Where is Eclipse empty shell edition? - eclipse

There're so many Eclipse editions.
I don't know well in structure of Eclipse IDE, but as I know, Eclipse is basically an empty frame for strong plug-ins. This means there should be an empty shell edition, but I couldn't find it. Most basic editions already contain many tools in it.
Where is it? And how can I obtain it?

I think you're referring to the Rich Client Platform? You'll need to download the RCP SDK to get started, then when the time comes to deploy check out the FAQ for what you need.

As mention in the recent serie "Eclipse is…", Eclipse is a bit more than "an empty frame for strong plug-ins". It is also:
A Java IDE;
An IDE Framework;
A Tools Framework;
An Application Framework;
Open Source Projects;
A Community;
An Eco-system;
A Foundation; and
You can see all the Helios packages (distributions) here, the smallest one being the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (99MB).
You can compare those packages in term of content.
Only the RCP edition would allow you to build a minimal RCP application, like the one presented in this RCP tutorial:
alt text http://www.vogella.de/articles/EclipseRCP/images/firstrcp70.gif

I think you are referring to the platform runtime binary, available here : http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.6-201006080911/index.php
From eclipse download page, click "other downloads" next to eclipse classic, and then click "3.6" on the next page.


Install Eclipse without any Features

The standard/class edition of eclipse still includes JDT, CVS, GIT and various other features.
Is there a way to install it with only 'resource' management/project tools.
Essentially a version of eclipse built without any language or environment in mind.
A lot like an operating system without any programs installed other than what it needs to run itself and provide the means to install programs entirely at the user's discretion.
Post Answer:
The eclipse-platform section contains no-frills, just raw eclipse.
try this link (http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/moreinfo/custom.php) It should contain what is called a Eclipse Platform Runtime Binaries which is the most minimalist package available.
Same answer I wrote in: Eclipse without plugins for windows
You can download it from here: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/index.html. There you can find 'clean' builds of Eclipse, which do not ship with common development tools.
You still can uninstall the plugins you don't want this way :
Menu > Help > About eclipse SDK > Installation details
Install software tab
Select the plugin you don't want
Uninstall button
Goto https://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/
Choose a release
e.g. "Latest Release : 4.10" --> https://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.10-201812060815/
On this new page choose "Platform Runtime Binary"
It contains the Eclipse Rich Client Platform base bundles and do not contain source or programmer documentation.

I don't have "Dynamic Web Project" option in Eclipse new Project wizard

I have download the Eclipse IDE for Java developer, HELIOS. I click 'File -> New -> Project...', but I only have "General, CVS, Java project, Examples". I would like to be able to create "dynamic web project", why do I not have this option?
I searched from internet, and the reason is probably I don't have Eclipse Web Development Tools, but how can I get it?
I know by install Eclipse IDE for Java EE developer can solve the problem. But, I am working under Linux Ubuntu, how to get Eclipse Java EE version for Ubuntu Linux machine?
Not all of them are required (I think), but after installing the components listed below I got the "Dynamic Web Project" template added to my Eclipse (Indigo). The list is:
Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools
Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools
Eclipse Web Developer Tools
Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
You can install those packages by clicking on "Help" > "Install New Software", selecting the repository that corresponds to your Eclipse build (i.e http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo for Indigo). The packages are grouped under "Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development".
I think you need the Web Tools Platform package for this. Not very sure though. You can add it to your current eclipse through Help > install new software.
Then add the software repository site location for WTP for your version of eclipse. This is how you can install plugins in eclipse.
"http://download.eclipse.org/releases/kepler"(If you have Eclipse Kepler)
Based on your eclipse choose above link and copy in
help>Install new software
paste in "work with" click add
give any name you want - plugin
In the list select>"Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development">Eclipse Java EE
Developer Tools. select and install it.
After restart you will have your Dyanmic web project option.
Thank You.
Like me if it worked please
You only need to install
Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools
and you will be able to see "Dynamic web project" wizard.
Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, everything you need should be included inside. This is the most painless way of obtaining Web Development Tools.
If you want to leave your existing Eclipse IDE, you can go to 'Help -> Install New Software' and find WDT to install them, although I haven't personally tried to go this route, so I can't guarantee everything will work out of the box.
Edit: not sure if it's included in Ubuntu's repository. One other way to do it is to download Linux 32-bit (or 64-bit, depending on your machine) version of Eclipse EE, but you'll have to check if it's the source you have to compile yourself, or an already compiled binary.
Fwiw, I downloaded the standard Java EE version of the Mars version of Eclipse, and ran into the same deal -- didn't see a Web option if I tried File >>> New >>> Project wizard.
The good news: Probably no extra installation needed.
It looks like what I wanted was to select the Other option rather than the Project item (strangely this is what comes up when you hit Ctrl-N, but that also lets us know we're probably on the right track):
After you select "Other", you'll see the "Select a wizard" screen, where you can select "Dynamic Web Project" and profit.
Install New Software
In Work With input box paste this url: http://download.eclipse.org/releases/{version}/
Replace version with your eclipse's version (eg: LUNA)
Hit enter
Underneath box will have different options, select package of your need.
Maybe Eclipse WTP plugin has been accidently removed. Have you tried re-installing WTP using this location ? If I were you I would have reinstall Eclipse from strach or even better try Spring ToolSuite which integrates with Google Plugin for Eclipse seamlessly (usign Extenstions tab on STS Dashboard)
Just download any eclipse with "EE" letters
I had a similar problem, you may find that going to the top right corner of your page in Eclipse and click "Java EE" instead of "Java" will solve your problem. I had EE installed correctly like you, and this solved the issue for me. Hope I helped :)
Go to Eclipse --> Help
and click--->Install new software
then you can see a window ...There a click add
Then put below url in url box: http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/repository/juno/
i am having juno
if u have any other means put that name .
then click ok.
Make sure to check dynamic web app in "other section" i.e File>New>Other>Web or type in "dynamic web app" in your wizard filter. If dynamic web app is not there then follow following steps:
In work with test box simply type in your eclipse version, which is oxygen in my case
Once you type in yur version something like this "Oxygen - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen"will be recommended to you in drop down
If you do not get any recommendation then simply copy " http://download.eclipse.org/releases/your-version" and paste it. Make sure to edit your-version.
After you Enter the address and press enter bunch of new softwares will be listed just ubderneath work with text box.
Scroll, find and Expand WEB, XML, Java EE .... tab
Select only these three options: Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools, Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools,Eclipse Web Developer Tools
Next, next and finish!
The easiest way to handle this is to install the full package installer with all weblogic add ons from the oracle site. This will install eclipse with all the features/plug ins you need.
This helped me find the "Dynamic web project" in Eclipse 2020-12 version. Restart the eclipse and go to file->new->other->web and you will see
project will be available.
This option might be missing because more than one and other than Tomcat runtime is selected. At the marked spot I was shown that I have selected Java JDK runtime. After unselecting it Dynamic Web Module reappeared.

