New REST request in JHipster returning "Not Found - 404" - eclipse

Error Description
Hey all,
I'm having trouble getting a response from my manually added controllers in a JHipster-based project. I scaffolded up the original project, and then hand-wrote my own services and controllers.
When I execute the call, the error result I get from SoapUI (which I am using for initial validation) is at the following url:,Havk1EL#0
And if I look at my Eclipse console error, I see the following:,Havk1EL#1
* GET /courses/json -> get all the courses.
#RequestMapping(value = "/json",
method = RequestMethod.GET,
produces = "application/json")
public List<Course> getAll() {
log.debug("REST request to get all Courses");
return courseService.findAllCourses();
package com.testapp.myapp.service;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import com.testapp.myapp.domain.Course;
import com.testapp.myapp.repository.CourseRepository;
public class CourseServiceImpl implements CourseService {
CourseRepository courseRepository;
public long countAllCourses() {
return courseRepository.count();
public void deleteCourse(Course course) {
public Course findCourse(Integer id) {
return courseRepository.findOne(id);
public List<Course> findAllCourses() {
return courseRepository.findAll();
public List<Course> findCourseEntries(int firstResult, int maxResults) {
return courseRepository.findAll(new / maxResults, maxResults)).getContent();
public void saveCourse(Course course) {;
public Course updateCourse(Course course) {
What is confusing about this is that I ran the query provided by hibernate directly against my DB, and it returns the record set just fine. Is it possible that the service is being blocked due to some security or authentication constraint auto-loaded by JHipster?

A few issues existed, all related to migrating from Roo into JHipster:
I had built my new Controller class with org.sprinframework.stereotype.Controller's #Controller annotation, rather than #RestController... The original controller annotation was scaffolded up by Spring Roo (which is highly effective at generating services from an existing DB using their DBRE addon, I might add).
After switching over to #RestController, I ran into the second hurdle, which I had originally expected as a JHipster implementation : the service was being blocked due to authentication constraints.
This was fixed by going into com.[projectname].config and updating the file, exposing specifically the APIs that I wanted.
Then, I had to make sure Hibernate was getting the full collection of the objects being requested (I had a lot of complex relational entities being built by Roo)... failed to lazily initialize a collection of role...
In the Domain entity, change your #OneToMany annotation as follows:
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "courseId", cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE)
Source of answer: Solve "failed to lazily initialize a collection of role" exception
Voila! Functioning, secure-able JSON-based APIs, fully reverse engineered from an existing Postgresql DB, loaded into a prescaffolded Angular front-end.


Why is my data not persisted/accessible in an Spring-Boot integration-test with HTTPGraphQLTester and TestEntityManager

I have a bare-bones Spring-Boot app with some GraphQL endpoints and a Postgres database and want to run an integration test against an endpoint. It should find an entity by its ID and does so without a problem when I send a request manually via Postman. However when I write an integration test for the controller it doesn't. The data seems to be saved after using
TestEntityManager (or the JpaRepository directly) an I get the entity back with its ID. I then stick that ID into a query with HttpGraphQlTester which fails with an empty result/null. I traced it with the debugger and discovered that when the endpoint calls the repository to retrieve the entity with the given ID it gets null or when I look at all the repo-contents it's just an empty list. So my data seems to be accessible in my test but not in my repo/service. Any pointers would be very much appreciated.
public class BackboneTreeControllerTest {
HttpGraphQlTester tester;
private TestEntityManager testEntityManager;
void findTaxon() {
Taxon taxon = Taxon.builder()
.path(Arrays.asList("path", "to", "taxon"))
.nameCanonical("Cocos nucifera")
Taxon savedTaxon = testEntityManager.persistFlushFind(taxon); // (1)
.variable("taxonId", savedTaxon.getId())
the testEntityManager returns successfully with an ID.
query FindTaxon($taxonId: ID!) {
findTaxon(id: $taxonId) {
public class BackboneTreeController {
private final TaxonService taxonService;
public Taxon findTaxon(#Argument Integer id) {
Optional<Taxon> taxon = taxonService.findTaxon(id);
return taxon.orElse(null);
public class TaxonService {
private final TaxonRepository taxonRepository;
public Optional<Taxon> findTaxon(Integer id) {
return taxonRepository.findById(id); // (2)
This is where I would expect the repo to return the entity but it does not. Also using .findAll here returns an empty list.
public interface TaxonRepository extends JpaRepository<Taxon, Integer> {
Note that everything works fine when I just run the app and send the exact same query manually!
I don't know HttpGraphQlTester but I'd assume that it generates requests which then get processed in a separate thread.
That thread won't see the changes made in the test because they aren't committed yet.
If this is the reason resolve it by putting the setup in it's own transaction, for example by using TransactionTemplate.

