Grails one-to-many databinding with dynamic forms - forms

I'm using Grails 2.3.5 and try to persist multiple domains coming from a dynamic form.
To achieve this, I used the approach with lazy lists like described in:
The forms are genereated well and all the neccessary parameters are in the params-map,
but the binding to the list does not work.
I read a lot about this topic the last two days and found good answers on stackoverflow,
but I think these methods only work for older grails versions.
To illustrate my problem, some code:
class House {
....attributes removed to minimize example
List<Adress> adresses = [].withLazyDefault { new Adress() }
// List adresses = ListUtils.lazyList(new ArrayList<Adress>,FactoryUtils.instantiateFactory(Adress.class));
static hasMany = [adresses:Adress]
//def getAdresses(){
//return LazyList.decorate(adresses, FactoryUtils.instantiateFactory(Adress.class))
static mapping = {
adresses cascade:"all-delete-orphan"
Template for dynamic forms --> Are created correctly
<div id="adress${i}" class="adresses-div" style="<g:if test="${hidden}">display:none;</g:if>margin-bottom:10px; ">
<g:hiddenField name='adresses[${i}].id' value='${adresses?.id}'/>
<g:hiddenField name='adresses[${i}].deleted' value='false'/>
<g:hiddenField name='adresses[${i}].neu' value="${adresses?.id == null?'true':'false'}"/>
<g:textField name='adresses[${i}].street' value='${adresses?.street}' />
<g:textField name='adresses[${i}].land' value='${adresses?.land}' />
<span class="del-adresses">
<img src="${resource(dir:'images/skin', file:'database_delete.png')}"
HouseController - edit action = params
So, the form templates are created correctly and the the input values are existent in the parameter map.
My problem is now the databinding for multiple adresses created from one form.
According to the example project provided by the link above, the parameter binding should automatically create new Adress-Objects and save them as childs for a house.
When debugging my application I can see that there are the right parameters but it seems that the list cannot create a new Adress-Object.
The 'adresses' list, contains a null value after binding--> [null]
Like mentioned above, I tried a few solutions for this problem, but couldn't resolve it.
Probably the lazylist approach is not supported in grails 2.3.5 and only works for older version.
I hope someone had the same same problem and can give me a hint
Thanks in advance

I have experience with the same problem.
Refer to this: grails 2.3 one-to-many databinding with dynamic forms
Try to remove id: in params if it's a new phone. Tested with grails 2.3.11 and using it in my project.
Here is what I changed in _phone.gsp
<div id="phone${i}" class="phone-div" <g:if test="${hidden}">style="display:none;"</g:if>>
<g:if test="${phone?.id != null}">
<g:hiddenField name='phones[${i}].id' value='${phone?.id}'/>
Thanks to #hakuna1811

After carefully reading the docs for grails 2.3.x, I saw how the parameter map should look like with multiple child-domains.
def bindingMap = [name: 'Skyscraper',
'addresses[0]': [street: 'FirstStreet'],
'addresses[1]': [street: 'SecondStreet']]
But my map looked like this:
def bindingMap = [name: 'Skyscraper',
'addresses[0]': [street: 'FirstStreet', 'SecondStreet']]
I have never noticed this before...
The problem was the jQuery code to clone all the necessary input fields and update
the corresponding ids. By removing this code and testing my application with two static address fields I got it to work.
<g:textField name="adresses[0].street" value=""/>
<g:textField name="adresses[0].zip" value=""/>
<g:textField name="adresses[1].street" value=""/>
<g:textField name="adresses[1].zip" value=""/>
As a short-term solution I decided to create predefined hidden forms. When clicking on the add-Button some simple jQuery will show one form...
The next couple of days I will review my code to get really dynamic behaviour. If I have results, I will add them to the topic here.