what is the correct version of Eclipse for Coldfusion?

Usually when one wants to create a new file in the Eclipse IDE , Java, Javascript, Colsdfusion PHP etc are provided as the options for the new files.
I recently downloaded Eclipse for Coldfusion 8 and excecuted the file "software/dw/java/europa/J2EE-SDK-Europa-33-win32.zip" .
Now when I want to create a New File "only JAVA " option is available. There is no coldfusion or HTML!
So can any one provide me the Exact/correct link for Codfusion related Eclipse?
(On the Eclipse website there are many Eclipse related downloads but I am not sure which one is specific for Coldfusion.)
There's CFEclipse, a free, open-source Eclipse plug-in for working with CFML. And of course there's Adobe's ColdFusion Builder, a commercial product that works as either a plug-in for an existing Eclipse installation, or as a full stand-alone product (with Eclipse already baked in).
CFEclipse 1.3.6, the current stable version, works with Eclipse 3.4.x or 3.5.x. Here's the CFEclipse wiki.
The stated Eclipse versions required for ColdFusion Builder are 3.4.2 or 3.5. Here's Adobe's requirements page.
If you're using one of these as a plug-in and you don't need a lot of the other Eclipse features, the J2EE version of Eclipse is probably overkill (it's the biggest package). You can try out a more minimal Eclipse install, then update and add plug-ins as you need them. Try the Eclipse Platform Binary, for example.
There's also Adobe's ColdFusion Builder IDE specially created for this purpose. It proposes some features not available in CFEclipse, but not free (though there's a trial version available).
In addition to Ken's answer please note that you can already use preview builds of CFEclipse with latest Eclipse 3.6 Helios. I am using this configuration on daily basis and it is pretty stable and more efficient than previous version for me.
If you will expierience problems with preview builds, feel free to post them into the CFEclipse groups, developers usually react pretty quickly.
One more hint for you. Sometimes after installing the plugin via Add Sofware further updates do not work correcly. I've experienced this issue few times so it can be useful to know the solution.
To fix this check the Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites. If needed entry missing -- create it manually using the same update URL as for installation.
Also there's an Eclipse-based version of Adobe CF manual available, see this help page for details.
Hope this helps.

Installing eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) - update site does not work?