inject a JPA repository in Spring Boot test, without session issue

I am adding some tests on my Spring Boot 2.4 application that works well in production.
In one of my SpringBootTest , I call the API (using mockMvc) and compare the result with what I have in the DB.
class TicketIT {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
private TicketTypeRepository ticketTypeRepository;
void shouldReturnListOfTicketTypes() throws Exception {
RequestBuilder request =
MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(RESOURCE_BASE_URL + "/types").contentType(APPLICATION_JSON);
String responseAsString =
List<TicketTypesRepresentation> ticketTypes =
responseAsString, new TypeReference<List<TicketTypesRepresentation>>() {
I have the feeling I've written that type of tests hundreds of times, but on this one, I am facing a problem : my application is configured correctly, because I receive a list of items in the API response.
However, what I find strange is that I get an exception from the ticketTypeRepository.findAll() call :
failed to lazily initialize a collection of role ... could not initialize proxy - no Session
I understand the issue, and I can fix it either by making the relation eager (with #Fetch(FetchMode.JOIN) on the entity), or my making the test #Transactional but I am not sure I like any of the options..
I don't remember facing that issue in the past in other Spring Boot tests so I am a bit puzzled.
Am I missing something to make sure that all the calls made to ticketTypeRepository are made within a transaction ? TicketTypeRepository is a wrapper around a CrudRepository, is it the reason why it doesn't work directly ?
Here's the entity and repository code :
public class JpaTicketTypeRepository implements TicketTypeRepository {
public List<TicketType> findAll() {
var allTicketTypesEntity= jpaTicketTypesEntityRepository.findAll();
return, false)
and the entity (simplified) :
#Table(name = "TICKET_TYPES")
public class TicketTypeEntity {
private Long id;
#JoinTable(name = "TICKET_TYPES_GROUPS",
joinColumns =
{#JoinColumn(name = "TICKET_TYPE_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")},
inverseJoinColumns =
{#JoinColumn(name = "TICKET_GROUP_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")})
private List<TicketGroupsEntity> ticketGroupsEntity;
public List<TicketType> toTicketTypeList() {"calling toTicketTypeList for id "+id);" with size : "+ticketGroupsEntity.size());
return -> TicketType.builder()
The exception happens the first time size() is called on the collection :
failed to lazily initialize a collection of role:
could not initialize proxy - no Session
org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize
a collection of role:
could not initialize proxy - no Session at
I believe you mis-interpret the stack trace. The problem is not in calling the method size() on the result of findAll(), but in the method findAll itself.
In findAll you call TicketTypeEntity.toTicketTypeList, which converts DB entity to DTO. This method touches ticketGroupsEntity, which is a lazy collection.
The code fails in unit test, but runs when accessed via springs controller.
This is due to Open Session In View, which is enabled by default.
A Guide to Spring’s Open Session In View
The Open Session In View Anti-Pattern
You could solve it multiple ways:
#Transactional findAll (be aware of lazy loading issues)
explicit fetch in query
But to my eyes your entity mapping looks suspicious, you seem to have all data needed to construct TicketType in TicketGroupsEntity. Maybe you could query that entity instead?

Error resolving template - url mapping fails

I receive the following error message:
Error resolving template [catalog/getCatalogItemFromCatalog/catalogItemId/3916677], template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolvers
I am trying to reach my service and the method using this url:
public class CatalogController {
public CatalogItem getCatalogItemFromCatalog(#PathVariable Integer catalogItemId){
List<Catalog> catalogs = getAllCatalogs();
Optional<CatalogItem> optionalCatalogItem = Optional.empty();
for(Catalog catalog : catalogs){
optionalCatalogItem = catalog.getCatalogItems().stream().filter(it -> it.getCatalogItemId().equals(catalogItemId)).findFirst();
return optionalCatalogItem.orElse(null);
public String getIpAddr() {
List<String> response;
response = runSystemCommandAndGetResponse(IP_ADDR);
return new Gson().toJson(response);
When I curl
I have no issues.
I am testing for hours now and nothing seems to work, I have no idea why its failing tho.
you have #Controller on your class which means spring will try to resolve the return type of all your methods inside the controller using all the available templateResolvers.
by using #ResponseBody spring will wrap the return type inside the response (after converting it) directly then returns it to the client, it's similar to using #RestController instead #Controller