Umbraco - Displaying a specific image within a macro for-each child of certain node

Umbraco newbie here. I've researched a tonne but can't seem to find what I' looking for.
I have a site with a slider on the homepage, the slider is sitting in a macro which is using a for-each (of a nodes children) with a final goal to display the 'heroImage' image from that doctype. I cant post images as a newbie to this site, but heres my content structure:
- First Item
- Another Item
Home, Portfolio, ABOUT and CONTACT US are "Landing Pages" document types, and the children under Portfolio (First Item and Another Item) are "Portfolio Entries" document types. Below is the code on "Landing Page" calling the Slideshow macro.
Portfolio Entry has fields:
Slideshow macro obviously being the highlight there. Easy enough. Heres my macro code where you'll see I'm trying to display the heroImage of the node in question for each 'for-each'.
<xsl:template match="/">
<!-- slider -->
<div id="slideshow">
<div id="slider" class="nivoSlider">
<xsl:for-each select="umbraco.library:GetXmlNodeById(1081)/*[#isDoc and position() < 4]">
<xsl:variable name="mediaId" select="umbraco.library:GetMedia(#id, 'false')/data [#alias = 'umbracoFile']" />
<xsl:if test="$mediaId > 0">
<xsl:variable name="mediaNode" select="umbraco.library:GetMedia($mediaId, 0)" />
<xsl:if test="count($mediaNode/data) > 0 and string($mediaNode/data[#alias='umbracoFile']) != ''">
<img src="{$mediaNode/data[#alias='umbracoFile']}" alt="[image]" />
<!-- data-transition="slideInLeft" -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(window).load(function() {
I feel like im so close, and ran out of search queries as most of the solutions I found were dependant on the imageId being passed onto the macro from the other side of the macro which wouldn't work.
Hope Ive explained this enough and thanks in advance for your help!
First of all, it looks like you're hardcoding the parent node id. In the code you just provided, it seems to only be getting the children of the node with id 1081. From reading what you just posted, it would seem that on all landing pages, you want to display their individual portfolio entries.
Either way, I would stay away from hardcoding IDs. If the node id changes in any way(user deletes the node, it gets exported as a package to the live environment, etc), your code will stop working. I'd just use $currentPage instead.
Judging by your filter, I imagine you only want the first 3 items to show in the slider. The code seems correct, but you seem to be using the old schema and its associated xpath. If you're using a newer version of Umbraco, the way you reference node data in xslt would have changed. I would guess that you've found many code examples and tried merging them together, without realising they wouldn't call the same schema.
This wiki link will provide more information, and hopefully fix your problem if you're using the wrong xpath.

web2py form creation

I'm trying to create a form in web2py.
I'm not sure on the correct syntax and don't understand from the examples in the site how this is done. Could someone give a better explanation?
How is a simple form like this created?
Quantity: <input type="text" />
<input type="submit" />
How can I validate more complex forms?
items = ['Paint','Brushes','Erasers']
form = FORM(
INPUT('Quantity', _type='text'),
return dict(form=form)
(in view):
{{ extend 'layout.html' }}
{{ =form}}
To validate this form, or a "more complex" form:
(in controller)
form = FORM(...) # This is the same form def as above, must be before form.process()
if form.process().accepted:
# Valid!
# invalid.
If you have a more specific question, I'll attempt to answer it, but I highly recommend you check out the book and try to create and validate your own simple forms. You can use the welcome app as a place to start. Or you could google around for web2py apps and download and play with them.
Read these two chapters in their entirety and I'll help you with anything web2py in the future (there will be a quiz!):
Database Abstraction layer (important for unlocking the full power of web2py's DB-driven forms):
Forms and Validators (everything you ever needed to know about creating forms and linking it to data:

ASP.NET MVC 2 and lists as Hidden values?

I have a View class that contains a list, this list explains the available files that the user have uploaded (rendered with an html helper).
To maintain this data on submit I have added the following to the view :
<%: Html.HiddenFor(model => model.ModelView.Files)%>
I was hoping that the mode.ModelView.Files list would be returned to the action on submit but it is not?
Is it not possible to have a list as hiddenfield?
More information : The user submit a couple of files that is saved on the service, when saved thay are refered to as GUID and is this list that is sent back to the user to render the saved images. The user makes some changes in the form and hit submit again the image list will be empty when getting to the control action, why?
Is it not possible to have a list as hiddenfield?
Of course that it is not possible. A hidden field takes only a single string value:
<input type="hidden" id="foo" name="foo" value="foo bar" />
So if you need a list you need multiple hidden fields, for each item of the list. And if those items are complex objects you need a hidden field for each property of each item of the list.
Or a much simpler solution is for this hidden field to represent some unique identifier:
<input type="hidden" id="filesId" name="filesId" value="123" />
and in your controller action you would use this unique identifier to refetch your collection from wherever you initially got it.
Yet another possibility is to persist your model into the Session (just mentioning the Session for the completeness of my answer sake, but it's not something that I would actually recommend using).
Before I start I'd just like to mention that this is an example of one of the proposed solutions that was marked as the answer. Darrin got it right, here's an example of an implementation of the suggested solution...
I had a similar problem where I needed to store a generic list of type int in a hiddenfield. I tried the standard apporach which would be:
<%: Html.HiddenFor(foo => foo.ListOfIntegers) %>
That would however cause and exception. So I tried Darrin's suggestion and replaced the code above with this:
foreach(int fooInt in Model.ListOfIntegers)
{ %>
<%: Html.Hidden("ListOfIntegers", fooInt) %>
<% } %>
This worked like a charm for me. Thanks Darrin.