I'm trying to install the WTP (web platform tools) to my Eclipse installation so I can get the XSL transformations working. The base Eclipse they installed for me here was the plain Java IDE (the splash screen says "Ganymede" if that means anything). Looking at this site, the URL to get the download should be here: http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/updates/ ...But when I give that URL to the Eclipse update manager, I get an error telling me: "No repository found at http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/updates/"
Anyone else had this problem? Anyone know what might be up? Anyone know how to get the xsl-transform plugin installed?
I should have mentioned before that I want to find a way to do this without installing any new instances of Eclipse. This process will eventually be sent to several other developers who already have Eclipse (same version that I'm testing with) and I'd rather just do an in-place upgrade rather than have everyone go and install a new product.
I found another plugin, Xcarecrows 4 XML which can also do XSL transforms. The interface is ugly and seems more than a little quirky, but it's also a small download, and at least it runs and transforms. Unless I can find an easy way to get WTP working, I'll probably just stick with this.
You can try and install WTP through the main Ganymede update site:
Or you can download the latest Java EE bundle and use that instead of your current Eclipse
(do NOT unpack it on top of your current Eclipse, but unpack it elsewhere, to test that second installation: it will come with WTP inside)
Note: check then "How do I start Eclipse" to point to your existing workspace in order to see all your previous project in your new Eclipse installation.
As mentioned in your link, XSL Tools is now part of WTP (for Eclipse 3.5 Galileo), and that may explain why your Eclipse Ganymede (3.4) might not interpret correctly the P2 update site for WTP (P2 being the new Eclipse provisioning mechanism introduced late in the 3.4 release cycle)
For Eclipse 3.5, you have an XSL Tools installation illustrated here:
But Eclipse3.4 is more likely to be compatible with XSLT0.5 and you will need a separate installation, because "XSL Tools" wasn't yet part of WTP.
I am not sure, however, where to find such an installation package within the Eclipse projects.
Use the following update site :
For Juno :
For Indigo :
I'm assuming you don't have any firewall exceptions for Eclipse right?
The site for the WTP update is indeed the one you've listed. Maybe post a screenshot? You've added it specifically to your remote update site list?
Either way try a manual update which should be more reliable and get you up and running for now.
All-In-One Update (Eclipse IDE included):
Go to the Eclipse Download site.
Grab the all-in-one package: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Install, have a coffee and enjoy. (WTP is included)
Manual Update your existing installation of Eclipse:
Download the applicable WTP source package to your desktop
Shutdown Eclipse
Extract the package to your Eclipse installation directory
Startup Eclipse. (WTP is now available)
Follow the steps in the FAQ at http://wiki.eclipse.org/WTP_FAQ#How_do_I_install_WTP.3F .
Are you behind a proxy? If so, you need to make sure you configure your proxy settings in Eclipse.
Window > Preferences
General > Network Connections
Ok, I can probably get it working if I do a clean install of Eclipse. I can do that on my machine, but not the other team members' machines (at least not without going through many emails and paper work) so I'm going to say that XCarecrows 4 XML is the solution. It is able to do XSL transformations in Eclipse 3.4 and doesn't require anything else to be installed. Since XSLT is all I need, the plugin will do.
you can use the marketplace:
like the site says:
Drag to Install!Drag to your running Eclipse Workspace.

What's the difference between the "Java EE" and "rcp" distributions of Eclipse?

What are the differences, specifically, between the Java EE and RCP versions of Eclipse?
And how would one essentially get a "combined" version that includes all the best goodies for plugin development along with the best tools for Java EE?
I think what I'm looking for is the ability to create a "merged" instance entirely through the p2 updater. For example, if I open up a Java EE instance of Eclipse, open a java file, hit alt-shift-f1 to bring up plugin spy, and then click on "compilationuniteditor" to view the source of the java editor, I get .class. But in the RCP version, I get the source. How do I get those things in the Java EE editor using the normal Eclipse update mechanism? That's my goal here. What plugins in update manager contain what "essential bits" for each distribution.
Another example is installing all the Examples plugins. In the RCP distribution, you can easily install them from the "Welcome" page. So how, in the Java EE distribution, could you do the same thing?
The problem I'm trying to solve here is that I want to get away from maintaining two separate instances of Eclipse, since I do a fair amount of work in both RCP (for plugin development) and in Java EE (for webservice stuff, etc).
I started with the Eclipse for RCP Developers and used the "Help > Install New Software..." Feature to add in the "Web, XML, and Java EE Development" tools from the "Galileo" update site.
You may want to be a little choosier than I was and maybe exclude the "Rich Ajax Platform" and possibly the "PHP Development Tools" Features from the category.
It's better to use the "Install New Software" feature than to try and merge directories. The dependencies can be fairly complex and troubleshooting a merged directory can be a nightmare. Let p2 do the heavy lifting.
You can get a full comparison of all eclipse distros here.
Basically, the J2EE one includes the RCP ones, except for the fact that the RCP has the sources of some plugins, and not just their binaries.
To get a mix of the two, load them both, unzip them, and then compare the content of plugins and features sub-directories of both installations (with WinMerge for instance).
Copy any extra RCP files into the J2EE directories, and that should be enough.
From my understanding, the Java EE version comes with plugins for developing java programs whereas the RCP version includes the minimum number of plugins to build a rich client application.
These links should help: