Page Access for anonymous user and with a specific group - typo3

I have a page: /events/
(a) If the user is not logged in, i want him to see a login
-> Result: Page is visible for all + Login-Element on page (with: hide on login)
(b) If the user is in the usergroup eventuser, he should see an event-plugin on the page
-> Events-Plugin is on page (with group permission: eventuser)
Everything cool for those two guys.
But if the user is a normal logged-in user (without the group eventuser) the page /events/ is empty.
How can i create a page which is accessible for anonymous users (to show a login) and is visible in the navigation for eventusers but not for standard fe_users?

Create two pages on the same level.
The first one is accessible for everyone (with "hide on login" set), the second one is accessible for the eventuser group only.
Create your login plugin on the publicly available page and set a redirect to the restricted page on successful login.
Create your event plugin on the access restricted page.
Now you need to set a redirect page for your other groups (or the other way around) after successful login, so all other groups, except eventuser will get redirected somewhere else. They won't see the events page at all.

You need to create two user group eventuser and websiteuser.
Now you can redirect user on specific page using redirect option in group configuration.
If user assign websiteuser gruop then you can redirect it's your site home page and eventuser group redirect to event page.
See below screenshot.


CQ5.6 - CUG enabling for protecting pages breaks other components

We have implemented login functionality like geometrixx site in our existing website(with close to 700+ pages).
We want to show protected pages only to logged in user, every user who is registered gets assigned a group/ CUG lets say "listed users".
now in page hierarchy I have products page and under product page I have 8 products pages.somewhere On homepage I have a nav bar component which fetches all product children pages and shows a left nav bar with 8 entries.
If I enable CUG in a way that only "listed users" should have access to 2 out of 8 product pages, any access to direct links are redirected to login page. Which is fine.
But the nav bar component which earlier used to show all 8 product pages now shows only 6 pages.
The main idea behind putting pages behind login is lead generation.So if non logged in users dont see the link itself where would they click to get redirected to login page and subsequently feel like registering with our site.
Requirement is that my existing nav bar should continue showing 8 links and on click of 2 protected page links, he should get login/ register option.
We are using most of things Out of the Box.
any pointers helping in how do we achieve this would be great help ? PS: i have given a nav bar as one such component affected in existing site like this there could be many more components fetching their content from site hierarchy and stand chance to get broken in such case.
There are two entities involved, JCR and Sling.By default any un-authenticated request is associated with a user called Anonymous, the JCR sessions will have ACL's associated with anonymous.
In JCR, if a user does not have access to nodes, that session will not see those nodes.We access the JCR via Sling ,by default if you don't have permission the request will result in a 404 error(because for underlying JCR session the resource does not exist). Sling can be explicitly instructed to request for authentication for specific paths.
The combination of these concepts are leveraged to create the CUG functionality. Sling is instructed to force for authentication for CUG enabled pages. The JCR is instructed to show these nodes only for users who have access.
When you directly request the product pages without login, it is sling that is redirecting you to login page. When your navigation component is looping over nodes to create the menu for anonymous users JCR is only showing it 6 pages as the other two are out of reach for anonymous.
The only* way to work around this is to make the Navigation component configurable. Instead of node iteration, the content author will have to configure the the url and page title so that the links show up for everyone.
You can ignore the session associated with the request and use a custom JCR session that has access to all the product pages, but that would be disregarding the ACLs and you don't want to do that .
The nav bar can pick up all child pages as per page structure. That should not restrict the page title display on the nav bar.
As for the pages the access can be controlled by template level page properties by adding the 'listed users' group over there. In the jsp you can give an initial check for the user if they are a member of 'listed users' else redirect to login page
Hope that helps
Thanks for all your suggestions
Below is how we ended up doing it.
- Protect the page you want to enable CUG with proper CUG.
- Hide the page in nav.
- Create a redirect page in same hierarchy with same title as the one you wanted to protect.redirect it to your protected page.

moodle first time login redirect to custom page

I have moodle site with custom signup page when new user register user redirect to the home page but then it automatically redirect to the profile edit page which is at(http://www.test.con/user/edit.php?id=46&course=1) once i update profile i can go to home i want to stop this and redirect to home page.
The automatic redirect happens when a user has required fields in their profile that still need to be completed.
Maybe you could make all required profile fields required fields in your custom signup page too, then users will always have completed them already by the time they log in for the first time.
I think it is related to the configuration of "Default home page for users":
Go to Site Administration => Appearence => Navigation
Select other option other than "User preference".
Hope that helps!

