CakeEmail Template InPage Css Doesnt Apply - email

Problem :
In Gmail the email template is not viewed like
it looks like a simple plain text mail with html tags, without color formatting
What I Tried :
Template Code Used :
Copy Pasted in Views\Layouts\Emails\html\default.ctp for a quick check & sent a test mail.
Their Test's says it should work on all major email emails
Test Result :

That is a nice layout - just not for emails.
For templates HTML emails all style must be inline - style tags are not allowed across many email clients.
Thus, you need to use something like I do to transform the style css into inline css upon sending:
Basically, upon generating the final template, an afterLayout() hook of a helper can trigger this.
See this discussion for details on the implementation.

Maybe the parameter ->emailFormat('text')?
ensure that you use ->emailFormat('html')


Azure AD B2C using custom HTML to request OTP verification via SendGrid

I'm using Azure AD B2C / IEF Custom Policies. As part of my Password Reset user journey, I want to use SendGrid to handle the email for the OTP / verification code. I also want to use custom HTML templates for the password reset page(s). The Azure docs give a good example for using SendGrid... BUT it uses DisplayControl elements to format the password reset page and it's not immediately obvious how to augment or replace the DisplayControl element to instead use Custom HTML.
Did anyone manage to get this working? Any pointers?
EDIT: Is it simply a case of adding a LoadUri element to the ContentDefinition that contains the DataUri?
Actually, it turns out that the DisplayControl works fine. It forms part of the HTML that is dynamically generated and injected into the Custom Template HTML ("App" element) by B2C.
Initially I was getting Server 500 errors from B2C, which lead be to believe there was a problem with the approach - but the I found the source of the errors elsewhere and once fixed, the DisplayControl components worked pretty seemlessly

Prevent SendGrid from replacing <a> tags in Dynamic Templates

I'm using the #sendgrid/mail library to send emails from our app, using a dynamic template. The template is created entirely with custom HTML.
When emails are delivered, any custom code in <a> tags is ignored.
More specifically, SendGrid adds a "data-saferedirecturl" attribute and strips out any other attributes I add.
I've already tried disabling SendGrid click tracking globally, as well as disabling it individually, but neither seems to make any difference.
Anyone know if it's possible to change this behavior, either via the SendGrid dashboard or API settings?
There is a trackingSettings parameter to the send() API call, so you can add something like:
trackingSettings: {
clickTracking: {enable: false}

Is it possible to hack mailto?

Sorry about the provocative subject but I could not think of a better word than "hack" to describe what I would like to do!
On my site, I provide links to other sites and on request by the user, display a page from the site in a frame or pop up window. Frequently these displayed pages have a mailto-tag.
I have found it extremely annoying that clicking the mailto link starts off my outlook which I no longer use but retain it as an installed program on my machine.
What I would like to do is:
1) Pick up the subject and email address part of the mailto tag.
2) Pop up an HTML form where the email address and the subject is prefilled.
3) Send the email message through my site's mailserver instead of through outlook or any other mail client.
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you in advance - and once again apologies for the provocative subject line!
Try it using javascript.
With using a framework like jQuery its easy so find such tags inside a frame or popup window.
You can try it by something like this:
var allATags = $('myFrameId').find('a');
$(allATags).each(function(index, element){
var href = $(element).attr('href');
//here you shall try to find out if there a mailto Link or a normal link, e.g. using regular expression or indexOf()
if (isMailToLink){
//split the href String at the signs '&' with which the subject, mail, etc is splitted and removing the mailto, putting all in own variables
$(element).attr('href', 'javascript:void(0);');
showMyMailForm(toMail, mailSubject, mailBody);
On opening a document in a frame or a popup wait for the document being loaded and then run your code to replace all existing mailto-links on that document with your mailform-mailer.
The code is just a way trying to inspire, no working code.
Users can set their default email client, here are a couple of links that may be helpful:
Internet Explorer
Of course this is controlled by the user, so it will help you personally, but not force others to use a specific program.
You could easily pass url parameters onto your contact landing page/email form instead of a mailto link, something like a href="" could be used to pre-fill generic contact/email form fields.

load magento email template

I'm using my own code to send out SMS's to the customers at the same time as the emails go out. I do this by getting the email template code with
$code = $this->getTemplateCode();
and then trying to load the corresponding SMS template with
$sms = $this->loadByCode('sms_'.$code)->getTemplateText();
I then check if $sms is empty before proceeding to send the text, meaning that I can add or remove connected SMS templates at will. The problem I'm having is that I sometimes, when there is no connected "sms_*" template, I get the full email sent out as the SMS instead of no text being sent.
I've debugged the code by sending out the template it tries to load as the actual SMS, and received "sms_creditmemo", but when I instead load it with the method above and do a var_dump($sms); exit;it shows me that it loaded the template "creditmemo_invoice" which is the email template I use instead of "creditmemo" when the payment method is detected. I make sure to use the original template string in $code (used to load SMS template) no matter the payment method.
Now my question would be how this can even be possible, does the loadByCode take best matching template or is there some other more serious bug I've missed, maybe there's better ways to load in the templates and make correct checks to see if they even exist?
I solved this by checking if the correct email template gets loaded with
if ($this->loadByCode($template)->getTemplateCode() == $template)

Expression Engine using the Champagne Extension troubleshooting

I have an issue in Expression Engine using the Champagne Extension where it won't allow me to send out campaigns. This extension utilizes api to send out mass emails.
The Error I get is "HTML Content URL Required" when I try to send out campaigns form the back end of the Expression Engine Install.
What could be causing this issue that relates to the expression engine install?
This error is received anytime the URL to your html or text content is not visible. More often this is seen when someone forget to include the text version. A good way to test is to click the preview HTML/TEXT button and make sure both give you the correct results.
They cannot be blank.
For an alternative solution, be sure to checkout my add-on Postmaster. It allows clients to publish email campaigns just by creating a new entry. You can setup any number of configuration, so you can even send draft email to a test subscriber list. And since everything is within channel entries, you can use whatever fieldtypes you like, and it works with MailChimp as well as CampaignMonitor.