Page we need to choose to override for Custom User Registration in Liferay 6.1 among these two? - liferay-6

I am in need of override the User registeration page inside the Liferay .
My requirement is that i need to add a Password and password confrmation field to it to the newly created user .
Before creating a hook to modify the jsp and the UserLocalService , i have got a below query
I have seen two user registration screens which are
a screen popped up when navigated through Sign -In ---->Create_account Page
Control Panel ---> User and Organization ---> Add User Page
Could anybody please let me know what is the page i need to choose from the above two ??
Also please let me know what is the difference between these two screens ??

Option 1 is for scenario when any guest user comes to your site and do registration.
Option 2 is screen where admin user creates user.
For user registration customization, you have to override create_account.jsp from sign in portlet.(option 1)


Page Access for anonymous user and with a specific group

I have a page: /events/
(a) If the user is not logged in, i want him to see a login
-> Result: Page is visible for all + Login-Element on page (with: hide on login)
(b) If the user is in the usergroup eventuser, he should see an event-plugin on the page
-> Events-Plugin is on page (with group permission: eventuser)
Everything cool for those two guys.
But if the user is a normal logged-in user (without the group eventuser) the page /events/ is empty.
How can i create a page which is accessible for anonymous users (to show a login) and is visible in the navigation for eventusers but not for standard fe_users?
Create two pages on the same level.
The first one is accessible for everyone (with "hide on login" set), the second one is accessible for the eventuser group only.
Create your login plugin on the publicly available page and set a redirect to the restricted page on successful login.
Create your event plugin on the access restricted page.
Now you need to set a redirect page for your other groups (or the other way around) after successful login, so all other groups, except eventuser will get redirected somewhere else. They won't see the events page at all.
You need to create two user group eventuser and websiteuser.
Now you can redirect user on specific page using redirect option in group configuration.
If user assign websiteuser gruop then you can redirect it's your site home page and eventuser group redirect to event page.
See below screenshot.

moodle first time login redirect to custom page

I have moodle site with custom signup page when new user register user redirect to the home page but then it automatically redirect to the profile edit page which is at(http://www.test.con/user/edit.php?id=46&course=1) once i update profile i can go to home i want to stop this and redirect to home page.
The automatic redirect happens when a user has required fields in their profile that still need to be completed.
Maybe you could make all required profile fields required fields in your custom signup page too, then users will always have completed them already by the time they log in for the first time.
I think it is related to the configuration of "Default home page for users":
Go to Site Administration => Appearence => Navigation
Select other option other than "User preference".
Hope that helps!

JSF 2 redirect to first page on back button or URL copy paste (no Authentication involved)

I have a JSF 2.0 application that is used for creating accounts using Self Registration. On the first page, there are fields like name, email, uid etc. Typical to any registration, we show the confirmation page, (other custom pages as well in between) and the final success page. Each page is rendered in JSF using the faces-redirect=true so there are 3-4 pages(facelets) in the entire process. In this application, I use a SessionScoped backing bean to show the middle pages/confirmation page/final page etc. After the registration is complete, I clear the SessionScope bean from session and invalidate the session.
The problem is:
The confirmation page/middle page etc. show the User details that the User entered from the first page(using the EL from the backing bean: #sessionBean.firstName etc.). So, if the User enters this URL in the browser directly (host/appName/confirmationPage.xhtml), the page loads with blank values (as the User did not go to the first page directly). Also, after the registration is complete, if the User clicks on the back button blank values show up (no-cache is explicitly set in the filter class, so cache is not used here which is the correct behavior)
How do I force the User to go to the first page if the firstName etc. is not present. i.e. when the User lands up on a page, make sure that User landed on this page only through the first page in this session?
Should a filter class be used? Or should a prerenderview event be used to check for blank values and redirect them to the first page? There is no "User Login" here as there is no authentication. I believe this is a common use-case and I would like to know if there is any best practice in JSF

How to dynamically hide/remove some menus from navigation?

I'm working on a wordpress plugin which inserts some pages using wp_insert_post() on activation. These pages are then used for different purposes (user account dashboard, edit account info, change password, login, logout, etc...).
Issue is all these pages get some menus which are displayed to all frontend users which is not correct because a non logged-in user for example should not see logout menu or any menu to a private page until authenticated. Now, I'm stucked at how to do just that. Any idea ?
I stress that the plugin login process is seperated from WP login
Wordpress can not assign restrictions and roles to specific pages, posts or terms by default.
You could create two separated menues and add a custom logic to your template.

How to display My Account portlet as a popup?

I want the My Account portlet to open as a popup on the click of a link.
This popup should show the left panel(i.e My Submissions,Workflow etc.) only for the admin.
So that rules out making changes in the file.
A normal user should be able to view the center portion(i.e. fields with the user info) only.
How do i go about this?
It has been already implemented in liferay, when you get loggedIn then click over the username in docbar it will open the user account page in pop-up,check it's implementation