Callback from Facebook app as a tab app on multiple pages

Salon owners can create an account with their salon information on our platform and they get a page that they can use as a tab app.
I want to be able to serve all these pages from one app instead of having to install each one seprately and I also want to make the life of the salon owner easier by helping them to install the tab.
I know about the link I can create to help them install the app and I know that when a visitor visits the app that facebook will send the page ID. So far so good.
But how do I make sure that when the salonowner follows the link to install the app that I get the page ID back (through callback or other) so that I can register which page ID belongs to which salon account.
I've read sone 2011 article about a callback but I can't find any recent info on this.
I think it should be possible as a lot of sites offer easy fb apps to businesses.
Any help would be welcome!
EDIT: Could this last piece of info in the Facebook link above be used to do this? I don't quite get it yet.
In addition, your app will also receive a string parameter called app_data as part of signed_request if an app_data parameter was set in the original query string in the URL your tab is loaded on. It could look like this: "". You can use that to customize the content you render if you control the generation of the link.
Well... Preventing users from adding your application to their page is impossible. You can't prevent that.
What you will be able to do is to detect who has added your application and according to that, change the content (or not display it at all). So you'll have to start with a list of "allowed" page_ids to match to the accounts you want.
Your application will receive a signed_request each time a user arrives at your application (within a page). Inside that signed_request is information not only on the user but also on the page that the application is on (provided it is a page tab app).
Once you have obtained the signed_request, it will hold a page key which contains:
A JSON object containing the page id string, the liked boolean (set to
true if the user has liked the page, false if not) and the admin
boolean (set to true if the user is an admin of the page, false if
they're not). This field is only present if your app is being loaded
within a Page Tab.
So you'll be able to access the page_id from within this variable and make a decision on the type of content you want to be displayed.
Ok, after running some tests I found out that when you add a URL as 'next' parameter to the install URL Facebook will send the admin(user) back to this URL while adding an array to the request containing all the page Id's the app was installed to.
Like this: YOUR_CALLBACK_URL?tabs_added[ID]=1
Proved to be quite easy in the end

How to dynamically hide/remove some menus from navigation?

I'm working on a wordpress plugin which inserts some pages using wp_insert_post() on activation. These pages are then used for different purposes (user account dashboard, edit account info, change password, login, logout, etc...).
Issue is all these pages get some menus which are displayed to all frontend users which is not correct because a non logged-in user for example should not see logout menu or any menu to a private page until authenticated. Now, I'm stucked at how to do just that. Any idea ?
I stress that the plugin login process is seperated from WP login
Wordpress can not assign restrictions and roles to specific pages, posts or terms by default.
You could create two separated menues and add a custom logic to your template.

passing variables into new page tab installations

I would like to build a customized Facebook page tab for other page owners to instal onto their Facebook pages. Each page tab will need to have its own ID in the links that lead out of the page tab in order for us to track that page activity.
For example each page tab will have a list of products that link to the relevant product pages on an external website. Each of those links will have a unique ID parameter to we can track clicks and purchases. [e.g]
So I need to create the userid variable in the link. Possibly using GET (or Request.QueryString for asp) to receive from the initial page tab installation.
From what i can see I might be able to use the app_data parameter to pass data over to the page, but when i tried it, it didn't work.
This is what i am using to install the page tabs
I thought that this will pass the userid over to the new page tab, but it doesnt seem to work.
If anyone could point me in the right direction i would be very grateful.
From what i can see I might be able to use the app_data parameter to pass data over to the page, but when i tried it, it didn't work.
This is what i am using to install the page tabs []
But you are aware, that appending &app_data=12345 does not mean you will get a GET parameter by the name 'app_data', right …?
The app_data will be passed as a property inside the signed_request parameter – so you’ll have to decode that one, and inside you’ll find your app_data value.
Why does 'each page tab' need to have an ID?
The Page ID should be enough for you to determine which content to show (and it's passed to your app on each page load via the signed_request, and the page ID is also passed back to your app in the callback to the pagetab dialog
You could also request manage_pages Permission from the user to determine the list of pages they administer and if your app is installed on each