Azure AD B2C using custom HTML to request OTP verification via SendGrid - sendgrid

I'm using Azure AD B2C / IEF Custom Policies. As part of my Password Reset user journey, I want to use SendGrid to handle the email for the OTP / verification code. I also want to use custom HTML templates for the password reset page(s). The Azure docs give a good example for using SendGrid... BUT it uses DisplayControl elements to format the password reset page and it's not immediately obvious how to augment or replace the DisplayControl element to instead use Custom HTML.
Did anyone manage to get this working? Any pointers?
EDIT: Is it simply a case of adding a LoadUri element to the ContentDefinition that contains the DataUri?

Actually, it turns out that the DisplayControl works fine. It forms part of the HTML that is dynamically generated and injected into the Custom Template HTML ("App" element) by B2C.
Initially I was getting Server 500 errors from B2C, which lead be to believe there was a problem with the approach - but the I found the source of the errors elsewhere and once fixed, the DisplayControl components worked pretty seemlessly


Prevent SendGrid from replacing <a> tags in Dynamic Templates

I'm using the #sendgrid/mail library to send emails from our app, using a dynamic template. The template is created entirely with custom HTML.
When emails are delivered, any custom code in <a> tags is ignored.
More specifically, SendGrid adds a "data-saferedirecturl" attribute and strips out any other attributes I add.
I've already tried disabling SendGrid click tracking globally, as well as disabling it individually, but neither seems to make any difference.
Anyone know if it's possible to change this behavior, either via the SendGrid dashboard or API settings?
There is a trackingSettings parameter to the send() API call, so you can add something like:
trackingSettings: {
clickTracking: {enable: false}

JSON Request is not configure with zap Authentication.

I am using ZAP security testing tool.but at the point of Authentication by username and password of a JSON Request, I face problem to configure these. I checked all links and blogs too. but I can't get the proper step by step solution on it.
Request code:-
Response code:-
That functionality was only just added last week:
If you want to use it, you'll either have to use a weekly:
Or, wait for the next full release (likely 2.8.0).
The corresponding PR to update the help content for the new JSON Authentication functionality is here: if you want to check it out.
You set it up the same way you would for form based authentication. Make sure you define a Logged-in or Logged-out Identifier (or both). Here's some screenshots to help you along:
Manually configure the Authentication for your Context:
Use the Site Tree Context menu(s) to set it up:
Here's an additional help link that might assist you in getting authentication setup:

Token is not getting a value when the form sent by email

I'm developing a basic recruitment-type website.
I have an "Apply" CustomForm attached with a contenttype("Job"), but I can't get access fields outside of the CustomForm widget. I'm trying to add the reference number or the url to the email within the workflow. Orchard shows {Content.Fields.Input-Reference} token, but it returns no value when used.
Should I overwrite the handler when the form is created or how can I access fields of other zones?
As far as I understand the question, you don't actually need to add a custom token to your module. Custom Forms module takes care of that for you and adds the tokens for fields itself. You just need to use them in the email module.
Just look for a tokens named like this:
Not that the tasks of adding custom tokens to the system and accessing them inside the workflow are particularly hard, mind you.

Processing tokens through Drupal Rules

I am using the Rules module to respond to specific events and send email alerts. This part of my project works fine.
My problem is I need to include some dynamic data in the email message. For this I am using Tokens but the tokens do not get processed and replaced with the neccessary text. This means the email gets delivered with tokens in the message.
Can anyone suggest how I can solve this problem either programmatically or via some configuration I am missing?
I'm using Rules for emails also and hav not encountered any issues using tokens
This is an example of the body of the email from one of my rules
New Issue --> [node:url]
Title - [node:title]
Description - [node:body]
Author - [node:author]
Priority - [node:field-issue-priority]
Category - [node:field-issue-category]
Maybe you do not have the proper format?

Expression Engine using the Champagne Extension troubleshooting

I have an issue in Expression Engine using the Champagne Extension where it won't allow me to send out campaigns. This extension utilizes api to send out mass emails.
The Error I get is "HTML Content URL Required" when I try to send out campaigns form the back end of the Expression Engine Install.
What could be causing this issue that relates to the expression engine install?
This error is received anytime the URL to your html or text content is not visible. More often this is seen when someone forget to include the text version. A good way to test is to click the preview HTML/TEXT button and make sure both give you the correct results.
They cannot be blank.
For an alternative solution, be sure to checkout my add-on Postmaster. It allows clients to publish email campaigns just by creating a new entry. You can setup any number of configuration, so you can even send draft email to a test subscriber list. And since everything is within channel entries, you can use whatever fieldtypes you like, and it works with MailChimp as well as CampaignMonitor.