eclipse IDE.
Can it also be used for java or do I need additional ?
Yes it is, you should install the right plugin - JDT (look at Help->Install new Software)
Base on wiki link:
In computer programming, Eclipse is an integrated development
environment (IDE). It contains a base workspace and an extensible
plug-in system for customizing the environment.
That means Eclipse is just a platform, and you can install any plugins for eclipse. On Eclipse site, you see some packages such as Eclipse CDT Eclipse JDT ... Because they just want you to have a convenient environment for working: just download and run. You can download any versions, and install enough other plugins and they will works well. Here is some tutorials: official link and another nice link
But my recommendation is:
you don't know how "enough" is (as newbie). So the result will be hard because you don't choose enough packages for supporting your languages. And Eclipse Foundation has made it for you.
You shouldn't use many languages in same Eclipse distribution (although you can switch to other workspace easily). Many languages mean many installed packages, and this will slow down your eclipse so much because eclipse must loads more plugins into memory, loads more projects ... This is my experience. So, each language, each eclipse distribution, each workspace. That's a trick.
And answering directly to your question:YES. You can use that version for programming java, but will need to install JDT (Java Development Toolkit) plugin.
Hope this help :)

Install Eclipse without any Features

The standard/class edition of eclipse still includes JDT, CVS, GIT and various other features.
Is there a way to install it with only 'resource' management/project tools.
Essentially a version of eclipse built without any language or environment in mind.
A lot like an operating system without any programs installed other than what it needs to run itself and provide the means to install programs entirely at the user's discretion.
Post Answer:
The eclipse-platform section contains no-frills, just raw eclipse.
try this link ( It should contain what is called a Eclipse Platform Runtime Binaries which is the most minimalist package available.
Same answer I wrote in: Eclipse without plugins for windows
You can download it from here: There you can find 'clean' builds of Eclipse, which do not ship with common development tools.
You still can uninstall the plugins you don't want this way :
Menu > Help > About eclipse SDK > Installation details
Install software tab
Select the plugin you don't want
Uninstall button
Choose a release
e.g. "Latest Release : 4.10" -->
On this new page choose "Platform Runtime Binary"
It contains the Eclipse Rich Client Platform base bundles and do not contain source or programmer documentation.

Plugins from Different Eclipse Configuration are not Isolated

I'm sorry for a pretty vague title, didn't want to turn it into a paragraph.
So, I am using Eclipse Platform 3.7.1 (the one with absolutely no plugin preinstalled), the latest version so far, and I have discovered that by taking advantage of its -configuration option, I can choose which plugins are running and which are not. It was going well enough until I started installing the plugins.
But allow me to explain my setup first, I am using Ubuntu linux by the way. Using only one eclipse installation, my installation is arranged in the following order:
eclipse (executable binary)
~/bin/eclipse -> opt/eclipse/eclipse
Installing JDT and ADT while running eclipse and using the android configuration directory posed no problems. So I moved on to the php configuration and tried to install PDT (the JDT and ADT plugins were not activated here, so far so good). The problems came along after the installation, not only was I not able to use PDT, I noticed in the Installation Details that JDT, ADT, PDT were installed but not activated. Instead, they were all activated in the android configuration. To make it worse, when I chose the Java configuration, I could not even use JDT.
My expectations however were when using:
eclipse -configuration ~/.eclipse/configuration/android
was that only the JDT and ADT were activated and when using:
eclipse -configuration ~/.eclipse/configuration/web-php
only the PDT is activated
Regarding the java configuration however, it's probably another problem altogether but if there was help on how to activate a plugin installed from another configuration, I'd deeply appreciate it.
Also, see Single Eclipse install with multiple Configurations and Workspaces
In a p2 world there are extra steps to isolate bundles from each other. You need not just a different configuration directory, but a different p2 profile.
Have a look at the config.ihi in each of your configurations. There are two ways that Eclipse identifies the plugins to use, the ..updateconfigurator, which simply uses all of the plugins in the plugins folder, and the ..simpleconfigurator which uses the file in that's in the org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator folder (which is maintained by the p2 installer). Make sure this file is what you expect.
And also, you might want to start with the -clean option if you are using the updateconfigurator to have it rescan all of the plugins (otherwise it remembers in some hidden cache).
Make sure when you installed everything that you had your -configuration set to the right place for the different things you installed.
I hope some of this points you in the right direction.

Where is Eclipse empty shell edition?

There're so many Eclipse editions.
I don't know well in structure of Eclipse IDE, but as I know, Eclipse is basically an empty frame for strong plug-ins. This means there should be an empty shell edition, but I couldn't find it. Most basic editions already contain many tools in it.
Where is it? And how can I obtain it?
I think you're referring to the Rich Client Platform? You'll need to download the RCP SDK to get started, then when the time comes to deploy check out the FAQ for what you need.
As mention in the recent serie "Eclipse is…", Eclipse is a bit more than "an empty frame for strong plug-ins". It is also:
A Java IDE;
An IDE Framework;
A Tools Framework;
An Application Framework;
Open Source Projects;
A Community;
An Eco-system;
A Foundation; and
You can see all the Helios packages (distributions) here, the smallest one being the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (99MB).
You can compare those packages in term of content.
Only the RCP edition would allow you to build a minimal RCP application, like the one presented in this RCP tutorial:
alt text
I think you are referring to the platform runtime binary, available here :
From eclipse download page, click "other downloads" next to eclipse classic, and then click "3.6" on the next page.