Sharepoint 2007 - Custom List provisioning - are List Forms needed at deployment?

I have a feature which is provisioning 1 document library and 2 custom lists. A folder is included for each list containing the schema.xml for that list. Each folder also contains the associated forms (AllItems, DispForm, EditForm, NewForm, etc.). Everything deploys/works correctly but it seems a little redundant having the same forms copied into each list's folder. There is nothing special about these lists - the are basically a default doc library/generic list with additional fields provided through new content types (derived from Item/Document).
As far as I can tell these forms are pretty generic. Are there pre-installed forms that I can reference from my list so I don't have to deploy all of these extra files? Is there any reason I would not want to do this?
Update - moving xml in comment to original question for readability:
<Form Type="DisplayForm" Url="Forms/DispForm.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main"/>
<Form Type="EditForm" Url="Forms/EditForm.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main"/>
<Form Type="NewForm" Url="Forms/Upload.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main"/>
<Form Type="NewFormDialog" Path="EditDlg.htm">
There are virtual defaults that are used if you don't specify a concrete page.
All lists use these template defaults unless you use a tool like SharePoint designer to customize the page. Then the template is used to create the concrete page and you can customize the look for a particular list without affecting others.
For my custom definitions, I use
<Form Type="DisplayForm" Url="DispForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="EditForm" Url="EditForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="NewForm" Url="NewForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
If you have no reason to customize the out of the box version of these forms, you can use the virtual form and not deploy copies.

jQuery ajaxSubmit(): ho to send the form referencing on the fields id, instead of the fields name?

im pretty new to jQuery, and i dont know how to do that, and if it can be done without editing manually the plugin.
Assume to have a simply form like that:
<form action="page.php" method="post">
Name: <input type="text" name="Your name" id="contact-name" value="" />
Email: <input type="text" name="Your email" id="contact-email" value="" />
When you submit it, both in 'standard' way or with ajaxSubmit(), the values of the request take the label of the field name, so in the page.php i'll have:
$_POST['Your name'];
$_POST['Your email'];
Instead i'll like to label the submitted values with the id of the field:
Is there a way to do that with jquery and the ajaxsubmit() plugin?
And, maybe, there is a way to do it even with the normal usage of a form?
p.s: yes, i know, i could set the name and id attributes of the field both as 'contact-name', but how does two attributes that contain the same value be usefull?
According to the HTML spec, the browser should submit the name attribute, which does not need to be unique across elements.
Some server-side languages, such as Rails and PHP, take multiple elements with certain identical names and serialize them into data structures. For instance:
<input type="text" name="address[]" />
<input type="text" name="address[]" />
If the user types in 1 Infinite Loop in the first box and Suite 45 in the second box, PHP and Rails will show ["1 Infinite Loop", "Suite 45"] as the contents of the address parameter.
This is all related to the name attribute. On the other hand, the id attribute is designed to uniquely represent an element on the page. It can be referenced using CSS using #myId and in raw JavaScript using document.getElementById. Because it is unique, looking it up in JavaScript is very fast. In practice, you would use jQuery or another library, which would hide these details from you.
It is reasonably common for people to use the same attribute value for id and name, but the only one you need to care about for form submission is name. The jQuery Form Plugin emulates browser behavior extremely closely, so the same would apply to ajaxSubmit.
It's the way forms work in HTML.
Besides, Id's won't work for checkboxes and radio buttons, because you'll probably have several controls with the same name (but a different value), while an HTML element's id attribute has to be unique in your document.
If you really wanted, you could create a preprocessor javascript function that sets every form element's name to the id value, but that wouldn't be very smart IMHO.
var name = $("#contact-name").val();
var email = $("#contact-email").val();
$.post("page.php", { contact-name: name, contact-email: email } );
This will let you post the form with custom attributes.