Problems while connecting to two MongoDBs via Spring

I'm trying to achieve to connect to two different MongoDBs with Spring (1.5.2. --> we included Spring in an internal Framework therefore it is not the latest version yet) and this already works partially but not fully. More precisely I found a strange behavior which I will describe below after showing my setup.
So this is what I done so far:
Project structure
In configI have my Mongoconfigurations.
I created one base class which extends AbstractMongoConfiguration. This class holds fields for database, host etc. which are filled with the properties from a application.yml. It also holds a couple of methods for creating MongoClient and SimpleMongoDbFactory.
Furthermore there are two custom configuration classes. For each MongoDB one config. Both extend the base class.
Here is how they are coded:
Primary Connection
#EntityScan(basePackages = "backend.domain.customer")
basePackages = {"backend.repository.customer"},
mongoTemplateRef = "customerDataMongoTemplate")
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "customer.mongodb")
public class CustomerDataMongoConnection extends BaseMongoConfig{
public static final String TEMPLATE_NAME = "customerDataMongoTemplate";
#Bean(name = CustomerDataMongoConnection.TEMPLATE_NAME)
public MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() {
MongoClient client = getMongoClient(getAddress(),
SimpleMongoDbFactory factory = getSimpleMongoDbFactory(client,
return new MongoTemplate(factory);
The second configuration class looks pretty similar. Here it is:
#EntityScan(basePackages = "backend.domain.internal")
basePackages = {"backend.repository.internal"}
mongoTemplateRef = InternalDataMongoConnection.TEMPLATE_NAME
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "internal.mongodb")
public class InternalDataMongoConnection extends BaseMongoConfig{
public static final String TEMPLATE_NAME = "internalDataMongoTemplate";
#Bean(name = InternalDataMongoConnection.TEMPLATE_NAME)
public MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() {
MongoClient client = getMongoClient(getAddress(), getCredentials());
SimpleMongoDbFactory factory = getSimpleMongoDbFactory(client,
return new MongoTemplate(factory);
As you can see, I use EnableMongoRepositoriesto define which repository should use which connection.
My repositories are defined just like it is described in the Spring documentation.
However, here is one example which is located in package backend.repository.customer:
public interface ContactHistoryRepository extends MongoRepository<ContactHistoryEntity, String> {
public ContactHistoryEntity findById(String id);
The problem is that my backend always only uses the primary connection with this setup. Interestingly, when I remove the beanname for the MongoTemplate (just #Bean) the backend then uses the secondary connection (InternalMongoDataConnection). This is true for all defined repositories.
My question is, how can I achieve that my backend really take care of both connections? Probably I missed to set another parameter/configuration?
Since this is a pretty extensive post I apologise if I forgot something to mention. Please ask for missing information in the comments.
I found the answer.
In my package structure there was a empty configuration class (of my colleague) with the annotation #Configurationand #EnableMongoRepositories. This triggered the automatic wiring process of Stpring Data and therefore led to the problems I reported above.
I simply deleted the class and now it works as it should!

Play framework 2 + JPA with multiple persistenceUnit

I'm struggling with Play and JPA in order to be able to use two different javax.persistence.Entity model associated to two different persistence units (needed to be able to connect to different DB - for example an Oracle and a MySQL db).
The problem come from the Transaction which is always bind to the default JPA persitenceUnit (see jpa.default option).
Here is two controller actions which show the solution I found to manually define the persistence :
package controllers;
import models.Company;
import models.User;
import play.db.jpa.JPA;
import play.db.jpa.Transactional;
import play.mvc.Controller;
import play.mvc.Result;
public class Application extends Controller {
//This method run with the otherPersistenceUnit
public static Result test1() {
JPA.em().persist(new Company("MyCompany"));
//Transaction is run with the "defaultPersistenceUnit"
JPA.withTransaction(new play.libs.F.Callback0() {
public void invoke() throws Throwable {
JPA.em().persist(new User("Bobby"));
return ok();
//This action run with the otherPersistenceUnit
public static Result test2() {
JPA.em().persist(new User("Ryan"));
try {
JPA.withTransaction("other", false, new play.libs.F.Function0<Void>() {
public Void apply() throws Throwable {
JPA.em().persist(new Company("YourCompany"));
return null;
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
throw new RuntimeException(throwable);
return ok();
This solution doesn't seem to be really "clean". I'd like to know if you know a better way to avoid the need to manually modify the transaction used.
For this purpose, I created a repo on git with a working sample application which shows how I configured the project.
Thank you for your help
i met the same problem, too. too many advices are about PersistenceUnit annotation or getJPAConfig. but both them seem not work in play framework.
i found out a method which works well in my projects. maybe you can try it.
playframework2 how to open multi-datasource configuration with jpa
gud luk!